/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/wmi/smbios.c * PURPOSE: I/O Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Support * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "wmip.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ typedef struct _SMBIOS21_ENTRY_POINT { CHAR AnchorString[4]; UCHAR Checksum; UCHAR Length; UCHAR MajorVersion; UCHAR MinorVersion; USHORT MaxStructureSize; UCHAR EntryPointRevision; CHAR FormattedArea[5]; CHAR AnchorString2[5]; UCHAR Checksum2; USHORT TableLength; ULONG TableAddress; USHORT NumberOfStructures; UCHAR BCDRevision; } SMBIOS21_ENTRY_POINT, *PSMBIOS21_ENTRY_POINT; typedef struct _SMBIOS30_ENTRY_POINT { CHAR AnchorString[5]; UCHAR Checksum; UCHAR Length; UCHAR MajorVersion; UCHAR MinorVersion; UCHAR Docref; UCHAR Revision; UCHAR Reserved; ULONG TableMaxSize; ULONG64 TableAddress; } SMBIOS30_ENTRY_POINT, *PSMBIOS30_ENTRY_POINT; static BOOLEAN GetEntryPointData( _In_ const UCHAR *EntryPointAddress, _Out_ PULONG64 TableAddress, _Out_ PULONG TableSize, _Out_ PMSSmBios_RawSMBiosTables BiosTablesHeader) { PSMBIOS21_ENTRY_POINT EntryPoint21; PSMBIOS30_ENTRY_POINT EntryPoint30; UCHAR Checksum; ULONG i; /* Check for SMBIOS 2.1 entry point */ EntryPoint21 = (PSMBIOS21_ENTRY_POINT)EntryPointAddress; if (RtlEqualMemory(EntryPoint21->AnchorString, "_SM_", 4)) { if (EntryPoint21->Length > 32) return FALSE; /* Calculate the checksum */ Checksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < EntryPoint21->Length; i++) { Checksum += EntryPointAddress[i]; } if (Checksum != 0) return FALSE; *TableAddress = EntryPoint21->TableAddress; *TableSize = EntryPoint21->TableLength; BiosTablesHeader->Used20CallingMethod = 0; BiosTablesHeader->SmbiosMajorVersion = EntryPoint21->MajorVersion; BiosTablesHeader->SmbiosMinorVersion = EntryPoint21->MinorVersion; BiosTablesHeader->DmiRevision = 2; BiosTablesHeader->Size = EntryPoint21->TableLength; return TRUE; } /* Check for SMBIOS 3.0 entry point */ EntryPoint30 = (PSMBIOS30_ENTRY_POINT)EntryPointAddress; if (RtlEqualMemory(EntryPoint30->AnchorString, "_SM3_", 5)) { if (EntryPoint30->Length > 32) return FALSE; /* Calculate the checksum */ Checksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < EntryPoint30->Length; i++) { Checksum += EntryPointAddress[i]; } if (Checksum != 0) return FALSE; *TableAddress = EntryPoint30->TableAddress; *TableSize = EntryPoint30->TableMaxSize; BiosTablesHeader->Used20CallingMethod = 0; BiosTablesHeader->SmbiosMajorVersion = EntryPoint30->MajorVersion; BiosTablesHeader->SmbiosMinorVersion = EntryPoint30->MinorVersion; BiosTablesHeader->DmiRevision = 3; BiosTablesHeader->Size = EntryPoint30->TableMaxSize; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } _At_(*OutTableData, __drv_allocatesMem(Mem)) NTSTATUS NTAPI WmipGetRawSMBiosTableData( _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_(*OutDataSize) PVOID *OutTableData, _Out_ PULONG OutDataSize) { static const SIZE_T SearchSize = 0x10000; static const ULONG HeaderSize = FIELD_OFFSET(MSSmBios_RawSMBiosTables, SMBiosData); PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; PUCHAR EntryPointMapping; MSSmBios_RawSMBiosTables BiosTablesHeader; PVOID BiosTables, TableMapping; ULONG Offset, TableSize; ULONG64 TableAddress = 0; /* This is where the range for the entry point starts */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = 0xF0000; /* Map the range into the system address space */ EntryPointMapping = MmMapIoSpace(PhysicalAddress, SearchSize, MmCached); if (EntryPointMapping == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to map range for SMBIOS entry point\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Loop the table memory in 16 byte steps */ for (Offset = 0; Offset <= (0x10000 - 32); Offset += 16) { /* Check if we have an entry point here and get it's data */ if (GetEntryPointData(EntryPointMapping + Offset, &TableAddress, &TableSize, &BiosTablesHeader)) { break; } } /* Unmap the entry point */ MmUnmapIoSpace(EntryPointMapping, SearchSize); /* Did we find anything */ if (TableAddress == 0) { DPRINT1("Could not find the SMBIOS entry point\n"); return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } /* Check if the caller asked for the buffer */ if (OutTableData != NULL) { /* Allocate a buffer for the result */ BiosTables = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, HeaderSize + TableSize, 'BTMS'); if (BiosTables == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate %lu bytes for the SMBIOS table\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Copy the header */ RtlCopyMemory(BiosTables, &BiosTablesHeader, HeaderSize); /* This is where the table is */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = TableAddress; /* Map the table into the system address space */ TableMapping = MmMapIoSpace(PhysicalAddress, TableSize, MmCached); if (TableMapping == NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(BiosTables, 'BTMS'); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Copy the table */ RtlCopyMemory((PUCHAR)BiosTables + HeaderSize, TableMapping, TableSize); /* Unmap the table */ MmUnmapIoSpace(TableMapping, TableSize); *OutTableData = BiosTables; } *OutDataSize = HeaderSize + TableSize; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI WmipQueryRawSMBiosTables( _Inout_ ULONG *InOutBufferSize, _Out_opt_ PVOID OutBuffer) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID TableData = NULL; ULONG TableSize, ResultSize; PWNODE_ALL_DATA AllData; /* Get the table data */ Status = WmipGetRawSMBiosTableData(OutBuffer ? &TableData : NULL, &TableSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("WmipGetRawSMBiosTableData failed: 0x08lx\n", Status); return Status; } ResultSize = sizeof(WNODE_ALL_DATA) + TableSize; /* Check if the caller provided a buffer */ if ((OutBuffer != NULL) && (*InOutBufferSize != 0)) { /* Check if the buffer is large enough */ if (*InOutBufferSize < ResultSize) { DPRINT1("Buffer too small. Got %lu, need %lu\n", *InOutBufferSize, ResultSize); return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } /// FIXME: most of this is fubar AllData = OutBuffer; AllData->WnodeHeader.BufferSize = ResultSize; AllData->WnodeHeader.ProviderId = 0; AllData->WnodeHeader.Version = 0; AllData->WnodeHeader.Linkage = 0; // last entry //AllData->WnodeHeader.CountLost; AllData->WnodeHeader.KernelHandle = NULL; //AllData->WnodeHeader.TimeStamp; AllData->WnodeHeader.Guid = MSSmBios_RawSMBiosTables_GUID; //AllData->WnodeHeader.ClientContext; AllData->WnodeHeader.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_FIXED_INSTANCE_SIZE; AllData->DataBlockOffset = sizeof(WNODE_ALL_DATA); AllData->InstanceCount = 1; //AllData->OffsetInstanceNameOffsets; AllData->FixedInstanceSize = TableSize; RtlCopyMemory(AllData + 1, TableData, TableSize); } /* Set the size */ *InOutBufferSize = ResultSize; /* Free the table buffer */ if (TableData != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(TableData, 'BTMS'); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }