/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel Streaming * FILE: drivers/ksfilter/ks/bag.c * PURPOSE: KS Object Bag functions * PROGRAMMER: Johannes Anderwald */ #include "priv.h" typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Entry; PVOID Item; PFNKSFREE Free; ULONG References; }KSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY, *PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY; /* @implemented */ KSDDKAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI KsAllocateObjectBag( IN PKSDEVICE Device, OUT KSOBJECT_BAG* ObjectBag) { PKSIDEVICE_HEADER DeviceHeader; PKSIOBJECT_BAG Bag; IKsDevice *KsDevice; /* get real device header */ DeviceHeader = (PKSIDEVICE_HEADER)CONTAINING_RECORD(Device, KSIDEVICE_HEADER, KsDevice); /* allocate a object bag ctx */ Bag = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KSIOBJECT_BAG)); if (!Bag) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* get device interface */ KsDevice = (IKsDevice*)&DeviceHeader->BasicHeader.OuterUnknown; /* initialize object bag */ return KsDevice->lpVtbl->InitializeObjectBag(KsDevice, Bag, NULL); } PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY KspFindObjectBagItem( IN PLIST_ENTRY ObjectList, IN PVOID Item) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; /* point to first item */ Entry = ObjectList->Flink; /* first scan the list if the item is already inserted */ while(Entry != ObjectList) { /* get bag entry */ BagEntry = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, KSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY, Entry); if (BagEntry->Item == Item) { /* found entry */ return BagEntry; } /* move to next entry */ Entry = Entry->Flink; } /* item not in this object bag */ return NULL; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI KsAddItemToObjectBag( IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBag, IN PVOID Item, IN PFNKSFREE Free OPTIONAL) { PKSIOBJECT_BAG Bag; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; DPRINT("KsAddItemToObjectBag\n"); /* get real object bag */ Bag = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBag; /* acquire bag mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(Bag->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* is the item already present in this object bag */ BagEntry = KspFindObjectBagItem(&Bag->ObjectList, Item); if (BagEntry) { /* is is, update reference count */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&BagEntry->References); /* release mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); /* return result */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* item is new, allocate entry */ BagEntry = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY)); if (!BagEntry) { /* no memory */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); /* return result */ return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* initialize bag entry */ BagEntry->References = 1; BagEntry->Item = Item; if (Free) BagEntry->Free = Free; else BagEntry->Free = ExFreePool; /* insert item */ InsertTailList(&Bag->ObjectList, &BagEntry->Entry); /* release mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); /* done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG KspGetObjectItemReferenceCount( IN PKSIDEVICE_HEADER DeviceHeader, IN PVOID Item) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PKSIOBJECT_BAG OtherBag; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY OtherBagEntry; ULONG TotalRefs = 0; /* scan all object bags and see if item is present there */ Entry = DeviceHeader->ObjectBags.Flink; while(Entry != &DeviceHeader->ObjectBags) { /* get other bag */ OtherBag = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, KSIOBJECT_BAG, Entry); /* is the item present there */ OtherBagEntry = KspFindObjectBagItem(&OtherBag->ObjectList, Item); if (OtherBagEntry) TotalRefs++; /* move to next item */ Entry = Entry->Flink; } return TotalRefs; } /* @implemented */ KSDDKAPI ULONG NTAPI KsRemoveItemFromObjectBag( IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBag, IN PVOID Item, IN BOOLEAN Free) { PKSIOBJECT_BAG Bag; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; ULONG TotalRefs; /* get real object bag */ Bag = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBag; /* acquire bag mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(Bag->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* is the item already present in this object bag */ BagEntry = KspFindObjectBagItem(&Bag->ObjectList, Item); if (!BagEntry) { /* item was not in this object bag */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); return 0; } /* set current refs count */ TotalRefs = BagEntry->References; /* get total refs count */ TotalRefs += KspGetObjectItemReferenceCount((PKSIDEVICE_HEADER)Bag->DeviceHeader, Item); /* decrease reference count */ InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&BagEntry->References); if (BagEntry->References == 0) { /* remove the entry */ RemoveEntryList(&BagEntry->Entry); } if (TotalRefs == 1) { /* does the caller want to free the item */ if (Free) { /* free the item */ BagEntry->Free(BagEntry->Item); } } if (BagEntry->References == 0) { /* free bag item entry */ FreeItem(BagEntry); } /* release mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); return TotalRefs; } /* @implemented */ KSDDKAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI KsCopyObjectBagItems( IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBagDestination, IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBagSource) { PKSIOBJECT_BAG ObjectBagDest, ObjectBagSrc; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* get object bag src */ ObjectBagSrc = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBagSource; /* get object bag dst */ ObjectBagDest = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBagDestination; /* acquire source mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(ObjectBagSrc->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); if (ObjectBagSrc->BagMutex != ObjectBagDest->BagMutex) { /* acquire destination mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(ObjectBagDest->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); } /* point to first item */ Entry = ObjectBagSrc->ObjectList.Flink; /* first scan the list if the item is already inserted */ while(Entry != &ObjectBagSrc->ObjectList) { /* get bag entry */ BagEntry = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, KSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY, Entry); /* add the item */ Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag(ObjectBagDestination, BagEntry->Item, BagEntry->Free); /* check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; /* move to next entry */ Entry = Entry->Flink; } if (ObjectBagSrc->BagMutex != ObjectBagDest->BagMutex) { /* release destination mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(ObjectBagDest->BagMutex, FALSE); } /* release source mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(ObjectBagSrc->BagMutex, FALSE); return Status; } /* @implemented */ KSDDKAPI VOID NTAPI KsFreeObjectBag( IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBag) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PKSIOBJECT_BAG Bag; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; ULONG TotalRefs; /* get real object bag */ Bag = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBag; /* acquire bag mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(Bag->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); while(!IsListEmpty(&Bag->ObjectList)) { /* get an bag entry */ Entry = RemoveHeadList(&Bag->ObjectList); /* access bag entry item */ BagEntry = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, KSIOBJECT_BAG, Entry); /* check if the item is present in some other bag */ TotalRefs = KspGetObjectItemReferenceCount((PKSIDEVICE_HEADER)Bag->DeviceHeader, &BagEntry->Item); if (TotalRefs == 0) { /* item is ready to be freed */ BagEntry->Free(BagEntry->Item); } /* free bag entry item */ FreeItem(BagEntry); } /* remove bag entry from device object list */ RemoveEntryList(&Bag->Entry); /* release bag mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); /* now free object bag */ FreeItem(Bag); } /* @implemented */ KSDDKAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI _KsEdit( IN KSOBJECT_BAG ObjectBag, IN OUT PVOID* PointerToPointerToItem, IN ULONG NewSize, IN ULONG OldSize, IN ULONG Tag) { PKSIOBJECT_BAG Bag; PKSIOBJECT_BAG_ENTRY BagEntry; PVOID Item; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("_KsEdit\n"); /* get real object bag */ Bag = (PKSIOBJECT_BAG)ObjectBag; /* acquire bag mutex */ KeWaitForSingleObject(Bag->BagMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); if (*PointerToPointerToItem) { /* search object bag for this entry */ BagEntry = KspFindObjectBagItem(&Bag->ObjectList, *PointerToPointerToItem); } else { /* pointer to null, allocate new entry */ BagEntry = NULL; } if (!BagEntry || NewSize > OldSize) { /* entry does not exist or new entry must be allocated */ Item = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, NewSize); if (!Item) { /* not enough resources */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* now add the item to the object bag */ Status = KsAddItemToObjectBag((KSOBJECT_BAG)Bag, Item, NULL); /* check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* failed to add item */ FreeItem(Item); KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); return Status; } if (*PointerToPointerToItem) { /* object exists */ if (OldSize >= NewSize) { /* copy old contents */ RtlMoveMemory(Item, *PointerToPointerToItem, NewSize); } else { /* copy new contents */ RtlMoveMemory(Item, *PointerToPointerToItem, OldSize); } } if (BagEntry) { /* remove old entry */ KsRemoveItemFromObjectBag(ObjectBag, BagEntry->Item, TRUE); } /* store item */ *PointerToPointerToItem = Item; } /* release bag mutex */ KeReleaseMutex(Bag->BagMutex, FALSE); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }