/* * TIMER.C - timer internal command. * * clone from 4nt timer command * * 20 Aug 1999 * started - Paolo Pantaleo */ #include "config.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_TIMER #include "cmd.h" #include #include #include #include #define NCS_NOT_SPECIFIED -1 #define NCS_ON 1 #define NCS_OFF 0 //print timer status #define PS ConOutPrintf("Timer %d is %s: ",clk_n,cS?"ON":"OFF"); \ PrintTime() //print timer value #define PT(format) PrintElapsedTime(GetTickCount()-cT,format) //current timer Time (at wich started to count) #define cT clksT[clk_n] //current timer status #define cS clksS[clk_n] static VOID PrintElapsedTime (DWORD time,INT format) { DWORD h,m,s,ms; #ifdef _DEBUG DebugPrintf("PrintTime(%d,%d)",time,format); #endif switch (format) { case 0: ConOutPrintf("Elapsed %d msecs\n",time); break; case 1: ms = time % 1000; time /= 1000; s = time % 60; time /=60; m = time % 60; h = time / 60; ConOutPrintf("Elapsed %02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d\n", h,cTimeSeparator, m,cTimeSeparator, s,cDecimalSeparator,ms/10); break; } } INT CommandTimer (LPTSTR cmd, LPTSTR param) { // all timers are kept static DWORD clksT[10]; // timers status // set all the clocks off by default static BOOL clksS[10]={FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE, FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE}; // TRUE if /S in command line BOOL bS = FALSE; // avoid to set clk_n more than once BOOL bCanNSet = TRUE; INT NewClkStatus = NCS_NOT_SPECIFIED; // the clock number specified on the command line // 1 by default INT clk_n=1; // output format INT iFormat=1; // command line parsing variables INT argc; LPTSTR *p; INT i; if (_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2) == 0) { ConOutPrintf(_T( "allow the use of ten stopwaches.\n" "\n" "TIMER [ON|OFF] [/S] [/n] [/Fn]\n" "\n" " ON set stopwach ON\n" " OFF set stopwach OFF\n" " /S Split time. Return stopwach split\n" " time without changing its value\n" " /n Specifiy the stopwach number.\n" " Stopwaches avaliable are 0 to 10\n" " If it is not specified default is 1\n" " /Fn Format for output\n" " n can be:\n" " 0 milliseconds\n" " 1 hh%cmm%css%cdd\n" "\n"), cTimeSeparator,cTimeSeparator,cDecimalSeparator); ConOutPrintf(_T( "if none of ON, OFF or /S is specified the command\n" "will toggle stopwach state\n" "\n")); return 0; } p = split (param, &argc, FALSE); //read options for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { //set timer on if (!(_tcsicmp(&p[i][0],"on")) && NewClkStatus == NCS_NOT_SPECIFIED) { NewClkStatus = NCS_ON; continue; } //set timer off if (!(_tcsicmp(&p[i][0],"off")) && NewClkStatus == NCS_NOT_SPECIFIED) { NewClkStatus = NCS_OFF; continue; } // other options if (p[i][0] == _T('/')) { // set timer number if (_istdigit(p[i][1]) && bCanNSet) { clk_n = p[i][1] - _T('0'); bCanNSet = FALSE; continue; } // set s(plit) option if (_totupper(p[i][1]) == _T('S')) { bS = TRUE; continue; } // specify format if(_totupper(p[i][1]) == _T('F')) { iFormat = p[i][2] - _T('0'); continue; } } } // do stuff (start/stop/read timer) if(NewClkStatus == NCS_ON) { cT=GetTickCount(); cS=TRUE; PS; freep(p); return 0; } if(bS) { if(cS) { PS; PrintElapsedTime(GetTickCount()-cT, iFormat); freep(p); return 0; } cT=GetTickCount(); cS=TRUE; PS; freep(p); return 0; } if(NewClkStatus == NCS_NOT_SPECIFIED) { if(cS){ cS=FALSE; PS; PrintElapsedTime(GetTickCount()-cT, iFormat); freep(p); return 0; } cT=GetTickCount(); cS=TRUE; PS; freep(p); return 0; } if(NewClkStatus == NCS_OFF) { if(cS) { cS=FALSE; PS; PrintElapsedTime(GetTickCount()-cT, iFormat); freep(p); return 0; } PS; freep(p); return 0; } freep(p); return 0; } #endif /* INCLUDE_CMD_TIMER */