/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Functions for creation and destruction of DCs * FILE: subsystem/win32/win32k/objects/dclife.c * PROGRAMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@rectos.org) */ #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /** Internal functions ********************************************************/ HDC FASTCALL DC_AllocDC(PUNICODE_STRING Driver) { PDC NewDC; PDC_ATTR pdcattr; HDC hDC; PWSTR Buf = NULL; XFORM xformTemplate; PBRUSH pbrush; HSURF hsurf; if (Driver != NULL) { Buf = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, Driver->MaximumLength, TAG_DC); if (!Buf) { DPRINT1("ExAllocatePoolWithTag failed\n"); return NULL; } RtlCopyMemory(Buf, Driver->Buffer, Driver->MaximumLength); } NewDC = (PDC)GDIOBJ_AllocObjWithHandle(GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DC); if (!NewDC) { if (Buf) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Buf, TAG_DC); } DPRINT1("GDIOBJ_AllocObjWithHandle failed\n"); return NULL; } hDC = NewDC->BaseObject.hHmgr; NewDC->pdcattr = &NewDC->dcattr; DC_AllocateDcAttr(hDC); if (Driver != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(&NewDC->rosdc.DriverName, Driver, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); NewDC->rosdc.DriverName.Buffer = Buf; } pdcattr = NewDC->pdcattr; // FIXME: no floating point in the kernel! xformTemplate.eM11 = 1.0f; xformTemplate.eM12 = 0.0f; xformTemplate.eM21 = 0.0f; xformTemplate.eM22 = 1.0f; xformTemplate.eDx = 0.0f; xformTemplate.eDy = 0.0f; XForm2MatrixS(&NewDC->dclevel.mxWorldToDevice, &xformTemplate); XForm2MatrixS(&NewDC->dclevel.mxDeviceToWorld, &xformTemplate); XForm2MatrixS(&NewDC->dclevel.mxWorldToPage, &xformTemplate); // Setup syncing bits for the dcattr data packets. pdcattr->flXform = DEVICE_TO_PAGE_INVALID; pdcattr->ulDirty_ = 0; // Server side pdcattr->iMapMode = MM_TEXT; pdcattr->iGraphicsMode = GM_COMPATIBLE; pdcattr->jFillMode = ALTERNATE; pdcattr->szlWindowExt.cx = 1; // Float to Int,,, WRONG! pdcattr->szlWindowExt.cy = 1; pdcattr->szlViewportExt.cx = 1; pdcattr->szlViewportExt.cy = 1; pdcattr->crForegroundClr = 0; pdcattr->ulForegroundClr = 0; pdcattr->ulBackgroundClr = 0xffffff; pdcattr->crBackgroundClr = 0xffffff; pdcattr->ulPenClr = RGB(0, 0, 0); pdcattr->crPenClr = RGB(0, 0, 0); pdcattr->ulBrushClr = RGB(255, 255, 255); // Do this way too. pdcattr->crBrushClr = RGB(255, 255, 255); //// This fixes the default brush and pen settings. See DC_InitDC. /* Create the default fill brush */ pdcattr->hbrush = NtGdiGetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); NewDC->dclevel.pbrFill = BRUSH_ShareLockBrush(pdcattr->hbrush); EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&NewDC->eboFill, NewDC->dclevel.pbrFill, NewDC); /* Create the default pen / line brush */ pdcattr->hpen = NtGdiGetStockObject(BLACK_PEN); NewDC->dclevel.pbrLine = PEN_ShareLockPen(pdcattr->hpen); EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&NewDC->eboLine, NewDC->dclevel.pbrLine, NewDC); /* Create the default text brush */ pbrush = BRUSH_ShareLockBrush(NtGdiGetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&NewDC->eboText, pbrush, NewDC); pdcattr->ulDirty_ |= DIRTY_TEXT; /* Create the default background brush */ pbrush = BRUSH_ShareLockBrush(NtGdiGetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&NewDC->eboBackground, pbrush, NewDC); pdcattr->hlfntNew = NtGdiGetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); TextIntRealizeFont(pdcattr->hlfntNew,NULL); NewDC->dclevel.hpal = NtGdiGetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE); NewDC->dclevel.ppal = PALETTE_ShareLockPalette(NewDC->dclevel.hpal); /* This should never fail */ ASSERT(NewDC->dclevel.ppal); NewDC->dclevel.laPath.eMiterLimit = 10.0; // FIXME: use FLOATL or FLOATOBJ! NewDC->dclevel.lSaveDepth = 1; hsurf = (HBITMAP)PrimarySurface.pSurface; // <- what kind of haxx0ry is that? NewDC->dclevel.pSurface = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hsurf); return NewDC; } BOOL INTERNAL_CALL DC_Cleanup(PVOID ObjectBody) { PDC pDC = (PDC)ObjectBody; /* Free driver name (HACK) */ if (pDC->rosdc.DriverName.Buffer) ExFreePoolWithTag(pDC->rosdc.DriverName.Buffer, TAG_DC); /* Deselect dc objects */ DC_vSelectSurface(pDC, NULL); DC_vSelectFillBrush(pDC, NULL); DC_vSelectLineBrush(pDC, NULL); DC_vSelectPalette(pDC, NULL); /* Dereference default brushes */ BRUSH_ShareUnlockBrush(pDC->eboText.pbrush); BRUSH_ShareUnlockBrush(pDC->eboBackground.pbrush); /* Cleanup the dc brushes */ EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&pDC->eboFill); EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&pDC->eboLine); EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&pDC->eboText); EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&pDC->eboBackground); return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL DC_SetOwnership(HDC hDC, PEPROCESS Owner) { INT Index; PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY Entry; PDC pDC; if (!GDIOBJ_SetOwnership(hDC, Owner)) return FALSE; pDC = DC_LockDc(hDC); if (pDC) { /* System Regions: These regions do not use attribute sections and when allocated, use gdiobj level functions. */ if (pDC->rosdc.hClipRgn) { // FIXME! HAX!!! Index = GDI_HANDLE_GET_INDEX(pDC->rosdc.hClipRgn); Entry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[Index]; if (Entry->UserData) FreeObjectAttr(Entry->UserData); Entry->UserData = NULL; // if (!GDIOBJ_SetOwnership(pDC->rosdc.hClipRgn, Owner)) return FALSE; } if (pDC->rosdc.hVisRgn) { // FIXME! HAX!!! Index = GDI_HANDLE_GET_INDEX(pDC->rosdc.hVisRgn); Entry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[Index]; if (Entry->UserData) FreeObjectAttr(Entry->UserData); Entry->UserData = NULL; // if (!GDIOBJ_SetOwnership(pDC->rosdc.hVisRgn, Owner)) return FALSE; } if (pDC->rosdc.hGCClipRgn) { // FIXME! HAX!!! Index = GDI_HANDLE_GET_INDEX(pDC->rosdc.hGCClipRgn); Entry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[Index]; if (Entry->UserData) FreeObjectAttr(Entry->UserData); Entry->UserData = NULL; // if (!GDIOBJ_SetOwnership(pDC->rosdc.hGCClipRgn, Owner)) return FALSE; } if (pDC->dclevel.hPath) { if (!GDIOBJ_SetOwnership(pDC->dclevel.hPath, Owner)) return FALSE; } DC_UnlockDc(pDC); } return TRUE; } HDC FASTCALL IntGdiCreateDC( PUNICODE_STRING Driver, PUNICODE_STRING Device, PVOID pUMdhpdev, CONST PDEVMODEW InitData, BOOL CreateAsIC) { HDC hdc; PDC pdc; PDC_ATTR pdcattr; HRGN hVisRgn; UNICODE_STRING StdDriver; BOOL calledFromUser; RtlInitUnicodeString(&StdDriver, L"DISPLAY"); DPRINT("DriverName: %wZ, DeviceName: %wZ\n", Driver, Device); if (NULL == Driver || 0 == RtlCompareUnicodeString(Driver, &StdDriver, TRUE)) { if (CreateAsIC) { if (! IntPrepareDriverIfNeeded()) { /* Here, we have two possibilities: * a) return NULL, and hope that the caller * won't call us in a loop * b) bugcheck, but caller is unable to * react on the problem */ /*DPRINT1("Unable to prepare graphics driver, returning NULL ic\n"); return NULL;*/ KeBugCheck(VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE); } } else { calledFromUser = UserIsEntered(); if (!calledFromUser) { UserEnterExclusive(); } if (! co_IntGraphicsCheck(TRUE)) { if (!calledFromUser) { UserLeave(); } DPRINT1("Unable to initialize graphics, returning NULL dc\n"); return NULL; } if (!calledFromUser) { UserLeave(); } } } /* Check for existing DC object */ if ((hdc = DC_FindOpenDC(Driver)) != NULL) { hdc = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(hdc); if (!hdc) DPRINT1("NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC() failed\n"); return hdc; } /* Allocate a DC object */ pdc = DC_AllocDC(Driver); if (pdc == NULL) { DPRINT1("DC_AllocDC() failed\n"); return NULL; } hdc = pdc->BaseObject.hHmgr; pdcattr = pdc->pdcattr; pdc->dctype = DC_TYPE_DIRECT; pdc->dhpdev = PrimarySurface.dhpdev; if (pUMdhpdev) pUMdhpdev = pdc->dhpdev; // set DHPDEV for device. pdc->ppdev = (PVOID)&PrimarySurface; // ATM we only have one display. pdcattr->ulDirty_ |= DC_PRIMARY_DISPLAY; pdc->rosdc.bitsPerPixel = pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.cBitsPixel * pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.cPlanes; DPRINT("Bits per pel: %u\n", pdc->rosdc.bitsPerPixel); pdc->flGraphicsCaps = PrimarySurface.devinfo.flGraphicsCaps; pdc->flGraphicsCaps2 = PrimarySurface.devinfo.flGraphicsCaps2; pdc->dclevel.hpal = NtGdiGetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE); pdcattr->jROP2 = R2_COPYPEN; pdc->erclWindow.top = pdc->erclWindow.left = 0; pdc->erclWindow.right = pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes; pdc->erclWindow.bottom = pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.ulVertRes; pdc->dclevel.flPath &= ~DCPATH_CLOCKWISE; // Default is CCW. pdcattr->iCS_CP = ftGdiGetTextCharsetInfo(pdc,NULL,0); hVisRgn = IntSysCreateRectRgn(0, 0, pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes, pdc->ppdev->gdiinfo.ulVertRes); if (!CreateAsIC) { pdc->pSurfInfo = NULL; // pdc->dclevel.pSurface = DC_UnlockDc(pdc); /* Initialize the DC state */ IntGdiSetTextColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0)); IntGdiSetBkColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255)); } else { /* From MSDN2: The CreateIC function creates an information context for the specified device. The information context provides a fast way to get information about the device without creating a device context (DC). However, GDI drawing functions cannot accept a handle to an information context. */ pdc->dctype = DC_TYPE_INFO; // pdc->pSurfInfo = // DC_vSelectSurface(pdc, NULL); pdcattr->crBackgroundClr = pdcattr->ulBackgroundClr = RGB(255, 255, 255); pdcattr->crForegroundClr = RGB(0, 0, 0); DC_UnlockDc(pdc); } DC_InitDC(hdc); if (hVisRgn) { GdiSelectVisRgn(hdc, hVisRgn); REGION_FreeRgnByHandle(hVisRgn); } IntGdiSetTextAlign(hdc, TA_TOP); IntGdiSetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE); return hdc; } HDC APIENTRY NtGdiOpenDCW( PUNICODE_STRING Device, DEVMODEW *InitData, PUNICODE_STRING pustrLogAddr, ULONG iType, BOOL bDisplay, HANDLE hspool, VOID *pDriverInfo2, VOID *pUMdhpdev) { UNICODE_STRING SafeDevice; DEVMODEW SafeInitData; PVOID Dhpdev; HDC Ret; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!Device) return UserGetDesktopDC(iType,FALSE,TRUE); if (InitData) { _SEH2_TRY { if (pUMdhpdev) { ProbeForWrite(pUMdhpdev, sizeof(PVOID), 1); } ProbeForRead(InitData, sizeof(DEVMODEW), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&SafeInitData, InitData, sizeof(DEVMODEW)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); return NULL; } /* FIXME - InitData can have some more bytes! */ } if (Device) { Status = IntSafeCopyUnicodeString(&SafeDevice, Device); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); return NULL; } } Ret = IntGdiCreateDC(Device ? &SafeDevice : NULL, NULL, pUMdhpdev ? &Dhpdev : NULL, InitData ? &SafeInitData : NULL, (BOOL) iType); // FALSE 0 DCW, TRUE 1 ICW // FIXME!!!! if (pUMdhpdev) pUMdhpdev = Dhpdev; return Ret; } HDC FASTCALL IntGdiCreateDisplayDC(HDEV hDev, ULONG DcType, BOOL EmptyDC) { HDC hDC; UNICODE_STRING DriverName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&DriverName, L"DISPLAY"); if (DcType != DC_TYPE_MEMORY) hDC = IntGdiCreateDC(&DriverName, NULL, NULL, NULL, (DcType == DC_TYPE_INFO)); else hDC = NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(NULL); // OH~ Yuck! I think I taste vomit in my mouth! // // There is room to grow here~ // // // If NULL, first time through! Build the default (was window) dc! // Setup clean DC state for the system. // if (hDC && !defaultDCstate) // Ultra HAX! Dedicated to GvG! { // This is a cheesy way to do this. PDC dc = DC_LockDc(hDC); HSURF hsurf; defaultDCstate = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(DC), TAG_DC); if (!defaultDCstate) { DC_UnlockDc(dc); return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(defaultDCstate, sizeof(DC)); defaultDCstate->pdcattr = &defaultDCstate->dcattr; hsurf = (HSURF)PrimarySurface.pSurface; // HAX˛ defaultDCstate->dclevel.pSurface = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hsurf); DC_vCopyState(dc, defaultDCstate, TRUE); DC_UnlockDc(dc); } return hDC; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiDeleteDC(HDC hDC, BOOL Force) { PDC DCToDelete = DC_LockDc(hDC); if (DCToDelete == NULL) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (!Force) { if (DCToDelete->fs & DC_FLAG_PERMANENT) { DPRINT1("No! You Naughty Application!\n"); DC_UnlockDc(DCToDelete); return UserReleaseDC(NULL, hDC, FALSE); } } /* First delete all saved DCs */ while (DCToDelete->dclevel.lSaveDepth > 1) { PDC savedDC; HDC savedHDC; savedHDC = DCToDelete->hdcNext; savedDC = DC_LockDc(savedHDC); if (savedDC == NULL) { break; } DCToDelete->hdcNext = savedDC->hdcNext; DCToDelete->dclevel.lSaveDepth--; DC_UnlockDc(savedDC); IntGdiDeleteDC(savedHDC, Force); } /* Free GDI resources allocated to this DC */ if (!(DCToDelete->dclevel.flPath & DCPATH_SAVESTATE)) { /* NtGdiSelectPen (DCHandle, STOCK_BLACK_PEN); NtGdiSelectBrush (DCHandle, STOCK_WHITE_BRUSH); NtGdiSelectFont (DCHandle, STOCK_SYSTEM_FONT); DC_LockDC (DCHandle); NtGdiSelectXxx does not recognize stock objects yet */ } if (DCToDelete->rosdc.hClipRgn) { GreDeleteObject(DCToDelete->rosdc.hClipRgn); } if (DCToDelete->rosdc.hVisRgn) { GreDeleteObject(DCToDelete->rosdc.hVisRgn); } if (NULL != DCToDelete->rosdc.CombinedClip) { IntEngDeleteClipRegion(DCToDelete->rosdc.CombinedClip); } if (DCToDelete->rosdc.hGCClipRgn) { GreDeleteObject(DCToDelete->rosdc.hGCClipRgn); } if (DCToDelete->dclevel.prgnMeta) { GreDeleteObject(((PROSRGNDATA)DCToDelete->dclevel.prgnMeta)->BaseObject.hHmgr); } if (DCToDelete->prgnAPI) { GreDeleteObject(((PROSRGNDATA)DCToDelete->prgnAPI)->BaseObject.hHmgr); } PATH_Delete(DCToDelete->dclevel.hPath); DC_UnlockDc(DCToDelete); GreDeleteObject(hDC); return TRUE; } HDC FASTCALL DC_FindOpenDC(PUNICODE_STRING Driver) { return NULL; } /*! * Initialize some common fields in the Device Context structure. */ VOID FASTCALL DC_InitDC(HDC DCHandle) { // NtGdiRealizeDefaultPalette(DCHandle); //// Removed for now.. See above brush and pen. // NtGdiSelectBrush(DCHandle, NtGdiGetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH )); // NtGdiSelectPen(DCHandle, NtGdiGetStockObject( BLACK_PEN )); //// //NtGdiSelectFont(DCHandle, hFont); /* { int res; res = CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion(DCToInit); ASSERT ( res != ERROR ); } */ /* Set virtual resolution */ NtGdiSetVirtualResolution(DCHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* * @unimplemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiMakeInfoDC( IN HDC hdc, IN BOOL bSet) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } HDC APIENTRY NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC(HDC hDC) { PDC pdcNew, pdcOld; PDC_ATTR pdcattrNew, pdcattrOld; HDC hdcNew, DisplayDC = NULL; HRGN hVisRgn; UNICODE_STRING DriverName; DWORD Layout = 0; HSURF hsurf; if (hDC == NULL) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&DriverName, L"DISPLAY"); DisplayDC = IntGdiCreateDC(&DriverName, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE); if (NULL == DisplayDC) { DPRINT1("Failed to create DisplayDC\n"); return NULL; } hDC = DisplayDC; } /* Allocate a new DC based on the original DC's device */ pdcOld = DC_LockDc(hDC); if (NULL == pdcOld) { if (NULL != DisplayDC) { NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(DisplayDC); } DPRINT1("Failed to lock hDC\n"); return NULL; } pdcNew = DC_AllocDC(&pdcOld->rosdc.DriverName); if (!pdcNew) { DPRINT1("Failed to create pdcNew\n"); DC_UnlockDc(pdcOld); if (DisplayDC) { NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(DisplayDC); } return NULL; } hdcNew = pdcNew->BaseObject.hHmgr; pdcattrOld = pdcOld->pdcattr; pdcattrNew = pdcNew->pdcattr; /* Copy information from original DC to new DC */ pdcNew->dclevel.hdcSave = hdcNew; pdcNew->dhpdev = pdcOld->dhpdev; pdcNew->rosdc.bitsPerPixel = pdcOld->rosdc.bitsPerPixel; /* DriverName is copied in the AllocDC routine */ pdcattrNew->ptlWindowOrg = pdcattrOld->ptlWindowOrg; pdcattrNew->szlWindowExt = pdcattrOld->szlWindowExt; pdcattrNew->ptlViewportOrg = pdcattrOld->ptlViewportOrg; pdcattrNew->szlViewportExt = pdcattrOld->szlViewportExt; pdcNew->dctype = DC_TYPE_MEMORY; // Always! hsurf = NtGdiGetStockObject(DEFAULT_BITMAP); pdcNew->dclevel.pSurface = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hsurf); pdcNew->ppdev = pdcOld->ppdev; pdcNew->dclevel.hpal = pdcOld->dclevel.hpal; pdcattrNew->lTextAlign = pdcattrOld->lTextAlign; pdcattrNew->lBkMode = pdcattrOld->lBkMode; pdcattrNew->jBkMode = pdcattrOld->jBkMode; pdcattrNew->jROP2 = pdcattrOld->jROP2; pdcattrNew->dwLayout = pdcattrOld->dwLayout; if (pdcattrOld->dwLayout & LAYOUT_ORIENTATIONMASK) Layout = pdcattrOld->dwLayout; pdcNew->dclevel.flPath = pdcOld->dclevel.flPath; pdcattrNew->ulDirty_ = pdcattrOld->ulDirty_; pdcattrNew->iCS_CP = pdcattrOld->iCS_CP; pdcNew->erclWindow.left = pdcNew->erclWindow.top = 0; pdcNew->erclWindow.right = pdcNew->erclWindow.bottom = 1; DC_UnlockDc(pdcNew); DC_UnlockDc(pdcOld); if (NULL != DisplayDC) { NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(DisplayDC); } hVisRgn = IntSysCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1); if (hVisRgn) { GdiSelectVisRgn(hdcNew, hVisRgn); REGION_FreeRgnByHandle(hVisRgn); } if (Layout) NtGdiSetLayout(hdcNew, -1, Layout); DC_InitDC(hdcNew); return hdcNew; } BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(HANDLE DCHandle) { /* Complete all pending operations */ NtGdiFlushUserBatch(); if (GDI_HANDLE_IS_STOCKOBJ(DCHandle)) return TRUE; if (GDI_HANDLE_GET_TYPE(DCHandle) != GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DC) return GreDeleteObject((HGDIOBJ) DCHandle); if (IsObjectDead((HGDIOBJ)DCHandle)) return TRUE; if (!GDIOBJ_OwnedByCurrentProcess(DCHandle)) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } return IntGdiDeleteDC(DCHandle, FALSE); } BOOL APIENTRY NewNtGdiDeleteObjectApp(HANDLE DCHandle) { GDIOBJTYPE ObjType; if (GDI_HANDLE_IS_STOCKOBJ(DCHandle)) return TRUE; ObjType = GDI_HANDLE_GET_TYPE(DCHandle) >> GDI_ENTRY_UPPER_SHIFT; if (GreGetObjectOwner( DCHandle, ObjType)) { switch(ObjType) { case GDIObjType_DC_TYPE: return IntGdiDeleteDC(DCHandle, FALSE); case GDIObjType_RGN_TYPE: case GDIObjType_SURF_TYPE: case GDIObjType_PAL_TYPE: case GDIObjType_LFONT_TYPE: case GDIObjType_BRUSH_TYPE: return GreDeleteObject((HGDIOBJ) DCHandle); default: return FALSE; } } return (DCHandle != NULL); }