/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/ntuser/windc.c * PURPOSE: Window DC management * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2007 ReactOS * */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include int FASTCALL CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion(DC* Dc); /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ /* NOTE - I think we should store this per window station (including gdi objects) */ /* Answer: No, use the DCE pMonitor to compare with! */ static LIST_ENTRY LEDce; static INT DCECount = 0; // Count of DCE in system. #define DCX_CACHECOMPAREMASK (DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | \ DCX_NORESETATTRS | DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE | \ DCX_LAYEREDWIN | DCX_CACHE | DCX_WINDOW | \ DCX_PARENTCLIP) /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ // // This should be moved to dc.c or dcutil.c. // HDC FASTCALL DceCreateDisplayDC(VOID) { HDC hDC; UNICODE_STRING DriverName; RtlInitUnicodeString(&DriverName, L"DISPLAY"); hDC = IntGdiCreateDC(&DriverName, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE); // // If NULL, first time through! Build the default window dc! // if (hDC && !defaultDCstate) // Ultra HAX! Dedicated to GvG! { // This is a cheesy way to do this. PDC dc = DC_LockDc ( hDC ); defaultDCstate = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(DC), TAG_DC); RtlZeroMemory(defaultDCstate, sizeof(DC)); defaultDCstate->pdcattr = &defaultDCstate->dcattr; DC_vCopyState(dc, defaultDCstate, TRUE); DC_UnlockDc( dc ); InitializeListHead(&LEDce); } return hDC; } static HRGN FASTCALL DceGetVisRgn(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, ULONG Flags, HWND hWndChild, ULONG CFlags) { HRGN VisRgn; VisRgn = VIS_ComputeVisibleRegion( Window, 0 == (Flags & DCX_WINDOW), 0 != (Flags & DCX_CLIPCHILDREN), 0 != (Flags & DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS)); if (VisRgn == NULL) VisRgn = IntSysCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); return VisRgn; } PDCE FASTCALL DceAllocDCE(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window OPTIONAL, DCE_TYPE Type) { PDCE pDce; PWND Wnd = NULL; if (Window) Wnd = Window->Wnd; pDce = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(DCE), TAG_PDCE); if(!pDce) return NULL; pDce->hDC = DceCreateDisplayDC(); if (!pDce->hDC) { ExFreePoolWithTag(pDce, TAG_PDCE); return NULL; } DCECount++; DPRINT("Alloc DCE's! %d\n",DCECount); pDce->hwndCurrent = (Window ? Window->hSelf : NULL); pDce->pwndOrg = Wnd; pDce->pwndClip = Wnd; pDce->hrgnClip = NULL; pDce->hrgnClipPublic = NULL; pDce->hrgnSavedVis = NULL; pDce->ppiOwner = NULL; InsertTailList(&LEDce, &pDce->List); DCU_SetDcUndeletable(pDce->hDC); if (Type == DCE_WINDOW_DC || Type == DCE_CLASS_DC) //Window DCE have ownership. { pDce->ptiOwner = GetW32ThreadInfo(); } else { DPRINT("FREE DCATTR!!!! NOT DCE_WINDOW_DC!!!!! hDC-> %x\n", pDce->hDC); IntGdiSetDCOwnerEx( pDce->hDC, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_NONE, FALSE); pDce->ptiOwner = NULL; } if (Type == DCE_CACHE_DC) { pDce->DCXFlags = DCX_CACHE | DCX_DCEEMPTY; } else { pDce->DCXFlags = DCX_DCEBUSY; if (Wnd) { if (Type == DCE_WINDOW_DC) { if (Wnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) pDce->DCXFlags |= DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; if (Wnd->style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) pDce->DCXFlags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; } } } return(pDce); } static VOID APIENTRY DceSetDrawable( PWINDOW_OBJECT Window OPTIONAL, HDC hDC, ULONG Flags, BOOL SetClipOrigin) { PWND Wnd; DC *dc = DC_LockDc(hDC); if(!dc) return; if (Window == NULL) { dc->ptlDCOrig.x = 0; dc->ptlDCOrig.y = 0; } else { Wnd = Window->Wnd; if (Flags & DCX_WINDOW) { dc->ptlDCOrig.x = Wnd->rcWindow.left; dc->ptlDCOrig.y = Wnd->rcWindow.top; } else { dc->ptlDCOrig.x = Wnd->rcClient.left; dc->ptlDCOrig.y = Wnd->rcClient.top; } } DC_UnlockDc(dc); } static VOID FASTCALL DceDeleteClipRgn(DCE* Dce) { Dce->DCXFlags &= ~(DCX_EXCLUDERGN | DCX_INTERSECTRGN); if (Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN ) { Dce->DCXFlags &= ~DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN; } else if (Dce->hrgnClip != NULL) { GDIOBJ_FreeObjByHandle(Dce->hrgnClip, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_REGION|GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_SILENT); } Dce->hrgnClip = NULL; /* make it dirty so that the vis rgn gets recomputed next time */ Dce->DCXFlags |= DCX_DCEDIRTY; } static INT FASTCALL DceReleaseDC(DCE* dce, BOOL EndPaint) { if (DCX_DCEBUSY != (dce->DCXFlags & (DCX_INDESTROY | DCX_DCEEMPTY | DCX_DCEBUSY))) { return 0; } /* restore previous visible region */ if ((dce->DCXFlags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_EXCLUDERGN)) && ((dce->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHE) || EndPaint)) { DceDeleteClipRgn(dce); } if (dce->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHE) { if (!(dce->DCXFlags & DCX_NORESETATTRS)) { /* make the DC clean so that SetDCState doesn't try to update the vis rgn */ IntGdiSetHookFlags(dce->hDC, DCHF_VALIDATEVISRGN); // Clean the DC if (!IntGdiCleanDC(dce->hDC)) return 0; if (dce->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEDIRTY) { /* don't keep around invalidated entries * because SetDCState() disables hVisRgn updates * by removing dirty bit. */ dce->hwndCurrent = 0; dce->DCXFlags &= DCX_CACHE; dce->DCXFlags |= DCX_DCEEMPTY; } } dce->DCXFlags &= ~DCX_DCEBUSY; DPRINT("Exit!!!!! DCX_CACHE!!!!!! hDC-> %x \n", dce->hDC); if (!IntGdiSetDCOwnerEx( dce->hDC, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_NONE, FALSE)) return 0; dce->ptiOwner = NULL; // Reset ownership. dce->ppiOwner = NULL; #if 0 // Need to research and fix before this is a "growing" issue. if (++DCECache > 32) { pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if (!(pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEBUSY)) { /* Free the unused cache DCEs. */ pDCE = DceFreeDCE(pDCE, TRUE); if (!pDCE) break; continue; } } while (pLE != &LEDce ); } #endif } return 1; // Released! } static VOID FASTCALL DceUpdateVisRgn(DCE *Dce, PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, ULONG Flags) { HANDLE hRgnVisible = NULL; ULONG DcxFlags; PWINDOW_OBJECT DesktopWindow; if (Flags & DCX_PARENTCLIP) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Parent; PWND ParentWnd; Parent = Window->spwndParent; if(!Parent) { hRgnVisible = NULL; goto noparent; } ParentWnd = Parent->Wnd; if (ParentWnd->style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) { DcxFlags = DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | (Flags & ~(DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | DCX_WINDOW)); } else { DcxFlags = Flags & ~(DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | DCX_WINDOW); } hRgnVisible = DceGetVisRgn(Parent, DcxFlags, Window->hSelf, Flags); } else if (Window == NULL) { DesktopWindow = UserGetWindowObject(IntGetDesktopWindow()); if (NULL != DesktopWindow) { hRgnVisible = IntSysCreateRectRgnIndirect(&DesktopWindow->Wnd->rcWindow); } else { hRgnVisible = NULL; } } else { hRgnVisible = DceGetVisRgn(Window, Flags, 0, 0); } noparent: if (Flags & DCX_INTERSECTRGN) { if(Dce->hrgnClip != NULL) { NtGdiCombineRgn(hRgnVisible, hRgnVisible, Dce->hrgnClip, RGN_AND); } else { if(hRgnVisible != NULL) { REGION_FreeRgnByHandle(hRgnVisible); } hRgnVisible = IntSysCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); } } else if (Flags & DCX_EXCLUDERGN && Dce->hrgnClip != NULL) { NtGdiCombineRgn(hRgnVisible, hRgnVisible, Dce->hrgnClip, RGN_DIFF); } Dce->DCXFlags &= ~DCX_DCEDIRTY; GdiSelectVisRgn(Dce->hDC, hRgnVisible); if (Window != NULL) { IntEngWindowChanged(Window, WOC_RGN_CLIENT); } if (hRgnVisible != NULL) { REGION_FreeRgnByHandle(hRgnVisible); } } HDC FASTCALL UserGetDCEx(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window OPTIONAL, HANDLE ClipRegion, ULONG Flags) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Parent; ULONG DcxFlags; DCE* Dce = NULL; BOOL UpdateClipOrigin = FALSE; PWND Wnd = NULL; HDC hDC = NULL; PPROCESSINFO ppi; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; if (NULL == Window) { Flags &= ~DCX_USESTYLE; Flags |= DCX_CACHE; } else Wnd = Window->Wnd; if (Flags & (DCX_WINDOW | DCX_PARENTCLIP)) Flags |= DCX_CACHE; // When GetDC is called with hWnd nz, DCX_CACHE & _WINDOW are clear w _USESTYLE set. if (Flags & DCX_USESTYLE) { Flags &= ~(DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_PARENTCLIP); if (!(Flags & DCX_WINDOW)) // not window rectangle { if (Wnd->pcls->style & CS_PARENTDC) { Flags |= DCX_PARENTCLIP; } if (!(Flags & DCX_CACHE) && // Not on the cheap wine list. !(Wnd->pcls->style & CS_OWNDC) ) { if (!(Wnd->pcls->style & CS_CLASSDC)) // The window is not POWNED or has any CLASS, so we are looking for cheap wine. Flags |= DCX_CACHE; else { if (Wnd->pcls->pdce) hDC = ((PDCE)Wnd->pcls->pdce)->hDC; DPRINT("We have CLASS!!\n"); } } /* else // For Testing! { DPRINT1("We have POWNER!!\n"); if (Window->Dce) DPRINT1("We have POWNER with DCE!!\n"); } */ if (Wnd->style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) { Flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; } if (Wnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN && !(Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE)) { Flags |= DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; } /* If minized with icon in the set, we are forced to be cheap! */ if (Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE && Wnd->pcls->hIcon) { Flags |= DCX_CACHE; } } else { if (Wnd->style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) Flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; Flags |= DCX_CACHE; } } if (Flags & DCX_WINDOW) Flags &= ~DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; if (Flags & DCX_NOCLIPCHILDREN) { Flags |= DCX_CACHE; Flags &= ~(DCX_PARENTCLIP | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN); } Parent = (Window ? Window->spwndParent : NULL); if (NULL == Window || !(Wnd->style & WS_CHILD) || NULL == Parent) { Flags &= ~DCX_PARENTCLIP; Flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; } /* it seems parent clip is ignored when clipping siblings or children */ if (Flags & (DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN)) Flags &= ~DCX_PARENTCLIP; if (Flags & DCX_PARENTCLIP) { if ((Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE) && (Parent->Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE)) { Flags &= ~DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; if (Parent->Wnd->style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) { Flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; } } } // Window nz, check to see if we still own this or it is just cheap wine tonight. if (!(Flags & DCX_CACHE)) { if ( Wnd->head.pti != GetW32ThreadInfo()) Flags |= DCX_CACHE; // Ah~ Not Powned! Forced to be cheap~ } DcxFlags = Flags & DCX_CACHECOMPAREMASK; if (Flags & DCX_CACHE) { // Scan the cheap wine list for our match. DCE* DceEmpty = NULL; DCE* DceUnused = NULL; KeEnterCriticalRegion(); pLE = LEDce.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { // The reason for this you may ask? // Well, it seems ReactOS calls GetDC with out first creating a desktop DC window! // Need to test for null here. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. // First time use hax, need to use DceAllocDCE during window display init. if (!Dce) break; // // The way I understand this, you can have more than one DC per window. // Only one Owned if one was requested and saved and one Cached. // if ((Dce->DCXFlags & (DCX_CACHE | DCX_DCEBUSY)) == DCX_CACHE) { DceUnused = Dce; if (Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEEMPTY) { DceEmpty = Dce; } else if (Dce->hwndCurrent == (Window ? Window->hSelf : NULL) && ((Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHECOMPAREMASK) == DcxFlags)) { UpdateClipOrigin = TRUE; break; } } pLE = Dce->List.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); Dce = (DceEmpty == NULL) ? DceUnused : DceEmpty; if (Dce == NULL) { Dce = DceAllocDCE(NULL, DCE_CACHE_DC); } if (!Dce) return NULL; Dce->hwndCurrent = (Window ? Window->hSelf : NULL); } else // If we are here, we are POWNED or having CLASS. { KeEnterCriticalRegion(); pLE = LEDce.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { // Check for Window handle than HDC match for CLASS. if ((Dce->hwndCurrent == Window->hSelf) || (Dce->hDC == hDC)) break; pLE = Dce->List.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); if ( (Flags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN|DCX_EXCLUDERGN)) && (Dce->DCXFlags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN|DCX_EXCLUDERGN)) ) { DceDeleteClipRgn(Dce); } } // First time use hax, need to use DceAllocDCE during window display init. if (NULL == Dce) { return(NULL); } if (!GDIOBJ_ValidateHandle(Dce->hDC, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DC)) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Got DCE with invalid hDC! 0x%x\n", Dce->hDC); Dce->hDC = DceCreateDisplayDC(); /* FIXME: Handle error */ } Dce->DCXFlags = Flags | DCX_DCEBUSY; /* Bump it up! This prevents the random errors in wine dce tests and with proper bits set in DCX_CACHECOMPAREMASK. Reference: http://www.reactos.org/archives/public/ros-dev/2008-July/010498.html http://www.reactos.org/archives/public/ros-dev/2008-July/010499.html */ if (pLE != &LEDce) { RemoveEntryList(&Dce->List); InsertHeadList(&LEDce, &Dce->List); } /* Introduced in rev 6691 and modified later. */ if ( (Flags & DCX_INTERSECTUPDATE) && !ClipRegion ) { Flags |= DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN; Dce->DCXFlags |= DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN; ClipRegion = Window->hrgnUpdate; } if (ClipRegion == (HRGN) 1) { if (!(Flags & DCX_WINDOW)) { Dce->hrgnClip = IntSysCreateRectRgnIndirect(&Window->Wnd->rcClient); } else { Dce->hrgnClip = IntSysCreateRectRgnIndirect(&Window->Wnd->rcWindow); } Dce->DCXFlags &= ~DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN; } else if (ClipRegion != NULL) { if (Dce->hrgnClip != NULL) { DPRINT1("Should not be called!!\n"); GDIOBJ_FreeObjByHandle(Dce->hrgnClip, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_REGION|GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_SILENT); Dce->hrgnClip = NULL; } Dce->hrgnClip = ClipRegion; } DceSetDrawable(Window, Dce->hDC, Flags, UpdateClipOrigin); DceUpdateVisRgn(Dce, Window, Flags); if (Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHE) { DPRINT("ENTER!!!!!! DCX_CACHE!!!!!! hDC-> %x\n", Dce->hDC); // Need to set ownership so Sync dcattr will work. IntGdiSetDCOwnerEx( Dce->hDC, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED, FALSE); Dce->ptiOwner = GetW32ThreadInfo(); // Set the temp owning } if ( Wnd && Wnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL && !(Flags & DCX_KEEPLAYOUT) ) { NtGdiSetLayout(Dce->hDC, -1, LAYOUT_RTL); } if (Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_PROCESSOWNED) { ppi = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); ppi->W32PF_flags |= W32PF_OWNDCCLEANUP; Dce->ptiOwner = NULL; Dce->ppiOwner = ppi; } return(Dce->hDC); } /*********************************************************************** * DceFreeDCE */ PDCE FASTCALL DceFreeDCE(PDCE pdce, BOOLEAN Force) { DCE *ret; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; BOOL Hit = FALSE; if (NULL == pdce) return NULL; pLE = pdce->List.Flink; ret = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); pdce->DCXFlags |= DCX_INDESTROY; if (Force && !GDIOBJ_OwnedByCurrentProcess(pdce->hDC)) { DPRINT("Change ownership for DCE! -> %x\n" , pdce); // Note: Windows sets W32PF_OWNDCCLEANUP and moves on. if (!IsObjectDead((HGDIOBJ) pdce->hDC)) { DC_SetOwnership( pdce->hDC, PsGetCurrentProcess()); } else { DPRINT1("Attempted to change ownership of an DCEhDC 0x%x currently being destroyed!!!\n",pdce->hDC); Hit = TRUE; } } if (!Hit) IntGdiDeleteDC(pdce->hDC, TRUE); if (pdce->hrgnClip && !(pdce->DCXFlags & DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN)) { GDIOBJ_FreeObjByHandle(pdce->hrgnClip, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_REGION|GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_SILENT); pdce->hrgnClip = NULL; } RemoveEntryList(&pdce->List); if (IsListEmpty(&pdce->List)) { DPRINT1("List is Empty! DCE! -> %x\n" , pdce); return NULL; } ExFreePoolWithTag(pdce, TAG_PDCE); DCECount--; DPRINT("Freed DCE's! %d \n", DCECount); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * DceFreeWindowDCE * * Remove owned DCE and reset unreleased cache DCEs. */ void FASTCALL DceFreeWindowDCE(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window) { PDCE pDCE; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; if (DCECount <= 0) { DPRINT1("FreeWindowDCE No Entry! %d\n",DCECount); return; } pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if (!pDCE) { DPRINT1("FreeWindowDCE No DCE Pointer!\n"); break; } if (IsListEmpty(&pDCE->List)) { DPRINT1("FreeWindowDCE List is Empty!!!!\n"); break; } if ( pDCE->hwndCurrent == Window->hSelf && !(pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEEMPTY) ) { if (!(pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHE)) /* owned or Class DCE*/ { if (Window->Wnd->pcls->style & CS_CLASSDC) /* Test Class first */ { if (pDCE->DCXFlags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_EXCLUDERGN)) /* Class DCE*/ DceDeleteClipRgn(pDCE); // Update and reset Vis Rgn and clear the dirty bit. // Should release VisRgn than reset it to default. DceUpdateVisRgn(pDCE, Window, pDCE->DCXFlags); pDCE->DCXFlags = DCX_DCEEMPTY|DCX_CACHE; pDCE->hwndCurrent = 0; DPRINT("POWNED DCE going Cheap!! DCX_CACHE!! hDC-> %x \n", pDCE->hDC); if (!IntGdiSetDCOwnerEx( pDCE->hDC, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_NONE, FALSE)) { DPRINT1("Fail Owner Switch hDC-> %x \n", pDCE->hDC); break; } /* Do not change owner so thread can clean up! */ } else if (Window->Wnd->pcls->style & CS_OWNDC) /* owned DCE*/ { pDCE = DceFreeDCE(pDCE, FALSE); if (!pDCE) break; continue; } else { DPRINT1("Not POWNED or CLASSDC hwndCurrent -> %x \n", pDCE->hwndCurrent); ASSERT(FALSE); } } else { if (pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEBUSY) /* shared cache DCE */ { /* FIXME: AFAICS we are doing the right thing here so * this should be a DPRINT. But this is best left as an ERR * because the 'application error' is likely to come from * another part of Wine (i.e. it's our fault after all). * We should change this to DPRINT when ReactOS is more stable * (for 1.0?). */ DPRINT1("[%p] GetDC() without ReleaseDC()!\n", Window->hSelf); DceReleaseDC(pDCE, FALSE); } pDCE->DCXFlags |= DCX_DCEEMPTY; pDCE->hwndCurrent = 0; } } pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); } void FASTCALL DceFreeClassDCE(HDC hDC) { PDCE pDCE; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if(!pDCE) break; if (pDCE->hDC == hDC) { pDCE = DceFreeDCE(pDCE, TRUE); // Might have gone cheap! if (!pDCE) break; continue; } pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); } void FASTCALL DceFreeThreadDCE(PTHREADINFO pti) { PDCE pDCE; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if(!pDCE) break; if (pDCE->ptiOwner == pti) { if (pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_CACHE) { pDCE = DceFreeDCE(pDCE, TRUE); if (!pDCE) break; continue; } } pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); } VOID FASTCALL DceEmptyCache(VOID) { PDCE pDCE; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if(!pDCE) break; pDCE = DceFreeDCE(pDCE, TRUE); if(!pDCE) break; } while (pLE != &LEDce); } VOID FASTCALL DceResetActiveDCEs(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window) { DCE *pDCE; PDC dc; PWINDOW_OBJECT CurrentWindow; INT DeltaX; INT DeltaY; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; if (NULL == Window) { return; } pLE = LEDce.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); if(!pDCE) return; // Another null test! do { if(!pDCE) break; if(pLE == &LEDce) break; if (0 == (pDCE->DCXFlags & (DCX_DCEEMPTY|DCX_INDESTROY))) { if (Window->hSelf == pDCE->hwndCurrent) { CurrentWindow = Window; } else { CurrentWindow = UserGetWindowObject(pDCE->hwndCurrent); if (NULL == CurrentWindow) { pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); continue; } } if (!GDIOBJ_ValidateHandle(pDCE->hDC, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DC) || (dc = DC_LockDc(pDCE->hDC)) == NULL) { pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); continue; } if (Window == CurrentWindow || IntIsChildWindow(Window, CurrentWindow)) { if (pDCE->DCXFlags & DCX_WINDOW) { DeltaX = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcWindow.left - dc->ptlDCOrig.x; DeltaY = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcWindow.top - dc->ptlDCOrig.y; dc->ptlDCOrig.x = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcWindow.left; dc->ptlDCOrig.y = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcWindow.top; } else { DeltaX = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcClient.left - dc->ptlDCOrig.x; DeltaY = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcClient.top - dc->ptlDCOrig.y; dc->ptlDCOrig.x = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcClient.left; dc->ptlDCOrig.y = CurrentWindow->Wnd->rcClient.top; } if (NULL != dc->rosdc.hClipRgn) { NtGdiOffsetRgn(dc->rosdc.hClipRgn, DeltaX, DeltaY); CLIPPING_UpdateGCRegion(dc); } if (NULL != pDCE->hrgnClip) { NtGdiOffsetRgn(pDCE->hrgnClip, DeltaX, DeltaY); } } DC_UnlockDc(dc); DceUpdateVisRgn(pDCE, CurrentWindow, pDCE->DCXFlags); if (Window->hSelf != pDCE->hwndCurrent) { // IntEngWindowChanged(CurrentWindow, WOC_RGN_CLIENT); // UserDerefObject(CurrentWindow); } } pLE = pDCE->List.Flink; pDCE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); } HWND FASTCALL IntWindowFromDC(HDC hDc) { DCE *Dce; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; HWND Ret = NULL; pLE = LEDce.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if (Dce->hDC == hDc) { if (Dce->DCXFlags & DCX_INDESTROY) Ret = NULL; else Ret = Dce->hwndCurrent; break; } pLE = Dce->List.Flink; Dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce); return Ret; } INT FASTCALL UserReleaseDC(PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, HDC hDc, BOOL EndPaint) { PDCE dce; PLIST_ENTRY pLE; INT nRet = 0; BOOL Hit = FALSE; DPRINT("%p %p\n", Window, hDc); pLE = LEDce.Flink; dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); do { if(!dce) break; if (dce->hDC == hDc) { Hit = TRUE; break; } pLE = dce->List.Flink; dce = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, DCE, List); } while (pLE != &LEDce ); if ( Hit && (dce->DCXFlags & DCX_DCEBUSY)) { nRet = DceReleaseDC(dce, EndPaint); } return nRet; } HDC FASTCALL UserGetWindowDC(PWINDOW_OBJECT Wnd) { return UserGetDCEx(Wnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW); } HWND FASTCALL UserGethWnd( HDC hdc, PWNDOBJ *pwndo) { PWNDGDI pWndgdi; PWINDOW_OBJECT Wnd; HWND hWnd; hWnd = IntWindowFromDC(hdc); if (hWnd && !(Wnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { pWndgdi = (WNDGDI *)IntGetProp(Wnd, AtomWndObj); if ( pWndgdi && pWndgdi->Hwnd == hWnd ) { if (pwndo) *pwndo = (PWNDOBJ)pWndgdi; } } return hWnd; } HDC APIENTRY NtUserGetDCEx(HWND hWnd OPTIONAL, HANDLE ClipRegion, ULONG Flags) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Wnd=NULL; DECLARE_RETURN(HDC); DPRINT("Enter NtUserGetDCEx\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (hWnd && !(Wnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(NULL); } RETURN( UserGetDCEx(Wnd, ClipRegion, Flags)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserGetDCEx, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * NtUserGetWindowDC * * The NtUserGetWindowDC function retrieves the device context (DC) for the * entire window, including title bar, menus, and scroll bars. A window device * context permits painting anywhere in a window, because the origin of the * device context is the upper-left corner of the window instead of the client * area. * * Status * @implemented */ HDC APIENTRY NtUserGetWindowDC(HWND hWnd) { return NtUserGetDCEx(hWnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW); } HDC APIENTRY NtUserGetDC(HWND hWnd) { DPRINT("NtUGetDC -> %x:%x\n", hWnd, !hWnd ? DCX_CACHE | DCX_WINDOW : DCX_USESTYLE ); return NtUserGetDCEx(hWnd, NULL, NULL == hWnd ? DCX_CACHE | DCX_WINDOW : DCX_USESTYLE); } /*! * Select logical palette into device context. * \param hDC handle to the device context * \param hpal handle to the palette * \param ForceBackground If this value is FALSE the logical palette will be copied to the device palette only when the applicatioon * is in the foreground. If this value is TRUE then map the colors in the logical palette to the device * palette colors in the best way. * \return old palette * * \todo implement ForceBackground == TRUE */ HPALETTE APIENTRY NtUserSelectPalette(HDC hDC, HPALETTE hpal, BOOL ForceBackground) { HPALETTE oldPal; UserEnterExclusive(); // Implement window checks oldPal = GdiSelectPalette( hDC, hpal, ForceBackground); UserLeave(); return oldPal; } /* EOF */