/* * ReactOS W32 Subsystem * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Monitor support * FILE: subsys/win32k/ntuser/monitor.c * PROGRAMER: Anich Gregor (blight@blight.eu.org) * REVISION HISTORY: * 26-02-2004 Created */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include /* FIXME: find include file for these */ #define MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY 1 #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL 0 #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY 1 #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST 2 #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ /* list of monitors */ static PMONITOR gMonitorList = NULL; /* INITALIZATION FUNCTIONS ****************************************************/ NTSTATUS InitMonitorImpl() { DPRINT("Initializing monitor implementation...\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CleanupMonitorImpl() { DPRINT("Cleaning up monitor implementation...\n"); /* FIXME: Destroy monitor objects? */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ #ifndef MIN # define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MAX # define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef ABS # define ABS(a) ((a) < (0) ? (-(a)) : (a)) #endif /* IntCreateMonitorObject * * Creates a MONITOR * * Return value * If the function succeeds a pointer to a MONITOR is returned. On failure * NULL is returned. */ static PMONITOR IntCreateMonitorObject() { HANDLE Handle; PMONITOR Monitor; Monitor = UserCreateObject(gHandleTable, NULL, &Handle, otMonitor, sizeof (MONITOR)); if (Monitor == NULL) { return NULL; } ExInitializeFastMutex(&Monitor->Lock); return Monitor; } /* IntDestroyMonitorObject * * Destroys a MONITOR * You have to be the owner of the monitors lock to safely destroy it. * * Arguments * * pMonitor * Pointer to the MONITOR which shall be deleted */ static void IntDestroyMonitorObject(IN PMONITOR pMonitor) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&pMonitor->DeviceName); UserDereferenceObject(pMonitor); } PMONITOR FASTCALL UserGetMonitorObject(IN HMONITOR hMonitor) { PMONITOR Monitor; if (!hMonitor) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR_HANDLE); return NULL; } Monitor = (PMONITOR)UserGetObject(gHandleTable, hMonitor, otMonitor); if (!Monitor) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR_HANDLE); return NULL; } ASSERT(Monitor->head.cLockObj >= 0); return Monitor; } /* IntAttachMonitor * * Creates a new MONITOR and appends it to the list of monitors. * * Arguments * * pGdiDevice Pointer to the PDEVOBJ onto which the monitor was attached * DisplayNumber Display Number (starting with 0) * * Return value * Returns a NTSTATUS */ NTSTATUS IntAttachMonitor(IN PDEVOBJ *pGdiDevice, IN ULONG DisplayNumber) { PMONITOR Monitor; WCHAR Buffer[CCHDEVICENAME]; DPRINT("Attaching monitor...\n"); /* create new monitor object */ Monitor = IntCreateMonitorObject(); if (Monitor == NULL) { DPRINT("Couldnt create monitor object\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } _snwprintf(Buffer, CCHDEVICENAME, L"\\\\.\\DISPLAY%d", DisplayNumber + 1); if (!RtlCreateUnicodeString(&Monitor->DeviceName, Buffer)) { DPRINT("Couldn't duplicate monitor name!\n"); UserDereferenceObject(Monitor); UserDeleteObject(UserHMGetHandle(Monitor), otMonitor); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Monitor->GdiDevice = pGdiDevice; Monitor->rcMonitor.left = 0; Monitor->rcMonitor.top = 0; Monitor->rcMonitor.right = Monitor->rcMonitor.left + pGdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes; Monitor->rcMonitor.bottom = Monitor->rcMonitor.top + pGdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulVertRes; Monitor->rcWork = Monitor->rcMonitor; Monitor->cWndStack = 0; Monitor->hrgnMonitor = IntSysCreateRectRgnIndirect( &Monitor->rcMonitor ); IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Monitor->hrgnMonitor, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_PUBLIC); if (gMonitorList == NULL) { DPRINT("Primary monitor is beeing attached\n"); Monitor->IsPrimary = TRUE; gMonitorList = Monitor; } else { PMONITOR p; DPRINT("Additional monitor is beeing attached\n"); for (p = gMonitorList; p->Next != NULL; p = p->Next) { p->Next = Monitor; } Monitor->Prev = p; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* IntDetachMonitor * * Deletes a MONITOR and removes it from the list of monitors. * * Arguments * * pGdiDevice Pointer to the PDEVOBJ from which the monitor was detached * * Return value * Returns a NTSTATUS */ NTSTATUS IntDetachMonitor(IN PDEVOBJ *pGdiDevice) { PMONITOR Monitor; for (Monitor = gMonitorList; Monitor != NULL; Monitor = Monitor->Next) { if (Monitor->GdiDevice == pGdiDevice) break; } if (Monitor == NULL) { /* no monitor for given device found */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (Monitor->IsPrimary && (Monitor->Next != NULL || Monitor->Prev != NULL)) { PMONITOR NewPrimaryMonitor = (Monitor->Prev != NULL) ? (Monitor->Prev) : (Monitor->Next); ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(&NewPrimaryMonitor->Lock); NewPrimaryMonitor->IsPrimary = TRUE; ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafeAndLeaveCriticalRegion(&NewPrimaryMonitor->Lock); } if (gMonitorList == Monitor) { gMonitorList = Monitor->Next; if (Monitor->Next != NULL) Monitor->Next->Prev = NULL; } else { Monitor->Prev->Next = Monitor->Next; if (Monitor->Next != NULL) Monitor->Next->Prev = Monitor->Prev; } if (Monitor->hrgnMonitor) REGION_FreeRgnByHandle(Monitor->hrgnMonitor); IntDestroyMonitorObject(Monitor); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* IntGetPrimaryMonitor * * Returns a PMONITOR for the primary monitor * * Return value * PMONITOR */ PMONITOR FASTCALL IntGetPrimaryMonitor() { PMONITOR Monitor; for (Monitor = gMonitorList; Monitor != NULL; Monitor = Monitor->Next) { /* FIXME: I guess locking the monitor is not neccessary to read 1 int */ if (Monitor->IsPrimary) break; } return Monitor; } /* IntGetMonitorsFromRect * * Returns a list of monitor handles/rectangles. The rectangles in the list are * the areas of intersection with the monitors. * * Arguments * * pRect * Rectangle in desktop coordinates. If this is NULL all monitors are * returned and the rect list is filled with the sizes of the monitors. * * hMonitorList * Pointer to an array of HMONITOR which is filled with monitor handles. * Can be NULL * * monitorRectList * Pointer to an array of RECT which is filled with intersection rects in * desktop coordinates. * Can be NULL, will be ignored if no intersecting monitor is found and * flags is MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST * * listSize * Size of the hMonitorList and monitorRectList arguments. If this is zero * hMonitorList and monitorRectList are ignored. * * flags * Either 0 or MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST (ignored if rect is NULL) * * Returns * The number of monitors which intersect the specified region. */ static UINT IntGetMonitorsFromRect(OPTIONAL IN LPCRECTL pRect, OPTIONAL OUT HMONITOR *hMonitorList, OPTIONAL OUT PRECTL monitorRectList, OPTIONAL IN DWORD listSize, OPTIONAL IN DWORD flags) { PMONITOR Monitor, NearestMonitor = NULL, PrimaryMonitor = NULL; UINT iCount = 0; LONG iNearestDistanceX = 0x7fffffff, iNearestDistanceY = 0x7fffffff; /* find monitors which intersect the rectangle */ for (Monitor = gMonitorList; Monitor != NULL; Monitor = Monitor->Next) { RECTL MonitorRect, IntersectionRect; ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(&Monitor->Lock); MonitorRect.left = 0; /* FIXME: get origin */ MonitorRect.top = 0; /* FIXME: get origin */ MonitorRect.right = MonitorRect.left + Monitor->GdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes; MonitorRect.bottom = MonitorRect.top + Monitor->GdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulVertRes; ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafeAndLeaveCriticalRegion(&Monitor->Lock); DPRINT("MonitorRect: left = %d, top = %d, right = %d, bottom = %d\n", MonitorRect.left, MonitorRect.top, MonitorRect.right, MonitorRect.bottom); if (flags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY && Monitor->IsPrimary) { PrimaryMonitor = Monitor; } if (pRect != NULL) { BOOL intersects = TRUE; /* check if the rect intersects the monitor */ if ((pRect->right < MonitorRect.left) || (pRect->left > MonitorRect.right) || (pRect->bottom < MonitorRect.top) || (pRect->top > MonitorRect.bottom)) { intersects = FALSE; } if (flags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST && !intersects) { INT distanceX, distanceY; distanceX = MIN(ABS(MonitorRect.left - pRect->right), ABS(pRect->left - MonitorRect.right)); distanceY = MIN(ABS(MonitorRect.top - pRect->bottom), ABS(pRect->top - MonitorRect.bottom)); if (((distanceX < iNearestDistanceX) && (distanceY <= iNearestDistanceY)) || ((distanceX <= iNearestDistanceX) && (distanceY < iNearestDistanceY))) { iNearestDistanceX = distanceX; iNearestDistanceY = distanceY; NearestMonitor = Monitor; } } if (!intersects) continue; /* calculate intersection */ IntersectionRect.left = MAX(MonitorRect.left, pRect->left); IntersectionRect.top = MAX(MonitorRect.top, pRect->top); IntersectionRect.right = MIN(MonitorRect.right, pRect->right); IntersectionRect.bottom = MIN(MonitorRect.bottom, pRect->bottom); } else { IntersectionRect = MonitorRect; } if (iCount < listSize) { if (hMonitorList != NULL) hMonitorList[iCount] = UserHMGetHandle(Monitor); if (monitorRectList != NULL) monitorRectList[iCount] = IntersectionRect; } iCount++; } if (iCount == 0 && flags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) { if (iCount < listSize) { if (hMonitorList != NULL) hMonitorList[iCount] = UserHMGetHandle(NearestMonitor); } iCount++; } else if (iCount == 0 && flags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY) { if (iCount < listSize) { if (hMonitorList != NULL) hMonitorList[iCount] = UserHMGetHandle(PrimaryMonitor); } iCount++; } return iCount; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors * * Enumerates display monitors which intersect the given HDC/cliprect * * Arguments * * hDC * Handle to a DC for which to enum intersecting monitors. If this is NULL * it returns all monitors which are part of the current virtual screen. * * pRect * Clipping rectangle with coordinate system origin at the DCs origin if the * given HDC is not NULL or in virtual screen coordinated if it is NULL. * Can be NULL * * hMonitorList * Pointer to an array of HMONITOR which is filled with monitor handles. * Can be NULL * * monitorRectList * Pointer to an array of RECT which is filled with intersection rectangles. * Can be NULL * * listSize * Size of the hMonitorList and monitorRectList arguments. If this is zero * hMonitorList and monitorRectList are ignored. * * Returns * The number of monitors which intersect the specified region or -1 on failure. */ INT APIENTRY NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors( OPTIONAL IN HDC hDC, OPTIONAL IN LPCRECTL pRect, OPTIONAL OUT HMONITOR *hMonitorList, OPTIONAL OUT PRECTL monitorRectList, OPTIONAL IN DWORD listSize) { INT numMonitors, i; HMONITOR *safeHMonitorList = NULL; PRECTL safeRectList = NULL; RECTL rect, *myRect; RECTL dcRect; NTSTATUS status; /* get rect */ if (pRect != NULL) { status = MmCopyFromCaller(&rect, pRect, sizeof (RECT)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPRINT("MmCopyFromCaller() failed!\n"); SetLastNtError(status); return -1; } } if (hDC != NULL) { PDC dc; HRGN dcVisRgn; INT regionType; /* get visible region bounding rect */ dc = DC_LockDc(hDC); if (dc == NULL) { DPRINT("DC_LockDc() failed!\n"); /* FIXME: setlasterror? */ return -1; } dcVisRgn = dc->rosdc.hVisRgn; DC_UnlockDc(dc); regionType = NtGdiGetRgnBox(dcVisRgn, &dcRect); if (regionType == 0) { DPRINT("NtGdiGetRgnBox() failed!\n"); return -1; } if (regionType == NULLREGION) return 0; if (regionType == COMPLEXREGION) { /* TODO: warning */ } /* if hDC and pRect are given the area of interest is pRect with coordinate origin at the DC position */ if (pRect != NULL) { rect.left += dcRect.left; rect.right += dcRect.left; rect.top += dcRect.top; rect.bottom += dcRect.top; } /* if hDC is given and pRect is not the area of interest is the bounding rect of hDC */ else { rect = dcRect; } } if (hDC == NULL && pRect == NULL) myRect = NULL; else myRect = ▭ /* find intersecting monitors */ numMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(myRect, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (numMonitors == 0 || listSize == 0 || (hMonitorList == NULL && monitorRectList == NULL)) { DPRINT("numMonitors = %d\n", numMonitors); return numMonitors; } if (hMonitorList != NULL && listSize != 0) { safeHMonitorList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof (HMONITOR) * listSize); if (safeHMonitorList == NULL) { /* FIXME: SetLastWin32Error? */ return -1; } } if (monitorRectList != NULL && listSize != 0) { safeRectList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof (RECT) * listSize); if (safeRectList == NULL) { ExFreePool(safeHMonitorList); /* FIXME: SetLastWin32Error? */ return -1; } } /* get intersecting monitors */ numMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(myRect, safeHMonitorList, safeRectList, listSize, 0 ); if (hDC != NULL && pRect != NULL && safeRectList != NULL) for (i = 0; i < numMonitors; i++) { safeRectList[i].left -= dcRect.left; safeRectList[i].right -= dcRect.left; safeRectList[i].top -= dcRect.top; safeRectList[i].bottom -= dcRect.top; } /* output result */ if (hMonitorList != NULL && listSize != 0) { status = MmCopyToCaller(hMonitorList, safeHMonitorList, sizeof (HMONITOR) * listSize); ExFreePool(safeHMonitorList); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ExFreePool(safeRectList); SetLastNtError(status); return -1; } } if (monitorRectList != NULL && listSize != 0) { status = MmCopyToCaller(monitorRectList, safeRectList, sizeof (RECT) * listSize); ExFreePool(safeRectList); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SetLastNtError(status); return -1; } } return numMonitors; } /* NtUserGetMonitorInfo * * Retrieves information about a given monitor * * Arguments * * hMonitor * Handle to a monitor for which to get information * * pMonitorInfo * Pointer to a MONITORINFO struct which is filled with the information. * The cbSize member must be set to sizeof(MONITORINFO) or * sizeof(MONITORINFOEX). Even if set to sizeof(MONITORINFOEX) only parts * from MONITORINFO will be filled. * * pDevice * Pointer to a UNICODE_STRING which will recieve the device's name. The * length should be CCHDEVICENAME * Can be NULL * * Return value * TRUE on success; FALSE on failure (calls SetLastNtError()) * */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetMonitorInfo( IN HMONITOR hMonitor, OUT LPMONITORINFO pMonitorInfo) { PMONITOR Monitor; MONITORINFOEXW MonitorInfo; NTSTATUS Status; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserGetMonitorInfo\n"); UserEnterShared(); /* get monitor object */ if (!(Monitor = UserGetMonitorObject(hMonitor))) { DPRINT("Couldnt find monitor 0x%lx\n", hMonitor); RETURN(FALSE); } if(pMonitorInfo == NULL) { SetLastNtError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN(FALSE); } /* get size of pMonitorInfo */ Status = MmCopyFromCaller(&MonitorInfo.cbSize, &pMonitorInfo->cbSize, sizeof (MonitorInfo.cbSize)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN(FALSE); } if ((MonitorInfo.cbSize != sizeof (MONITORINFO)) && (MonitorInfo.cbSize != sizeof (MONITORINFOEXW))) { SetLastNtError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN(FALSE); } /* fill monitor info */ MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.left = 0; /* FIXME: get origin */ MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.top = 0; /* FIXME: get origin */ MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.right = MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.left + Monitor->GdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes; MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.bottom = MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.top + Monitor->GdiDevice->gdiinfo.ulVertRes; MonitorInfo.rcWork = MonitorInfo.rcMonitor; /* FIXME: use DEVMODE panning to calculate work area? */ MonitorInfo.dwFlags = 0; if (Monitor->IsPrimary) MonitorInfo.dwFlags |= MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY; /* fill device name */ if (MonitorInfo.cbSize == sizeof (MONITORINFOEXW)) { WCHAR nul = L'\0'; INT len = Monitor->DeviceName.Length; if (len >= CCHDEVICENAME * sizeof (WCHAR)) len = (CCHDEVICENAME - 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); memcpy(MonitorInfo.szDevice, Monitor->DeviceName.Buffer, len); memcpy(MonitorInfo.szDevice + (len / sizeof (WCHAR)), &nul, sizeof (WCHAR)); } /* output data */ Status = MmCopyToCaller(pMonitorInfo, &MonitorInfo, MonitorInfo.cbSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("GetMonitorInfo: MmCopyToCaller failed\n"); SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN(FALSE); } DPRINT("GetMonitorInfo: success\n"); RETURN(TRUE); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserGetMonitorInfo, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* NtUserMonitorFromPoint * * Returns a handle to the monitor containing the given point. * * Arguments * * point * Point for which to find monitor * * dwFlags * Specifies the behaviour if the point isn't on any of the monitors. * * Return value * If the point is found a handle to the monitor is returned; if not the * return value depends on dwFlags */ HMONITOR APIENTRY NtUserMonitorFromPoint( IN POINT point, IN DWORD dwFlags) { INT NumMonitors; RECTL InRect; HMONITOR hMonitor = NULL; /* fill inRect */ InRect.left = InRect.right = point.x; InRect.top = InRect.bottom = point.y; /* find intersecting monitor */ NumMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&InRect, &hMonitor, NULL, 1, 0); if (NumMonitors < 0) { return (HMONITOR)NULL; } if (hMonitor == NULL) { if (dwFlags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY) { PMONITOR MonitorObj = IntGetPrimaryMonitor(); if (MonitorObj) hMonitor = UserHMGetHandle(MonitorObj); } else if (dwFlags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) { NumMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&InRect, &hMonitor, NULL, 1, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); /*ASSERT( (numMonitors > 0) && (hMonitor != NULL) );*/ } /* else flag is DEFAULTTONULL */ } return hMonitor; } /* NtUserMonitorFromRect * * Returns a handle to the monitor having the largest intersection with a * given rectangle * * Arguments * * pRect * Pointer to a RECT for which to find monitor * * dwFlags * Specifies the behaviour if no monitor intersects the given rect * * Return value * If a monitor intersects the rect a handle to it is returned; if not the * return value depends on dwFlags */ HMONITOR APIENTRY NtUserMonitorFromRect( IN LPCRECTL pRect, IN DWORD dwFlags) { INT numMonitors, iLargestArea = -1, i; PRECTL rectList; HMONITOR *hMonitorList; HMONITOR hMonitor = NULL; RECTL rect; NTSTATUS status; /* get rect */ status = MmCopyFromCaller(&rect, pRect, sizeof (RECT)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SetLastNtError(status); return (HMONITOR)NULL; } /* find intersecting monitors */ numMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&rect, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (numMonitors < 0) { return (HMONITOR)NULL; } if (numMonitors == 0) { if (dwFlags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY) { PMONITOR monitorObj = IntGetPrimaryMonitor(); if (monitorObj) return UserHMGetHandle(monitorObj); } else if (dwFlags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) { numMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&rect, &hMonitor, NULL, 1, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); if (numMonitors <= 0) { /* error? */ return (HMONITOR)NULL; } if (numMonitors > 0) return hMonitor; } /* else flag is DEFAULTTONULL */ return (HMONITOR)NULL; } hMonitorList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof (HMONITOR) * numMonitors); if (hMonitorList == NULL) { /* FIXME: SetLastWin32Error? */ return (HMONITOR)NULL; } rectList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof (RECT) * numMonitors); if (rectList == NULL) { ExFreePool(hMonitorList); /* FIXME: SetLastWin32Error? */ return (HMONITOR)NULL; } /* get intersecting monitors */ numMonitors = IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&rect, hMonitorList, rectList, numMonitors, 0); if (numMonitors <= 0) { ExFreePool(hMonitorList); ExFreePool(rectList); return (HMONITOR)NULL; } /* find largest intersection */ for (i = 0; i < numMonitors; i++) { INT area = (rectList[i].right - rectList[i].left) * (rectList[i].bottom - rectList[i].top); if (area > iLargestArea) { hMonitor = hMonitorList[i]; } } ExFreePool(hMonitorList); ExFreePool(rectList); return hMonitor; } HMONITOR APIENTRY NtUserMonitorFromWindow( IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwFlags) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; HMONITOR hMonitor = NULL; RECTL Rect; DECLARE_RETURN(HMONITOR); DPRINT("Enter NtUserMonitorFromWindow\n"); UserEnterShared(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { if (dwFlags == MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL) { RETURN(hMonitor); } IntGetMonitorsFromRect(NULL, &hMonitor, NULL, 1, dwFlags); RETURN(hMonitor); } if (!Window->Wnd) RETURN(hMonitor); Rect.left = Rect.right = Window->Wnd->rcWindow.left; Rect.top = Rect.bottom = Window->Wnd->rcWindow.bottom; IntGetMonitorsFromRect(&Rect, &hMonitor, NULL, 1, dwFlags); RETURN(hMonitor); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserMonitorFromWindow, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; }