/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include "bootvid/bootvid.h" /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ KSPIN_LOCK BootDriverLock; KIRQL InbvOldIrql; INBV_DISPLAY_STATE InbvDisplayState; BOOLEAN InbvBootDriverInstalled = FALSE; BOOLEAN InbvDisplayDebugStrings = FALSE; INBV_DISPLAY_STRING_FILTER InbvDisplayFilter; ULONG ProgressBarLeft, ProgressBarTop; BOOLEAN ShowProgressBar = FALSE; INBV_PROGRESS_STATE InbvProgressState; INBV_RESET_DISPLAY_PARAMETERS InbvResetDisplayParameters; ULONG ResourceCount; PUCHAR ResourceList[64]; BOOLEAN SysThreadCreated = FALSE; ROT_BAR_TYPE RotBarSelection; ULONG PltRotBarStatus; BT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR InbvProgressIndicator = {0, 25, 0}; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ PVOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION FindBitmapResource(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock, IN ULONG ResourceId) { UNICODE_STRING UpString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"ntoskrnl.exe"); UNICODE_STRING MpString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"ntkrnlmp.exe"); PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry, ListHead; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY ResourceDataEntry; LDR_RESOURCE_INFO ResourceInfo; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Data = NULL; /* Loop the driver list */ ListHead = &LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead; NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; while (NextEntry != ListHead) { /* Get the entry */ LdrEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); /* Check for a match */ if ((RtlEqualUnicodeString(&LdrEntry->BaseDllName, &UpString, TRUE)) || (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&LdrEntry->BaseDllName, &MpString, TRUE))) { /* Break out */ break; } } /* Check if we found it */ if (NextEntry != ListHead) { /* Try to find the resource */ ResourceInfo.Type = 2; //RT_BITMAP; ResourceInfo.Name = ResourceId; ResourceInfo.Language = 0; Status = LdrFindResource_U(LdrEntry->DllBase, &ResourceInfo, RESOURCE_DATA_LEVEL, &ResourceDataEntry); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Access the resource */ ULONG Size = 0; Status = LdrAccessResource(LdrEntry->DllBase, ResourceDataEntry, &Data, &Size); if ((Data) && (ResourceId < 3)) { KiBugCheckData[4] ^= RtlComputeCrc32(0, Data, Size); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Data = NULL; } } /* Return the pointer */ return Data; } BOOLEAN NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION InbvDriverInitialize(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock, IN ULONG Count) { PCHAR CommandLine; BOOLEAN CustomLogo = FALSE; ULONG i; /* Quit if we're already installed */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) return TRUE; /* Initialize the lock and check the current display state */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&BootDriverLock); if (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* Check if we have a custom boot logo */ CommandLine = _strupr(LoaderBlock->LoadOptions); CustomLogo = strstr(CommandLine, "BOOTLOGO") ? TRUE: FALSE; } /* Initialize the video */ InbvBootDriverInstalled = VidInitialize(FALSE); if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) { /* Now reset the display, but only if there's a custom boot logo */ VidResetDisplay(CustomLogo); /* Find bitmap resources in the kernel */ ResourceCount = min(IDB_CLUSTER_SERVER, Count); for (i = 1; i <= Count; i++) { /* Do the lookup */ ResourceList[i] = FindBitmapResource(LoaderBlock, i); } /* Set the progress bar ranges */ InbvSetProgressBarSubset(0, 100); } /* Return install state */ return InbvBootDriverInstalled; } VOID NTAPI InbvAcquireLock(VOID) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Check if we're at dispatch level or lower */ OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (OldIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL) { /* Loop until the lock is free */ while (!KeTestSpinLock(&BootDriverLock)); /* Raise IRQL to dispatch level */ KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); } /* Acquire the lock */ KiAcquireSpinLock(&BootDriverLock); InbvOldIrql = OldIrql; } VOID NTAPI InbvReleaseLock(VOID) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Capture the old IRQL */ OldIrql = InbvOldIrql; /* Release the driver lock */ KiReleaseSpinLock(&BootDriverLock); /* If we were at dispatch level or lower, restore the old IRQL */ if (InbvOldIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL) KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION InbvEnableBootDriver(IN BOOLEAN Enable) { /* Check if we're installed */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) { /* Check for lost state */ if (InbvDisplayState >= INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST) return; /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Cleanup the screen if we own it */ if (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) VidCleanUp(); /* Set the new display state */ InbvDisplayState = Enable ? INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED: INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_DISABLED; /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } else { /* Set the new display state */ InbvDisplayState = Enable ? INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED: INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_DISABLED; } } VOID NTAPI InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership(VOID) { /* Check if we have a callback and we're just acquiring it now */ if ((InbvResetDisplayParameters) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST)) { /* Call the callback */ InbvResetDisplayParameters(80, 50); } /* Acquire the display */ InbvDisplayState = INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED; } VOID NTAPI InbvSetDisplayOwnership(IN BOOLEAN DisplayOwned) { /* Set the new display state */ InbvDisplayState = DisplayOwned ? INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED: INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST; } BOOLEAN NTAPI InbvCheckDisplayOwnership(VOID) { /* Return if we own it or not */ return InbvDisplayState != INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST; } INBV_DISPLAY_STATE NTAPI InbvGetDisplayState(VOID) { /* Return the actual state */ return InbvDisplayState; } BOOLEAN NTAPI InbvDisplayString(IN PCHAR String) { /* Make sure we own the display */ if (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* If we're not allowed, return success anyway */ if (!InbvDisplayDebugStrings) return TRUE; /* Check if a filter is installed */ if (InbvDisplayFilter) InbvDisplayFilter(&String); /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Make sure we're installed and display the string */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) VidDisplayString((PUCHAR) String); /* Print the string on the EMS port */ HeadlessDispatch( HeadlessCmdPutString, String, strlen(String) + sizeof(ANSI_NULL), NULL, NULL); /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); /* All done */ return TRUE; } /* We don't own it, fail */ return FALSE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI InbvEnableDisplayString(IN BOOLEAN Enable) { BOOLEAN OldSetting; /* Get the old setting */ OldSetting = InbvDisplayDebugStrings; /* Update it */ InbvDisplayDebugStrings = Enable; /* Return the old setting */ return OldSetting; } VOID NTAPI InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(IN INBV_DISPLAY_STRING_FILTER Filter) { /* Save the filter */ InbvDisplayFilter = Filter; } BOOLEAN NTAPI InbvIsBootDriverInstalled(VOID) { /* Return driver state */ return InbvBootDriverInstalled; } VOID NTAPI InbvNotifyDisplayOwnershipLost(IN INBV_RESET_DISPLAY_PARAMETERS Callback) { /* Check if we're installed */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) { /* Acquire the lock and cleanup if we own the screen */ InbvAcquireLock(); if (InbvDisplayState != INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST) VidCleanUp(); /* Set the reset callback and display state */ InbvResetDisplayParameters = Callback; InbvDisplayState = INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST; /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } else { /* Set the reset callback and display state */ InbvResetDisplayParameters = Callback; InbvDisplayState = INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_LOST; } } BOOLEAN NTAPI InbvResetDisplay(VOID) { /* Check if we're installed and we own it */ if ((InbvBootDriverInstalled) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { /* Do the reset */ VidResetDisplay(TRUE); return TRUE; } /* Nothing to reset */ return FALSE; } VOID NTAPI InbvSetScrollRegion(IN ULONG Left, IN ULONG Top, IN ULONG Width, IN ULONG Height) { /* Just call bootvid */ VidSetScrollRegion(Left, Top, Width, Height); } VOID NTAPI InbvSetTextColor(IN ULONG Color) { /* FIXME: Headless */ /* Update the text color */ VidSetTextColor(Color); } VOID NTAPI InbvSolidColorFill(IN ULONG Left, IN ULONG Top, IN ULONG Width, IN ULONG Height, IN ULONG Color) { /* Make sure we own it */ if (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Check if we're installed */ if (InbvBootDriverInstalled) { /* Call bootvid */ VidSolidColorFill(Left, Top, Width, Height, (UCHAR)Color); } /* FIXME: Headless */ /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION InbvUpdateProgressBar(IN ULONG Progress) { ULONG FillCount, BoundedProgress; /* Make sure the progress bar is enabled, that we own and are installed */ if ((ShowProgressBar) && (InbvBootDriverInstalled) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { /* Compute fill count */ BoundedProgress = (InbvProgressState.Floor / 100) + Progress; FillCount = 121 * (InbvProgressState.Bias * BoundedProgress) / 1000000; /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Fill the progress bar */ VidSolidColorFill(ProgressBarLeft, ProgressBarTop, ProgressBarLeft + FillCount, ProgressBarTop + 12, 15); /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } } VOID NTAPI InbvBufferToScreenBlt(IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y, IN ULONG Width, IN ULONG Height, IN ULONG Delta) { /* Check if we're installed and we own it */ if ((InbvBootDriverInstalled) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { /* Do the blit */ VidBufferToScreenBlt(Buffer, X, Y, Width, Height, Delta); } } VOID NTAPI InbvBitBlt(IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y) { /* Check if we're installed and we own it */ if ((InbvBootDriverInstalled) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { /* Acquire the lock */ InbvAcquireLock(); /* Do the blit */ VidBitBlt(Buffer, X, Y); /* Release the lock */ InbvReleaseLock(); } } VOID NTAPI InbvScreenToBufferBlt(IN PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y, IN ULONG Width, IN ULONG Height, IN ULONG Delta) { /* Check if we're installed and we own it */ if ((InbvBootDriverInstalled) && (InbvDisplayState == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED)) { /* Do the blit */ VidScreenToBufferBlt(Buffer, X, Y, Width, Height, Delta); } } VOID NTAPI InbvSetProgressBarCoordinates(IN ULONG Left, IN ULONG Top) { /* Update the coordinates */ ProgressBarLeft = Left; ProgressBarTop = Top; /* Enable the progress bar */ ShowProgressBar = TRUE; } VOID NTAPI InbvSetProgressBarSubset(IN ULONG Floor, IN ULONG Ceiling) { /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(Floor < Ceiling); ASSERT(Ceiling <= 100); /* Update the progress bar state */ InbvProgressState.Floor = Floor * 100; InbvProgressState.Ceiling = Ceiling * 100; InbvProgressState.Bias = (Ceiling * 100) - Floor; } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION InbvIndicateProgress(VOID) { ULONG Percentage; /* Increase progress */ InbvProgressIndicator.Count++; /* Compute new percentage */ Percentage = min(100 * InbvProgressIndicator.Count / InbvProgressIndicator.Expected, 99); if (Percentage != InbvProgressIndicator.Percentage) { /* Percentage has moved, update the progress bar */ InbvProgressIndicator.Percentage = Percentage; InbvUpdateProgressBar(Percentage); } } PUCHAR NTAPI InbvGetResourceAddress(IN ULONG ResourceNumber) { /* Validate the resource number */ if (ResourceNumber > ResourceCount) return NULL; /* Return the address */ return ResourceList[ResourceNumber--]; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtDisplayString(IN PUNICODE_STRING DisplayString) { OEM_STRING OemString; /* Convert the string to OEM and display it */ RtlUnicodeStringToOemString(&OemString, DisplayString, TRUE); InbvDisplayString(OemString.Buffer); RtlFreeOemString(&OemString); /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION DisplayBootBitmap(IN BOOLEAN TextMode) { PVOID Header, Band, Text, Screen; ROT_BAR_TYPE TempRotBarSelection = RB_UNSPECIFIED; UCHAR Buffer[64]; /* Check if the system thread has already been created */ if (SysThreadCreated) { /* Reset the progress bar */ InbvAcquireLock(); RotBarSelection = RB_UNSPECIFIED; InbvReleaseLock(); } /* Check if this is text mode */ ShowProgressBar = FALSE; if (TextMode) { /* Check if this is a server OS */ if (SharedUserData->NtProductType == NtProductWinNt) { /* It's not, set workstation settings */ InbvSetTextColor(15); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, 639, 479, 7); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 421, 639, 479, 1); /* Get resources */ Header = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_LOGO_HEADER); Band = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_LOGO_BAND); } else { /* Set server settings */ InbvSetTextColor(14); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, 639, 479, 6); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 421, 639, 479, 1); /* Get resources */ Header = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SERVER_HEADER); Band = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SERVER_BAND); } /* Set the scrolling region */ InbvSetScrollRegion(32, 80, 631, 400); /* Make sure we have resources */ if ((Header) && (Band)) { /* BitBlt them on the screen */ InbvBitBlt(Band, 0, 419); InbvBitBlt(Header, 0, 0); } } else { /* Is the boot driver installed? */ Text = NULL; if (!InbvBootDriverInstalled) return; /* Load the standard boot screen */ Screen = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BOOT_LOGO); if (SharedUserData->NtProductType == NtProductWinNt) { /* Workstation product, display appropriate status bar color */ InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BAR_PRO); } else { /* Display correct branding based on server suite */ if (ExVerifySuite(StorageServer)) { /* Storage Server Edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_STORAGE_SERVER); } else if (ExVerifySuite(ComputeServer)) { /* Compute Cluster Edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_CLUSTER_SERVER); } else { /* Normal edition */ Text = InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_SERVER_LOGO); } /* Server product, display appropriate status bar color */ InbvGetResourceAddress(IDB_BAR_SERVER); } /* Make sure we had a logo */ if (Screen) { /* Choose progress bar */ TempRotBarSelection = RB_SQUARE_CELLS; /* Blit the background */ InbvBitBlt(Screen, 0, 0); /* Set progress bar coordinates and display it */ InbvSetProgressBarCoordinates(257, 352); /* Check for non-workstation products */ if (SharedUserData->NtProductType != NtProductWinNt) { /* Overwrite part of the logo for a server product */ InbvScreenToBufferBlt(Buffer, 413, 237, 7, 7, 8); InbvSolidColorFill(418, 230, 454, 256, 0); InbvBufferToScreenBlt(Buffer, 413, 237, 7, 7, 8); /* In setup mode, you haven't selected a SKU yet */ if (ExpInTextModeSetup) Text = NULL; } } /* Draw the SKU text if it exits */ if (Text) InbvBitBlt(Text, 180, 121); /* Draw the progress bar bit */ // if (Bar) InbvBitBlt(Bar, 0, 0); /* Set filter which will draw text display if needed */ InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(DisplayFilter); } /* Do we have a system thread? */ if (SysThreadCreated) { /* We do, set the progress bar location */ InbvAcquireLock(); RotBarSelection = TempRotBarSelection; //InbvRotBarInit(); InbvReleaseLock(); } } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION DisplayFilter(PCHAR *String) { /* Windows hack to skip first dots */ static BOOLEAN DotHack = TRUE; /* If "." is given set *String to empty string */ if(DotHack && strcmp(*String, ".") == 0) *String = ""; if(**String) { /* Remove the filter */ InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(NULL); DotHack = FALSE; /* Draw text screen */ DisplayBootBitmap(TRUE); } } VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION FinalizeBootLogo(VOID) { /* Acquire lock and check the display state */ InbvAcquireLock(); if (InbvGetDisplayState() == INBV_DISPLAY_STATE_OWNED) { /* Clear the screen */ VidSolidColorFill(0, 0, 639, 479, 0); } /* Reset progress bar and lock */ PltRotBarStatus = 3; InbvReleaseLock(); }