/* $Id: misc.c 43790 2009-10-27 10:34:16Z dgorbachev $ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Sound Volume Control * FILE: subsys/system/sndvol32/dialog.c * PROGRAMMERS: Johannes Anderwald */ #include "sndvol32.h" #define XLEFT (30) #define XTOP (20) #define DIALOG_VOLUME_SIZE (150) LPVOID LoadDialogResource( IN HMODULE hModule, IN LPCWSTR ResourceName, OUT LPDWORD ResourceLength) { HRSRC hSrc; HGLOBAL hRes; PVOID Result; /* find resource */ hSrc = FindResourceW(hModule, ResourceName, (LPCWSTR)RT_DIALOG); if (!hSrc) { /* failed to find resource */ return NULL; } /* now load the resource */ hRes = LoadResource(hAppInstance, hSrc); if (!hRes) { /* failed to load resource */ return NULL; } /* now lock the resource */ Result = LockResource(hRes); if (!Result) { /* failed to lock resource */ return NULL; } if (ResourceLength) { /* store output length */ *ResourceLength = SizeofResource(hAppInstance, hSrc); } /* done */ return Result; } LPWORD AddDialogControl( IN HWND hwndDialog, IN HWND * OutWnd, IN LPRECT DialogOffset, IN PDLGITEMTEMPLATE DialogItem, IN DWORD DialogIdMultiplier, IN HFONT hFont) { RECT rect; LPWORD Offset; LPWSTR ClassName, WindowName = NULL; HWND hwnd; DWORD wID; /* initialize client rectangle */ rect.left = DialogItem->x + DialogOffset->left; rect.top = DialogItem->y + DialogOffset->top; rect.right = DialogItem->cx; rect.bottom = DialogItem->cy; //MapDialogRect(hwndDialog, &rect); /* move offset after dialog item */ Offset = (LPWORD)(DialogItem + 1); if (*Offset == 0xFFFF) { /* class is encoded as type */ Offset++; /* get control type */ switch(*Offset) { case 0x80: ClassName = L"button"; WindowName = (LPWSTR)(Offset + 1); break ; case 0x82: ClassName = L"static"; WindowName = (LPWSTR)(Offset + 1); break; default: /* FIXME */ assert(0); ClassName = 0; } } else { /* class name is encoded as string */ ClassName = (LPWSTR)Offset; /* adjust offset */ Offset += wcslen(ClassName) + 1; /* get offset */ WindowName = (LPWSTR)(Offset + 1); } if (DialogItem->id == MAXWORD) { /* id is not important */ wID = DialogItem->id; } else { /* calculate id */ wID = DialogItem->id * (DialogIdMultiplier + 1); } /* now create the window */ hwnd = CreateWindowExW(DialogItem->dwExtendedStyle, ClassName, WindowName, DialogItem->style, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, hwndDialog, (HMENU)(wID), hAppInstance, NULL); /* sanity check */ assert(hwnd); /* store window */ *OutWnd = hwnd; /* check if this the track bar */ if (!wcsicmp(ClassName, L"msctls_trackbar32")) { /* set up range */ SendMessage(hwnd, TBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) MAKELONG(0, 5)); /* set up page size */ SendMessage(hwnd, TBM_SETPAGESIZE, 0, (LPARAM) 1); /* set available range */ //SendMessage(hwnd, TBM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) FALSE, (LPARAM) MAKELONG(0, 5)); /* set position */ SendMessage(hwnd, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) 0); } else if (!wcsicmp(ClassName, L"static") || !wcsicmp(ClassName, L"button")) { /* set font */ SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, TRUE); } //ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); if (WindowName != NULL) { /* position offset to start of name */ Offset++; /* move offset past name */ Offset += wcslen((LPWSTR)Offset) + 1; } else { /* no name so just adjust offset */ Offset++; } /* check if there is additional data */ if (*Offset == 0) { /* no additional data */ Offset++; } else { /* add data offset */ Offset += *Offset; } /* make sure next template is word-aligned */ Offset = (LPWORD)(((ULONG_PTR)Offset + 3) & ~3); /* done */ return Offset; } VOID LoadDialogControls( IN PMIXER_WINDOW MixerWindow, LPRECT DialogOffset, LPVOID DlgResource, DWORD DialogIdMultiplier) { LPDLGTEMPLATE DialogHeader; PDLGITEMTEMPLATE DialogItem; LPWORD Offset; WORD FontSize; WCHAR FontName[100]; WORD Length, Index; HFONT Font; /* get dialog header */ DialogHeader = (LPDLGTEMPLATE)DlgResource; /* sanity check */ assert(DialogHeader->cdit); if (MixerWindow->Window) MixerWindow->Window = (HWND*)HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, MixerWindow->Window, (MixerWindow->WindowCount + DialogHeader->cdit) * sizeof(HWND)); else MixerWindow->Window = (HWND*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, DialogHeader->cdit * sizeof(HWND)); if (!MixerWindow->Window) { /* no memory */ return; } /* now walk past the dialog header */ Offset = (LPWORD)(DialogHeader + 1); /* FIXME: support menu */ assert(*Offset == 0); Offset++; /* FIXME: support classes */ assert(*Offset == 0); Offset++; /* FIXME: support titles */ assert(*Offset == 0); Offset++; /* get font size */ FontSize = *Offset; Offset++; /* calculate font length */ Length = wcslen((LPWSTR)Offset) + 1; assert(Length < (sizeof(FontName) / sizeof(WCHAR))); /* copy font */ wcscpy(FontName, (LPWSTR)Offset); Font = CreateFontW(FontSize+8, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE, FontName); assert(Font); /* move offset after font name */ Offset += Length; /* offset is now at first dialog item control */ DialogItem = (PDLGITEMTEMPLATE)Offset; /* enumerate now all controls */ for(Index = 0; Index < DialogHeader->cdit; Index++) { /* add controls */ Offset = AddDialogControl(MixerWindow->hWnd, &MixerWindow->Window[MixerWindow->WindowCount], DialogOffset, DialogItem, DialogIdMultiplier, Font); /* sanity check */ assert(Offset); /* move dialog item to new offset */ DialogItem =(PDLGITEMTEMPLATE)Offset; /* increment window count */ MixerWindow->WindowCount++; } } VOID LoadDialog( IN HMODULE hModule, IN PMIXER_WINDOW MixerWindow, IN LPCWSTR DialogResId, IN DWORD Index) { LPVOID DlgResource; RECT rect; /* first load the dialog resource */ DlgResource = LoadDialogResource(hModule, DialogResId, NULL); if (!DlgResource) { /* failed to load resource */ return; } /* get window size */ GetClientRect(MixerWindow->hWnd, &rect); /* adjust client position */ rect.left += (Index * DIALOG_VOLUME_SIZE); /* now add the controls */ LoadDialogControls(MixerWindow, &rect, DlgResource, Index); } BOOL CALLBACK EnumConnectionsCallback( PSND_MIXER Mixer, DWORD LineID, LPMIXERLINE Line, PVOID Context) { WCHAR LineName[MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS]; DWORD Flags; DWORD wID; RECT rect; UINT ControlCount = 0, Index; LPMIXERCONTROL Control = NULL; HWND hDlgCtrl; PPREFERENCES_CONTEXT PrefContext = (PPREFERENCES_CONTEXT)Context; if (Line->cControls != 0) { /* get line name */ if (SndMixerGetLineName(PrefContext->MixerWindow->Mixer, PrefContext->SelectedLine, LineName, MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS, TRUE) == -1) { /* failed to get line name */ LineName[0] = L'\0'; } /* check if line is found in registry settings */ if (ReadLineConfig(PrefContext->DeviceName, LineName, Line->szName, &Flags)) { /* is it selected */ if (Flags != 0x4) { /* load dialog resource */ LoadDialog(hAppInstance, PrefContext->MixerWindow, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_VOLUME_CTRL), PrefContext->Count); /* get id */ wID = (PrefContext->Count + 1) * IDC_LINE_NAME; /* set line name */ SetDlgItemTextW(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID, Line->szName); /* query controls */ if (SndMixerQueryControls(Mixer, &ControlCount, Line, &Control) == TRUE) { /* now go through all controls and update their states */ for(Index = 0; Index < ControlCount; Index++) { if ((Control[Index].dwControlType & MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_MASK) == MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_SWITCH) { MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN Details; /* get volume control details */ if (SndMixerGetVolumeControlDetails(Mixer, Control[Index].dwControlID, sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN), (LPVOID)&Details) != -1) { /* update dialog control */ wID = (PrefContext->Count + 1) * IDC_LINE_SWITCH; /* get dialog control */ hDlgCtrl = GetDlgItem(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID); if (hDlgCtrl != NULL) { /* check state */ if (SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) != Details.fValue) { /* update control state */ SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)Details.fValue, 0); } } } } else if ((Control[Index].dwControlType & MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_MASK) == MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_FADER) { MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED Details; /* get volume control details */ if (SndMixerGetVolumeControlDetails(Mixer, Control[Index].dwControlID, sizeof(MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED), (LPVOID)&Details) != -1) { /* update dialog control */ DWORD Position; DWORD Step = 0x10000 / 5; /* FIXME: give me granularity */ Position = 5 - (Details.dwValue / Step); /* FIXME support left - right slider */ wID = (PrefContext->Count + 1) * IDC_LINE_SLIDER_VERT; /* get dialog control */ hDlgCtrl = GetDlgItem(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID); if (hDlgCtrl != NULL) { /* check state */ LRESULT OldPosition = SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0); if (OldPosition != Position) { /* update control state */ SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)TRUE, Position + Index); } } } } } /* free controls */ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Control); } /* increment dialog count */ PrefContext->Count++; /* get application rectangle */ GetWindowRect(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, &rect); /* now move the window */ MoveWindow(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, rect.left, rect.top, (PrefContext->Count * DIALOG_VOLUME_SIZE), rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE); } } } return TRUE; } VOID LoadDialogCtrls( PPREFERENCES_CONTEXT PrefContext) { HWND hDlgCtrl; /* set dialog count to zero */ PrefContext->Count = 0; /* enumerate controls */ SndMixerEnumConnections(PrefContext->MixerWindow->Mixer, PrefContext->SelectedLine, EnumConnectionsCallback, (PVOID)PrefContext); /* get last line seperator */ hDlgCtrl = GetDlgItem(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, IDC_LINE_SEP * PrefContext->Count); if (hDlgCtrl != NULL) { /* hide last seperator */ ShowWindow(hDlgCtrl, SW_HIDE); } } VOID UpdateDialogLineSwitchControl( PPREFERENCES_CONTEXT PrefContext, LPMIXERLINE Line, LONG fValue) { DWORD Index; DWORD wID; HWND hDlgCtrl; WCHAR LineName[MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS]; /* find the index of this line */ for(Index = 0; Index < PrefContext->Count; Index++) { /* get id */ wID = (Index + 1) * IDC_LINE_NAME; if (GetDlgItemText(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID, LineName, MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS) == 0) { /* failed to retrieve id */ continue; } /* check if the line name matches */ if (!wcsicmp(LineName, Line->szName)) { /* found matching line name */ wID = (Index + 1) * IDC_LINE_SWITCH; /* get dialog control */ hDlgCtrl = GetDlgItem(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID); if (hDlgCtrl != NULL) { /* check state */ if (SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) != fValue) { /* update control state */ SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)fValue, 0); } } break; } } } VOID UpdateDialogLineSliderControl( PPREFERENCES_CONTEXT PrefContext, LPMIXERLINE Line, DWORD dwControlID, DWORD dwDialogID, DWORD Position) { DWORD Index; DWORD wID; HWND hDlgCtrl; WCHAR LineName[MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS]; /* find the index of this line */ for(Index = 0; Index < PrefContext->Count; Index++) { /* get id */ wID = (Index + 1) * IDC_LINE_NAME; if (GetDlgItemText(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID, LineName, MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS) == 0) { /* failed to retrieve id */ continue; } /* check if the line name matches */ if (!wcsicmp(LineName, Line->szName)) { /* found matching line name */ wID = (Index + 1) * dwDialogID; /* get dialog control */ hDlgCtrl = GetDlgItem(PrefContext->MixerWindow->hWnd, wID); if (hDlgCtrl != NULL) { /* check state */ LRESULT OldPosition = SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0); if (OldPosition != Position) { /* update control state */ SendMessageW(hDlgCtrl, TBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)TRUE, Position + Index); } } break; } } }