/* $Id$ * * EAU shutdown.c 1.4.1 * * Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999 Emanuele Aliberti * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LIB. If * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, * Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1999-05-14 (Emanuele Aliberti) * Released version 1.4.1 under GNU GPL for the ReactOS project. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #include #include #include #include #include "win32err.h" #ifndef SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED #define NTOS_MODE_USER #include #endif struct _EWX { CHAR mode; UINT id; }; static struct _EWX modes[] = { { 'f', EWX_FORCE }, { 'l', EWX_LOGOFF }, { 'p', EWX_POWEROFF }, { 'r', EWX_REBOOT }, { 's', EWX_SHUTDOWN }, { 0, 0 } }; static UINT DecodeArg( CHAR * modestr ) { register int i; if (modestr[0] != '-' && modestr[0] != '/') { return (UINT) -1; } for ( i = 0; modes[i].mode; ++i) { if (modestr[1] == modes[i].mode) { return modes[i].id; } } return (UINT) -1; } static const char * usage = "\ Shutdown ver. 1.4.1 (compiled on %s, at %s)\n\ Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Emanuele Aliberti\n\n\ usage: %s [-f] [-l] [-p] [-r] [-s]\n\ f (FORCE) processes are unconditionally terminated\n\ l (LOGOFF) logs the current user off\n\ p (POWEROFF) turns off the power, if possibile\n\ r (REBOOT) reboots the system\n\ s (SHUTDOWN) shuts down the system to a point at which\n\ it is safe to turn off the power\n\n\ Any other letter will print this help message.\n"; int main( int argc, char * argv [] ) { UINT mode; HANDLE h; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; mode = (argc == 2) ? DecodeArg(argv[1]) : DecodeArg("-?"); if (mode == (UINT) -1) { fprintf( stderr, usage, __DATE__, __TIME__, argv[0] ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * Get the current process token handle * so we can get shutdown privilege. */ if (FALSE == OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), (TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY), & h ) ) { PrintWin32Error( L"while opening the process", GetLastError() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * Get the LUID for shutdown privilege. */ if (FALSE == LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, & tp.Privileges[0].Luid ) ) { PrintWin32Error( L"while looking up privileges", GetLastError() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; /* One privilege to seat */ tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; /* * Get shutdown privilege for this process. */ if (FALSE == AdjustTokenPrivileges( h, FALSE, & tp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, 0 ) ) { PrintWin32Error( L"while adjusting shutdown privilege", GetLastError() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Now really exit! */ if (FALSE == ExitWindowsEx(mode, 0)) { PrintWin32Error( L"ExitWindowsEx", GetLastError() ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */