/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: ntvdm.c * PURPOSE: Virtual DOS Machine * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #define NDEBUG #include "ntvdm.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "clock.h" #include "hardware/ps2.h" #include "hardware/vga.h" #include "bios/bios.h" #include "dos/dem.h" #include "resource.h" /* * Activate this line if you want to run NTVDM in standalone mode with: * ntvdm.exe */ // #define STANDALONE /* VARIABLES ******************************************************************/ static HANDLE ConsoleInput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static HANDLE ConsoleOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static DWORD OrgConsoleInputMode, OrgConsoleOutputMode; static BOOLEAN AcceptCommands = TRUE; static HANDLE CommandThread = NULL; static HMENU hConsoleMenu = NULL; static INT VdmMenuPos = -1; static BOOLEAN ShowPointer = FALSE; HANDLE VdmTaskEvent = NULL; /* * Those menu helpers were taken from the GUI frontend in winsrv.dll */ typedef struct _VDM_MENUITEM { UINT uID; const struct _VDM_MENUITEM *SubMenu; WORD wCmdID; } VDM_MENUITEM, *PVDM_MENUITEM; static const VDM_MENUITEM VdmMenuItems[] = { { IDS_VDM_QUIT, NULL, ID_VDM_QUIT }, { 0, NULL, 0 } /* End of list */ }; static const VDM_MENUITEM VdmMainMenuItems[] = { { -1, NULL, 0 }, /* Separator */ { IDS_HIDE_MOUSE, NULL, ID_SHOWHIDE_MOUSE }, /* Hide mouse; can be renamed to Show mouse */ { IDS_VDM_MENU , VdmMenuItems, 0 }, /* ReactOS VDM Menu */ { 0, NULL, 0 } /* End of list */ }; static VOID AppendMenuItems(HMENU hMenu, const VDM_MENUITEM *Items) { UINT i = 0; WCHAR szMenuString[255]; HMENU hSubMenu; do { if (Items[i].uID != (UINT)-1) { if (LoadStringW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), Items[i].uID, szMenuString, sizeof(szMenuString) / sizeof(szMenuString[0])) > 0) { if (Items[i].SubMenu != NULL) { hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (hSubMenu != NULL) { AppendMenuItems(hSubMenu, Items[i].SubMenu); if (!AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hSubMenu, szMenuString)) { DestroyMenu(hSubMenu); } } } else { AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_STRING, Items[i].wCmdID, szMenuString); } } } else { AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); } i++; } while (!(Items[i].uID == 0 && Items[i].SubMenu == NULL && Items[i].wCmdID == 0)); } static VOID CreateVdmMenu(HANDLE ConOutHandle) { hConsoleMenu = ConsoleMenuControl(ConsoleOutput, ID_SHOWHIDE_MOUSE, ID_VDM_QUIT); if (hConsoleMenu == NULL) return; VdmMenuPos = GetMenuItemCount(hConsoleMenu); AppendMenuItems(hConsoleMenu, VdmMainMenuItems); DrawMenuBar(GetConsoleWindow()); } static VOID DestroyVdmMenu(VOID) { UINT i = 0; const VDM_MENUITEM *Items = VdmMainMenuItems; do { DeleteMenu(hConsoleMenu, VdmMenuPos, MF_BYPOSITION); i++; } while (!(Items[i].uID == 0 && Items[i].SubMenu == NULL && Items[i].wCmdID == 0)); DrawMenuBar(GetConsoleWindow()); } static VOID ShowHideMousePointer(HANDLE ConOutHandle, BOOLEAN ShowPtr) { WCHAR szMenuString[255] = L""; if (ShowPtr) { /* Be sure the cursor will be shown */ while (ShowConsoleCursor(ConOutHandle, TRUE) < 0) ; } else { /* Be sure the cursor will be hidden */ while (ShowConsoleCursor(ConOutHandle, FALSE) >= 0) ; } if (LoadStringW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), (!ShowPtr ? IDS_SHOW_MOUSE : IDS_HIDE_MOUSE), szMenuString, sizeof(szMenuString) / sizeof(szMenuString[0])) > 0) { ModifyMenu(hConsoleMenu, ID_SHOWHIDE_MOUSE, MF_BYCOMMAND, ID_SHOWHIDE_MOUSE, szMenuString); } } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ VOID DisplayMessage(LPCWSTR Format, ...) { WCHAR Buffer[256]; va_list Parameters; va_start(Parameters, Format); _vsnwprintf(Buffer, 256, Format, Parameters); DPRINT1("\n\nNTVDM Subsystem\n%S\n\n", Buffer); MessageBoxW(NULL, Buffer, L"NTVDM Subsystem", MB_OK); va_end(Parameters); } BOOL WINAPI ConsoleCtrlHandler(DWORD ControlType) { switch (ControlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: { /* Call INT 23h */ EmulatorInterrupt(0x23); break; } case CTRL_LAST_CLOSE_EVENT: { if (WaitForSingleObject(VdmTaskEvent, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* Exit immediately */ if (CommandThread) TerminateThread(CommandThread, 0); EmulatorTerminate(); } else { /* Stop accepting new commands */ AcceptCommands = FALSE; } break; } default: { /* Stop the VDM if the user logs out or closes the console */ EmulatorTerminate(); } } return TRUE; } VOID ConsoleInitUI(VOID) { CreateVdmMenu(ConsoleOutput); } VOID ConsoleCleanupUI(VOID) { /* Display again properly the mouse pointer */ if (ShowPointer) ShowHideMousePointer(ConsoleOutput, ShowPointer); DestroyVdmMenu(); } DWORD WINAPI PumpConsoleInput(LPVOID Parameter) { HANDLE ConsoleInput = (HANDLE)Parameter; INPUT_RECORD InputRecord; DWORD Count; while (VdmRunning) { /* Make sure the task event is signaled */ WaitForSingleObject(VdmTaskEvent, INFINITE); /* Wait for an input record */ if (!ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInput, &InputRecord, 1, &Count)) { DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); DPRINT1("Error reading console input (0x%p, %lu) - Error %lu\n", ConsoleInput, Count, LastError); return LastError; } ASSERT(Count != 0); /* Check the event type */ switch (InputRecord.EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: case MOUSE_EVENT: /* Send it to the PS/2 controller */ PS2Dispatch(&InputRecord); break; case MENU_EVENT: { switch (InputRecord.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId) { case ID_SHOWHIDE_MOUSE: ShowHideMousePointer(ConsoleOutput, ShowPointer); ShowPointer = !ShowPointer; break; case ID_VDM_QUIT: /* Stop the VDM */ EmulatorTerminate(); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } } return 0; } BOOL ConsoleInit(VOID) { /* Set the handler routine */ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE); /* Enable the CTRL_LAST_CLOSE_EVENT */ SetLastConsoleEventActive(); /* Get the input handle to the real console, and check for success */ ConsoleInput = CreateFileW(L"CONIN$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (ConsoleInput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Cannot retrieve a handle to the console input\n"); return FALSE; } /* Get the output handle to the real console, and check for success */ ConsoleOutput = CreateFileW(L"CONOUT$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (ConsoleOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(ConsoleInput); wprintf(L"FATAL: Cannot retrieve a handle to the console output\n"); return FALSE; } /* Save the original input and output console modes */ if (!GetConsoleMode(ConsoleInput , &OrgConsoleInputMode ) || !GetConsoleMode(ConsoleOutput, &OrgConsoleOutputMode)) { CloseHandle(ConsoleOutput); CloseHandle(ConsoleInput); wprintf(L"FATAL: Cannot save console in/out modes\n"); return FALSE; } /* Initialize the UI */ ConsoleInitUI(); return TRUE; } VOID ConsoleCleanup(VOID) { /* Restore the original input and output console modes */ SetConsoleMode(ConsoleOutput, OrgConsoleOutputMode); SetConsoleMode(ConsoleInput , OrgConsoleInputMode ); /* Cleanup the UI */ ConsoleCleanupUI(); /* Close the console handles */ if (ConsoleOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(ConsoleOutput); if (ConsoleInput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(ConsoleInput); } DWORD WINAPI CommandThreadProc(LPVOID Parameter) { BOOLEAN First = TRUE; DWORD Result; VDM_COMMAND_INFO CommandInfo; CHAR CmdLine[MAX_PATH]; CHAR AppName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR PifFile[MAX_PATH]; CHAR Desktop[MAX_PATH]; CHAR Title[MAX_PATH]; CHAR Env[MAX_PATH]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Parameter); while (AcceptCommands) { /* Clear the structure */ ZeroMemory(&CommandInfo, sizeof(CommandInfo)); /* Initialize the structure members */ CommandInfo.VDMState = VDM_FLAG_DOS; CommandInfo.CmdLine = CmdLine; CommandInfo.CmdLen = sizeof(CmdLine); CommandInfo.AppName = AppName; CommandInfo.AppLen = sizeof(AppName); CommandInfo.PifFile = PifFile; CommandInfo.PifLen = sizeof(PifFile); CommandInfo.Desktop = Desktop; CommandInfo.DesktopLen = sizeof(Desktop); CommandInfo.Title = Title; CommandInfo.TitleLen = sizeof(Title); CommandInfo.Env = Env; CommandInfo.EnvLen = sizeof(Env); if (First) CommandInfo.VDMState |= VDM_FLAG_FIRST_TASK; /* Wait for the next available VDM */ if (!GetNextVDMCommand(&CommandInfo)) break; /* Start the process from the command line */ DPRINT1("Starting '%s'...\n", AppName); Result = DosLoadExecutable(DOS_LOAD_AND_EXECUTE, AppName, CmdLine, Env, NULL, NULL); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DisplayMessage(L"Could not start '%S'. Error: %u", AppName, Result); break; } /* Attach to the console */ if (!First) VgaAttachToConsole(); /* Perform a screen refresh */ VgaRefreshDisplay(); /* Start simulation */ SetEvent(VdmTaskEvent); EmulatorSimulate(); /* Perform another screen refresh */ VgaRefreshDisplay(); /* Detach from the console */ VgaDetachFromConsole(FALSE); First = FALSE; } return 0; } INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { #ifdef STANDALONE DWORD Result; CHAR ApplicationName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR CommandLine[DOS_CMDLINE_LENGTH]; if (argc >= 2) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, argv[1], -1, ApplicationName, sizeof(ApplicationName), NULL, NULL); if (argc >= 3) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, argv[2], -1, CommandLine, sizeof(CommandLine), NULL, NULL); else strcpy(CommandLine, ""); } else { wprintf(L"\nReactOS Virtual DOS Machine\n\n" L"Usage: NTVDM []\n"); return 0; } #endif DPRINT1("\n\n\nNTVDM - Starting...\n\n\n"); /* Create the task event */ VdmTaskEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(VdmTaskEvent != NULL); /* Initialize the console */ if (!ConsoleInit()) { wprintf(L"FATAL: A problem occurred when trying to initialize the console\n"); goto Cleanup; } /* Initialize the emulator */ if (!EmulatorInitialize(ConsoleInput, ConsoleOutput)) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the emulator\n"); goto Cleanup; } /* Initialize the system BIOS */ if (!BiosInitialize(NULL)) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the VDM BIOS.\n"); goto Cleanup; } /* Initialize the VDM DOS kernel */ if (!DosInitialize(NULL)) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the VDM DOS kernel.\n"); goto Cleanup; } #ifndef STANDALONE /* Create the GetNextVDMCommand thread */ CommandThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &CommandThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL); if (CommandThread == NULL) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to create the command processing thread: %d\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } /* Wait for the command thread to exit */ WaitForSingleObject(CommandThread, INFINITE); /* Close the thread handle */ CloseHandle(CommandThread); #else /* Start the process from the command line */ DPRINT1("Starting '%s'...\n", ApplicationName); Result = DosLoadExecutable(DOS_LOAD_AND_EXECUTE, ApplicationName, CommandLine, GetEnvironmentStrings(), NULL, NULL); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DisplayMessage(L"Could not start '%S'. Error: %u", ApplicationName, Result); goto Cleanup; } /* Start simulation */ SetEvent(VdmTaskEvent); EmulatorSimulate(); /* Perform another screen refresh */ VgaRefreshDisplay(); #endif Cleanup: BiosCleanup(); EmulatorCleanup(); ConsoleCleanup(); #ifndef STANDALONE ExitVDM(FALSE, 0); #endif /* Quit the VDM */ DPRINT1("\n\n\nNTVDM - Exiting...\n\n\n"); return 0; } /* EOF */