#pragma once /* Some definitions for theme */ #define SIZE_BORDER_WIDTH 0 #define SIZE_SCROLL_WIDTH 1 #define SIZE_SCROLL_HEIGHT 2 #define SIZE_CAPTION_WIDTH 3 #define SIZE_CAPTION_HEIGHT 4 #define SIZE_SM_CAPTION_WIDTH 5 #define SIZE_SM_CAPTION_HEIGHT 6 #define SIZE_MENU_WIDTH 7 #define SIZE_MENU_HEIGHT 8 #define SIZE_ICON_SPACE_X 9 #define SIZE_ICON_SPACE_Y 10 #define SIZE_ICON 11 #define FONT_CAPTION 0 #define FONT_SMCAPTION 1 #define FONT_MENU 2 #define FONT_STATUS 3 #define FONT_MESSAGE 4 #define FONT_ICON 5 #define NUM_ELEMENTS 22 #define NUM_FONTS 6 #define NUM_SIZES 9 #define NUM_COLORS 31 #define MAX_TEMPLATES 50 #define MAX_TEMPLATENAMELENTGH 80 /* Some typedefs for theme */ /* Most (but not all) fields below correspond to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask */ typedef struct { BOOL bActiveWindowTracking; BOOL bMenuAnimation; BOOL bComboBoxAnimation; BOOL bListBoxSmoothScrolling; BOOL bGradientCaptions; BOOL bKeyboardCues; BOOL bActiveWndTrkZorder; BOOL bHotTracking; BOOL bMenuFade; BOOL bSelectionFade; BOOL bTooltipAnimation; BOOL bTooltipFade; BOOL bCursorShadow; BOOL bUiEffects; BOOL bFontSmoothing; BOOL bDragFullWindows; UINT uiFontSmoothingType; } EFFECTS; typedef struct { NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncMetrics; ICONMETRICSW icMetrics; COLORREF crColor[NUM_COLORS]; INT iIconSize; BOOL bFlatMenus; EFFECTS Effects; } COLOR_SCHEME, *PCOLOR_SCHEME; /* * The classic theme has several different 'colours' and every colour has * several sizes. On visual styles however a theme has different colours * and different sizes. In other words the user can select a combination * of colour and size. * That means that for the classic theme THEME.SizesList is unused and * every color has some child styles that corespond its sizes. * The themes for visual styles however will use both ColoursList and SizesList * and ChildStyle will not be used. */ /* struct for holding theme colors and sizes */ typedef struct _THEME_STYLE { struct _THEME_STYLE *NextStyle; struct _THEME_STYLE *ChildStyle; PWSTR StyleName; PWSTR DisplayName; } THEME_STYLE, *PTHEME_STYLE; typedef struct _THEME { struct _THEME *NextTheme; PWSTR ThemeFileName; PWSTR DisplayName; THEME_STYLE *ColoursList; THEME_STYLE *SizesList; } THEME, *PTHEME; typedef struct _THEME_SELECTION { BOOL ThemeActive; PTHEME Theme; PTHEME_STYLE Color; PTHEME_STYLE Size; } THEME_SELECTION, *PTHEME_SELECTION; /* * This is the global structure used to store the current values. * A pointer of this get's passed to the functions either directly * or by passing hwnd and getting the pointer by GetWindowLongPtr. */ typedef struct tagGLOBALS { PTHEME pThemes; /* * Keep a copy of the selected classic theme in order to select this * when user selects the classic theme (and not a horrible random theme ) */ THEME_SELECTION ClassicTheme; THEME_SELECTION ActiveTheme; COLOR_SCHEME Scheme; COLOR_SCHEME SchemeAdv; BOOL bThemeChanged; BOOL bSchemeChanged; HBITMAP hbmpColor[3]; INT CurrentElement; HFONT hBoldFont; HFONT hItalicFont; BOOL bInitializing; HBITMAP hbmpThemePreview; HDC hdcThemePreview; } GLOBALS; /* prototypes for theme.c */ VOID SchemeSetMetric(COLOR_SCHEME *scheme, int id, int value); int SchemeGetMetric(COLOR_SCHEME *scheme, int id); PLOGFONTW SchemeGetFont(COLOR_SCHEME *scheme, int id); PTHEME LoadThemes(VOID); BOOL GetActiveTheme(PTHEME pThemeList, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); BOOL GetActiveClassicTheme(PTHEME pThemeList, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); BOOL LoadCurrentScheme(PCOLOR_SCHEME scheme); BOOL LoadSchemeFromReg(PCOLOR_SCHEME scheme, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); BOOL LoadSchemeFromTheme(PCOLOR_SCHEME scheme, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); VOID ApplyScheme(PCOLOR_SCHEME scheme, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); BOOL ActivateTheme(PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme); void CleanupThemes(IN PTHEME pThemeList); BOOL DrawThemePreview(HDC hdcMem, PCOLOR_SCHEME scheme, PTHEME_SELECTION pSelectedTheme, PRECT prcWindow); /* prototypes for appearance.c */ INT_PTR CALLBACK AppearancePageProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* prototypes for advappdlg.c */ INT_PTR CALLBACK AdvAppearanceDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* prototypes for effappdlg.c */ INT_PTR CALLBACK EffAppearanceDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);