/* * FILE: drivers/filesystems/fastfat/fcb.c * PURPOSE: Routines to manipulate FCBs. * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PROGRAMMER: Jason Filby (jasonfilby@yahoo.com) * Rex Jolliff (rex@lvcablemodem.com) * Herve Poussineau (reactos@poussine.freesurf.fr) * Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* ------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDES */ #include "vfat.h" #define NDEBUG #include #ifdef __GNUC__ #include /* towlower prototype */ #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------- DEFINES */ #ifdef KDBG extern UNICODE_STRING DebugFile; #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------- PUBLICS */ static ULONG vfatNameHash( ULONG hash, PUNICODE_STRING NameU) { PWCHAR last; PWCHAR curr; register WCHAR c; // LFN could start from "." //ASSERT(NameU->Buffer[0] != L'.'); curr = NameU->Buffer; last = NameU->Buffer + NameU->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); while(curr < last) { c = towlower(*curr++); hash = (hash + (c << 4) + (c >> 4)) * 11; } return hash; } VOID vfatSplitPathName( PUNICODE_STRING PathNameU, PUNICODE_STRING DirNameU, PUNICODE_STRING FileNameU) { PWCHAR pName; USHORT Length = 0; pName = PathNameU->Buffer + PathNameU->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; while (*pName != L'\\' && pName >= PathNameU->Buffer) { pName--; Length++; } ASSERT(*pName == L'\\' || pName < PathNameU->Buffer); if (FileNameU) { FileNameU->Buffer = pName + 1; FileNameU->Length = FileNameU->MaximumLength = Length * sizeof(WCHAR); } if (DirNameU) { DirNameU->Buffer = PathNameU->Buffer; DirNameU->Length = (pName + 1 - PathNameU->Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); DirNameU->MaximumLength = DirNameU->Length; } } static VOID vfatInitFcb( PVFATFCB Fcb, PUNICODE_STRING NameU) { USHORT PathNameBufferLength; if (NameU) PathNameBufferLength = NameU->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); else PathNameBufferLength = 0; Fcb->PathNameBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, PathNameBufferLength, TAG_FCB); if (!Fcb->PathNameBuffer) { /* FIXME: what to do if no more memory? */ DPRINT1("Unable to initialize FCB for filename '%wZ'\n", NameU); KeBugCheckEx(FAT_FILE_SYSTEM, (ULONG_PTR)Fcb, (ULONG_PTR)NameU, 0, 0); } Fcb->RFCB.NodeTypeCode = NODE_TYPE_FCB; Fcb->RFCB.NodeByteSize = sizeof(VFATFCB); Fcb->PathNameU.Length = 0; Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer = Fcb->PathNameBuffer; Fcb->PathNameU.MaximumLength = PathNameBufferLength; Fcb->ShortNameU.Length = 0; Fcb->ShortNameU.Buffer = Fcb->ShortNameBuffer; Fcb->ShortNameU.MaximumLength = sizeof(Fcb->ShortNameBuffer); Fcb->DirNameU.Buffer = Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer; if (NameU && NameU->Length) { RtlCopyUnicodeString(&Fcb->PathNameU, NameU); vfatSplitPathName(&Fcb->PathNameU, &Fcb->DirNameU, &Fcb->LongNameU); } else { Fcb->DirNameU.Buffer = Fcb->LongNameU.Buffer = NULL; Fcb->DirNameU.MaximumLength = Fcb->DirNameU.Length = 0; Fcb->LongNameU.MaximumLength = Fcb->LongNameU.Length = 0; } RtlZeroMemory(&Fcb->FCBShareAccess, sizeof(SHARE_ACCESS)); Fcb->OpenHandleCount = 0; } PVFATFCB vfatNewFCB( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PUNICODE_STRING pFileNameU) { PVFATFCB rcFCB; DPRINT("'%wZ'\n", pFileNameU); rcFCB = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&VfatGlobalData->FcbLookasideList); if (rcFCB == NULL) { return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(rcFCB, sizeof(VFATFCB)); vfatInitFcb(rcFCB, pFileNameU); if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(pVCB)) rcFCB->Attributes = &rcFCB->entry.FatX.Attrib; else rcFCB->Attributes = &rcFCB->entry.Fat.Attrib; rcFCB->Hash.Hash = vfatNameHash(0, &rcFCB->PathNameU); rcFCB->Hash.self = rcFCB; rcFCB->ShortHash.self = rcFCB; ExInitializeResourceLite(&rcFCB->PagingIoResource); ExInitializeResourceLite(&rcFCB->MainResource); FsRtlInitializeFileLock(&rcFCB->FileLock, NULL, NULL); ExInitializeFastMutex(&rcFCB->LastMutex); rcFCB->RFCB.PagingIoResource = &rcFCB->PagingIoResource; rcFCB->RFCB.Resource = &rcFCB->MainResource; rcFCB->RFCB.IsFastIoPossible = FastIoIsNotPossible; InitializeListHead(&rcFCB->ParentListHead); return rcFCB; } static VOID vfatDelFCBFromTable( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB pFCB) { ULONG Index; ULONG ShortIndex; HASHENTRY* entry; Index = pFCB->Hash.Hash % pVCB->HashTableSize; ShortIndex = pFCB->ShortHash.Hash % pVCB->HashTableSize; if (pFCB->Hash.Hash != pFCB->ShortHash.Hash) { entry = pVCB->FcbHashTable[ShortIndex]; if (entry->self == pFCB) { pVCB->FcbHashTable[ShortIndex] = entry->next; } else { while (entry->next->self != pFCB) { entry = entry->next; } entry->next = pFCB->ShortHash.next; } } entry = pVCB->FcbHashTable[Index]; if (entry->self == pFCB) { pVCB->FcbHashTable[Index] = entry->next; } else { while (entry->next->self != pFCB) { entry = entry->next; } entry->next = pFCB->Hash.next; } RemoveEntryList(&pFCB->FcbListEntry); } static NTSTATUS vfatMakeFullName( PVFATFCB directoryFCB, PUNICODE_STRING LongNameU, PUNICODE_STRING ShortNameU, PUNICODE_STRING NameU) { PWCHAR PathNameBuffer; USHORT PathNameLength; PathNameLength = directoryFCB->PathNameU.Length + max(LongNameU->Length, ShortNameU->Length); if (!vfatFCBIsRoot(directoryFCB)) { PathNameLength += sizeof(WCHAR); } if (PathNameLength > LONGNAME_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; } PathNameBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, PathNameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), TAG_FCB); if (!PathNameBuffer) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } NameU->Buffer = PathNameBuffer; NameU->Length = 0; NameU->MaximumLength = PathNameLength; RtlCopyUnicodeString(NameU, &directoryFCB->PathNameU); if (!vfatFCBIsRoot(directoryFCB)) { RtlAppendUnicodeToString(NameU, L"\\"); } if (LongNameU->Length > 0) { RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(NameU, LongNameU); } else { RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(NameU, ShortNameU); } NameU->Buffer[NameU->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID vfatDestroyCCB( PVFATCCB pCcb) { if (pCcb->SearchPattern.Buffer) { ExFreePoolWithTag(pCcb->SearchPattern.Buffer, TAG_SEARCH); } ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&VfatGlobalData->CcbLookasideList, pCcb); } VOID vfatDestroyFCB( PVFATFCB pFCB) { #ifdef KDBG if (DebugFile.Buffer != NULL && FsRtlIsNameInExpression(&DebugFile, &pFCB->LongNameU, FALSE, NULL)) { DPRINT1("Destroying: %p (%wZ) %d\n", pFCB, &pFCB->PathNameU, pFCB->RefCount); } #endif FsRtlUninitializeFileLock(&pFCB->FileLock); if (!vfatFCBIsRoot(pFCB) && !BooleanFlagOn(pFCB->Flags, FCB_IS_FAT) && !BooleanFlagOn(pFCB->Flags, FCB_IS_VOLUME)) { RemoveEntryList(&pFCB->ParentListEntry); } ExFreePool(pFCB->PathNameBuffer); ExDeleteResourceLite(&pFCB->PagingIoResource); ExDeleteResourceLite(&pFCB->MainResource); ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&pFCB->ParentListHead)); ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&VfatGlobalData->FcbLookasideList, pFCB); } BOOLEAN vfatFCBIsRoot( PVFATFCB FCB) { return FCB->PathNameU.Length == sizeof(WCHAR) && FCB->PathNameU.Buffer[0] == L'\\' ? TRUE : FALSE; } VOID #ifndef KDBG vfatGrabFCB( #else _vfatGrabFCB( #endif PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB pFCB #ifdef KDBG , PCSTR File, ULONG Line, PCSTR Func #endif ) { #ifdef KDBG if (DebugFile.Buffer != NULL && FsRtlIsNameInExpression(&DebugFile, &pFCB->LongNameU, FALSE, NULL)) { DPRINT1("Inc ref count (%d, oc: %d) for: %p (%wZ) at: %s(%d) %s\n", pFCB->RefCount, pFCB->OpenHandleCount, pFCB, &pFCB->PathNameU, File, Line, Func); } #endif ASSERT(ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusive(&pVCB->DirResource)); ASSERT(pFCB != pVCB->VolumeFcb); ASSERT(pFCB->RefCount > 0); ++pFCB->RefCount; } VOID #ifndef KDBG vfatReleaseFCB( #else _vfatReleaseFCB( #endif PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB pFCB #ifdef KDBG , PCSTR File, ULONG Line, PCSTR Func #endif ) { PVFATFCB tmpFcb; #ifdef KDBG if (DebugFile.Buffer != NULL && FsRtlIsNameInExpression(&DebugFile, &pFCB->LongNameU, FALSE, NULL)) { DPRINT1("Dec ref count (%d, oc: %d) for: %p (%wZ) at: %s(%d) %s\n", pFCB->RefCount, pFCB->OpenHandleCount, pFCB, &pFCB->PathNameU, File, Line, Func); } #else DPRINT("releasing FCB at %p: %wZ, refCount:%d\n", pFCB, &pFCB->PathNameU, pFCB->RefCount); #endif ASSERT(ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusive(&pVCB->DirResource)); while (pFCB) { ULONG RefCount; ASSERT(pFCB != pVCB->VolumeFcb); ASSERT(pFCB->RefCount > 0); RefCount = --pFCB->RefCount; if (RefCount == 1 && BooleanFlagOn(pFCB->Flags, FCB_CACHE_INITIALIZED)) { PFILE_OBJECT tmpFileObject; tmpFileObject = pFCB->FileObject; pFCB->FileObject = NULL; CcUninitializeCacheMap(tmpFileObject, NULL, NULL); ClearFlag(pFCB->Flags, FCB_CACHE_INITIALIZED); ObDereferenceObject(tmpFileObject); } if (RefCount == 0) { ASSERT(pFCB->OpenHandleCount == 0); tmpFcb = pFCB->parentFcb; vfatDelFCBFromTable(pVCB, pFCB); vfatDestroyFCB(pFCB); } else { tmpFcb = NULL; } pFCB = tmpFcb; } } static VOID vfatAddFCBToTable( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB pFCB) { ULONG Index; ULONG ShortIndex; ASSERT(pFCB->Hash.Hash == vfatNameHash(0, &pFCB->PathNameU)); Index = pFCB->Hash.Hash % pVCB->HashTableSize; ShortIndex = pFCB->ShortHash.Hash % pVCB->HashTableSize; InsertTailList(&pVCB->FcbListHead, &pFCB->FcbListEntry); pFCB->Hash.next = pVCB->FcbHashTable[Index]; pVCB->FcbHashTable[Index] = &pFCB->Hash; if (pFCB->Hash.Hash != pFCB->ShortHash.Hash) { pFCB->ShortHash.next = pVCB->FcbHashTable[ShortIndex]; pVCB->FcbHashTable[ShortIndex] = &pFCB->ShortHash; } if (pFCB->parentFcb) { vfatGrabFCB(pVCB, pFCB->parentFcb); } } static VOID vfatInitFCBFromDirEntry( PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PVFATFCB Fcb, PVFAT_DIRENTRY_CONTEXT DirContext) { ULONG Size; RtlCopyMemory(&Fcb->entry, &DirContext->DirEntry, sizeof (DIR_ENTRY)); RtlCopyUnicodeString(&Fcb->ShortNameU, &DirContext->ShortNameU); Fcb->Hash.Hash = vfatNameHash(0, &Fcb->PathNameU); if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(Vcb)) { Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = Fcb->Hash.Hash; } else { Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = vfatNameHash(0, &Fcb->DirNameU); Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = vfatNameHash(Fcb->ShortHash.Hash, &Fcb->ShortNameU); } if (vfatFCBIsDirectory(Fcb)) { ULONG FirstCluster, CurrentCluster; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Size = 0; FirstCluster = vfatDirEntryGetFirstCluster(Vcb, &Fcb->entry); if (FirstCluster == 1) { Size = Vcb->FatInfo.rootDirectorySectors * Vcb->FatInfo.BytesPerSector; } else if (FirstCluster != 0) { CurrentCluster = FirstCluster; while (CurrentCluster != 0xffffffff && NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Size += Vcb->FatInfo.BytesPerCluster; Status = NextCluster(Vcb, FirstCluster, &CurrentCluster, FALSE); } } } else if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(Vcb)) { Size = Fcb->entry.FatX.FileSize; } else { Size = Fcb->entry.Fat.FileSize; } Fcb->dirIndex = DirContext->DirIndex; Fcb->startIndex = DirContext->StartIndex; if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(Vcb) && !vfatFCBIsRoot(Fcb)) { ASSERT(DirContext->DirIndex >= 2 && DirContext->StartIndex >= 2); Fcb->dirIndex = DirContext->DirIndex-2; Fcb->startIndex = DirContext->StartIndex-2; } Fcb->RFCB.FileSize.QuadPart = Size; Fcb->RFCB.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = Size; Fcb->RFCB.AllocationSize.QuadPart = ROUND_UP_64(Size, Vcb->FatInfo.BytesPerCluster); } NTSTATUS vfatSetFCBNewDirName( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB Fcb, PVFATFCB ParentFcb) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING NewNameU; /* Get full path name */ Status = vfatMakeFullName(ParentFcb, &Fcb->LongNameU, &Fcb->ShortNameU, &NewNameU); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Delete old name */ if (Fcb->PathNameBuffer) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Fcb->PathNameBuffer, TAG_FCB); } Fcb->PathNameU = NewNameU; /* Delete from table */ vfatDelFCBFromTable(pVCB, Fcb); /* Split it properly */ Fcb->PathNameBuffer = Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer; Fcb->DirNameU.Buffer = Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer; vfatSplitPathName(&Fcb->PathNameU, &Fcb->DirNameU, &Fcb->LongNameU); Fcb->Hash.Hash = vfatNameHash(0, &Fcb->PathNameU); if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(pVCB)) { Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = Fcb->Hash.Hash; } else { Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = vfatNameHash(0, &Fcb->DirNameU); Fcb->ShortHash.Hash = vfatNameHash(Fcb->ShortHash.Hash, &Fcb->ShortNameU); } vfatAddFCBToTable(pVCB, Fcb); vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, ParentFcb); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS vfatUpdateFCB( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB Fcb, PVFAT_DIRENTRY_CONTEXT DirContext, PVFATFCB ParentFcb) { NTSTATUS Status; PVFATFCB OldParent; DPRINT("vfatUpdateFCB(%p, %p, %p, %p)\n", pVCB, Fcb, DirContext, ParentFcb); /* Get full path name */ Status = vfatMakeFullName(ParentFcb, &DirContext->LongNameU, &DirContext->ShortNameU, &Fcb->PathNameU); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Delete old name */ if (Fcb->PathNameBuffer) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Fcb->PathNameBuffer, TAG_FCB); } /* Delete from table */ vfatDelFCBFromTable(pVCB, Fcb); /* Split it properly */ Fcb->PathNameBuffer = Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer; Fcb->DirNameU.Buffer = Fcb->PathNameU.Buffer; vfatSplitPathName(&Fcb->PathNameU, &Fcb->DirNameU, &Fcb->LongNameU); /* Save old parent */ OldParent = Fcb->parentFcb; RemoveEntryList(&Fcb->ParentListEntry); /* Reinit FCB */ vfatInitFCBFromDirEntry(pVCB, Fcb, DirContext); if (vfatFCBIsDirectory(Fcb)) { CcFlushCache(&Fcb->SectionObjectPointers, NULL, 0, NULL); } Fcb->parentFcb = ParentFcb; InsertTailList(&ParentFcb->ParentListHead, &Fcb->ParentListEntry); vfatAddFCBToTable(pVCB, Fcb); /* If we moved across directories, dereference our old parent * We also dereference in case we're just renaming since AddFCBToTable references it */ vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, OldParent); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } PVFATFCB vfatGrabFCBFromTable( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PUNICODE_STRING PathNameU) { PVFATFCB rcFCB; ULONG Hash; UNICODE_STRING DirNameU; UNICODE_STRING FileNameU; PUNICODE_STRING FcbNameU; HASHENTRY* entry; DPRINT("'%wZ'\n", PathNameU); ASSERT(PathNameU->Length >= sizeof(WCHAR) && PathNameU->Buffer[0] == L'\\'); Hash = vfatNameHash(0, PathNameU); entry = pVCB->FcbHashTable[Hash % pVCB->HashTableSize]; if (entry) { vfatSplitPathName(PathNameU, &DirNameU, &FileNameU); } while (entry) { if (entry->Hash == Hash) { rcFCB = entry->self; DPRINT("'%wZ' '%wZ'\n", &DirNameU, &rcFCB->DirNameU); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&DirNameU, &rcFCB->DirNameU, TRUE)) { if (rcFCB->Hash.Hash == Hash) { FcbNameU = &rcFCB->LongNameU; } else { FcbNameU = &rcFCB->ShortNameU; } /* compare the file name */ DPRINT("'%wZ' '%wZ'\n", &FileNameU, FcbNameU); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&FileNameU, FcbNameU, TRUE)) { vfatGrabFCB(pVCB, rcFCB); return rcFCB; } } } entry = entry->next; } return NULL; } PVFATFCB vfatMakeRootFCB( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB) { PVFATFCB FCB; ULONG FirstCluster, CurrentCluster, Size = 0; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING NameU = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\"); FCB = vfatNewFCB(pVCB, &NameU); if (vfatVolumeIsFatX(pVCB)) { memset(FCB->entry.FatX.Filename, ' ', 42); FCB->entry.FatX.FileSize = pVCB->FatInfo.rootDirectorySectors * pVCB->FatInfo.BytesPerSector; FCB->entry.FatX.Attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; FCB->entry.FatX.FirstCluster = 1; Size = pVCB->FatInfo.rootDirectorySectors * pVCB->FatInfo.BytesPerSector; } else { memset(FCB->entry.Fat.ShortName, ' ', 11); FCB->entry.Fat.FileSize = pVCB->FatInfo.rootDirectorySectors * pVCB->FatInfo.BytesPerSector; FCB->entry.Fat.Attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (pVCB->FatInfo.FatType == FAT32) { CurrentCluster = FirstCluster = pVCB->FatInfo.RootCluster; FCB->entry.Fat.FirstCluster = (unsigned short)(FirstCluster & 0xffff); FCB->entry.Fat.FirstClusterHigh = (unsigned short)(FirstCluster >> 16); while (CurrentCluster != 0xffffffff && NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Size += pVCB->FatInfo.BytesPerCluster; Status = NextCluster (pVCB, FirstCluster, &CurrentCluster, FALSE); } } else { FCB->entry.Fat.FirstCluster = 1; Size = pVCB->FatInfo.rootDirectorySectors * pVCB->FatInfo.BytesPerSector; } } FCB->ShortHash.Hash = FCB->Hash.Hash; FCB->RefCount = 2; FCB->dirIndex = 0; FCB->RFCB.FileSize.QuadPart = Size; FCB->RFCB.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = Size; FCB->RFCB.AllocationSize.QuadPart = Size; FCB->RFCB.IsFastIoPossible = FastIoIsNotPossible; vfatFCBInitializeCacheFromVolume(pVCB, FCB); vfatAddFCBToTable(pVCB, FCB); return FCB; } PVFATFCB vfatOpenRootFCB( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB) { PVFATFCB FCB; UNICODE_STRING NameU = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\"); FCB = vfatGrabFCBFromTable(pVCB, &NameU); if (FCB == NULL) { FCB = vfatMakeRootFCB(pVCB); } return FCB; } NTSTATUS vfatMakeFCBFromDirEntry( PVCB vcb, PVFATFCB directoryFCB, PVFAT_DIRENTRY_CONTEXT DirContext, PVFATFCB *fileFCB) { PVFATFCB rcFCB; UNICODE_STRING NameU; NTSTATUS Status; Status = vfatMakeFullName(directoryFCB, &DirContext->LongNameU, &DirContext->ShortNameU, &NameU); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } rcFCB = vfatNewFCB(vcb, &NameU); vfatInitFCBFromDirEntry(vcb, rcFCB, DirContext); rcFCB->RefCount = 1; rcFCB->parentFcb = directoryFCB; InsertTailList(&directoryFCB->ParentListHead, &rcFCB->ParentListEntry); vfatAddFCBToTable(vcb, rcFCB); *fileFCB = rcFCB; ExFreePoolWithTag(NameU.Buffer, TAG_FCB); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS vfatAttachFCBToFileObject( PDEVICE_EXTENSION vcb, PVFATFCB fcb, PFILE_OBJECT fileObject) { PVFATCCB newCCB; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(vcb); #ifdef KDBG if (DebugFile.Buffer != NULL && FsRtlIsNameInExpression(&DebugFile, &fcb->LongNameU, FALSE, NULL)) { DPRINT1("Attaching %p to %p (%d)\n", fcb, fileObject, fcb->RefCount); } #endif newCCB = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&VfatGlobalData->CcbLookasideList); if (newCCB == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(newCCB, sizeof (VFATCCB)); fileObject->SectionObjectPointer = &fcb->SectionObjectPointers; fileObject->FsContext = fcb; fileObject->FsContext2 = newCCB; fileObject->Vpb = vcb->IoVPB; DPRINT("file open: fcb:%p PathName:%wZ\n", fcb, &fcb->PathNameU); #ifdef KDBG fcb->Flags &= ~FCB_CLEANED_UP; fcb->Flags &= ~FCB_CLOSED; #endif return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS vfatDirFindFile( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pDeviceExt, PVFATFCB pDirectoryFCB, PUNICODE_STRING FileToFindU, PVFATFCB *pFoundFCB) { NTSTATUS status; PVOID Context = NULL; PVOID Page = NULL; BOOLEAN First = TRUE; VFAT_DIRENTRY_CONTEXT DirContext; /* This buffer must have a size of 260 characters, because vfatMakeFCBFromDirEntry can copy 20 name entries with 13 characters. */ WCHAR LongNameBuffer[260]; WCHAR ShortNameBuffer[13]; BOOLEAN FoundLong = FALSE; BOOLEAN FoundShort = FALSE; BOOLEAN IsFatX = vfatVolumeIsFatX(pDeviceExt); ASSERT(pDeviceExt); ASSERT(pDirectoryFCB); ASSERT(FileToFindU); DPRINT("vfatDirFindFile(VCB:%p, dirFCB:%p, File:%wZ)\n", pDeviceExt, pDirectoryFCB, FileToFindU); DPRINT("Dir Path:%wZ\n", &pDirectoryFCB->PathNameU); DirContext.DirIndex = 0; DirContext.LongNameU.Buffer = LongNameBuffer; DirContext.LongNameU.Length = 0; DirContext.LongNameU.MaximumLength = sizeof(LongNameBuffer); DirContext.ShortNameU.Buffer = ShortNameBuffer; DirContext.ShortNameU.Length = 0; DirContext.ShortNameU.MaximumLength = sizeof(ShortNameBuffer); DirContext.DeviceExt = pDeviceExt; while (TRUE) { status = VfatGetNextDirEntry(pDeviceExt, &Context, &Page, pDirectoryFCB, &DirContext, First); First = FALSE; if (status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } DPRINT(" Index:%u longName:%wZ\n", DirContext.DirIndex, &DirContext.LongNameU); if (!ENTRY_VOLUME(IsFatX, &DirContext.DirEntry)) { if (DirContext.LongNameU.Length == 0 || DirContext.ShortNameU.Length == 0) { DPRINT1("WARNING: File system corruption detected. You may need to run a disk repair utility.\n"); if (VfatGlobalData->Flags & VFAT_BREAK_ON_CORRUPTION) { ASSERT(DirContext.LongNameU.Length != 0 && DirContext.ShortNameU.Length != 0); } DirContext.DirIndex++; continue; } FoundLong = RtlEqualUnicodeString(FileToFindU, &DirContext.LongNameU, TRUE); if (FoundLong == FALSE) { FoundShort = RtlEqualUnicodeString(FileToFindU, &DirContext.ShortNameU, TRUE); } if (FoundLong || FoundShort) { status = vfatMakeFCBFromDirEntry(pDeviceExt, pDirectoryFCB, &DirContext, pFoundFCB); CcUnpinData(Context); return status; } } DirContext.DirIndex++; } return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } NTSTATUS vfatGetFCBForFile( PDEVICE_EXTENSION pVCB, PVFATFCB *pParentFCB, PVFATFCB *pFCB, PUNICODE_STRING pFileNameU) { NTSTATUS status; PVFATFCB FCB = NULL; PVFATFCB parentFCB; UNICODE_STRING NameU; UNICODE_STRING RootNameU = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\"); UNICODE_STRING FileNameU; WCHAR NameBuffer[260]; PWCHAR curr, prev, last; ULONG Length; DPRINT("vfatGetFCBForFile (%p,%p,%p,%wZ)\n", pVCB, pParentFCB, pFCB, pFileNameU); RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&FileNameU, NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer)); parentFCB = *pParentFCB; if (parentFCB == NULL) { /* Passed-in name is the full name */ RtlCopyUnicodeString(&FileNameU, pFileNameU); // Trivial case, open of the root directory on volume if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&FileNameU, &RootNameU, FALSE)) { DPRINT("returning root FCB\n"); FCB = vfatOpenRootFCB(pVCB); *pFCB = FCB; *pParentFCB = NULL; return (FCB != NULL) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } /* Check for an existing FCB */ FCB = vfatGrabFCBFromTable(pVCB, &FileNameU); if (FCB) { *pFCB = FCB; *pParentFCB = FCB->parentFcb; vfatGrabFCB(pVCB, *pParentFCB); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } last = curr = FileNameU.Buffer + FileNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; while (*curr != L'\\' && curr > FileNameU.Buffer) { curr--; } if (curr > FileNameU.Buffer) { NameU.Buffer = FileNameU.Buffer; NameU.MaximumLength = NameU.Length = (curr - FileNameU.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); FCB = vfatGrabFCBFromTable(pVCB, &NameU); if (FCB) { Length = (curr - FileNameU.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (Length != FCB->PathNameU.Length) { if (FileNameU.Length + FCB->PathNameU.Length - Length > FileNameU.MaximumLength) { vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, FCB); return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; } RtlMoveMemory(FileNameU.Buffer + FCB->PathNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), curr, FileNameU.Length - Length); FileNameU.Length += (USHORT)(FCB->PathNameU.Length - Length); curr = FileNameU.Buffer + FCB->PathNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); last = FileNameU.Buffer + FileNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; } RtlCopyMemory(FileNameU.Buffer, FCB->PathNameU.Buffer, FCB->PathNameU.Length); } } else { FCB = NULL; } if (FCB == NULL) { FCB = vfatOpenRootFCB(pVCB); curr = FileNameU.Buffer; } parentFCB = NULL; prev = curr; } else { /* Make absolute path */ RtlCopyUnicodeString(&FileNameU, &parentFCB->PathNameU); curr = FileNameU.Buffer + FileNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; if (*curr != L'\\') { RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&FileNameU, L"\\"); curr++; } ASSERT(*curr == L'\\'); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&FileNameU, pFileNameU); FCB = parentFCB; parentFCB = NULL; prev = curr; last = FileNameU.Buffer + FileNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; } while (curr <= last) { if (parentFCB) { vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, parentFCB); parentFCB = NULL; } // fail if element in FCB is not a directory if (!vfatFCBIsDirectory(FCB)) { DPRINT ("Element in requested path is not a directory\n"); vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, FCB); FCB = NULL; *pParentFCB = NULL; *pFCB = NULL; return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } parentFCB = FCB; if (prev < curr) { Length = (curr - prev) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (Length != parentFCB->LongNameU.Length) { if (FileNameU.Length + parentFCB->LongNameU.Length - Length > FileNameU.MaximumLength) { vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, parentFCB); *pParentFCB = NULL; *pFCB = NULL; return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; } RtlMoveMemory(prev + parentFCB->LongNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), curr, FileNameU.Length - (curr - FileNameU.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR)); FileNameU.Length += (USHORT)(parentFCB->LongNameU.Length - Length); curr = prev + parentFCB->LongNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); last = FileNameU.Buffer + FileNameU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; } RtlCopyMemory(prev, parentFCB->LongNameU.Buffer, parentFCB->LongNameU.Length); } curr++; prev = curr; while (*curr != L'\\' && curr <= last) { curr++; } NameU.Buffer = FileNameU.Buffer; NameU.Length = (curr - NameU.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); NameU.MaximumLength = FileNameU.MaximumLength; DPRINT("%wZ\n", &NameU); FCB = vfatGrabFCBFromTable(pVCB, &NameU); if (FCB == NULL) { NameU.Buffer = prev; NameU.MaximumLength = NameU.Length = (curr - prev) * sizeof(WCHAR); status = vfatDirFindFile(pVCB, parentFCB, &NameU, &FCB); if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { *pFCB = NULL; if (curr > last) { *pParentFCB = parentFCB; return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } else { vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, parentFCB); *pParentFCB = NULL; return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { vfatReleaseFCB(pVCB, parentFCB); *pParentFCB = NULL; *pFCB = NULL; return status; } } } *pParentFCB = parentFCB; *pFCB = FCB; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }