#include "calc.h" #include void apply_int_mask(calc_number_t *r) { unsigned __int64 mask; switch (calc.size) { case IDC_RADIO_QWORD: mask = _UI64_MAX; break; case IDC_RADIO_DWORD: mask = ULONG_MAX; break; case IDC_RADIO_WORD: mask = USHRT_MAX; break; case IDC_RADIO_BYTE: mask = UCHAR_MAX; break; default: mask = (unsigned __int64)-1; } r->i &= mask; } double asinh(double x) { return log(x+sqrt(x*x+1)); } double acosh(double x) { // must be x>=1, if not return Nan (Not a Number) if(!(x>=1.0)) return sqrt(-1.0); // return only the positive result (as sqrt does). return log(x+sqrt(x*x-1.0)); } double atanh(double x) { // must be x>-1, x<1, if not return Nan (Not a Number) if(!(x>-1.0 && x<1.0)) return sqrt(-1.0); return log((1.0+x)/(1.0-x))/2.0; } double validate_rad2angle(double a) { switch (calc.degr) { case IDC_RADIO_DEG: a = a * (180.0/CALC_PI); break; case IDC_RADIO_RAD: break; case IDC_RADIO_GRAD: a = a * (200.0/CALC_PI); break; } return a; } double validate_angle2rad(calc_number_t *c) { switch (calc.degr) { case IDC_RADIO_DEG: c->f = c->f * (CALC_PI/180.0); break; case IDC_RADIO_RAD: break; case IDC_RADIO_GRAD: c->f = c->f * (CALC_PI/200.0); break; } return c->f; } void rpn_sin(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = sin(validate_angle2rad(c)); } void rpn_cos(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = cos(validate_angle2rad(c)); } void rpn_tan(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = tan(validate_angle2rad(c)); } void rpn_asin(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = validate_rad2angle(asin(c->f)); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_acos(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = validate_rad2angle(acos(c->f)); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_atan(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = validate_rad2angle(atan(c->f)); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_sinh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = sinh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_cosh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = cosh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_tanh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = tanh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_asinh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = asinh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_acosh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = acosh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_atanh(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = atanh(c->f); if (_isnan(c->f)) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_int(calc_number_t *c) { double int_part; modf(calc.code.f, &int_part); c->f = int_part; } void rpn_frac(calc_number_t *c) { double int_part; c->f = modf(calc.code.f, &int_part); } void rpn_reci(calc_number_t *c) { if (c->f == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else c->f = 1./c->f; } void rpn_fact(calc_number_t *c) { double fact, mult, num; if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) num = c->f; else num = (double)c->i; if (num > 1000) { calc.is_nan = TRUE; return; } if (num < 0) { calc.is_nan = TRUE; return; } else if (num == 0) fact = 1; else { rpn_int(c); fact = 1; mult = 2; while (mult <= num) { fact *= mult; mult++; } c->f = fact; } if (_finite(fact) == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) c->f = fact; else c->i = (__int64)fact; } __int64 logic_dbl2int(calc_number_t *a) { double int_part; int width; modf(a->f, &int_part); width = (int_part==0) ? 1 : (int)log10(fabs(int_part))+1; if (width > 63) { calc.is_nan = TRUE; return 0; } return (__int64)int_part; } void rpn_not(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) { calc_number_t n; n.i = logic_dbl2int(c); c->f = (long double)(~n.i); } else c->i = ~c->i; } void rpn_pi(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = CALC_PI; } void rpn_2pi(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = CALC_PI*2; } void rpn_sign(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) c->f = 0-c->f; else c->i = 0-c->i; } void rpn_exp2(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) { c->f *= c->f; if (_finite(c->f) == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } else c->i *= c->i; } void rpn_exp3(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) { c->f = pow(c->f, 3.); if (_finite(c->f) == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } else c->i *= (c->i*c->i); } static __int64 myabs64(__int64 number) { return (number < 0) ? 0-number : number; } static unsigned __int64 sqrti(unsigned __int64 number) { /* modified form of Newton's method for approximating roots */ #define NEXT(n, i) (((n) + (i)/(n)) >> 1) unsigned __int64 n, n1; #ifdef __GNUC__ if (number == 0xffffffffffffffffLL) #else if (number == 0xffffffffffffffff) #endif return 0xffffffff; n = 1; n1 = NEXT(n, number); while (myabs64(n1 - n) > 1) { n = n1; n1 = NEXT(n, number); } while((n1*n1) > number) n1--; return n1; #undef NEXT } void rpn_sqrt(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) { if (c->f < 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else c->f = sqrt(c->f); } else { c->i = sqrti(c->i); } } static __int64 cbrti(__int64 x) { __int64 s, y, b; s = 60; y = 0; while(s >= 0) { y = 2*y; b = (3*y*(y + 1) + 1) << s; s = s - 3; if (x >= b) { x = x - b; y = y + 1; } } return y; } void rpn_cbrt(calc_number_t *c) { if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) //#ifdef __GNUC__ #if 0 c->f = cbrt(c->f); #else c->f = pow(c->f,1./3.); #endif else { c->i = cbrti(c->i); } } void rpn_exp(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = exp(c->f); if (_finite(c->f) == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } void rpn_exp10(calc_number_t *c) { double int_part; modf(c->f, &int_part); if (fmod(int_part, 2.) == 0.) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else { c->f = pow(10., c->f); if (_finite(c->f) == 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; } } void rpn_ln(calc_number_t *c) { if (c->f <= 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else c->f = log(c->f); } void rpn_log(calc_number_t *c) { if (c->f <= 0) calc.is_nan = TRUE; else c->f = log10(c->f); } static double stat_sum(void) { double sum = 0; statistic_t *p = calc.stat; while (p != NULL) { if (p->base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) sum += p->num.f; else sum += p->num.i; p = (statistic_t *)(p->next); } return sum; } void rpn_ave(calc_number_t *c) { double ave = 0; int n; ave = stat_sum(); n = SendDlgItemMessage(calc.hStatWnd, IDC_LIST_STAT, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (n) ave = ave / (double)n; if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) c->f = ave; else c->i = (__int64)ave; } void rpn_sum(calc_number_t *c) { double sum = stat_sum(); if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) c->f = sum; else c->i = (__int64)sum; } static void rpn_s_ex(calc_number_t *c, int pop_type) { double ave = 0; double n = 0; double dev = 0; double num = 0; statistic_t *p = calc.stat; ave = stat_sum(); n = (double)SendDlgItemMessage(calc.hStatWnd, IDC_LIST_STAT, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (n == 0) { c->f = 0; return; } ave = ave / n; dev = 0; p = calc.stat; while (p != NULL) { if (p->base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) num = p->num.f; else num = (double)p->num.i; dev += pow(num-ave, 2.); p = (statistic_t *)(p->next); } dev = sqrt(dev/(pop_type ? n-1 : n)); if (calc.base == IDC_RADIO_DEC) c->f = dev; else c->i = (__int64)dev; } void rpn_s(calc_number_t *c) { rpn_s_ex(c, 0); } void rpn_s_m1(calc_number_t *c) { rpn_s_ex(c, 1); } void rpn_dms2dec(calc_number_t *c) { double d, m, s; m = modf(c->f, &d) * 100; s = (modf(m, &m) * 100)+.5; modf(s, &s); m = m/60; s = s/3600; c->f = d + m + s; } void rpn_dec2dms(calc_number_t *c) { double d, m, s; m = modf(c->f, &d) * 60; s = ceil(modf(m, &m) * 60); c->f = d + m/100. + s/10000.; } void rpn_zero(calc_number_t *c) { c->f = 0; } void rpn_copy(calc_number_t *dst, calc_number_t *src) { *dst = *src; } int rpn_is_zero(calc_number_t *c) { return (c->f == 0); } void rpn_alloc(calc_number_t *c) { } void rpn_free(calc_number_t *c) { }