/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: GDI alpha blending functions * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/eng/alphablend.c * PROGRAMER: Jason Filby */ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY EngAlphaBlend(IN SURFOBJ *psoDest, IN SURFOBJ *psoSource, IN CLIPOBJ *ClipRegion, IN XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation, IN PRECTL DestRect, IN PRECTL SourceRect, IN BLENDOBJ *BlendObj) { RECTL SourceStretchedRect; SIZEL SourceStretchedSize; HBITMAP SourceStretchedBitmap = 0; SURFOBJ* SourceStretchedObj = NULL; RECTL InputRect; RECTL OutputRect; RECTL ClipRect; RECTL CombinedRect; RECTL Rect; POINTL Translate; INTENG_ENTER_LEAVE EnterLeaveSource; INTENG_ENTER_LEAVE EnterLeaveDest; SURFOBJ* InputObj; SURFOBJ* OutputObj; LONG Width; LONG ClippingType; RECT_ENUM RectEnum; BOOL EnumMore; INT i; BOOLEAN Ret; DPRINT("EngAlphaBlend(psoDest:0x%p, psoSource:0x%p, ClipRegion:0x%p, ColorTranslation:0x%p,\n", psoDest, psoSource, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation); DPRINT(" DestRect:{0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x}, SourceRect:{0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x},\n", DestRect->left, DestRect->top, DestRect->right, DestRect->bottom, SourceRect->left, SourceRect->top, SourceRect->right, SourceRect->bottom); DPRINT(" BlendObj:{0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x}\n", BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendOp, BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendFlags, BlendObj->BlendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha, BlendObj->BlendFunction.AlphaFormat); /* Validate output */ OutputRect = *DestRect; if (OutputRect.right < OutputRect.left) { OutputRect.left = DestRect->right; OutputRect.right = DestRect->left; } if (OutputRect.bottom < OutputRect.top) { OutputRect.left = DestRect->right; OutputRect.right = DestRect->left; } /* Validate input */ InputRect = *SourceRect; if ( (InputRect.top < 0) || (InputRect.bottom < 0) || (InputRect.left < 0) || (InputRect.right < 0) || InputRect.right > psoSource->sizlBitmap.cx || InputRect.bottom > psoSource->sizlBitmap.cy ) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (psoDest == psoSource && !(OutputRect.left >= SourceRect->right || InputRect.left >= OutputRect.right || OutputRect.top >= SourceRect->bottom || InputRect.top >= OutputRect.bottom)) { DPRINT1("Source and destination rectangles overlap!\n"); return FALSE; } if (BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendOp != AC_SRC_OVER) { DPRINT1("BlendOp != AC_SRC_OVER (0x%x)\n", BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendOp); return FALSE; } if (BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendFlags != 0) { DPRINT1("BlendFlags != 0 (0x%x)\n", BlendObj->BlendFunction.BlendFlags); return FALSE; } if ((BlendObj->BlendFunction.AlphaFormat & ~AC_SRC_ALPHA) != 0) { DPRINT1("Unsupported AlphaFormat (0x%x)\n", BlendObj->BlendFunction.AlphaFormat); return FALSE; } /* Check if there is anything to draw */ if (ClipRegion != NULL && (ClipRegion->rclBounds.left >= ClipRegion->rclBounds.right || ClipRegion->rclBounds.top >= ClipRegion->rclBounds.bottom)) { /* Nothing to do */ return TRUE; } /* Stretch source if needed */ if (OutputRect.right - OutputRect.left != InputRect.right - InputRect.left || OutputRect.bottom - OutputRect.top != InputRect.bottom - InputRect.top) { SourceStretchedSize.cx = OutputRect.right - OutputRect.left; SourceStretchedSize.cy = OutputRect.bottom - OutputRect.top; Width = DIB_GetDIBWidthBytes(SourceStretchedSize.cx, BitsPerFormat(psoSource->iBitmapFormat)); /* FIXME: Maybe it is a good idea to use EngCreateDeviceBitmap and IntEngStretchBlt if possible to get a HW accelerated stretch. */ SourceStretchedBitmap = EngCreateBitmap(SourceStretchedSize, Width, psoSource->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN | BMF_NOZEROINIT, NULL); if (SourceStretchedBitmap == 0) { DPRINT1("EngCreateBitmap failed!\n"); return FALSE; } SourceStretchedObj = EngLockSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); if (SourceStretchedObj == NULL) { DPRINT1("EngLockSurface failed!\n"); EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); return FALSE; } SourceStretchedRect.left = 0; SourceStretchedRect.right = SourceStretchedSize.cx; SourceStretchedRect.top = 0; SourceStretchedRect.bottom = SourceStretchedSize.cy; if (!IntEngStretchBlt(SourceStretchedObj, psoSource, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SourceStretchedRect, SourceRect, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCCOPY))) { DPRINT1("EngStretchBlt failed!\n"); EngUnlockSurface(SourceStretchedObj); EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); return FALSE; } InputRect.top = SourceStretchedRect.top; InputRect.bottom = SourceStretchedRect.bottom; InputRect.left = SourceStretchedRect.left; InputRect.right = SourceStretchedRect.right; psoSource = SourceStretchedObj; } /* Now call the DIB function */ if (!IntEngEnter(&EnterLeaveSource, psoSource, &InputRect, TRUE, &Translate, &InputObj)) { if (SourceStretchedObj != NULL) { EngUnlockSurface(SourceStretchedObj); } if (SourceStretchedBitmap != 0) { EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); } return FALSE; } InputRect.left += Translate.x; InputRect.right += Translate.x; InputRect.top += Translate.y; InputRect.bottom += Translate.y; if (!IntEngEnter(&EnterLeaveDest, psoDest, &OutputRect, FALSE, &Translate, &OutputObj)) { IntEngLeave(&EnterLeaveSource); if (SourceStretchedObj != NULL) { EngUnlockSurface(SourceStretchedObj); } if (SourceStretchedBitmap != 0) { EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); } return FALSE; } OutputRect.left += Translate.x; OutputRect.right += Translate.x; OutputRect.top += Translate.y; OutputRect.bottom += Translate.y; Ret = FALSE; ClippingType = (ClipRegion == NULL) ? DC_TRIVIAL : ClipRegion->iDComplexity; switch (ClippingType) { case DC_TRIVIAL: Ret = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[OutputObj->iBitmapFormat].DIB_AlphaBlend( OutputObj, InputObj, &OutputRect, &InputRect, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, BlendObj); break; case DC_RECT: ClipRect.left = ClipRegion->rclBounds.left + Translate.x; ClipRect.right = ClipRegion->rclBounds.right + Translate.x; ClipRect.top = ClipRegion->rclBounds.top + Translate.y; ClipRect.bottom = ClipRegion->rclBounds.bottom + Translate.y; if (RECTL_bIntersectRect(&CombinedRect, &OutputRect, &ClipRect)) { Rect.left = InputRect.left + CombinedRect.left - OutputRect.left; Rect.right = InputRect.right + CombinedRect.right - OutputRect.right; Rect.top = InputRect.top + CombinedRect.top - OutputRect.top; Rect.bottom = InputRect.bottom + CombinedRect.bottom - OutputRect.bottom; Ret = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[OutputObj->iBitmapFormat].DIB_AlphaBlend( OutputObj, InputObj, &CombinedRect, &Rect, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, BlendObj); } break; case DC_COMPLEX: Ret = TRUE; CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart(ClipRegion, FALSE, CT_RECTANGLES, CD_ANY, 0); do { EnumMore = CLIPOBJ_bEnum(ClipRegion,(ULONG) sizeof(RectEnum), (PVOID) &RectEnum); for (i = 0; i < RectEnum.c; i++) { ClipRect.left = RectEnum.arcl[i].left + Translate.x; ClipRect.right = RectEnum.arcl[i].right + Translate.x; ClipRect.top = RectEnum.arcl[i].top + Translate.y; ClipRect.bottom = RectEnum.arcl[i].bottom + Translate.y; if (RECTL_bIntersectRect(&CombinedRect, &OutputRect, &ClipRect)) { Rect.left = InputRect.left + CombinedRect.left - OutputRect.left; Rect.right = InputRect.right + CombinedRect.right - OutputRect.right; Rect.top = InputRect.top + CombinedRect.top - OutputRect.top; Rect.bottom = InputRect.bottom + CombinedRect.bottom - OutputRect.bottom; Ret = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[OutputObj->iBitmapFormat].DIB_AlphaBlend( OutputObj, InputObj, &CombinedRect, &Rect, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, BlendObj) && Ret; } } } while (EnumMore); break; default: UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); break; } IntEngLeave(&EnterLeaveDest); IntEngLeave(&EnterLeaveSource); if (SourceStretchedObj != NULL) { EngUnlockSurface(SourceStretchedObj); } if (SourceStretchedBitmap != 0) { EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)SourceStretchedBitmap); } return Ret; } BOOL APIENTRY IntEngAlphaBlend(IN SURFOBJ *psoDest, IN SURFOBJ *psoSource, IN CLIPOBJ *ClipRegion, IN XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation, IN PRECTL DestRect, IN PRECTL SourceRect, IN BLENDOBJ *BlendObj) { BOOL ret = FALSE; SURFACE *psurfDest; SURFACE *psurfSource; ASSERT(psoDest); psurfDest = CONTAINING_RECORD(psoDest, SURFACE, SurfObj); ASSERT(psoSource); psurfSource = CONTAINING_RECORD(psoSource, SURFACE, SurfObj); ASSERT(DestRect); ASSERT(SourceRect); /* Check if there is anything to draw */ if (ClipRegion != NULL && (ClipRegion->rclBounds.left >= ClipRegion->rclBounds.right || ClipRegion->rclBounds.top >= ClipRegion->rclBounds.bottom)) { /* Nothing to do */ return TRUE; } /* Call the driver's DrvAlphaBlend if available */ if (psurfDest->flags & HOOK_ALPHABLEND) { ret = GDIDEVFUNCS(psoDest).AlphaBlend( psoDest, psoSource, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, DestRect, SourceRect, BlendObj); } if (! ret) { ret = EngAlphaBlend(psoDest, psoSource, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, DestRect, SourceRect, BlendObj); } return ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiEngAlphaBlend(IN SURFOBJ *psoDest, IN SURFOBJ *psoSource, IN CLIPOBJ *ClipRegion, IN XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation, IN PRECTL upDestRect, IN PRECTL upSourceRect, IN BLENDOBJ *BlendObj) { RECTL DestRect; RECTL SourceRect; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(upDestRect, sizeof(RECTL), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&DestRect,upDestRect, sizeof(RECTL)); ProbeForRead(upSourceRect, sizeof(RECTL), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&SourceRect, upSourceRect, sizeof(RECTL)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _SEH2_YIELD(return FALSE); } _SEH2_END; return EngAlphaBlend(psoDest, psoSource, ClipRegion, ColorTranslation, &DestRect, &SourceRect, BlendObj); }