/* Copyright (c) Mark Harmstone 2016-17 * * This file is part of WinBtrfs. * * WinBtrfs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licence, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WinBtrfs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence * along with WinBtrfs. If not, see . */ #include "btrfs_drv.h" #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN10) // not currently in mingw - introduced with Windows 10 #ifndef FileIdInformation #define FileIdInformation (enum _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS)59 #define FileStatLxInformation (enum _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS)70 typedef struct _FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION { LARGE_INTEGER FileId; LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime; LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime; LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile; ULONG FileAttributes; ULONG ReparseTag; ULONG NumberOfLinks; ACCESS_MASK EffectiveAccess; ULONG LxFlags; ULONG LxUid; ULONG LxGid; ULONG LxMode; ULONG LxDeviceIdMajor; ULONG LxDeviceIdMinor; } FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION, *PFILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION; #define LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_UID 0x01 #define LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_GID 0x02 #define LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_MODE 0x04 #define LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_DEVICE_ID 0x08 #define LX_FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_DIR 0x10 #endif #endif static NTSTATUS set_basic_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION* fbi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; fcb* fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref* fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL; ULONG defda, filter = 0; BOOL inode_item_changed = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; if (fcb->ads) { if (fileref && fileref->parent) fcb = fileref->parent->fcb; else { ERR("stream did not have fileref\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } if (!ccb) { ERR("ccb was NULL\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } TRACE("file = %S, attributes = %x\n", file_desc(FileObject), fbi->FileAttributes); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fbi->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && fcb->type != BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { WARN("attempted to set FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY on non-directory\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE && is_subvol_readonly(fcb->subvol, Irp) && (fbi->FileAttributes == 0 || fbi->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } // don't allow readonly subvol to be made r/w if send operation running on it if (fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE && fcb->subvol->root_item.flags & BTRFS_SUBVOL_READONLY && fcb->subvol->send_ops > 0) { Status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY; goto end; } // times of -2 are some sort of undocumented behaviour to do with LXSS if (fbi->CreationTime.QuadPart == -2) fbi->CreationTime.QuadPart = 0; if (fbi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart == -2) fbi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart = 0; if (fbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart == -2) fbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = 0; if (fbi->ChangeTime.QuadPart == -2) fbi->ChangeTime.QuadPart = 0; if (fbi->CreationTime.QuadPart == -1) ccb->user_set_creation_time = TRUE; else if (fbi->CreationTime.QuadPart != 0) { win_time_to_unix(fbi->CreationTime, &fcb->inode_item.otime); inode_item_changed = TRUE; filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION; ccb->user_set_creation_time = TRUE; } if (fbi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart == -1) ccb->user_set_access_time = TRUE; else if (fbi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart != 0) { win_time_to_unix(fbi->LastAccessTime, &fcb->inode_item.st_atime); inode_item_changed = TRUE; filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS; ccb->user_set_access_time = TRUE; } if (fbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart == -1) ccb->user_set_write_time = TRUE; else if (fbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart != 0) { win_time_to_unix(fbi->LastWriteTime, &fcb->inode_item.st_mtime); inode_item_changed = TRUE; filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE; ccb->user_set_write_time = TRUE; } if (fbi->ChangeTime.QuadPart == -1) ccb->user_set_change_time = TRUE; else if (fbi->ChangeTime.QuadPart != 0) { win_time_to_unix(fbi->ChangeTime, &fcb->inode_item.st_ctime); inode_item_changed = TRUE; // no filter for this ccb->user_set_change_time = TRUE; } // FileAttributes == 0 means don't set - undocumented, but seen in fastfat if (fbi->FileAttributes != 0) { LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; fbi->FileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; defda = get_file_attributes(Vcb, fcb->subvol, fcb->inode, fcb->type, fileref && fileref->dc && fileref->dc->name.Length >= sizeof(WCHAR) && fileref->dc->name.Buffer[0] == '.', TRUE, Irp); if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) fbi->FileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; else if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_SYMLINK) fbi->FileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT; fcb->atts_changed = TRUE; if (fcb->atts & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) fbi->FileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT; if (defda == fbi->FileAttributes) fcb->atts_deleted = TRUE; else if (fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE && (defda | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == (fbi->FileAttributes | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) fcb->atts_deleted = TRUE; fcb->atts = fbi->FileAttributes; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fcb->subvol->root_item.ctransid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->subvol->root_item.ctime = now; if (fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) { if (fbi->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) fcb->subvol->root_item.flags |= BTRFS_SUBVOL_READONLY; else fcb->subvol->root_item.flags &= ~BTRFS_SUBVOL_READONLY; } inode_item_changed = TRUE; filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES; } if (inode_item_changed) { fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.sequence++; fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); } if (filter != 0) send_notification_fcb(fileref, filter, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); return Status; } static NTSTATUS set_disposition_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION* fdi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; fcb* fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref* fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL; ULONG atts; NTSTATUS Status; if (!fileref) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; acquire_fcb_lock_exclusive(Vcb); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); TRACE("changing delete_on_close to %s for %S (fcb %p)\n", fdi->DeleteFile ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", file_desc(FileObject), fcb); if (fcb->ads) { if (fileref->parent) atts = fileref->parent->fcb->atts; else { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); Status = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto end; } } else atts = fcb->atts; TRACE("atts = %x\n", atts); if (atts & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { TRACE("not allowing readonly file to be deleted\n"); Status = STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE; goto end; } // FIXME - can we skip this bit for subvols? if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY && fcb->inode_item.st_size > 0 && (!fileref || fileref->fcb != Vcb->dummy_fcb)) { TRACE("directory not empty\n"); Status = STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY; goto end; } if (!MmFlushImageSection(&fcb->nonpaged->segment_object, MmFlushForDelete)) { TRACE("trying to delete file which is being mapped as an image\n"); Status = STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE; goto end; } ccb->fileref->delete_on_close = fdi->DeleteFile; FileObject->DeletePending = fdi->DeleteFile; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); release_fcb_lock(Vcb); // send notification that directory is about to be deleted if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && fdi->DeleteFile && fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { FsRtlNotifyFullChangeDirectory(Vcb->NotifySync, &Vcb->DirNotifyList, FileObject->FsContext, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } return Status; } BOOL has_open_children(file_ref* fileref) { LIST_ENTRY* le = fileref->children.Flink; if (IsListEmpty(&fileref->children)) return FALSE; while (le != &fileref->children) { file_ref* c = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, file_ref, list_entry); if (c->open_count > 0) return TRUE; if (has_open_children(c)) return TRUE; le = le->Flink; } return FALSE; } static NTSTATUS duplicate_fcb(fcb* oldfcb, fcb** pfcb) { device_extension* Vcb = oldfcb->Vcb; fcb* fcb; LIST_ENTRY* le; // FIXME - we can skip a lot of this if the inode is about to be deleted fcb = create_fcb(Vcb, PagedPool); // FIXME - what if we duplicate the paging file? if (!fcb) { ERR("out of memory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } fcb->Vcb = Vcb; fcb->Header.IsFastIoPossible = fast_io_possible(fcb); fcb->Header.AllocationSize = oldfcb->Header.AllocationSize; fcb->Header.FileSize = oldfcb->Header.FileSize; fcb->Header.ValidDataLength = oldfcb->Header.ValidDataLength; fcb->type = oldfcb->type; if (oldfcb->ads) { fcb->ads = TRUE; fcb->adshash = oldfcb->adshash; fcb->adsmaxlen = oldfcb->adsmaxlen; if (oldfcb->adsxattr.Buffer && oldfcb->adsxattr.Length > 0) { fcb->adsxattr.Length = oldfcb->adsxattr.Length; fcb->adsxattr.MaximumLength = fcb->adsxattr.Length + 1; fcb->adsxattr.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fcb->adsxattr.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->adsxattr.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(fcb->adsxattr.Buffer, oldfcb->adsxattr.Buffer, fcb->adsxattr.Length); fcb->adsxattr.Buffer[fcb->adsxattr.Length] = 0; } if (oldfcb->adsdata.Buffer && oldfcb->adsdata.Length > 0) { fcb->adsdata.Length = fcb->adsdata.MaximumLength = oldfcb->adsdata.Length; fcb->adsdata.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fcb->adsdata.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->adsdata.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(fcb->adsdata.Buffer, oldfcb->adsdata.Buffer, fcb->adsdata.Length); } goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(&fcb->inode_item, &oldfcb->inode_item, sizeof(INODE_ITEM)); fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; if (oldfcb->sd && RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(oldfcb->sd) > 0) { fcb->sd = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(oldfcb->sd), ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->sd) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(fcb->sd, oldfcb->sd, RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(oldfcb->sd)); } fcb->atts = oldfcb->atts; le = oldfcb->extents.Flink; while (le != &oldfcb->extents) { extent* ext = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, extent, list_entry); if (!ext->ignore) { extent* ext2 = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, offsetof(extent, extent_data) + ext->datalen, ALLOC_TAG); if (!ext2) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } ext2->offset = ext->offset; ext2->datalen = ext->datalen; if (ext2->datalen > 0) RtlCopyMemory(&ext2->extent_data, &ext->extent_data, ext2->datalen); ext2->unique = FALSE; ext2->ignore = FALSE; ext2->inserted = TRUE; if (ext->csum) { ULONG len; EXTENT_DATA2* ed2 = (EXTENT_DATA2*)ext->extent_data.data; if (ext->extent_data.compression == BTRFS_COMPRESSION_NONE) len = (ULONG)ed2->num_bytes; else len = (ULONG)ed2->size; len = len * sizeof(UINT32) / Vcb->superblock.sector_size; ext2->csum = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, len, ALLOC_TAG); if (!ext2->csum) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(ext2->csum, ext->csum, len); } else ext2->csum = NULL; InsertTailList(&fcb->extents, &ext2->list_entry); } le = le->Flink; } le = oldfcb->hardlinks.Flink; while (le != &oldfcb->hardlinks) { hardlink *hl = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, hardlink, list_entry), *hl2; hl2 = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(hardlink), ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl2) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } hl2->parent = hl->parent; hl2->index = hl->index; hl2->name.Length = hl2->name.MaximumLength = hl->name.Length; hl2->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl2->name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl2->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl2); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(hl2->name.Buffer, hl->name.Buffer, hl->name.Length); hl2->utf8.Length = hl2->utf8.MaximumLength = hl->utf8.Length; hl2->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl2->utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl2->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl2->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl2); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(hl2->utf8.Buffer, hl->utf8.Buffer, hl->utf8.Length); InsertTailList(&fcb->hardlinks, &hl2->list_entry); le = le->Flink; } if (oldfcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer && oldfcb->reparse_xattr.Length > 0) { fcb->reparse_xattr.Length = fcb->reparse_xattr.MaximumLength = oldfcb->reparse_xattr.Length; fcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fcb->reparse_xattr.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(fcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer, oldfcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer, fcb->reparse_xattr.Length); } if (oldfcb->ea_xattr.Buffer && oldfcb->ea_xattr.Length > 0) { fcb->ea_xattr.Length = fcb->ea_xattr.MaximumLength = oldfcb->ea_xattr.Length; fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fcb->ea_xattr.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlCopyMemory(fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer, oldfcb->ea_xattr.Buffer, fcb->ea_xattr.Length); } fcb->prop_compression = oldfcb->prop_compression; le = oldfcb->xattrs.Flink; while (le != &oldfcb->xattrs) { xattr* xa = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, xattr, list_entry); if (xa->valuelen > 0) { xattr* xa2; xa2 = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, offsetof(xattr, data[0]) + xa->namelen + xa->valuelen, ALLOC_TAG); if (!xa2) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } xa2->namelen = xa->namelen; xa2->valuelen = xa->valuelen; xa2->dirty = xa->dirty; memcpy(xa2->data, xa->data, xa->namelen + xa->valuelen); InsertTailList(&fcb->xattrs, &xa2->list_entry); } le = le->Flink; } end: *pfcb = fcb; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } typedef struct _move_entry { file_ref* fileref; fcb* dummyfcb; file_ref* dummyfileref; struct _move_entry* parent; LIST_ENTRY list_entry; } move_entry; static NTSTATUS add_children_to_move_list(device_extension* Vcb, move_entry* me, PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY* le; ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&me->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); le = me->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index.Flink; while (le != &me->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index) { dir_child* dc = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, dir_child, list_entry_index); file_ref* fr; move_entry* me2; Status = open_fileref_child(Vcb, me->fileref, &dc->name, TRUE, TRUE, dc->index == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE, PagedPool, &fr, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref_child returned %08x\n", Status); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); return Status; } me2 = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(move_entry), ALLOC_TAG); if (!me2) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } me2->fileref = fr; me2->dummyfcb = NULL; me2->dummyfileref = NULL; me2->parent = me; InsertHeadList(&me->list_entry, &me2->list_entry); le = le->Flink; } ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } void remove_dir_child_from_hash_lists(fcb* fcb, dir_child* dc) { UINT8 c; c = dc->hash >> 24; if (fcb->hash_ptrs[c] == &dc->list_entry_hash) { if (dc->list_entry_hash.Flink == &fcb->dir_children_hash) fcb->hash_ptrs[c] = NULL; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(dc->list_entry_hash.Flink, dir_child, list_entry_hash); if (dc2->hash >> 24 == c) fcb->hash_ptrs[c] = &dc2->list_entry_hash; else fcb->hash_ptrs[c] = NULL; } } RemoveEntryList(&dc->list_entry_hash); c = dc->hash_uc >> 24; if (fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] == &dc->list_entry_hash_uc) { if (dc->list_entry_hash_uc.Flink == &fcb->dir_children_hash_uc) fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] = NULL; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(dc->list_entry_hash_uc.Flink, dir_child, list_entry_hash_uc); if (dc2->hash_uc >> 24 == c) fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] = &dc2->list_entry_hash_uc; else fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] = NULL; } } RemoveEntryList(&dc->list_entry_hash_uc); } static NTSTATUS create_directory_fcb(device_extension* Vcb, root* r, fcb* parfcb, fcb** pfcb) { NTSTATUS Status; fcb* fcb; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjcont; PSID owner; BOOLEAN defaulted; LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; fcb = create_fcb(Vcb, PagedPool); if (!fcb) { ERR("out of memory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); fcb->Vcb = Vcb; fcb->subvol = r; fcb->inode = InterlockedIncrement64(&r->lastinode); fcb->type = BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY; fcb->inode_item.generation = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.st_nlink = 1; fcb->inode_item.st_mode = __S_IFDIR | inherit_mode(parfcb, TRUE); fcb->inode_item.st_atime = fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = fcb->inode_item.otime = now; fcb->inode_item.st_gid = GID_NOBODY; fcb->atts = get_file_attributes(Vcb, fcb->subvol, fcb->inode, fcb->type, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); SeCaptureSubjectContext(&subjcont); Status = SeAssignSecurity(parfcb->sd, NULL, (void**)&fcb->sd, TRUE, &subjcont, IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(), PagedPool); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("SeAssignSecurity returned %08x\n", Status); return Status; } if (!fcb->sd) { ERR("SeAssignSecurity returned NULL security descriptor\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } Status = RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor(fcb->sd, &owner, &defaulted); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor returned %08x\n", Status); fcb->inode_item.st_uid = UID_NOBODY; fcb->sd_dirty = TRUE; } else { fcb->inode_item.st_uid = sid_to_uid(owner); fcb->sd_dirty = fcb->inode_item.st_uid == UID_NOBODY; } find_gid(fcb, parfcb, &subjcont); fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; InsertTailList(&r->fcbs, &fcb->list_entry); InsertTailList(&Vcb->all_fcbs, &fcb->list_entry_all); fcb->Header.IsFastIoPossible = fast_io_possible(fcb); fcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0; fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart = 0; fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = 0; fcb->created = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); if (parfcb->inode_item.flags & BTRFS_INODE_COMPRESS) fcb->inode_item.flags |= BTRFS_INODE_COMPRESS; fcb->prop_compression = parfcb->prop_compression; fcb->prop_compression_changed = fcb->prop_compression != PropCompression_None; fcb->hash_ptrs = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY*) * 256, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->hash_ptrs) { ERR("out of memory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(fcb->hash_ptrs, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY*) * 256); fcb->hash_ptrs_uc = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY*) * 256, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fcb->hash_ptrs_uc) { ERR("out of memory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(fcb->hash_ptrs_uc, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY*) * 256); *pfcb = fcb; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS move_across_subvols(file_ref* fileref, ccb* ccb, file_ref* destdir, PANSI_STRING utf8, PUNICODE_STRING fnus, PIRP Irp, LIST_ENTRY* rollback) { NTSTATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY move_list, *le; move_entry* me; LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; file_ref* origparent; InitializeListHead(&move_list); KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); me = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(move_entry), ALLOC_TAG); if (!me) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } origparent = fileref->parent; me->fileref = fileref; increase_fileref_refcount(me->fileref); me->dummyfcb = NULL; me->dummyfileref = NULL; me->parent = NULL; InsertTailList(&move_list, &me->list_entry); le = move_list.Flink; while (le != &move_list) { me = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, move_entry, list_entry); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (!me->fileref->fcb->ads && me->fileref->fcb->subvol == origparent->fcb->subvol) { Status = add_children_to_move_list(fileref->fcb->Vcb, me, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("add_children_to_move_list returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } ExReleaseResourceLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource); le = le->Flink; } send_notification_fileref(fileref, fileref->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_REMOVED, NULL); // loop through list and create new inodes le = move_list.Flink; while (le != &move_list) { me = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, move_entry, list_entry); if (me->fileref->fcb->inode != SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE && me->fileref->fcb != fileref->fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb) { if (!me->dummyfcb) { ULONG defda; BOOL inserted = FALSE; LIST_ENTRY* le3; ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); Status = duplicate_fcb(me->fileref->fcb, &me->dummyfcb); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("duplicate_fcb returned %08x\n", Status); ExReleaseResourceLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource); goto end; } me->dummyfcb->subvol = me->fileref->fcb->subvol; me->dummyfcb->inode = me->fileref->fcb->inode; if (!me->dummyfcb->ads) { me->dummyfcb->sd_dirty = me->fileref->fcb->sd_dirty; me->dummyfcb->atts_changed = me->fileref->fcb->atts_changed; me->dummyfcb->atts_deleted = me->fileref->fcb->atts_deleted; me->dummyfcb->extents_changed = me->fileref->fcb->extents_changed; me->dummyfcb->reparse_xattr_changed = me->fileref->fcb->reparse_xattr_changed; me->dummyfcb->ea_changed = me->fileref->fcb->ea_changed; } me->dummyfcb->created = me->fileref->fcb->created; me->dummyfcb->deleted = me->fileref->fcb->deleted; mark_fcb_dirty(me->dummyfcb); if (!me->fileref->fcb->ads) { LIST_ENTRY* le2; me->fileref->fcb->subvol = destdir->fcb->subvol; me->fileref->fcb->inode = InterlockedIncrement64(&destdir->fcb->subvol->lastinode); me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.st_nlink = 1; defda = get_file_attributes(me->fileref->fcb->Vcb, me->fileref->fcb->subvol, me->fileref->fcb->inode, me->fileref->fcb->type, me->fileref->dc && me->fileref->dc->name.Length >= sizeof(WCHAR) && me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer[0] == '.', TRUE, Irp); me->fileref->fcb->sd_dirty = !!me->fileref->fcb->sd; me->fileref->fcb->atts_changed = defda != me->fileref->fcb->atts; me->fileref->fcb->extents_changed = !IsListEmpty(&me->fileref->fcb->extents); me->fileref->fcb->reparse_xattr_changed = !!me->fileref->fcb->reparse_xattr.Buffer; me->fileref->fcb->ea_changed = !!me->fileref->fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; me->fileref->fcb->xattrs_changed = !IsListEmpty(&me->fileref->fcb->xattrs); me->fileref->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; le2 = me->fileref->fcb->xattrs.Flink; while (le2 != &me->fileref->fcb->xattrs) { xattr* xa = CONTAINING_RECORD(le2, xattr, list_entry); xa->dirty = TRUE; le2 = le2->Flink; } if (le == move_list.Flink) { // first entry me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.transid = me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->superblock.generation; me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; } le2 = me->fileref->fcb->extents.Flink; while (le2 != &me->fileref->fcb->extents) { extent* ext = CONTAINING_RECORD(le2, extent, list_entry); if (!ext->ignore && (ext->extent_data.type == EXTENT_TYPE_REGULAR || ext->extent_data.type == EXTENT_TYPE_PREALLOC)) { EXTENT_DATA2* ed2 = (EXTENT_DATA2*)ext->extent_data.data; if (ed2->size != 0) { chunk* c = get_chunk_from_address(me->fileref->fcb->Vcb, ed2->address); if (!c) { ERR("get_chunk_from_address(%llx) failed\n", ed2->address); } else { Status = update_changed_extent_ref(me->fileref->fcb->Vcb, c, ed2->address, ed2->size, me->fileref->fcb->subvol->id, me->fileref->fcb->inode, ext->offset - ed2->offset, 1, me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.flags & BTRFS_INODE_NODATASUM, FALSE, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("update_changed_extent_ref returned %08x\n", Status); ExReleaseResourceLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource); goto end; } } } } le2 = le2->Flink; } } else { me->fileref->fcb->subvol = me->parent->fileref->fcb->subvol; me->fileref->fcb->inode = me->parent->fileref->fcb->inode; } me->fileref->fcb->created = TRUE; InsertHeadList(&me->fileref->fcb->list_entry, &me->dummyfcb->list_entry); RemoveEntryList(&me->fileref->fcb->list_entry); le3 = destdir->fcb->subvol->fcbs.Flink; while (le3 != &destdir->fcb->subvol->fcbs) { fcb* fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(le3, struct _fcb, list_entry); if (fcb->inode > me->fileref->fcb->inode) { InsertHeadList(le3->Blink, &me->fileref->fcb->list_entry); inserted = TRUE; break; } le3 = le3->Flink; } if (!inserted) InsertTailList(&destdir->fcb->subvol->fcbs, &me->fileref->fcb->list_entry); InsertTailList(&me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->all_fcbs, &me->dummyfcb->list_entry_all); while (!IsListEmpty(&me->fileref->fcb->hardlinks)) { hardlink* hl = CONTAINING_RECORD(RemoveHeadList(&me->fileref->fcb->hardlinks), hardlink, list_entry); if (hl->name.Buffer) ExFreePool(hl->name.Buffer); if (hl->utf8.Buffer) ExFreePool(hl->utf8.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); } me->fileref->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(me->fileref->fcb); if ((!me->dummyfcb->ads && me->dummyfcb->inode_item.st_nlink > 1) || (me->dummyfcb->ads && me->parent->dummyfcb->inode_item.st_nlink > 1)) { LIST_ENTRY* le2 = le->Flink; while (le2 != &move_list) { move_entry* me2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(le2, move_entry, list_entry); if (me2->fileref->fcb == me->fileref->fcb && !me2->fileref->fcb->ads) { me2->dummyfcb = me->dummyfcb; InterlockedIncrement(&me->dummyfcb->refcount); } le2 = le2->Flink; } } ExReleaseResourceLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource); } else { ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.st_nlink++; me->fileref->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; ExReleaseResourceLite(me->fileref->fcb->Header.Resource); } } le = le->Flink; } fileref->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctransid = fileref->fcb->Vcb->superblock.generation; fileref->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctime = now; // loop through list and create new filerefs le = move_list.Flink; while (le != &move_list) { hardlink* hl; BOOL name_changed = FALSE; me = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, move_entry, list_entry); me->dummyfileref = create_fileref(fileref->fcb->Vcb); if (!me->dummyfileref) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } if (me->fileref->fcb == me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb) { root* r = me->parent ? me->parent->fileref->fcb->subvol : destdir->fcb->subvol; Status = create_directory_fcb(me->fileref->fcb->Vcb, r, me->fileref->parent->fcb, &me->fileref->fcb); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("create_directory_fcb returnd %08x\n", Status); goto end; } me->fileref->dc->key.obj_id = me->fileref->fcb->inode; me->fileref->dc->key.obj_type = TYPE_INODE_ITEM; me->dummyfileref->fcb = me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb; } else if (me->fileref->fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) { me->dummyfileref->fcb = me->fileref->fcb; me->fileref->fcb->subvol->parent = le == move_list.Flink ? destdir->fcb->subvol->id : me->parent->fileref->fcb->subvol->id; } else me->dummyfileref->fcb = me->dummyfcb; InterlockedIncrement(&me->dummyfileref->fcb->refcount); me->dummyfileref->oldutf8 = me->fileref->oldutf8; me->dummyfileref->oldindex = me->fileref->dc->index; if (le == move_list.Flink && (me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length != utf8->Length || RtlCompareMemory(me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, utf8->Buffer, utf8->Length) != utf8->Length)) name_changed = TRUE; if ((le == move_list.Flink || me->fileref->fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) && !me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.Buffer) { me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length); me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.Length = me->dummyfileref->oldutf8.MaximumLength = me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length; } me->dummyfileref->delete_on_close = me->fileref->delete_on_close; me->dummyfileref->deleted = me->fileref->deleted; me->dummyfileref->created = me->fileref->created; me->fileref->created = TRUE; me->dummyfileref->parent = me->parent ? me->parent->dummyfileref : origparent; increase_fileref_refcount(me->dummyfileref->parent); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&me->dummyfileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock, TRUE); InsertTailList(&me->dummyfileref->parent->children, &me->dummyfileref->list_entry); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->dummyfileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock); me->dummyfileref->debug_desc = me->fileref->debug_desc; if (me->dummyfileref->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) me->dummyfileref->fcb->fileref = me->dummyfileref; if (!me->parent) { RemoveEntryList(&me->fileref->list_entry); increase_fileref_refcount(destdir); if (me->fileref->dc) { // remove from old parent ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&me->fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); RemoveEntryList(&me->fileref->dc->list_entry_index); remove_dir_child_from_hash_lists(me->fileref->parent->fcb, me->fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size -= me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length * 2; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.transid = me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->superblock.generation; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = now; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(me->fileref->parent->fcb); if (name_changed) { ExFreePool(me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer); ExFreePool(me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(me->fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer); me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, utf8->Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length = me->fileref->dc->utf8.MaximumLength = utf8->Length; RtlCopyMemory(me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, utf8->Buffer, utf8->Length); me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fnus->Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } me->fileref->dc->name.Length = me->fileref->dc->name.MaximumLength = fnus->Length; RtlCopyMemory(me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fnus->Buffer, fnus->Length); Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&fileref->dc->name_uc, &fileref->dc->name, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUpcaseUnicodeString returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } me->fileref->dc->hash = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->name.Length); me->fileref->dc->hash_uc = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)me->fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->name_uc.Length); } if (me->fileref->dc->key.obj_type == TYPE_INODE_ITEM) me->fileref->dc->key.obj_id = me->fileref->fcb->inode; // add to new parent ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&destdir->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); if (IsListEmpty(&destdir->fcb->dir_children_index)) me->fileref->dc->index = 2; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(destdir->fcb->dir_children_index.Blink, dir_child, list_entry_index); me->fileref->dc->index = max(2, dc2->index + 1); } InsertTailList(&destdir->fcb->dir_children_index, &me->fileref->dc->list_entry_index); insert_dir_child_into_hash_lists(destdir->fcb, me->fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&destdir->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); } free_fileref(fileref->fcb->Vcb, me->fileref->parent); me->fileref->parent = destdir; ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&me->fileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock, TRUE); InsertTailList(&me->fileref->parent->children, &me->fileref->list_entry); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock); TRACE("me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) was %llx\n", me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode, me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size); me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size += me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length * 2; TRACE("me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) now %llx\n", me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode, me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size); me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.transid = me->fileref->fcb->Vcb->superblock.generation; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = now; me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(me->fileref->parent->fcb); } else { if (me->fileref->dc) { ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&me->fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); RemoveEntryList(&me->fileref->dc->list_entry_index); if (!me->fileref->fcb->ads) remove_dir_child_from_hash_lists(me->fileref->parent->fcb, me->fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&me->parent->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); if (me->fileref->fcb->ads) InsertHeadList(&me->parent->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index, &me->fileref->dc->list_entry_index); else { if (me->fileref->fcb->inode != SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) me->fileref->dc->key.obj_id = me->fileref->fcb->inode; if (IsListEmpty(&me->parent->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index)) me->fileref->dc->index = 2; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(me->parent->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index.Blink, dir_child, list_entry_index); me->fileref->dc->index = max(2, dc2->index + 1); } InsertTailList(&me->parent->fileref->fcb->dir_children_index, &me->fileref->dc->list_entry_index); insert_dir_child_into_hash_lists(me->parent->fileref->fcb, me->fileref->dc); } ExReleaseResourceLite(&me->parent->fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); } } if (!me->dummyfileref->fcb->ads) { Status = delete_fileref(me->dummyfileref, NULL, Irp, rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("delete_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } if (me->fileref->fcb->inode_item.st_nlink > 1) { hl = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(hardlink), ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } hl->parent = me->fileref->parent->fcb->inode; hl->index = me->fileref->dc->index; hl->utf8.Length = hl->utf8.MaximumLength = me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length; hl->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExFreePool(hl); goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->utf8.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->utf8.Length); hl->name.Length = hl->name.MaximumLength = me->fileref->dc->name.Length; hl->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExFreePool(hl->utf8.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->name.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->name.Buffer, me->fileref->dc->name.Length); InsertTailList(&me->fileref->fcb->hardlinks, &hl->list_entry); } mark_fileref_dirty(me->fileref); le = le->Flink; } // loop through, and only mark streams as deleted if their parent inodes are also deleted le = move_list.Flink; while (le != &move_list) { me = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, move_entry, list_entry); if (me->dummyfileref->fcb->ads && me->parent->dummyfileref->fcb->deleted) { Status = delete_fileref(me->dummyfileref, NULL, Irp, rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("delete_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } le = le->Flink; } destdir->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctransid = destdir->fcb->Vcb->superblock.generation; destdir->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctime = now; me = CONTAINING_RECORD(move_list.Flink, move_entry, list_entry); send_notification_fileref(fileref, fileref->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_ADDED, NULL); send_notification_fileref(me->dummyfileref->parent, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); send_notification_fileref(fileref->parent, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: while (!IsListEmpty(&move_list)) { le = RemoveHeadList(&move_list); me = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, move_entry, list_entry); if (me->dummyfcb) free_fcb(fileref->fcb->Vcb, me->dummyfcb); if (me->dummyfileref) free_fileref(fileref->fcb->Vcb, me->dummyfileref); free_fileref(fileref->fcb->Vcb, me->fileref); ExFreePool(me); } return Status; } void insert_dir_child_into_hash_lists(fcb* fcb, dir_child* dc) { BOOL inserted; LIST_ENTRY* le; UINT8 c, d; c = dc->hash >> 24; inserted = FALSE; d = c; do { le = fcb->hash_ptrs[d]; if (d == 0) break; d--; } while (!le); if (!le) le = fcb->dir_children_hash.Flink; while (le != &fcb->dir_children_hash) { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, dir_child, list_entry_hash); if (dc2->hash > dc->hash) { InsertHeadList(le->Blink, &dc->list_entry_hash); inserted = TRUE; break; } le = le->Flink; } if (!inserted) InsertTailList(&fcb->dir_children_hash, &dc->list_entry_hash); if (!fcb->hash_ptrs[c]) fcb->hash_ptrs[c] = &dc->list_entry_hash; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(fcb->hash_ptrs[c], dir_child, list_entry_hash); if (dc2->hash > dc->hash) fcb->hash_ptrs[c] = &dc->list_entry_hash; } c = dc->hash_uc >> 24; inserted = FALSE; d = c; do { le = fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[d]; if (d == 0) break; d--; } while (!le); if (!le) le = fcb->dir_children_hash_uc.Flink; while (le != &fcb->dir_children_hash_uc) { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, dir_child, list_entry_hash_uc); if (dc2->hash_uc > dc->hash_uc) { InsertHeadList(le->Blink, &dc->list_entry_hash_uc); inserted = TRUE; break; } le = le->Flink; } if (!inserted) InsertTailList(&fcb->dir_children_hash_uc, &dc->list_entry_hash_uc); if (!fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c]) fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] = &dc->list_entry_hash_uc; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c], dir_child, list_entry_hash_uc); if (dc2->hash_uc > dc->hash_uc) fcb->hash_ptrs_uc[c] = &dc->list_entry_hash_uc; } } static NTSTATUS set_rename_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PFILE_OBJECT tfo) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION* fri = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; fcb *fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref *fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL, *oldfileref = NULL, *related = NULL, *fr2 = NULL; WCHAR* fn; ULONG fnlen, utf8len, origutf8len; UNICODE_STRING fnus; ANSI_STRING utf8; NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; LIST_ENTRY rollback, *le; hardlink* hl; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjcont; ACCESS_MASK access; InitializeListHead(&rollback); TRACE("tfo = %p\n", tfo); TRACE("ReplaceIfExists = %u\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.ReplaceIfExists); TRACE("RootDirectory = %p\n", fri->RootDirectory); TRACE("FileName = %.*S\n", fri->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), fri->FileName); fn = fri->FileName; fnlen = fri->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR); if (!tfo) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref set and no directory given\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { LONG i; while (fnlen > 0 && (fri->FileName[fnlen - 1] == '/' || fri->FileName[fnlen - 1] == '\\')) fnlen--; if (fnlen == 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (i = fnlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (fri->FileName[i] == '\\' || fri->FileName[i] == '/') { fn = &fri->FileName[i+1]; fnlen = (fri->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)) - i - 1; break; } } } ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); acquire_fcb_lock_exclusive(Vcb); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fcb->ads) { // MSDN says that NTFS data streams can be renamed (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff540344.aspx), // but if you try it always seems to return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. There is a function in ntfs.sys called NtfsStreamRename, // but it never seems to get invoked... If you know what's going on here, I'd appreciate it if you let me know. Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } fnus.Buffer = fn; fnus.Length = fnus.MaximumLength = (UINT16)(fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); TRACE("fnus = %.*S\n", fnus.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fnus.Buffer); origutf8len = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; Status = RtlUnicodeToUTF8N(NULL, 0, &utf8len, fn, (ULONG)fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end; utf8.MaximumLength = utf8.Length = (UINT16)utf8len; utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } Status = RtlUnicodeToUTF8N(utf8.Buffer, utf8len, &utf8len, fn, (ULONG)fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end; if (tfo && tfo->FsContext2) { struct _ccb* relatedccb = tfo->FsContext2; related = relatedccb->fileref; increase_fileref_refcount(related); } else if (fnus.Length >= sizeof(WCHAR) && fnus.Buffer[0] != '\\') { related = fileref->parent; increase_fileref_refcount(related); } Status = open_fileref(Vcb, &oldfileref, &fnus, related, FALSE, NULL, NULL, PagedPool, ccb->case_sensitive, Irp); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("destination file %S already exists\n", file_desc_fileref(oldfileref)); if (fileref != oldfileref && !oldfileref->deleted) { if (!IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.ReplaceIfExists) { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; goto end; } else if ((oldfileref->open_count >= 1 || has_open_children(oldfileref)) && !oldfileref->deleted) { WARN("trying to overwrite open file\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (oldfileref->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { WARN("trying to overwrite directory\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } } if (fileref == oldfileref || oldfileref->deleted) { free_fileref(Vcb, oldfileref); oldfileref = NULL; } } if (!related) { Status = open_fileref(Vcb, &related, &fnus, NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL, PagedPool, ccb->case_sensitive, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } if (related->fcb == Vcb->dummy_fcb) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } SeCaptureSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (!SeAccessCheck(related->fcb->sd, &subjcont, FALSE, fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY : FILE_ADD_FILE, 0, NULL, IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(), Irp->RequestorMode, &access, &Status)) { SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); TRACE("SeAccessCheck failed, returning %08x\n", Status); goto end; } SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (has_open_children(fileref)) { WARN("trying to rename file with open children\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (oldfileref) { SeCaptureSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (!SeAccessCheck(oldfileref->fcb->sd, &subjcont, FALSE, DELETE, 0, NULL, IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(), Irp->RequestorMode, &access, &Status)) { SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); TRACE("SeAccessCheck failed, returning %08x\n", Status); goto end; } SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); Status = delete_fileref(oldfileref, NULL, Irp, &rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("delete_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } if (fileref->parent->fcb->subvol != related->fcb->subvol && (fileref->fcb->subvol == fileref->parent->fcb->subvol || fileref->fcb == Vcb->dummy_fcb)) { Status = move_across_subvols(fileref, ccb, related, &utf8, &fnus, Irp, &rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("move_across_subvols returned %08x\n", Status); } goto end; } if (related == fileref->parent) { // keeping file in same directory UNICODE_STRING oldfn, newfn; USHORT name_offset; ULONG reqlen, oldutf8len; oldfn.Length = oldfn.MaximumLength = 0; Status = fileref_get_filename(fileref, &oldfn, &name_offset, &reqlen); if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { ERR("fileref_get_filename returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } oldfn.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, reqlen, ALLOC_TAG); if (!oldfn.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } oldfn.MaximumLength = (UINT16)reqlen; Status = fileref_get_filename(fileref, &oldfn, &name_offset, &reqlen); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("fileref_get_filename returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } oldutf8len = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; if (!fileref->created && !fileref->oldutf8.Buffer) { fileref->oldutf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fileref->dc->utf8.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fileref->oldutf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } fileref->oldutf8.Length = fileref->oldutf8.MaximumLength = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; RtlCopyMemory(fileref->oldutf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Length); } TRACE("renaming %.*S to %.*S\n", fileref->dc->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fnus.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fnus.Buffer); mark_fileref_dirty(fileref); if (fileref->dc) { ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); ExFreePool(fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer); ExFreePool(fileref->dc->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer); fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, utf8.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } fileref->dc->utf8.Length = fileref->dc->utf8.MaximumLength = utf8.Length; RtlCopyMemory(fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, utf8.Buffer, utf8.Length); fileref->dc->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fnus.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fileref->dc->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } fileref->dc->name.Length = fileref->dc->name.MaximumLength = fnus.Length; RtlCopyMemory(fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fnus.Buffer, fnus.Length); Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&fileref->dc->name_uc, &fileref->dc->name, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUpcaseUnicodeString returned %08x\n", Status); ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } remove_dir_child_from_hash_lists(fileref->parent->fcb, fileref->dc); fileref->dc->hash = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fileref->dc->name.Length); fileref->dc->hash_uc = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer, fileref->dc->name_uc.Length); insert_dir_child_into_hash_lists(fileref->parent->fcb, fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); } newfn.Length = newfn.MaximumLength = 0; Status = fileref_get_filename(fileref, &newfn, &name_offset, &reqlen); if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { ERR("fileref_get_filename returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } newfn.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, reqlen, ALLOC_TAG); if (!newfn.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); goto end; } newfn.MaximumLength = (UINT16)reqlen; Status = fileref_get_filename(fileref, &newfn, &name_offset, &reqlen); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("fileref_get_filename returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); ExFreePool(newfn.Buffer); goto end; } KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); if (fcb != Vcb->dummy_fcb && (fileref->parent->fcb->subvol == fcb->subvol || !is_subvol_readonly(fcb->subvol, Irp))) { fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.sequence++; if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); } // update parent's INODE_ITEM related->fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; TRACE("related->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) was %llx\n", related->fcb->inode, related->fcb->inode_item.st_size); related->fcb->inode_item.st_size = related->fcb->inode_item.st_size + (2 * utf8.Length) - (2* oldutf8len); TRACE("related->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) now %llx\n", related->fcb->inode, related->fcb->inode_item.st_size); related->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; related->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; related->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = now; related->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(related->fcb); send_notification_fileref(related, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); FsRtlNotifyFilterReportChange(fcb->Vcb->NotifySync, &fcb->Vcb->DirNotifyList, (PSTRING)&oldfn, name_offset, NULL, NULL, fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME, NULL, NULL); FsRtlNotifyFilterReportChange(fcb->Vcb->NotifySync, &fcb->Vcb->DirNotifyList, (PSTRING)&newfn, name_offset, NULL, NULL, fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME, NULL, NULL); ExFreePool(oldfn.Buffer); ExFreePool(newfn.Buffer); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto end; } // We move files by moving the existing fileref to the new directory, and // replacing it with a dummy fileref with the same original values, but marked as deleted. send_notification_fileref(fileref, fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_REMOVED, NULL); fr2 = create_fileref(Vcb); fr2->fcb = fileref->fcb; fr2->fcb->refcount++; fr2->oldutf8 = fileref->oldutf8; fr2->oldindex = fileref->dc->index; fr2->delete_on_close = fileref->delete_on_close; fr2->deleted = TRUE; fr2->created = fileref->created; fr2->parent = fileref->parent; fr2->dc = NULL; if (!fr2->oldutf8.Buffer) { fr2->oldutf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fileref->dc->utf8.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fr2->oldutf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(fr2->oldutf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Length); fr2->oldutf8.Length = fr2->oldutf8.MaximumLength = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; } if (fr2->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) fr2->fcb->fileref = fr2; if (fileref->fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) fileref->fcb->subvol->parent = related->fcb->subvol->id; fileref->oldutf8.Length = fileref->oldutf8.MaximumLength = 0; fileref->oldutf8.Buffer = NULL; fileref->deleted = FALSE; fileref->created = TRUE; fileref->parent = related; ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&fileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock, TRUE); InsertHeadList(&fileref->list_entry, &fr2->list_entry); RemoveEntryList(&fileref->list_entry); ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->parent->nonpaged->children_lock); mark_fileref_dirty(fr2); mark_fileref_dirty(fileref); if (fileref->dc) { // remove from old parent ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&fr2->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); RemoveEntryList(&fileref->dc->list_entry_index); remove_dir_child_from_hash_lists(fr2->parent->fcb, fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&fr2->parent->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); if (fileref->dc->utf8.Length != utf8.Length || RtlCompareMemory(fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, utf8.Buffer, utf8.Length) != utf8.Length) { // handle changed name ExFreePool(fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer); ExFreePool(fileref->dc->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer); fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, utf8.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } fileref->dc->utf8.Length = fileref->dc->utf8.MaximumLength = utf8.Length; RtlCopyMemory(fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, utf8.Buffer, utf8.Length); fileref->dc->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fnus.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!fileref->dc->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } fileref->dc->name.Length = fileref->dc->name.MaximumLength = fnus.Length; RtlCopyMemory(fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fnus.Buffer, fnus.Length); Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&fileref->dc->name_uc, &fileref->dc->name, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUpcaseUnicodeString returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } fileref->dc->hash = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fileref->dc->name.Length); fileref->dc->hash_uc = calc_crc32c(0xffffffff, (UINT8*)fileref->dc->name_uc.Buffer, fileref->dc->name_uc.Length); } // add to new parent ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&related->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); if (IsListEmpty(&related->fcb->dir_children_index)) fileref->dc->index = 2; else { dir_child* dc2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(related->fcb->dir_children_index.Blink, dir_child, list_entry_index); fileref->dc->index = max(2, dc2->index + 1); } InsertTailList(&related->fcb->dir_children_index, &fileref->dc->list_entry_index); insert_dir_child_into_hash_lists(related->fcb, fileref->dc); ExReleaseResourceLite(&related->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); } ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&related->nonpaged->children_lock, TRUE); InsertTailList(&related->children, &fileref->list_entry); ExReleaseResourceLite(&related->nonpaged->children_lock); if (fcb->inode_item.st_nlink > 1) { // add new hardlink entry to fcb hl = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(hardlink), ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } hl->parent = related->fcb->inode; hl->index = fileref->dc->index; hl->name.Length = hl->name.MaximumLength = fnus.Length; hl->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->name.Buffer, fnus.Buffer, fnus.Length); hl->utf8.Length = hl->utf8.MaximumLength = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; hl->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Length); InsertTailList(&fcb->hardlinks, &hl->list_entry); } // delete old hardlink entry from fcb le = fcb->hardlinks.Flink; while (le != &fcb->hardlinks) { hl = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, hardlink, list_entry); if (hl->parent == fr2->parent->fcb->inode && hl->index == fr2->oldindex) { RemoveEntryList(&hl->list_entry); if (hl->utf8.Buffer) ExFreePool(hl->utf8.Buffer); if (hl->name.Buffer) ExFreePool(hl->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); break; } le = le->Flink; } // update inode's INODE_ITEM KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); if (fcb != Vcb->dummy_fcb && (fileref->parent->fcb->subvol == fcb->subvol || !is_subvol_readonly(fcb->subvol, Irp))) { fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.sequence++; if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); } // update new parent's INODE_ITEM related->fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; TRACE("related->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) was %llx\n", related->fcb->inode, related->fcb->inode_item.st_size); related->fcb->inode_item.st_size += 2 * utf8len; TRACE("related->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) now %llx\n", related->fcb->inode, related->fcb->inode_item.st_size); related->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; related->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; related->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = now; related->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(related->fcb); // update old parent's INODE_ITEM fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; TRACE("fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) was %llx\n", fr2->parent->fcb->inode, fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size); fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size -= 2 * origutf8len; TRACE("fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) now %llx\n", fr2->parent->fcb->inode, fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_size); fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime = now; free_fileref(Vcb, fr2); fr2->parent->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fr2->parent->fcb); send_notification_fileref(fileref, fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME : FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_ADDED, NULL); send_notification_fileref(related, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); send_notification_fileref(fr2->parent, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: if (oldfileref) free_fileref(Vcb, oldfileref); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && related) free_fileref(Vcb, related); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && fr2) free_fileref(Vcb, fr2); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) clear_rollback(&rollback); else do_rollback(Vcb, &rollback); ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); release_fcb_lock(Vcb); ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); return Status; } NTSTATUS stream_set_end_of_file_information(device_extension* Vcb, UINT16 end, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref, BOOL advance_only) { LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; TRACE("setting new end to %llx bytes (currently %x)\n", end, fcb->adsdata.Length); if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (end < fcb->adsdata.Length) { if (advance_only) return STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE("truncating stream to %llx bytes\n", end); fcb->adsdata.Length = end; } else if (end > fcb->adsdata.Length) { TRACE("extending stream to %llx bytes\n", end); if (end > fcb->adsmaxlen) { ERR("error - xattr too long (%u > %u)\n", end, fcb->adsmaxlen); return STATUS_DISK_FULL; } if (end > fcb->adsdata.MaximumLength) { char* data = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, end, ALLOC_TAG); if (!data) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(data); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } if (fcb->adsdata.Buffer) { RtlCopyMemory(data, fcb->adsdata.Buffer, fcb->adsdata.Length); ExFreePool(fcb->adsdata.Buffer); } fcb->adsdata.Buffer = data; fcb->adsdata.MaximumLength = end; } RtlZeroMemory(&fcb->adsdata.Buffer[fcb->adsdata.Length], end - fcb->adsdata.Length); fcb->adsdata.Length = end; } mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); fcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = end; fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart = end; fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = end; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.sequence++; fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fileref->parent->fcb); fileref->parent->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctransid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fileref->parent->fcb->subvol->root_item.ctime = now; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS set_end_of_file_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, BOOL advance_only, BOOL prealloc) { FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION* feofi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; fcb* fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref* fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL; NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER time; CC_FILE_SIZES ccfs; LIST_ENTRY rollback; BOOL set_size = FALSE; ULONG filter; if (!fileref) { ERR("fileref is NULL\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } InitializeListHead(&rollback); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fileref ? fileref->deleted : fcb->deleted) { Status = STATUS_FILE_CLOSED; goto end; } if (fcb->ads) { if (feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart > 0xffff) { Status = STATUS_DISK_FULL; goto end; } if (feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart < 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } Status = stream_set_end_of_file_information(Vcb, (UINT16)feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart, fcb, fileref, advance_only); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ccfs.AllocationSize = fcb->Header.AllocationSize; ccfs.FileSize = fcb->Header.FileSize; ccfs.ValidDataLength = fcb->Header.ValidDataLength; set_size = TRUE; } filter = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_STREAM_SIZE; if (!ccb->user_set_write_time) { KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_mtime); filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE; fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fileref->parent->fcb); } send_notification_fcb(fileref->parent, filter, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED_STREAM, &fileref->dc->name); goto end; } TRACE("file: %S\n", file_desc(FileObject)); TRACE("paging IO: %s\n", Irp->Flags & IRP_PAGING_IO ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); TRACE("FileObject: AllocationSize = %llx, FileSize = %llx, ValidDataLength = %llx\n", fcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart, fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart, fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart); TRACE("setting new end to %llx bytes (currently %llx)\n", feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart, fcb->inode_item.st_size); if ((UINT64)feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart < fcb->inode_item.st_size) { if (advance_only) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto end; } TRACE("truncating file to %llx bytes\n", feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart); if (!MmCanFileBeTruncated(&fcb->nonpaged->segment_object, &feofi->EndOfFile)) { Status = STATUS_USER_MAPPED_FILE; goto end; } Status = truncate_file(fcb, feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart, Irp, &rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("error - truncate_file failed\n"); goto end; } } else if ((UINT64)feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart > fcb->inode_item.st_size) { if (Irp->Flags & IRP_PAGING_IO) { TRACE("paging IO tried to extend file size\n"); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto end; } TRACE("extending file to %llx bytes\n", feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart); Status = extend_file(fcb, fileref, feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart, prealloc, NULL, &rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("error - extend_file failed\n"); goto end; } } else if ((UINT64)feofi->EndOfFile.QuadPart == fcb->inode_item.st_size && advance_only) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto end; } ccfs.AllocationSize = fcb->Header.AllocationSize; ccfs.FileSize = fcb->Header.FileSize; ccfs.ValidDataLength = fcb->Header.ValidDataLength; set_size = TRUE; filter = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE; if (!ccb->user_set_write_time) { KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &fcb->inode_item.st_mtime); filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE; } fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); send_notification_fcb(fileref, filter, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) clear_rollback(&rollback); else do_rollback(Vcb, &rollback); ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); if (set_size) { _SEH2_TRY { CcSetFileSizes(FileObject, &ccfs); } _SEH2_EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) ERR("CcSetFileSizes threw exception %08x\n", Status); } ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); return Status; } static NTSTATUS set_position_information(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PIRP Irp) { FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION* fpi = (FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION*)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("setting the position on %S to %llx\n", file_desc(FileObject), fpi->CurrentByteOffset.QuadPart); // FIXME - make sure aligned for FO_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING FileObject->CurrentByteOffset = fpi->CurrentByteOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS set_link_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PFILE_OBJECT tfo) { FILE_LINK_INFORMATION* fli = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; fcb *fcb = FileObject->FsContext, *tfofcb, *parfcb; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref *fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL, *oldfileref = NULL, *related = NULL, *fr2 = NULL; WCHAR* fn; ULONG fnlen, utf8len; UNICODE_STRING fnus; ANSI_STRING utf8; NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; LIST_ENTRY rollback; hardlink* hl; ACCESS_MASK access; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjcont; dir_child* dc = NULL; InitializeListHead(&rollback); // FIXME - check fli length // FIXME - don't ignore fli->RootDirectory TRACE("ReplaceIfExists = %x\n", fli->ReplaceIfExists); TRACE("RootDirectory = %p\n", fli->RootDirectory); TRACE("FileNameLength = %x\n", fli->FileNameLength); TRACE("FileName = %.*S\n", fli->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), fli->FileName); fn = fli->FileName; fnlen = fli->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR); if (!tfo) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref set and no directory given\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } parfcb = fileref->parent->fcb; tfofcb = NULL; } else { LONG i; tfofcb = tfo->FsContext; parfcb = tfofcb; while (fnlen > 0 && (fli->FileName[fnlen - 1] == '/' || fli->FileName[fnlen - 1] == '\\')) fnlen--; if (fnlen == 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (i = fnlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (fli->FileName[i] == '\\' || fli->FileName[i] == '/') { fn = &fli->FileName[i+1]; fnlen = (fli->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)) - i - 1; break; } } } ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); acquire_fcb_lock_exclusive(Vcb); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { WARN("tried to create hard link on directory\n"); Status = STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY; goto end; } if (fcb->ads) { WARN("tried to create hard link on stream\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (fcb->inode_item.st_nlink >= 65535) { Status = STATUS_TOO_MANY_LINKS; goto end; } fnus.Buffer = fn; fnus.Length = fnus.MaximumLength = (UINT16)(fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); TRACE("fnus = %.*S\n", fnus.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fnus.Buffer); Status = RtlUnicodeToUTF8N(NULL, 0, &utf8len, fn, (ULONG)fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end; utf8.MaximumLength = utf8.Length = (UINT16)utf8len; utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } Status = RtlUnicodeToUTF8N(utf8.Buffer, utf8len, &utf8len, fn, (ULONG)fnlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end; if (tfo && tfo->FsContext2) { struct _ccb* relatedccb = tfo->FsContext2; related = relatedccb->fileref; increase_fileref_refcount(related); } Status = open_fileref(Vcb, &oldfileref, &fnus, related, FALSE, NULL, NULL, PagedPool, ccb->case_sensitive, Irp); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (!oldfileref->deleted) { WARN("destination file %S already exists\n", file_desc_fileref(oldfileref)); if (!fli->ReplaceIfExists) { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; goto end; } else if (oldfileref->open_count >= 1 && !oldfileref->deleted) { WARN("trying to overwrite open file\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } else if (fileref == oldfileref) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (oldfileref->fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { WARN("trying to overwrite directory\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } } else { free_fileref(Vcb, oldfileref); oldfileref = NULL; } } if (!related) { Status = open_fileref(Vcb, &related, &fnus, NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL, PagedPool, ccb->case_sensitive, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } SeCaptureSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (!SeAccessCheck(related->fcb->sd, &subjcont, FALSE, FILE_ADD_FILE, 0, NULL, IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(), Irp->RequestorMode, &access, &Status)) { SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); TRACE("SeAccessCheck failed, returning %08x\n", Status); goto end; } SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (fcb->subvol != parfcb->subvol) { WARN("can't create hard link over subvolume boundary\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (oldfileref) { SeCaptureSubjectContext(&subjcont); if (!SeAccessCheck(oldfileref->fcb->sd, &subjcont, FALSE, DELETE, 0, NULL, IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping(), Irp->RequestorMode, &access, &Status)) { SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); TRACE("SeAccessCheck failed, returning %08x\n", Status); goto end; } SeReleaseSubjectContext(&subjcont); Status = delete_fileref(oldfileref, NULL, Irp, &rollback); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("delete_fileref returned %08x\n", Status); goto end; } } fr2 = create_fileref(Vcb); fr2->fcb = fcb; fcb->refcount++; fr2->created = TRUE; fr2->parent = related; Status = add_dir_child(related->fcb, fcb->inode, FALSE, &utf8, &fnus, fcb->type, &dc); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) WARN("add_dir_child returned %08x\n", Status); fr2->dc = dc; dc->fileref = fr2; ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&related->nonpaged->children_lock, TRUE); InsertTailList(&related->children, &fr2->list_entry); ExReleaseResourceLite(&related->nonpaged->children_lock); // add hardlink for existing fileref, if it's not there already if (IsListEmpty(&fcb->hardlinks)) { hl = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(hardlink), ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } hl->parent = fileref->parent->fcb->inode; hl->index = fileref->dc->index; hl->name.Length = hl->name.MaximumLength = fnus.Length; hl->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, fnus.Length, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->name.Buffer, fnus.Buffer, fnus.Length); hl->utf8.Length = hl->utf8.MaximumLength = fileref->dc->utf8.Length; hl->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Buffer, fileref->dc->utf8.Length); InsertTailList(&fcb->hardlinks, &hl->list_entry); } hl = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(hardlink), ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } hl->parent = related->fcb->inode; hl->index = dc->index; hl->name.Length = hl->name.MaximumLength = fnus.Length; hl->name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->name.Buffer, fnus.Buffer, fnus.Length); hl->utf8.Length = hl->utf8.MaximumLength = utf8.Length; hl->utf8.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, hl->utf8.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!hl->utf8.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); ExFreePool(hl->name.Buffer); ExFreePool(hl); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } RtlCopyMemory(hl->utf8.Buffer, utf8.Buffer, utf8.Length); ExFreePool(utf8.Buffer); InsertTailList(&fcb->hardlinks, &hl->list_entry); mark_fileref_dirty(fr2); free_fileref(Vcb, fr2); // update inode's INODE_ITEM KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.sequence++; fcb->inode_item.st_nlink++; if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); // update parent's INODE_ITEM parfcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; TRACE("parfcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) was %llx\n", parfcb->inode, parfcb->inode_item.st_size); parfcb->inode_item.st_size += 2 * utf8len; TRACE("parfcb->inode_item.st_size (inode %llx) now %llx\n", parfcb->inode, parfcb->inode_item.st_size); parfcb->inode_item.sequence++; parfcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; parfcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(parfcb); send_notification_fileref(fr2, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_ACTION_ADDED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: if (oldfileref) free_fileref(Vcb, oldfileref); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && related) free_fileref(Vcb, related); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && fr2) free_fileref(Vcb, fr2); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) clear_rollback(&rollback); else do_rollback(Vcb, &rollback); ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); release_fcb_lock(Vcb); ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); return Status; } static NTSTATUS set_valid_data_length_information(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { FILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATION* fvdli = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); fcb* fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref* fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL; NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER time; CC_FILE_SIZES ccfs; LIST_ENTRY rollback; BOOL set_size = FALSE; ULONG filter; if (IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.Length < sizeof(FILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATION)) { ERR("input buffer length was %u, expected %u\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.Length, sizeof(FILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATION)); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!fileref) { ERR("fileref is NULL\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } InitializeListHead(&rollback); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fcb->atts & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (fvdli->ValidDataLength.QuadPart <= fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart || fvdli->ValidDataLength.QuadPart > fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart) { TRACE("invalid VDL of %llu (current VDL = %llu, file size = %llu)\n", fvdli->ValidDataLength.QuadPart, fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart, fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (fileref ? fileref->deleted : fcb->deleted) { Status = STATUS_FILE_CLOSED; goto end; } // This function doesn't really do anything - the fsctl can only increase the value of ValidDataLength, // and we set it to the max anyway. ccfs.AllocationSize = fcb->Header.AllocationSize; ccfs.FileSize = fcb->Header.FileSize; ccfs.ValidDataLength = fvdli->ValidDataLength; set_size = TRUE; filter = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE; if (!ccb->user_set_write_time) { KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &fcb->inode_item.st_mtime); filter |= FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE; } fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); send_notification_fcb(fileref, filter, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) clear_rollback(&rollback); else do_rollback(Vcb, &rollback); ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); if (set_size) { _SEH2_TRY { CcSetFileSizes(FileObject, &ccfs); } _SEH2_EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) ERR("CcSetFileSizes threw exception %08x\n", Status); else fcb->Header.AllocationSize = ccfs.AllocationSize; } ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); return Status; } _Dispatch_type_(IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION) _Function_class_(DRIVER_DISPATCH) NTSTATUS NTAPI drv_set_information(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS Status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); device_extension* Vcb = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; fcb* fcb = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext2; BOOL top_level; FsRtlEnterFileSystem(); top_level = is_top_level(Irp); Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; if (Vcb && Vcb->type == VCB_TYPE_VOLUME) { Status = vol_set_information(DeviceObject, Irp); goto end; } else if (!Vcb || Vcb->type != VCB_TYPE_FS) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (!(Vcb->Vpb->Flags & VPB_MOUNTED)) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (Vcb->readonly && IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass != FilePositionInformation) { Status = STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED; goto end; } if (!fcb) { ERR("no fcb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (!ccb) { ERR("no ccb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (fcb != Vcb->dummy_fcb && is_subvol_readonly(fcb->subvol, Irp) && IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass != FilePositionInformation && (fcb->inode != SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE || (IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass != FileBasicInformation && IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass != FileRenameInformation))) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; TRACE("set information\n"); switch (IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass) { case FileAllocationInformation: { TRACE("FileAllocationInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & FILE_WRITE_DATA)) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } Status = set_end_of_file_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject, FALSE, TRUE); break; } case FileBasicInformation: { TRACE("FileBasicInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES)) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } Status = set_basic_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject); break; } case FileDispositionInformation: { TRACE("FileDispositionInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & DELETE)) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } Status = set_disposition_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject); break; } case FileEndOfFileInformation: { TRACE("FileEndOfFileInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } Status = set_end_of_file_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject, IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.AdvanceOnly, FALSE); break; } case FileLinkInformation: TRACE("FileLinkInformation\n"); Status = set_link_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject, IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileObject); break; case FilePositionInformation: TRACE("FilePositionInformation\n"); Status = set_position_information(IrpSp->FileObject, Irp); break; case FileRenameInformation: TRACE("FileRenameInformation\n"); // FIXME - make this work with streams Status = set_rename_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject, IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileObject); break; case FileValidDataLengthInformation: { TRACE("FileValidDataLengthInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } Status = set_valid_data_length_information(Vcb, Irp, IrpSp->FileObject); break; } default: WARN("unknown FileInformationClass %u\n", IrpSp->Parameters.SetFile.FileInformationClass); } end: Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; TRACE("returning %08x\n", Status); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); if (top_level) IoSetTopLevelIrp(NULL); FsRtlExitFileSystem(); return Status; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_basic_information(FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION* fbi, INODE_ITEM* ii, LONG* length, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref) { RtlZeroMemory(fbi, sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION)); *length -= sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION); if (fcb == fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb) { LARGE_INTEGER time; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); fbi->CreationTime = fbi->LastAccessTime = fbi->LastWriteTime = fbi->ChangeTime = time; } else { fbi->CreationTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->otime); fbi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_atime); fbi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_mtime); fbi->ChangeTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_ctime); } if (fcb->ads) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else fbi->FileAttributes = fileref->parent->fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : fileref->parent->fcb->atts; } else fbi->FileAttributes = fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : fcb->atts; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_network_open_information(FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION* fnoi, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref, LONG* length) { INODE_ITEM* ii; if (*length < (LONG)sizeof(FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION)) { WARN("overflow\n"); return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } RtlZeroMemory(fnoi, sizeof(FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION)); *length -= sizeof(FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION); if (fcb->ads) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } ii = &fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item; } else ii = &fcb->inode_item; if (fcb == fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb) { LARGE_INTEGER time; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); fnoi->CreationTime = fnoi->LastAccessTime = fnoi->LastWriteTime = fnoi->ChangeTime = time; } else { fnoi->CreationTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->otime); fnoi->LastAccessTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_atime); fnoi->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_mtime); fnoi->ChangeTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_ctime); } if (fcb->ads) { fnoi->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fnoi->EndOfFile.QuadPart = fcb->adsdata.Length; fnoi->FileAttributes = fileref->parent->fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : fileref->parent->fcb->atts; } else { fnoi->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fcb_alloc_size(fcb); fnoi->EndOfFile.QuadPart = S_ISDIR(fcb->inode_item.st_mode) ? 0 : fcb->inode_item.st_size; fnoi->FileAttributes = fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : fcb->atts; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_standard_information(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION* fsi, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref, LONG* length) { RtlZeroMemory(fsi, sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION)); *length -= sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION); if (fcb->ads) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } fsi->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fsi->EndOfFile.QuadPart = fcb->adsdata.Length; fsi->NumberOfLinks = fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; fsi->Directory = FALSE; } else { fsi->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fcb_alloc_size(fcb); fsi->EndOfFile.QuadPart = S_ISDIR(fcb->inode_item.st_mode) ? 0 : fcb->inode_item.st_size; fsi->NumberOfLinks = fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; fsi->Directory = S_ISDIR(fcb->inode_item.st_mode); } TRACE("length = %llu\n", fsi->EndOfFile.QuadPart); fsi->DeletePending = fileref ? fileref->delete_on_close : FALSE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_internal_information(FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION* fii, fcb* fcb, LONG* length) { *length -= sizeof(FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION); fii->IndexNumber.QuadPart = make_file_id(fcb->subvol, fcb->inode); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_ea_information(FILE_EA_INFORMATION* eai, fcb* fcb, LONG* length) { *length -= sizeof(FILE_EA_INFORMATION); /* This value appears to be the size of the structure NTFS stores on disk, and not, * as might be expected, the size of FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION (which is what we store). * The formula is 4 bytes as a header, followed by 5 + NameLength + ValueLength for each * item. */ eai->EaSize = fcb->ealen; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_position_information(FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION* fpi, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, LONG* length) { RtlZeroMemory(fpi, sizeof(FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION)); *length -= sizeof(FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION); fpi->CurrentByteOffset = FileObject->CurrentByteOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS fileref_get_filename(file_ref* fileref, PUNICODE_STRING fn, USHORT* name_offset, ULONG* preqlen) { file_ref* fr; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG reqlen = 0; USHORT offset; BOOL overflow = FALSE; // FIXME - we need a lock on filerefs' filepart if (fileref == fileref->fcb->Vcb->root_fileref) { if (fn->MaximumLength >= sizeof(WCHAR)) { fn->Buffer[0] = '\\'; fn->Length = sizeof(WCHAR); if (name_offset) *name_offset = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { if (preqlen) *preqlen = sizeof(WCHAR); fn->Length = 0; return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } } fr = fileref; offset = 0; while (fr->parent) { USHORT movelen; if (!fr->dc) return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (!overflow) { if (fr->dc->name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + fn->Length > fn->MaximumLength) overflow = TRUE; } if (overflow) movelen = fn->MaximumLength - fr->dc->name.Length - sizeof(WCHAR); else movelen = fn->Length; if ((!overflow || fn->MaximumLength > fr->dc->name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)) && movelen > 0) { RtlMoveMemory(&fn->Buffer[(fr->dc->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1], fn->Buffer, movelen); offset += fr->dc->name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); } if (fn->MaximumLength >= sizeof(WCHAR)) { fn->Buffer[0] = fr->fcb->ads ? ':' : '\\'; fn->Length += sizeof(WCHAR); if (fn->MaximumLength > sizeof(WCHAR)) { RtlCopyMemory(&fn->Buffer[1], fr->dc->name.Buffer, min(fr->dc->name.Length, fn->MaximumLength - sizeof(WCHAR))); fn->Length += fr->dc->name.Length; } if (fn->Length > fn->MaximumLength) { fn->Length = fn->MaximumLength; overflow = TRUE; } } reqlen += sizeof(WCHAR) + fr->dc->name.Length; fr = fr->parent; } offset += sizeof(WCHAR); if (overflow) { if (preqlen) *preqlen = reqlen; Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else { if (name_offset) *name_offset = offset; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return Status; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_name_information(FILE_NAME_INFORMATION* fni, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref, LONG* length) { ULONG reqlen; UNICODE_STRING fn; NTSTATUS Status; static const WCHAR datasuf[] = {':','$','D','A','T','A',0}; UINT16 datasuflen = sizeof(datasuf) - sizeof(WCHAR); if (!fileref) { ERR("called without fileref\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *length -= (LONG)offsetof(FILE_NAME_INFORMATION, FileName[0]); TRACE("maximum length is %u\n", *length); fni->FileNameLength = 0; fni->FileName[0] = 0; fn.Buffer = fni->FileName; fn.Length = 0; fn.MaximumLength = (UINT16)*length; Status = fileref_get_filename(fileref, &fn, NULL, &reqlen); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { ERR("fileref_get_filename returned %08x\n", Status); return Status; } if (fcb->ads) { if (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) reqlen += datasuflen; else { if (fn.Length + datasuflen > fn.MaximumLength) { RtlCopyMemory(&fn.Buffer[fn.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)], datasuf, fn.MaximumLength - fn.Length); reqlen += datasuflen; Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else { RtlCopyMemory(&fn.Buffer[fn.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)], datasuf, datasuflen); fn.Length += datasuflen; } } } if (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { *length = -1; fni->FileNameLength = reqlen; TRACE("%.*S (truncated)\n", fn.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fn.Buffer); } else { *length -= fn.Length; fni->FileNameLength = fn.Length; TRACE("%.*S\n", fn.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fn.Buffer); } return Status; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_attribute_information(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION* ati, fcb* fcb, ccb* ccb, LONG* length) { *length -= sizeof(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION); if (fcb->ads) { if (!ccb->fileref || !ccb->fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } ati->FileAttributes = ccb->fileref->parent->fcb->atts; } else ati->FileAttributes = fcb->atts; if (!(ati->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) ati->ReparseTag = 0; else ati->ReparseTag = get_reparse_tag_fcb(fcb); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_stream_information(FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION* fsi, file_ref* fileref, LONG* length) { LONG reqsize; LIST_ENTRY* le; FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION *entry, *lastentry; NTSTATUS Status; static const WCHAR datasuf[] = L":$DATA"; UNICODE_STRING suf; if (!fileref) { ERR("fileref was NULL\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } suf.Buffer = (WCHAR*)datasuf; suf.Length = suf.MaximumLength = sizeof(datasuf) - sizeof(WCHAR); if (fileref->fcb->type != BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) reqsize = sizeof(FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION) - sizeof(WCHAR) + suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); else reqsize = 0; ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock, TRUE); le = fileref->fcb->dir_children_index.Flink; while (le != &fileref->fcb->dir_children_index) { dir_child* dc = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, dir_child, list_entry_index); if (dc->index == 0) { reqsize = (ULONG)sector_align(reqsize, sizeof(LONGLONG)); reqsize += sizeof(FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION) - sizeof(WCHAR) + suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + dc->name.Length; } else break; le = le->Flink; } TRACE("length = %i, reqsize = %u\n", *length, reqsize); if (reqsize > *length) { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto end; } entry = fsi; lastentry = NULL; if (fileref->fcb->type != BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { ULONG off; entry->NextEntryOffset = 0; entry->StreamNameLength = suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); entry->StreamSize.QuadPart = fileref->fcb->inode_item.st_size; entry->StreamAllocationSize.QuadPart = fcb_alloc_size(fileref->fcb); entry->StreamName[0] = ':'; RtlCopyMemory(&entry->StreamName[1], suf.Buffer, suf.Length); off = (ULONG)sector_align(sizeof(FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION) - sizeof(WCHAR) + suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(LONGLONG)); lastentry = entry; entry = (FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION*)((UINT8*)entry + off); } le = fileref->fcb->dir_children_index.Flink; while (le != &fileref->fcb->dir_children_index) { dir_child* dc = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, dir_child, list_entry_index); if (dc->index == 0) { ULONG off; entry->NextEntryOffset = 0; entry->StreamNameLength = dc->name.Length + suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); if (dc->fileref) entry->StreamSize.QuadPart = dc->fileref->fcb->adsdata.Length; else entry->StreamSize.QuadPart = dc->size; entry->StreamAllocationSize.QuadPart = entry->StreamSize.QuadPart; entry->StreamName[0] = ':'; RtlCopyMemory(&entry->StreamName[1], dc->name.Buffer, dc->name.Length); RtlCopyMemory(&entry->StreamName[1 + (dc->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR))], suf.Buffer, suf.Length); if (lastentry) lastentry->NextEntryOffset = (UINT32)((UINT8*)entry - (UINT8*)lastentry); off = (ULONG)sector_align(sizeof(FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION) - sizeof(WCHAR) + suf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + dc->name.Length, sizeof(LONGLONG)); lastentry = entry; entry = (FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION*)((UINT8*)entry + off); } else break; le = le->Flink; } *length -= reqsize; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end: ExReleaseResourceLite(&fileref->fcb->nonpaged->dir_children_lock); return Status; } #ifndef __REACTOS__ static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_standard_link_information(FILE_STANDARD_LINK_INFORMATION* fsli, fcb* fcb, file_ref* fileref, LONG* length) { TRACE("FileStandardLinkInformation\n"); // FIXME - NumberOfAccessibleLinks should subtract open links which have been marked as delete_on_close fsli->NumberOfAccessibleLinks = fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; fsli->TotalNumberOfLinks = fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; fsli->DeletePending = fileref ? fileref->delete_on_close : FALSE; fsli->Directory = (!fcb->ads && fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) ? TRUE : FALSE; *length -= sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_LINK_INFORMATION); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif /* __REACTOS__ */ NTSTATUS open_fileref_by_inode(_Requires_exclusive_lock_held_(_Curr_->fcb_lock) device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, file_ref** pfr, PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS Status; fcb* fcb; UINT64 parent = 0; UNICODE_STRING name; BOOL hl_alloc = FALSE; file_ref *parfr, *fr; Status = open_fcb(Vcb, subvol, inode, 0, NULL, NULL, &fcb, PagedPool, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fcb returned %08x\n", Status); return Status; } if (fcb->fileref) { *pfr = fcb->fileref; increase_fileref_refcount(fcb->fileref); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // find hardlink if fcb doesn't have any loaded if (IsListEmpty(&fcb->hardlinks)) { KEY searchkey; traverse_ptr tp; searchkey.obj_id = fcb->inode; searchkey.obj_type = TYPE_INODE_EXTREF; searchkey.offset = 0xffffffffffffffff; Status = find_item(Vcb, fcb->subvol, &tp, &searchkey, FALSE, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("find_item returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } if (tp.item->key.obj_id == fcb->inode) { if (tp.item->key.obj_type == TYPE_INODE_REF) { INODE_REF* ir; ULONG stringlen; ir = (INODE_REF*)tp.item->data; parent = tp.item->key.offset; Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(NULL, 0, &stringlen, ir->name, ir->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 1 returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } name.Length = name.MaximumLength = (UINT16)stringlen; if (stringlen == 0) name.Buffer = NULL; else { name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(name.Buffer, stringlen, &stringlen, ir->name, ir->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 2 returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(name.Buffer); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } hl_alloc = TRUE; } } else if (tp.item->key.obj_type == TYPE_INODE_EXTREF) { INODE_EXTREF* ier; ULONG stringlen; ier = (INODE_EXTREF*)tp.item->data; parent = ier->dir; Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(NULL, 0, &stringlen, ier->name, ier->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 1 returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } name.Length = name.MaximumLength = (UINT16)stringlen; if (stringlen == 0) name.Buffer = NULL; else { name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(name.Buffer, stringlen, &stringlen, ier->name, ier->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 2 returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(name.Buffer); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } hl_alloc = TRUE; } } } } else { hardlink* hl = CONTAINING_RECORD(fcb->hardlinks.Flink, hardlink, list_entry); name = hl->name; parent = hl->parent; } if (parent == 0) { ERR("subvol %llx, inode %llx has no hardlinks\n", subvol->id, inode); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (parent == inode) { // subvolume root KEY searchkey; traverse_ptr tp; searchkey.obj_id = subvol->id; searchkey.obj_type = TYPE_ROOT_BACKREF; searchkey.offset = 0xffffffffffffffff; Status = find_item(Vcb, Vcb->root_root, &tp, &searchkey, FALSE, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("find_item returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return Status; } if (tp.item->key.obj_id == searchkey.obj_id && tp.item->key.obj_type == searchkey.obj_type) { ROOT_REF* rr = (ROOT_REF*)tp.item->data; LIST_ENTRY* le; root* r = NULL; ULONG stringlen; if (tp.item->size < sizeof(ROOT_REF)) { ERR("(%llx,%x,%llx) was %u bytes, expected at least %u\n", tp.item->key.obj_id, tp.item->key.obj_type, tp.item->key.offset, tp.item->size, sizeof(ROOT_REF)); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (tp.item->size < offsetof(ROOT_REF, name[0]) + rr->n) { ERR("(%llx,%x,%llx) was %u bytes, expected %u\n", tp.item->key.obj_id, tp.item->key.obj_type, tp.item->key.offset, tp.item->size, offsetof(ROOT_REF, name[0]) + rr->n); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } le = Vcb->roots.Flink; while (le != &Vcb->roots) { root* r2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, root, list_entry); if (r2->id == tp.item->key.offset) { r = r2; break; } le = le->Flink; } if (!r) { ERR("couldn't find subvol %llx\n", tp.item->key.offset); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } Status = open_fileref_by_inode(Vcb, r, rr->dir, &parfr, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref_by_inode returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return Status; } if (hl_alloc) { ExFreePool(name.Buffer); hl_alloc = FALSE; } Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(NULL, 0, &stringlen, rr->name, rr->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 1 returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } name.Length = name.MaximumLength = (UINT16)stringlen; if (stringlen == 0) name.Buffer = NULL; else { name.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, name.MaximumLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (!name.Buffer) { ERR("out of memory\n"); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(name.Buffer, stringlen, &stringlen, rr->name, rr->n); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN 2 returned %08x\n", Status); ExFreePool(name.Buffer); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); return Status; } hl_alloc = TRUE; } } else { ERR("couldn't find parent for subvol %llx\n", subvol->id); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { Status = open_fileref_by_inode(Vcb, subvol, parent, &parfr, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref_by_inode returned %08x\n", Status); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); return Status; } } Status = open_fileref_child(Vcb, parfr, &name, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, PagedPool, &fr, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref_child returned %08x\n", Status); if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); free_fileref(Vcb, parfr); return Status; } *pfr = fr; if (hl_alloc) ExFreePool(name.Buffer); free_fcb(Vcb, fcb); free_fileref(Vcb, parfr); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #ifndef __REACTOS__ static NTSTATUS fill_in_hard_link_information(FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION* fli, file_ref* fileref, PIRP Irp, LONG* length) { NTSTATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY* le; LONG bytes_needed; FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION* feli; BOOL overflow = FALSE; fcb* fcb = fileref->fcb; ULONG len; if (fcb->ads) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (*length < (LONG)offsetof(FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION, Entry)) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; RtlZeroMemory(fli, *length); bytes_needed = offsetof(FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION, Entry); len = bytes_needed; feli = NULL; ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fcb->inode == SUBVOL_ROOT_INODE) { ULONG namelen; if (fcb == fcb->Vcb->root_fileref->fcb) namelen = sizeof(WCHAR); else namelen = fileref->dc->name.Length; bytes_needed += sizeof(FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION) - sizeof(WCHAR) + namelen; if (bytes_needed > *length) overflow = TRUE; if (!overflow) { feli = &fli->Entry; feli->NextEntryOffset = 0; feli->ParentFileId = 0; // we use an inode of 0 to mean the parent of a subvolume if (fcb == fcb->Vcb->root_fileref->fcb) { feli->FileNameLength = 1; feli->FileName[0] = '.'; } else { feli->FileNameLength = fileref->dc->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(feli->FileName, fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fileref->dc->name.Length); } fli->EntriesReturned++; len = bytes_needed; } } else { acquire_fcb_lock_exclusive(fcb->Vcb); if (IsListEmpty(&fcb->hardlinks)) { bytes_needed += sizeof(FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION) + fileref->dc->name.Length - sizeof(WCHAR); if (bytes_needed > *length) overflow = TRUE; if (!overflow) { feli = &fli->Entry; feli->NextEntryOffset = 0; feli->ParentFileId = fileref->parent->fcb->inode; feli->FileNameLength = fileref->dc->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(feli->FileName, fileref->dc->name.Buffer, fileref->dc->name.Length); fli->EntriesReturned++; len = bytes_needed; } } else { le = fcb->hardlinks.Flink; while (le != &fcb->hardlinks) { hardlink* hl = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, hardlink, list_entry); file_ref* parfr; TRACE("parent %llx, index %llx, name %.*S\n", hl->parent, hl->index, hl->name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR), hl->name.Buffer); Status = open_fileref_by_inode(fcb->Vcb, fcb->subvol, hl->parent, &parfr, Irp); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("open_fileref_by_inode returned %08x\n", Status); } else if (!parfr->deleted) { LIST_ENTRY* le2; BOOL found = FALSE, deleted = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING* fn = NULL; le2 = parfr->children.Flink; while (le2 != &parfr->children) { file_ref* fr2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(le2, file_ref, list_entry); if (fr2->dc->index == hl->index) { found = TRUE; deleted = fr2->deleted; if (!deleted) fn = &fr2->dc->name; break; } le2 = le2->Flink; } if (!found) fn = &hl->name; if (!deleted) { TRACE("fn = %.*S (found = %u)\n", fn->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), fn->Buffer, found); if (feli) bytes_needed = (LONG)sector_align(bytes_needed, 8); bytes_needed += sizeof(FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION) + fn->Length - sizeof(WCHAR); if (bytes_needed > *length) overflow = TRUE; if (!overflow) { if (feli) { feli->NextEntryOffset = (ULONG)sector_align(sizeof(FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION) + ((feli->FileNameLength - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)), 8); feli = (FILE_LINK_ENTRY_INFORMATION*)((UINT8*)feli + feli->NextEntryOffset); } else feli = &fli->Entry; feli->NextEntryOffset = 0; feli->ParentFileId = parfr->fcb->inode; feli->FileNameLength = fn->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(feli->FileName, fn->Buffer, fn->Length); fli->EntriesReturned++; len = bytes_needed; } } free_fileref(fcb->Vcb, parfr); } le = le->Flink; } } release_fcb_lock(fcb->Vcb); } fli->BytesNeeded = bytes_needed; *length -= len; Status = overflow ? STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW : STATUS_SUCCESS; ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); return Status; } #endif /* __REACTOS__ */ #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN10) #ifdef __MINGW32__ typedef struct _FILE_ID_128 { UCHAR Identifier[16]; } FILE_ID_128, *PFILE_ID_128; typedef struct _FILE_ID_INFORMATION { ULONGLONG VolumeSerialNumber; FILE_ID_128 FileId; } FILE_ID_INFORMATION, *PFILE_ID_INFORMATION; #endif static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_id_information(FILE_ID_INFORMATION* fii, fcb* fcb, LONG* length) { RtlCopyMemory(&fii->VolumeSerialNumber, &fcb->Vcb->superblock.uuid.uuid[8], sizeof(UINT64)); RtlCopyMemory(&fii->FileId.Identifier[0], &fcb->inode, sizeof(UINT64)); RtlCopyMemory(&fii->FileId.Identifier[sizeof(UINT64)], &fcb->subvol->id, sizeof(UINT64)); *length -= sizeof(FILE_ID_INFORMATION); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif #ifndef __REACTOS__ static NTSTATUS fill_in_file_stat_lx_information(FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION* fsli, fcb* fcb, ccb* ccb, LONG* length) { INODE_ITEM* ii; fsli->FileId.LowPart = (UINT32)fcb->inode; fsli->FileId.HighPart = (UINT32)fcb->subvol->id; if (fcb->ads) ii = &ccb->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item; else ii = &fcb->inode_item; if (fcb == fcb->Vcb->dummy_fcb) { LARGE_INTEGER time; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); fsli->CreationTime = fsli->LastAccessTime = fsli->LastWriteTime = fsli->ChangeTime = time; } else { fsli->CreationTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->otime); fsli->LastAccessTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_atime); fsli->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_mtime); fsli->ChangeTime.QuadPart = unix_time_to_win(&ii->st_ctime); } if (fcb->ads) { fsli->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fsli->EndOfFile.QuadPart = fcb->adsdata.Length; fsli->FileAttributes = ccb->fileref->parent->fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : ccb->fileref->parent->fcb->atts; } else { fsli->AllocationSize.QuadPart = fcb_alloc_size(fcb); fsli->EndOfFile.QuadPart = S_ISDIR(fcb->inode_item.st_mode) ? 0 : fcb->inode_item.st_size; fsli->FileAttributes = fcb->atts == 0 ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : fcb->atts; } if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_SOCKET) fsli->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_LXSS_SOCKET; else if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_FIFO) fsli->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_LXSS_FIFO; else if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_CHARDEV) fsli->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_LXSS_CHARDEV; else if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_BLOCKDEV) fsli->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_LXSS_BLOCKDEV; else if (!(fsli->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) fsli->ReparseTag = 0; else fsli->ReparseTag = get_reparse_tag_fcb(fcb); if (fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_SOCKET || fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_FIFO || fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_CHARDEV || fcb->type == BTRFS_TYPE_BLOCKDEV) fsli->FileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT; if (fcb->ads) fsli->NumberOfLinks = ccb->fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; else fsli->NumberOfLinks = fcb->inode_item.st_nlink; fsli->EffectiveAccess = ccb->access; fsli->LxFlags = LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_UID | LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_GID | LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_MODE | LX_FILE_METADATA_HAS_DEVICE_ID; // FIXME - LX_FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_DIR fsli->LxUid = ii->st_uid; fsli->LxGid = ii->st_gid; fsli->LxMode = ii->st_mode; if (ii->st_mode & __S_IFBLK || ii->st_mode & __S_IFCHR) { fsli->LxDeviceIdMajor = (ii->st_rdev & 0xFFFFFFFFFFF00000) >> 20; fsli->LxDeviceIdMinor = (ii->st_rdev & 0xFFFFF); } else { fsli->LxDeviceIdMajor = 0; fsli->LxDeviceIdMinor = 0; } *length -= sizeof(FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif static NTSTATUS query_info(device_extension* Vcb, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PIRP Irp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); LONG length = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length; fcb* fcb = FileObject->FsContext; ccb* ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; file_ref* fileref = ccb ? ccb->fileref : NULL; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)\n", Vcb, FileObject, Irp); TRACE("fcb = %p\n", fcb); if (fcb == Vcb->volume_fcb) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!ccb) { ERR("ccb is NULL\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.FileInformationClass) { case FileAllInformation: { FILE_ALL_INFORMATION* fai = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; INODE_ITEM* ii; TRACE("FileAllInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } if (fcb->ads) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); Status = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto exit; } ii = &fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item; } else ii = &fcb->inode_item; // Access, mode, and alignment are all filled in by the kernel if (length > 0) fill_in_file_basic_information(&fai->BasicInformation, ii, &length, fcb, fileref); if (length > 0) fill_in_file_standard_information(&fai->StandardInformation, fcb, fileref, &length); if (length > 0) fill_in_file_internal_information(&fai->InternalInformation, fcb, &length); if (length > 0) fill_in_file_ea_information(&fai->EaInformation, fcb, &length); length -= sizeof(FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION); if (length > 0) fill_in_file_position_information(&fai->PositionInformation, FileObject, &length); length -= sizeof(FILE_MODE_INFORMATION); length -= sizeof(FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION); if (length > 0) fill_in_file_name_information(&fai->NameInformation, fcb, fileref, &length); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case FileAttributeTagInformation: { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION* ati = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileAttributeTagInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); Status = fill_in_file_attribute_information(ati, fcb, ccb, &length); ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); break; } case FileBasicInformation: { FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION* fbi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; INODE_ITEM* ii; TRACE("FileBasicInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length < sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION)) { WARN("overflow\n"); Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } if (fcb->ads) { if (!fileref || !fileref->parent) { ERR("no fileref for stream\n"); Status = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto exit; } ii = &fileref->parent->fcb->inode_item; } else ii = &fcb->inode_item; Status = fill_in_file_basic_information(fbi, ii, &length, fcb, fileref); break; } case FileCompressionInformation: FIXME("STUB: FileCompressionInformation\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; case FileEaInformation: { FILE_EA_INFORMATION* eai = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileEaInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_ea_information(eai, fcb, &length); break; } case FileInternalInformation: { FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION* fii = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileInternalInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_internal_information(fii, fcb, &length); break; } case FileNameInformation: { FILE_NAME_INFORMATION* fni = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileNameInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_name_information(fni, fcb, fileref, &length); break; } case FileNetworkOpenInformation: { FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION* fnoi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileNetworkOpenInformation\n"); if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto exit; } Status = fill_in_file_network_open_information(fnoi, fcb, fileref, &length); break; } case FilePositionInformation: { FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION* fpi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FilePositionInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_position_information(fpi, FileObject, &length); break; } case FileStandardInformation: { FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION* fsi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileStandardInformation\n"); if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length < sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION)) { WARN("overflow\n"); Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } Status = fill_in_file_standard_information(fsi, fcb, ccb->fileref, &length); break; } case FileStreamInformation: { FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION* fsi = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileStreamInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_stream_information(fsi, fileref, &length); break; } #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) case FileHardLinkInformation: { FILE_LINKS_INFORMATION* fli = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileHardLinkInformation\n"); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); Status = fill_in_hard_link_information(fli, fileref, Irp, &length); ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); break; } case FileNormalizedNameInformation: { FILE_NAME_INFORMATION* fni = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileNormalizedNameInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_name_information(fni, fcb, fileref, &length); break; } #endif #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN7) case FileStandardLinkInformation: { FILE_STANDARD_LINK_INFORMATION* fsli = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; TRACE("FileStandardLinkInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_standard_link_information(fsli, fcb, ccb->fileref, &length); break; } case FileRemoteProtocolInformation: TRACE("FileRemoteProtocolInformation\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; #endif #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN10) #ifndef _MSC_VER #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch" #endif case FileIdInformation: { FILE_ID_INFORMATION* fii = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length < sizeof(FILE_ID_INFORMATION)) { WARN("overflow\n"); Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } TRACE("FileIdInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_id_information(fii, fcb, &length); break; } case FileStatLxInformation: { FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION* fsli = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length < sizeof(FILE_STAT_LX_INFORMATION)) { WARN("overflow\n"); Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } TRACE("FileStatLxInformation\n"); Status = fill_in_file_stat_lx_information(fsli, fcb, ccb, &length); break; } #ifndef _MSC_VER #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif default: WARN("unknown FileInformationClass %u\n", IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.FileInformationClass); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } if (length < 0) { length = 0; Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryFile.Length - length; exit: TRACE("query_info returning %08x\n", Status); return Status; } _Dispatch_type_(IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION) _Function_class_(DRIVER_DISPATCH) NTSTATUS NTAPI drv_query_information(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp; NTSTATUS Status; fcb* fcb; device_extension* Vcb = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; BOOL top_level; FsRtlEnterFileSystem(); top_level = is_top_level(Irp); if (Vcb && Vcb->type == VCB_TYPE_VOLUME) { Status = vol_query_information(DeviceObject, Irp); goto end; } else if (!Vcb || Vcb->type != VCB_TYPE_FS) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; TRACE("query information\n"); IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); fcb = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; TRACE("fcb = %p\n", fcb); TRACE("fcb->subvol = %p\n", fcb->subvol); Status = query_info(fcb->Vcb, IrpSp->FileObject, Irp); end: TRACE("returning %08x\n", Status); Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); if (top_level) IoSetTopLevelIrp(NULL); FsRtlExitFileSystem(); return Status; } _Dispatch_type_(IRP_MJ_QUERY_EA) _Function_class_(DRIVER_DISPATCH) NTSTATUS NTAPI drv_query_ea(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOL top_level; device_extension* Vcb = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); PFILE_OBJECT FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject; fcb* fcb; ccb* ccb; FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION* ffei; ULONG retlen = 0; FsRtlEnterFileSystem(); TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", DeviceObject, Irp); top_level = is_top_level(Irp); if (Vcb && Vcb->type == VCB_TYPE_VOLUME) { Status = vol_query_ea(DeviceObject, Irp); goto end; } else if (!Vcb || Vcb->type != VCB_TYPE_FS) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } ffei = map_user_buffer(Irp, NormalPagePriority); if (!ffei) { ERR("could not get output buffer\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (!FileObject) { ERR("no file object\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } fcb = FileObject->FsContext; if (!fcb) { ERR("no fcb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; if (!ccb) { ERR("no ccb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & (FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA))) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (fcb->ads) fcb = ccb->fileref->parent->fcb; ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (fcb->ea_xattr.Length == 0) goto end2; if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.EaList) { FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION *ea, *out; FILE_GET_EA_INFORMATION* in; in = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.EaList; do { STRING s; s.Length = s.MaximumLength = in->EaNameLength; s.Buffer = in->EaName; RtlUpperString(&s, &s); if (in->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; in = (FILE_GET_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)in) + in->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; out = NULL; do { BOOL found = FALSE; in = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.EaList; do { if (in->EaNameLength == ea->EaNameLength && RtlCompareMemory(in->EaName, ea->EaName, in->EaNameLength) == in->EaNameLength) { found = TRUE; break; } if (in->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; in = (FILE_GET_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)in) + in->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); if (found) { UINT8 padding = retlen % 4 > 0 ? (4 - (retlen % 4)) : 0; if (offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + ea->EaNameLength + 1 + ea->EaValueLength > IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.Length - retlen - padding) { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; retlen = 0; goto end2; } retlen += padding; if (out) { out->NextEntryOffset = (ULONG)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + out->EaNameLength + 1 + out->EaValueLength + padding; out = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)out) + out->NextEntryOffset); } else out = ffei; out->NextEntryOffset = 0; out->Flags = ea->Flags; out->EaNameLength = ea->EaNameLength; out->EaValueLength = ea->EaValueLength; RtlCopyMemory(out->EaName, ea->EaName, ea->EaNameLength + ea->EaValueLength + 1); retlen += (ULONG)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + ea->EaNameLength + 1 + ea->EaValueLength; if (IrpSp->Flags & SL_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY) break; } if (ea->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); } else { FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION *ea, *out; ULONG index; if (IrpSp->Flags & SL_INDEX_SPECIFIED) { // The index is 1-based if (IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.EaIndex == 0) { Status = STATUS_NONEXISTENT_EA_ENTRY; goto end2; } else index = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.EaIndex - 1; } else if (IrpSp->Flags & SL_RESTART_SCAN) index = ccb->ea_index = 0; else index = ccb->ea_index; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; if (index > 0) { ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < index; i++) { if (ea->NextEntryOffset == 0) // last item goto end2; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } } out = NULL; do { UINT8 padding = retlen % 4 > 0 ? (4 - (retlen % 4)) : 0; if (offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + ea->EaNameLength + 1 + ea->EaValueLength > IrpSp->Parameters.QueryEa.Length - retlen - padding) { Status = retlen == 0 ? STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL : STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto end2; } retlen += padding; if (out) { out->NextEntryOffset = (ULONG)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + out->EaNameLength + 1 + out->EaValueLength + padding; out = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)out) + out->NextEntryOffset); } else out = ffei; out->NextEntryOffset = 0; out->Flags = ea->Flags; out->EaNameLength = ea->EaNameLength; out->EaValueLength = ea->EaValueLength; RtlCopyMemory(out->EaName, ea->EaName, ea->EaNameLength + ea->EaValueLength + 1); retlen += (ULONG)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + ea->EaNameLength + 1 + ea->EaValueLength; if (!(IrpSp->Flags & SL_INDEX_SPECIFIED)) ccb->ea_index++; if (ea->NextEntryOffset == 0 || IrpSp->Flags & SL_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY) break; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); } end2: ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); end: TRACE("returning %08x\n", Status); Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; Irp->IoStatus.Information = NT_SUCCESS(Status) || Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ? retlen : 0; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT ); if (top_level) IoSetTopLevelIrp(NULL); FsRtlExitFileSystem(); return Status; } _Dispatch_type_(IRP_MJ_SET_EA) _Function_class_(DRIVER_DISPATCH) NTSTATUS NTAPI drv_set_ea(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { device_extension* Vcb = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL top_level; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); PFILE_OBJECT FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject; fcb* fcb; ccb* ccb; file_ref* fileref; FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION* ffei; ULONG offset; LIST_ENTRY ealist; ea_item* item; FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION* ea; LIST_ENTRY* le; LARGE_INTEGER time; BTRFS_TIME now; FsRtlEnterFileSystem(); TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", DeviceObject, Irp); top_level = is_top_level(Irp); if (Vcb && Vcb->type == VCB_TYPE_VOLUME) { Status = vol_set_ea(DeviceObject, Irp); goto end; } else if (!Vcb || Vcb->type != VCB_TYPE_FS) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (Vcb->readonly) { Status = STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED; goto end; } ffei = map_user_buffer(Irp, NormalPagePriority); if (!ffei) { ERR("could not get output buffer\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } Status = IoCheckEaBufferValidity(ffei, IrpSp->Parameters.SetEa.Length, &offset); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("IoCheckEaBufferValidity returned %08x (error at offset %u)\n", Status, offset); goto end; } if (!FileObject) { ERR("no file object\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } fcb = FileObject->FsContext; if (!fcb) { ERR("no fcb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } ccb = FileObject->FsContext2; if (!ccb) { ERR("no ccb\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if (Irp->RequestorMode == UserMode && !(ccb->access & FILE_WRITE_EA)) { WARN("insufficient privileges\n"); Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto end; } if (fcb->ads) { fileref = ccb->fileref->parent; fcb = fileref->fcb; } else fileref = ccb->fileref; InitializeListHead(&ealist); ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(fcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); if (fcb->ea_xattr.Length > 0) { ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; do { item = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(ea_item), ALLOC_TAG); if (!item) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end2; } item->name.Length = item->name.MaximumLength = ea->EaNameLength; item->name.Buffer = ea->EaName; item->value.Length = item->value.MaximumLength = ea->EaValueLength; item->value.Buffer = &ea->EaName[ea->EaNameLength + 1]; item->flags = ea->Flags; InsertTailList(&ealist, &item->list_entry); if (ea->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); } ea = ffei; do { STRING s; BOOL found = FALSE; s.Length = s.MaximumLength = ea->EaNameLength; s.Buffer = ea->EaName; RtlUpperString(&s, &s); le = ealist.Flink; while (le != &ealist) { item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); if (item->name.Length == s.Length && RtlCompareMemory(item->name.Buffer, s.Buffer, s.Length) == s.Length) { item->flags = ea->Flags; item->value.Length = item->value.MaximumLength = ea->EaValueLength; item->value.Buffer = &ea->EaName[ea->EaNameLength + 1]; found = TRUE; break; } le = le->Flink; } if (!found) { item = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(ea_item), ALLOC_TAG); if (!item) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end2; } item->name.Length = item->name.MaximumLength = ea->EaNameLength; item->name.Buffer = ea->EaName; item->value.Length = item->value.MaximumLength = ea->EaValueLength; item->value.Buffer = &ea->EaName[ea->EaNameLength + 1]; item->flags = ea->Flags; InsertTailList(&ealist, &item->list_entry); } if (ea->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } while (TRUE); // remove entries with zero-length value le = ealist.Flink; while (le != &ealist) { LIST_ENTRY* le2 = le->Flink; item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); if (item->value.Length == 0) { RemoveEntryList(&item->list_entry); ExFreePool(item); } le = le2; } // handle LXSS values le = ealist.Flink; while (le != &ealist) { LIST_ENTRY* le2 = le->Flink; item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); if (item->name.Length == sizeof(lxuid) - 1 && RtlCompareMemory(item->name.Buffer, lxuid, item->name.Length) == item->name.Length) { if (item->value.Length < sizeof(UINT32)) { ERR("uid value was shorter than expected\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end2; } if (Irp->RequestorMode == KernelMode) { RtlCopyMemory(&fcb->inode_item.st_uid, item->value.Buffer, sizeof(UINT32)); fcb->sd_dirty = TRUE; fcb->sd_deleted = FALSE; } RemoveEntryList(&item->list_entry); ExFreePool(item); } else if (item->name.Length == sizeof(lxgid) - 1 && RtlCompareMemory(item->name.Buffer, lxgid, item->name.Length) == item->name.Length) { if (item->value.Length < sizeof(UINT32)) { ERR("gid value was shorter than expected\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end2; } if (Irp->RequestorMode == KernelMode) RtlCopyMemory(&fcb->inode_item.st_gid, item->value.Buffer, sizeof(UINT32)); RemoveEntryList(&item->list_entry); ExFreePool(item); } else if (item->name.Length == sizeof(lxmod) - 1 && RtlCompareMemory(item->name.Buffer, lxmod, item->name.Length) == item->name.Length) { if (item->value.Length < sizeof(UINT32)) { ERR("mode value was shorter than expected\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end2; } if (Irp->RequestorMode == KernelMode) { UINT32 allowed = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX | S_ISUID; UINT32 val; RtlCopyMemory(&val, item->value.Buffer, sizeof(UINT32)); fcb->inode_item.st_mode &= ~allowed; fcb->inode_item.st_mode |= val & allowed; } RemoveEntryList(&item->list_entry); ExFreePool(item); } le = le2; } if (IsListEmpty(&ealist)) { fcb->ealen = 0; if (fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer) ExFreePool(fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer); fcb->ea_xattr.Length = fcb->ea_xattr.MaximumLength = 0; fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer = NULL; } else { UINT16 size = 0; char *buf, *oldbuf; le = ealist.Flink; while (le != &ealist) { item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); if (size % 4 > 0) size += 4 - (size % 4); size += (UINT16)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + item->name.Length + 1 + item->value.Length; le = le->Flink; } buf = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, size, ALLOC_TAG); if (!buf) { ERR("out of memory\n"); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end2; } oldbuf = fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; fcb->ea_xattr.Length = fcb->ea_xattr.MaximumLength = size; fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer = buf; fcb->ealen = 4; ea = NULL; le = ealist.Flink; while (le != &ealist) { item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); if (ea) { ea->NextEntryOffset = (ULONG)offsetof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION, EaName[0]) + ea->EaNameLength + ea->EaValueLength; if (ea->NextEntryOffset % 4 > 0) ea->NextEntryOffset += 4 - (ea->NextEntryOffset % 4); ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)(((UINT8*)ea) + ea->NextEntryOffset); } else ea = (FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION*)fcb->ea_xattr.Buffer; ea->NextEntryOffset = 0; ea->Flags = item->flags; ea->EaNameLength = (UCHAR)item->name.Length; ea->EaValueLength = item->value.Length; RtlCopyMemory(ea->EaName, item->name.Buffer, item->name.Length); ea->EaName[item->name.Length] = 0; RtlCopyMemory(&ea->EaName[item->name.Length + 1], item->value.Buffer, item->value.Length); fcb->ealen += 5 + item->name.Length + item->value.Length; le = le->Flink; } if (oldbuf) ExFreePool(oldbuf); } fcb->ea_changed = TRUE; KeQuerySystemTime(&time); win_time_to_unix(time, &now); fcb->inode_item.transid = Vcb->superblock.generation; fcb->inode_item.sequence++; if (!ccb->user_set_change_time) fcb->inode_item.st_ctime = now; fcb->inode_item_changed = TRUE; mark_fcb_dirty(fcb); send_notification_fileref(fileref, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_EA, FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; end2: ExReleaseResourceLite(fcb->Header.Resource); while (!IsListEmpty(&ealist)) { le = RemoveHeadList(&ealist); item = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, ea_item, list_entry); ExFreePool(item); } end: TRACE("returning %08x\n", Status); Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); if (top_level) IoSetTopLevelIrp(NULL); FsRtlExitFileSystem(); return Status; }