/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Spooler Router API Tests * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Tests for PackStrings * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015 Colin Finck */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include typedef struct _EXAMPLE_STRUCT { PWSTR String1; PWSTR String2; } EXAMPLE_STRUCT, *PEXAMPLE_STRUCT; START_TEST(PackStrings) { PCWSTR Source1[] = { L"Test", L"String" }; PCWSTR Source2[] = { L"Test", NULL }; BYTE Buffer[50]; PBYTE pEnd; PEXAMPLE_STRUCT pStruct = (PEXAMPLE_STRUCT)Buffer; DWORD Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(EXAMPLE_STRUCT, String1), FIELD_OFFSET(EXAMPLE_STRUCT, String2), MAXDWORD }; // Try a usual case with two strings. Verify that they are copied in reverse order. pEnd = PackStrings(Source1, Buffer, Offsets, &Buffer[sizeof(Buffer)]); ok(wcscmp(pStruct->String1, Source1[0]) == 0, "String1 and Source1[0] don't match!\n"); ok(wcscmp(pStruct->String2, Source1[1]) == 0, "String2 and Source1[1] don't match!\n"); ok(wcscmp((PWSTR)pEnd, Source1[1]) == 0, "pEnd and Source1[1] don't match!\n"); // Now verify that the corresponding pointer is set to NULL if a string is NULL. pEnd = PackStrings(Source2, Buffer, Offsets, &Buffer[sizeof(Buffer)]); ok(wcscmp(pStruct->String1, Source2[0]) == 0, "String1 and Source2[0] don't match!\n"); ok(!pStruct->String2, "String2 is %p!\n", pStruct->String2); ok(wcscmp((PWSTR)pEnd, Source2[0]) == 0, "pEnd and Source2[0] don't match!\n"); }