LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "Usage: WHERE [options] pattern...\n\ \n\ Description:\n\ Shows the location of the file(s) specified by the pattern(s).\n\ By default, this tool searches by using the pattern(s) and the paths\n\ of the PATH environment variable.\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ /F Displays all matched file(s) in double quotes.\n\ /Q Quiet mode. Doesn't show any files and messages.\n\ /R dir Starts searching from the specified directory and recursively\n\ performs the search.\n\ /T Shows the file size and last modified date of all matched\n\ files.\n\ pattern Specifies the pattern to search files. Wildcards * and ? can\n\ be used. ""$env:pattern"" and ""path:pattern"" formats can also\n\ be used, where ""env"" is an environment variable and\n\ the search is done in the paths of the ""env"" environment\n\ variable. Don't use these formats with /R. The search is also\n\ performed by adding the extension of the PATHEXT variable to\n\ the pattern.\n\ /? Displays this message.\n\ \n\ NOTE: This tool returns an error level of 0 if the search was successful,\n\ 1 if the file was not found, and 2 if there was an error.\n\ \n\ Example:\n\ WHERE myfile*.exe\n\ WHERE /F /T mspaint\n\ WHERE $WINDIR:notepad myfile???\n\ WHERE C:\\ReactOS;C:\\ReactOS\\system32:exp*.exe\n\ WHERE /R ""C:\\Program Files"" *.dll\n" IDS_BAD_ARG "ERROR: Invalid argument - '%ls'.\n" IDS_NOT_FOUND "INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).\n" IDS_FILE_INFO "%10I64u %-12ls %-12ls %ls\n" IDS_WANT_VALUE "ERROR: Value is needed for '%ls'.\n" IDS_TYPE_HELP "Type ""WHERE /?"" for usage help.\n" IDS_ENVPAT_WITH_R "ERROR: ""$env:pattern"" cannot be used with /R.\n" IDS_PATHPAT_WITH_R "ERROR: ""path:pattern"" format cannot be used with /R.\n" IDS_BAD_PATHPAT "ERROR: Invalid pattern is specified in ""path:pattern"".\n" IDS_OUTOFMEMORY "ERROR: Out of memory.\n" IDS_BAD_ENVVAR "ERROR: Environment variable ""%ls"" is not found.\n" IDS_CANT_FOUND "ERROR: The system could not find the file specified.\n" IDS_BAD_DIR "ERROR: Invalid directory is specified.\n" IDS_BAD_NAME "ERROR: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is wrong.\n" IDS_TOO_MANY "ERROR: '%ls' option is not allowed more than '%u' time(s).\n" END