/* * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Martin Fuchs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Explorer clone // // shellbrowser.h // // Martin Fuchs, 23.07.2003 // #include "../utility/treedroptarget.h" #include "../utility/shellbrowserimpl.h" #include /// information structure to hold current shell folder information struct ShellPathInfo { ShellPathInfo(int mode=0) : _open_mode(mode) {} ShellPathInfo(const ShellChildWndInfo& info) : _shell_path(info._shell_path), _root_shell_path(info._root_shell_path), _open_mode(info._open_mode) { } ShellPath _shell_path; ShellPath _root_shell_path; int _open_mode; //OPEN_WINDOW_MODE }; struct BrowserCallback { virtual ~BrowserCallback() {} virtual void entry_selected(Entry* entry) = 0; }; /// Implementation of IShellBrowserImpl interface in explorer child windows struct ShellBrowser : public IShellBrowserImpl, public IComSrvBase, public SimpleComObject { ShellBrowser(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFrame, HWND left_hwnd, WindowHandle& right_hwnd, ShellPathInfo& create_info, BrowserCallback* cb, CtxMenuInterfaces& cm_ifs); virtual ~ShellBrowser(); //IOleWindow virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetWindow(HWND* lphwnd) { *lphwnd = _hwnd; return S_OK; } //IShellBrowser virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryActiveShellView(IShellView** ppshv) { _pShellView->AddRef(); *ppshv = _pShellView; return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetControlWindow(UINT id, HWND* lphwnd) { if (!lphwnd) return E_POINTER; if (id == FCW_TREE) { *lphwnd = _left_hwnd; return S_OK; } HWND hwnd = (HWND)SendMessage(_hwndFrame, PM_GET_CONTROLWINDOW, id, 0); if (hwnd) { *lphwnd = hwnd; return S_OK; } return E_NOTIMPL; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SendControlMsg(UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pret) { if (!pret) return E_POINTER; HWND hstatusbar = (HWND)SendMessage(_hwndFrame, PM_GET_CONTROLWINDOW, id, 0); if (hstatusbar) { *pret = ::SendMessage(hstatusbar, uMsg, wParam, lParam); return S_OK; } return E_NOTIMPL; } const Root& get_root() const {return _root;} void OnTreeGetDispInfo(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh); void OnTreeItemExpanding(int idCtrl, LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv); void OnTreeItemRClick(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh); void OnTreeItemSelected(int idCtrl, LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv); void Init(); int InsertSubitems(HTREEITEM hParentItem, Entry* entry, IShellFolder* pParentFolder); bool jump_to_pidl(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); HRESULT OnDefaultCommand(LPIDA pida); void UpdateFolderView(IShellFolder* folder); HTREEITEM select_entry(HTREEITEM hitem, Entry* entry, bool expand=true); bool select_folder(Entry* entry, bool expand); // for SDIMainFrame void jump_to(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); void invalidate_cache(); bool TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpmsg); protected: HWND _hwnd; HWND _hwndFrame; HWND _left_hwnd; WindowHandle& _right_hwnd; ShellPathInfo& _create_info; HIMAGELIST _himl; HIMAGELIST _himl_old; BrowserCallback* _callback; ShellFolder _folder; IShellView* _pShellView; // current hosted shellview TreeDropTarget* _pDropTarget; HTREEITEM _last_sel; Root _root; ShellDirectory* _cur_dir; CtxMenuInterfaces& _cm_ifs; void InitializeTree(); bool InitDragDrop(); typedef IComSrvBase super; // IShellFolderViewCB virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MessageSFVCB(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); map _image_map; int get_image_idx(int icon_id); void refresh(); }; #define C_DRIVE_STR TEXT("C:\\") // work around GCC's wide string constant bug #ifdef __GNUC__ extern const LPCTSTR C_DRIVE; #else #define C_DRIVE C_DRIVE_STR #endif template struct ShellBrowserChildT : public BASE, public BrowserCallback { typedef BASE super; // constructor for SDIMainFrame ShellBrowserChildT(HWND hwnd) : super(hwnd) { } // constructor for MDIShellBrowserChild ShellBrowserChildT(HWND hwnd, const ShellChildWndInfo& info) : super(hwnd, info) { } protected: auto_ptr _shellBrowser; LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch(nmsg) { case PM_GET_SHELLBROWSER_PTR: return (LRESULT)&*_shellBrowser; case WM_GETISHELLBROWSER: // for Registry Explorer Plugin return (LRESULT)static_cast(&*_shellBrowser); default: return super::WndProc(nmsg, wparam, lparam); } return 0; } int Notify(int id, NMHDR* pnmh) { if (_shellBrowser.get()) switch(pnmh->code) { case TVN_GETDISPINFO: _shellBrowser->OnTreeGetDispInfo(id, pnmh); break; case TVN_SELCHANGED: _shellBrowser->OnTreeItemSelected(id, (LPNMTREEVIEW)pnmh); break; case TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: _shellBrowser->OnTreeItemExpanding(id, (LPNMTREEVIEW)pnmh); break; case NM_RCLICK: _shellBrowser->OnTreeItemRClick(id, pnmh); break; default: return super::Notify(id, pnmh); } else return super::Notify(id, pnmh); return 0; } }; #ifndef _NO_MDI struct MDIShellBrowserChild : public ExtContextMenuHandlerT< ShellBrowserChildT > { typedef ExtContextMenuHandlerT< ShellBrowserChildT > super; MDIShellBrowserChild(HWND hwnd, const ShellChildWndInfo& info); static MDIShellBrowserChild* create(const ShellChildWndInfo& info); LRESULT Init(LPCREATESTRUCT); virtual String jump_to_int(LPCTSTR url); protected: ShellChildWndInfo _create_info; ShellPathInfo _shellpath_info; LRESULT WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); void update_shell_browser(); // interface BrowserCallback virtual void entry_selected(Entry* entry); }; #endif