/* * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Martin Fuchs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Explorer clone // // entries.cpp // // Martin Fuchs, 23.07.2003 // #include //#include "entries.h" // allocate and initialise a directory entry Entry::Entry(ENTRY_TYPE etype) : _etype(etype) { _up = NULL; _next = NULL; _down = NULL; _expanded = false; _scanned = false; _bhfi_valid = false; _level = 0; _icon_id = ICID_UNKNOWN; _display_name = _data.cFileName; _type_name = NULL; _content = NULL; } Entry::Entry(Entry* parent, ENTRY_TYPE etype) : _up(parent), _etype(etype) { _next = NULL; _down = NULL; _expanded = false; _scanned = false; _bhfi_valid = false; _level = 0; _icon_id = ICID_UNKNOWN; _shell_attribs = 0; _display_name = _data.cFileName; _type_name = NULL; _content = NULL; } Entry::Entry(const Entry& other) { _next = NULL; _down = NULL; _up = NULL; assert(!other._next); assert(!other._down); assert(!other._up); _expanded = other._expanded; _scanned = other._scanned; _level = other._level; _data = other._data; _shell_attribs = other._shell_attribs; _display_name = other._display_name==other._data.cFileName? _data.cFileName: _tcsdup(other._display_name); _type_name = other._type_name? _tcsdup(other._type_name): NULL; _content = other._content? _tcsdup(other._content): NULL; _etype = other._etype; _icon_id = other._icon_id; _bhfi = other._bhfi; _bhfi_valid = other._bhfi_valid; } // free a directory entry Entry::~Entry() { free_subentries(); if (_icon_id > ICID_NONE) g_Globals._icon_cache.free_icon(_icon_id); if (_display_name != _data.cFileName) free(_display_name); if (_type_name) free(_type_name); if (_content) free(_content); if (_down) delete _down; } // read directory tree and expand to the given location Entry* Entry::read_tree(const void* path, SORT_ORDER sortOrder, int scan_flags) { CONTEXT("Entry::read_tree()"); WaitCursor wait; Entry* entry = this; for(const void*p=path; p && entry; ) { entry->smart_scan(sortOrder, scan_flags); if (entry->_down) entry->_expanded = true; Entry* found = entry->find_entry(p); p = entry->get_next_path_component(p); entry = found; } return entry; } void Entry::read_directory_base(SORT_ORDER sortOrder, int scan_flags) { CONTEXT("Entry::read_directory_base()"); // call into subclass read_directory(scan_flags); #ifndef ROSSHELL if (g_Globals._prescan_nodes) { ///@todo _prescan_nodes should not be used for reading the start menu. for(Entry*entry=_down; entry; entry=entry->_next) if (entry->_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { entry->read_directory(scan_flags); entry->sort_directory(sortOrder); } } #endif sort_directory(sortOrder); } Root::Root() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(Root)); } Root::~Root() { if (_entry) { _entry->free_subentries(); delete _entry; } } // sort order for different directory/file types enum TYPE_ORDER { TO_DIR, TO_DOT, TO_DOTDOT, TO_OTHER_DIR, TO_VIRTUAL_FOLDER, TO_FILE }; // distinguish between ".", ".." and any other directory names static TYPE_ORDER TypeOrderFromDirname(LPCTSTR name) { if (name[0] == '.') { if (name[1] == '\0') return TO_DOT; // "." if (name[1]=='.' && name[2]=='\0') return TO_DOTDOT; // ".." } return TO_OTHER_DIR; // any other directory } // directories first... static int compareType(const Entry* entry1, const Entry* entry2) { const WIN32_FIND_DATA* fd1 = &entry1->_data; const WIN32_FIND_DATA* fd2 = &entry2->_data; TYPE_ORDER order1 = fd1->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY? TO_DIR: TO_FILE; TYPE_ORDER order2 = fd2->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY? TO_DIR: TO_FILE; // Handle "." and ".." as special case and move them at the very first beginning. if (order1==TO_DIR && order2==TO_DIR) { order1 = TypeOrderFromDirname(fd1->cFileName); order2 = TypeOrderFromDirname(fd2->cFileName); // Move virtual folders after physical folders if (!(entry1->_shell_attribs & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) order1 = TO_VIRTUAL_FOLDER; if (!(entry2->_shell_attribs & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) order2 = TO_VIRTUAL_FOLDER; } return order2==order1? 0: order1_data.cFileName, entry2->_data.cFileName); } static int compareExt(const void* arg1, const void* arg2) { const Entry* entry1 = *(const Entry**)arg1; const Entry* entry2 = *(const Entry**)arg2; const TCHAR *name1, *name2, *ext1, *ext2; int cmp = compareType(entry1, entry2); if (cmp) return cmp; name1 = entry1->_data.cFileName; name2 = entry2->_data.cFileName; ext1 = _tcsrchr(name1, TEXT('.')); ext2 = _tcsrchr(name2, TEXT('.')); if (ext1) ++ext1; else ext1 = TEXT(""); if (ext2) ++ext2; else ext2 = TEXT(""); cmp = lstrcmpi(ext1, ext2); if (cmp) return cmp; return lstrcmpi(name1, name2); } static int compareSize(const void* arg1, const void* arg2) { const Entry* entry1 = *(const Entry**)arg1; const Entry* entry2 = *(const Entry**)arg2; int cmp = compareType(entry1, entry2); if (cmp) return cmp; cmp = entry2->_data.nFileSizeHigh - entry1->_data.nFileSizeHigh; if (cmp < 0) return -1; else if (cmp > 0) return 1; cmp = entry2->_data.nFileSizeLow - entry1->_data.nFileSizeLow; return cmp<0? -1: cmp>0? 1: 0; } static int compareDate(const void* arg1, const void* arg2) { const Entry* entry1 = *(const Entry**)arg1; const Entry* entry2 = *(const Entry**)arg2; int cmp = compareType(entry1, entry2); if (cmp) return cmp; return CompareFileTime(&entry2->_data.ftLastWriteTime, &entry1->_data.ftLastWriteTime); } static int (*sortFunctions[])(const void* arg1, const void* arg2) = { compareNothing, // SORT_NONE compareName, // SORT_NAME compareExt, // SORT_EXT compareSize, // SORT_SIZE compareDate // SORT_DATE }; void Entry::sort_directory(SORT_ORDER sortOrder) { if (sortOrder != SORT_NONE) { Entry* entry = _down; Entry** array, **p; int len; len = 0; for(entry=_down; entry; entry=entry->_next) ++len; if (len) { array = (Entry**) alloca(len*sizeof(Entry*)); p = array; for(entry=_down; entry; entry=entry->_next) *p++ = entry; // call qsort with the appropriate compare function qsort(array, len, sizeof(array[0]), sortFunctions[sortOrder]); _down = array[0]; for(p=array; --len; p++) (*p)->_next = p[1]; (*p)->_next = 0; } } } void Entry::smart_scan(SORT_ORDER sortOrder, int scan_flags) { CONTEXT("Entry::smart_scan()"); if (!_scanned) { free_subentries(); read_directory_base(sortOrder, scan_flags); ///@todo We could use IShellFolder2::GetDefaultColumn to determine sort order. } } int Entry::extract_icon(ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; ICON_ID icon_id = ICID_NONE; if (_etype!=ET_SHELL && get_path(path, COUNTOF(path))) // not for ET_SHELL to display the correct desktop icon if (!(flags & ICF_MIDDLE)) // not for ICF_MIDDLE to extract 24x24 icons because SHGetFileInfo() doesn't support this icon size icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.extract(path, flags); if (icon_id == ICID_NONE) { if (!(flags & ICF_OVERLAYS)) { IExtractIcon* pExtract; if (SUCCEEDED(GetUIObjectOf(0, IID_IExtractIcon, (LPVOID*)&pExtract))) { unsigned gil_flags = 0; int idx; if (flags & ICF_OPEN) gil_flags |= GIL_OPENICON; if (SUCCEEDED(pExtract->GetIconLocation(GIL_FORSHELL, path, COUNTOF(path), &idx, &gil_flags))) { if (gil_flags & GIL_NOTFILENAME) icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.extract(pExtract, path, idx, flags); else { if (idx == -1) idx = 0; // special case for some control panel applications ("System") icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.extract(path, idx, flags); } /* using create_absolute_pidl() [see below] results in more correct icons for some control panel applets (NVidia display driver). if (icon_id == ICID_NONE) { SHFILEINFO sfi; if (SHGetFileInfo(path, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_SMALLICON)) icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.add(sfi.hIcon)._id; } */ /* if (icon_id == ICID_NONE) { LPBYTE b = (LPBYTE) alloca(0x10000); SHFILEINFO sfi; FILE* file = fopen(path, "rb"); if (file) { int l = fread(b, 1, 0x10000, file); fclose(file); if (l) icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.add(CreateIconFromResourceEx(b, l, TRUE, 0x00030000, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR)); } } */ } } } if (icon_id == ICID_NONE) { const ShellPath& pidl_abs = create_absolute_pidl(); LPCITEMIDLIST pidl = pidl_abs; icon_id = g_Globals._icon_cache.extract(pidl, flags); } } return icon_id; } int Entry::safe_extract_icon(ICONCACHE_FLAGS flags) { try { return extract_icon(flags); } catch(COMException&) { // ignore unexpected exceptions while extracting icons } return ICID_NONE; } BOOL Entry::launch_entry(HWND hwnd, UINT nCmdShow) { TCHAR cmd[MAX_PATH]; if (!get_path(cmd, COUNTOF(cmd))) return FALSE; // add path to the recent file list SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, cmd); // start program, open document... return launch_file(hwnd, cmd, nCmdShow); } // local replacement implementation for SHBindToParent() // (derived from http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2060/articles/shell-helpers.html) static HRESULT my_SHBindToParent(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, REFIID riid, VOID** ppv, LPCITEMIDLIST* ppidlLast) { HRESULT hr; if (!ppv) return E_POINTER; // There must be at least one item ID. if (!pidl || !pidl->mkid.cb) return E_INVALIDARG; // Get the desktop folder as root. ShellFolder desktop; /* IShellFolderPtr desktop; hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&desktop); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; */ // Walk to the penultimate item ID. LPCITEMIDLIST marker = pidl; for (;;) { LPCITEMIDLIST next = reinterpret_cast( marker->mkid.abID - sizeof(marker->mkid.cb) + marker->mkid.cb); if (!next->mkid.cb) break; marker = next; } if (marker == pidl) { // There was only a single item ID, so bind to the root folder. hr = desktop->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } else { // Copy the ID list, truncating the last item. int length = marker->mkid.abID - pidl->mkid.abID; if (LPITEMIDLIST parent_id = reinterpret_cast( malloc(length + sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb)))) { LPBYTE raw_data = reinterpret_cast(parent_id); memcpy(raw_data, pidl, length); memset(raw_data + length, 0, sizeof(pidl->mkid.cb)); hr = desktop->BindToObject(parent_id, 0, riid, ppv); free(parent_id); } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Return a pointer to the last item ID. if (ppidlLast) *ppidlLast = marker; return hr; } #define USE_MY_SHBINDTOPARENT HRESULT Entry::do_context_menu(HWND hwnd, const POINT& pos, CtxMenuInterfaces& cm_ifs) { ShellPath shell_path = create_absolute_pidl(); LPCITEMIDLIST pidl_abs = shell_path; if (!pidl_abs) return S_FALSE; // no action for registry entries, etc. #ifdef USE_MY_SHBINDTOPARENT IShellFolder* parentFolder; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast; // get and use the parent folder to display correct context menu in all cases -> correct "Properties" dialog for directories, ... HRESULT hr = my_SHBindToParent(pidl_abs, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&parentFolder, &pidlLast); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ShellFolderContextMenu(parentFolder, hwnd, 1, &pidlLast, pos.x, pos.y, cm_ifs); parentFolder->Release(); } return hr; #else static DynamicFct SHBindToParent(TEXT("SHELL32"), "SHBindToParent"); if (SHBindToParent) { IShellFolder* parentFolder; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast; // get and use the parent folder to display correct context menu in all cases -> correct "Properties" dialog for directories, ... HRESULT hr = (*SHBindToParent)(pidl_abs, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&parentFolder, &pidlLast); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ShellFolderContextMenu(parentFolder, hwnd, 1, &pidlLast, pos.x, pos.y, cm_ifs); parentFolder->Release(); } return hr; } else { /**@todo use parent folder instead of desktop folder Entry* dir = _up; ShellPath parent_path; if (dir) parent_path = dir->create_absolute_pidl(); else parent_path = DesktopFolderPath(); ShellPath shell_path = create_relative_pidl(parent_path); LPCITEMIDLIST pidl = shell_path; ShellFolder parent_folder = parent_path; return ShellFolderContextMenu(parent_folder, hwnd, 1, &pidl, pos.x, pos.y); */ return ShellFolderContextMenu(GetDesktopFolder(), hwnd, 1, &pidl_abs, pos.x, pos.y, cm_ifs); } #endif } HRESULT Entry::GetUIObjectOf(HWND hWnd, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvOut) { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; /* if (!get_path(path, COUNTOF(path))) return E_FAIL; ShellPath shell_path(path); IShellFolder* pFolder; LPCITEMIDLIST pidl_last = NULL; static DynamicFct SHBindToParent(TEXT("SHELL32"), "SHBindToParent"); if (!SHBindToParent) return E_NOTIMPL; HRESULT hr = (*SHBindToParent)(shell_path, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&pFolder, &pidl_last); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; ShellFolder shell_folder(pFolder); shell_folder->Release(); return shell_folder->GetUIObjectOf(hWnd, 1, &pidl_last, riid, NULL, ppvOut); */ if (!_up) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!_up->get_path(path, COUNTOF(path))) return E_FAIL; ShellPath shell_path(path); ShellFolder shell_folder(shell_path); #ifdef UNICODE LPWSTR wname = _data.cFileName; #else WCHAR wname[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, _data.cFileName, -1, wname, COUNTOF(wname)); #endif LPITEMIDLIST pidl_last = NULL; HRESULT hr = shell_folder->ParseDisplayName(hWnd, NULL, wname, NULL, &pidl_last, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = shell_folder->GetUIObjectOf(hWnd, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidl_last, riid, NULL, ppvOut); ShellMalloc()->Free((void*)pidl_last); return hr; } // get full path of specified directory entry bool Entry::get_path_base ( PTSTR path, size_t path_count, ENTRY_TYPE etype ) const { int level = 0; size_t len = 0; size_t l = 0; LPCTSTR name = NULL; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; if (!path || path_count==0) return false; const Entry* entry; if ( path_count > 1 ) { for(entry=this; entry; level++) { l = 0; if (entry->_etype == etype) { name = entry->_data.cFileName; for(LPCTSTR s=name; *s && *s!=TEXT('/') && *s!=TEXT('\\'); s++) ++l; if (!entry->_up) break; } else { if (entry->get_path(buffer, COUNTOF(buffer))) { l = _tcslen(buffer); name = buffer; /* special handling of drive names */ if (l>0 && buffer[l-1]=='\\' && path[0]=='\\') --l; if ( len+l >= path_count ) { if ( l + 1 > path_count ) len = 0; else len = path_count - l - 1; } memmove(path+l, path, len*sizeof(TCHAR)); if ( l+1 >= path_count ) l = path_count - 1; memcpy(path, name, l*sizeof(TCHAR)); len += l; } entry = NULL; break; } if (l > 0) { if ( len+l+1 >= path_count ) { /* compare to 2 here because of terminator plus the '\\' we prepend */ if ( l + 2 > path_count ) len = 0; else len = path_count - l - 2; } memmove(path+l+1, path, len*sizeof(TCHAR)); /* compare to 2 here because of terminator plus the '\\' we prepend */ if ( l+2 >= path_count ) l = path_count - 2; memcpy(path+1, name, l*sizeof(TCHAR)); len += l+1; #ifndef _NO_WIN_FS if (etype == ET_WINDOWS && entry->_up && !(entry->_up->_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) // a NTFS stream? path[0] = TEXT(':'); else #endif path[0] = TEXT('\\'); } entry = entry->_up; } if (entry) { if ( len+l >= path_count ) { if ( l + 1 > path_count ) len = 0; else len = path_count - l - 1; } memmove(path+l, path, len*sizeof(TCHAR)); if ( l+1 >= path_count ) l = path_count - 1; memcpy(path, name, l*sizeof(TCHAR)); len += l; } if ( !level && (len+1 < path_count) ) path[len++] = TEXT('\\'); } path[len] = TEXT('\0'); return true; } // recursively free all child entries void Entry::free_subentries() { Entry *entry, *next=_down; if (next) { _down = 0; do { entry = next; next = entry->_next; entry->free_subentries(); delete entry; } while(next); } } Entry* Root::read_tree(LPCTSTR path, int scan_flags) { Entry* entry; if (path && *path) entry = _entry->read_tree(path, _sort_order); else { entry = _entry->read_tree(NULL, _sort_order); _entry->smart_scan(); if (_entry->_down) _entry->_expanded = true; } return entry; } Entry* Root::read_tree(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, int scan_flags) { return _entry->read_tree(pidl, _sort_order); }