/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * FILE: include/asm/asm.inc * PURPOSE: ASM macros for GAS and MASM/ML64 * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #ifndef __ASM_INC__ #define __ASM_INC__ #ifdef _USE_ML /* Allow ".name" identifiers */ OPTION DOTNAME #ifdef _M_IX86 .686P .XMM .MODEL FLAT ASSUME CS:NOTHING, DS:NOTHING, ES:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING #endif /* Explicit radix in MASM syntax */ #define BIN(x) x##y #define OCT(x) x##q #define DEC(x) x##t #define HEX(x) 0##x##h /* Macro values need not be marked */ #define VAL(x) x /* MASM/ML doesn't want explicit [rip] addressing */ rip = 0 /* Due to MASM's reverse syntax, we are forced to use a precompiler macro */ #define MACRO(name, ...) name MACRO __VA_ARGS__ /* To avoid reverse syntax we provide a new macro .PROC, replacing PROC... */ .PROC MACRO name __current_function_name EQU %name #ifdef _M_IX86 %name PROC #else %name PROC FRAME #endif ENDM #define FUNC .PROC /* ... and .ENDP, replacing ENDP */ .ENDP MACRO %__current_function_name ENDP ENDM #define ENDFUNC .ENDP /* Global labels need an extra colon */ GLOBAL_LABEL MACRO label %label:: ENDM /* check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9c9k076y%28VS.80%29.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679352%28VS.85%29.aspx */ FPO MACRO cdwLocals, cdwParams, cbProlog, cbRegs, fUseBP, cbFrame .FPO (cdwLocals, cdwParams, cbProlog, cbRegs, fUseBP, cbFrame) ENDM /* MASM doesn't have an ASCII macro */ .ASCII MACRO text:VARARG DB text ENDM .ascii MACRO text:VARARG DB text ENDM /* MASM doesn't have an ASCIZ macro */ .ASCIZ MACRO text:VARARG DB text DB 0 ENDM .asciz MACRO text:VARARG DB text DB 0 ENDM .code64 MACRO .code ENDM .code32 MACRO .code .586P ENDM .code16 MACRO ASSUME nothing .text SEGMENT use16 .586P ENDM .endcode16 MACRO .text ENDS ENDM .bss MACRO .DATA? ASSUME nothing ENDM //.text MACRO //ENDM .align MACRO alignment ALIGN alignment ENDM .byte MACRO args:VARARG db args ENDM .short MACRO args:VARARG dw args ENDM .word MACRO args:VARARG dw args ENDM .long MACRO args:VARARG dd args ENDM .double MACRO args:VARARG dq args ENDM .org MACRO value ORG value ENDM .fill MACRO count, size, value REPEAT count if (size EQ 1) DB value elseif (size EQ 2) DW value elseif (size EQ 4) DD value endif ENDM ENDM .skip MACRO size, fill:=<0> DB size DUP (fill) ENDM .space MACRO size, fill:=<0> .skip size, fill ENDM ljmp MACRO segment, offset DB 0EAh DD offset DW segment ENDM ljmp16 MACRO segment, offset DB 0EAh DW offset DW segment ENDM data32 MACRO opcode:VARARG DB 66h opcode ENDM UNIMPLEMENTED MACRO name ENDM absolute MACRO address __absolute__address__ = address ENDM resb MACRO name, size name = __absolute__address__ __absolute__address__ = __absolute__address__ + size ENDM /* We need this to distinguish repeat from macros */ #define ENDR ENDM #define CR 13 #define LF 10 #define NUL 0 #else /***********************************************************************/ /* Force intel syntax */ .intel_syntax noprefix .altmacro /* Explicit radix in GAS syntax */ #define BIN(x) 0b##x #define OCT(x) 0##x #define DEC(x) x #define HEX(x) 0x##x /* Macro values need to be marked */ #define VAL(x) \x /* Due to MASM's reverse syntax, we are forced to use a precompiler macro */ #define MACRO(...) .macro __VA_ARGS__ #define ENDM .endm /* To avoid reverse syntax we provide a new macro .PROC, replacing PROC... */ .macro .PROC name .func \name #ifdef _X86_ /* x86 gas expects a label with _ prefix */ _\name: #endif \name: .cfi_startproc .equ cfa_current_offset, -8 .endm #define FUNC .PROC /* ... and .ENDP, replacing ENDP */ .macro .ENDP .cfi_endproc .endfunc .endm #define ENDFUNC .ENDP /* MASM compatible PUBLIC */ .macro PUBLIC symbol .global \symbol .endm /* No special marking of global labels */ .macro GLOBAL_LABEL label \label: .endm /* Dummy ASSUME */ .macro ASSUME p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 .endm /* MASM needs an end tag for segments */ .macro .endcode16 .endm /* MASM compatible ALIGN */ #define ALIGN .align /* MASM compatible REPEAT, additional ENDR */ #define REPEAT .rept #define ENDR .endr .macro ljmp segment, offset jmp far ptr \segment:\offset .endm .macro ljmp16 segment, offset jmp far ptr \segment:\offset .endm /* MASM compatible EXTERN */ .macro EXTERN name .endm /* MASM needs an END tag */ #define END .macro .MODEL model .endm .macro .code .text .endm /* check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9c9k076y%28VS.80%29.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679352%28VS.85%29.aspx */ .macro FPO cdwLocals, cdwParams, cbProlog, cbRegs, fUseBP, cbFrame /* dummy */ .endm /* Macros for x64 stack unwind OPs */ .macro .allocstack size .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset \size .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - \size .endm code = 1 .macro .pushframe param=0 .if (\param) .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 0x30 .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 0x30 .else .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 0x28 .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 0x28 .endif .endm .macro .pushreg reg .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 .equ cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 8 .cfi_offset \reg, cfa_current_offset .endm .macro .savereg reg, offset // checkme!!! .cfi_offset \reg, \offset .endm .macro .savexmm128 reg, offset // checkme!!! .cfi_offset \reg, \offset .endm .macro .setframe reg, offset .cfi_def_cfa reg, \offset .equ cfa_current_offset, \offset .endm .macro .endprolog .endm .macro absolute address __absolute__address__ = \address .endm .macro resb name, size \name = __absolute__address__ __absolute__address__ = __absolute__address__ + \size .endm .macro UNIMPLEMENTED2 file, line, func jmp 3f 1: .asciz "\func" 2: .asciz \file 3: sub rsp, 0x20 lea rcx, MsgUnimplemented[rip] lea rdx, 1b[rip] lea r8, 2b[rip] mov r9, \line call DbgPrint add rsp, 0x20 .endm #define UNIMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED2 __FILE__, __LINE__, /* MASM/ML uses ".if" for runtime conditionals, and "if" for compile time conditionals. We therefore use "if", too. .if shouldn't be used at all */ #define if .if #define endif .endif #define else .else #define elseif .elseif #define CR "\r" #define LF "\n" #define NUL "\0" #endif /* Common definitions for FPO macro see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679352%28VS.85%29.aspx */ #define FRAME_FPO 0 #define FRAME_TRAP 1 #define FRAME_TSS 2 #define FRAME_NONFPO 3 #endif /* __ASM_INC__ */