/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Local Spooler * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Functions related to Printers and printing * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2017 Colin Finck (colin@reactos.org) */ #include "precomp.h" // Global Variables SKIPLIST PrinterList; // Forward Declarations static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel0(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_STRESS* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel1(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_1W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel2(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_2W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel3(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_3* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel4(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_4W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel5(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_5W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel6(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_6* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel7(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_7W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel8(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_8W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel9(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_9W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName); // Local Constants typedef void (*PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)(PLOCAL_PRINTER, PVOID, PBYTE*, PDWORD, DWORD, PCWSTR); static const PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc pfnGetPrinterLevels[] = { (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel0, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel1, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel2, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel3, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel4, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel5, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel6, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel7, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel8, (PLocalGetPrinterLevelFunc)&_LocalGetPrinterLevel9 }; static DWORD dwPrinterInfo0Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_STRESS, pPrinterName), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwPrinterInfo1Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_1W, pName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_1W, pComment), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_1W, pDescription), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwPrinterInfo2Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pPrinterName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pShareName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pPortName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pDriverName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pComment), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pLocation), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pSepFile), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pPrintProcessor), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pDatatype), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_2W, pParameters), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwPrinterInfo4Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_4W, pPrinterName), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwPrinterInfo5Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_5W, pPrinterName), FIELD_OFFSET(PRINTER_INFO_5W, pPortName), MAXDWORD }; /** These values serve no purpose anymore, but are still used in PRINTER_INFO_5 and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts */ static const DWORD dwDeviceNotSelectedTimeout = 15000; static const DWORD dwTransmissionRetryTimeout = 45000; /** * @name _PrinterListCompareRoutine * * SKIPLIST_COMPARE_ROUTINE for the Printer List. * Does a case-insensitive comparison, because e.g. LocalOpenPrinter doesn't match the case when looking for Printers. */ static int WINAPI _PrinterListCompareRoutine(PVOID FirstStruct, PVOID SecondStruct) { PLOCAL_PRINTER A = (PLOCAL_PRINTER)FirstStruct; PLOCAL_PRINTER B = (PLOCAL_PRINTER)SecondStruct; return wcsicmp(A->pwszPrinterName, B->pwszPrinterName); } /** * @name InitializePrinterList * * Initializes a list of locally available Printers. * The list is searchable by name and returns information about the printers, including their job queues. * During this process, the job queues are also initialized. */ BOOL InitializePrinterList(VOID) { DWORD cbData; DWORD cchPrinterName; DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD dwSubKeys; DWORD i; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; PLOCAL_PORT pPort; PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter = NULL; PLOCAL_PRINT_PROCESSOR pPrintProcessor; PWSTR pwszPort = NULL; PWSTR pwszPrintProcessor = NULL; WCHAR wszPrinterName[MAX_PRINTER_NAME + 1]; TRACE("InitializePrinterList()\n"); // Initialize an empty list for our printers. InitializeSkiplist(&PrinterList, DllAllocSplMem, _PrinterListCompareRoutine, (PSKIPLIST_FREE_ROUTINE)DllFreeSplMem); // Get the number of subkeys of the printers registry key. Each subkey is a local printer there. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryInfoKeyW(hPrintersKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSubKeys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegQueryInfoKeyW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // Loop through all available local printers. for (i = 0; i < dwSubKeys; i++) { // Cleanup tasks from the previous run if (hSubKey) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; } if (pPrinter) { if (pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode) DllFreeSplMem(pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode); if (pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype); if (pPrinter->pwszDescription) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszDescription); if (pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver); if (pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName); DllFreeSplMem(pPrinter); pPrinter = NULL; } if (pwszPrintProcessor) { DllFreeSplStr(pwszPrintProcessor); pwszPrintProcessor = NULL; } // Get the name of this printer. cchPrinterName = _countof(wszPrinterName); dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegEnumKeyExW(hPrintersKey, i, wszPrinterName, &cchPrinterName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // This printer name exceeds the maximum length and is invalid. continue; } else if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegEnumKeyExW failed for iteration %lu with status %lu!\n", i, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Open this Printer's registry key. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyExW(hPrintersKey, wszPrinterName, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegOpenKeyExW failed for Printer \"%S\" with status %lu!\n", wszPrinterName, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Get the Print Processor. pwszPrintProcessor = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Print Processor"); if (!pwszPrintProcessor) continue; // Try to find it in the Print Processor List. pPrintProcessor = FindPrintProcessor(pwszPrintProcessor); if (!pPrintProcessor) { ERR("Invalid Print Processor \"%S\" for Printer \"%S\"!\n", pwszPrintProcessor, wszPrinterName); continue; } // Get the Port. pwszPort = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Port"); if (!pwszPort) continue; // Try to find it in the Port List. pPort = FindPort(pwszPort); if (!pPort) { ERR("Invalid Port \"%S\" for Printer \"%S\"!\n", pwszPort, wszPrinterName); continue; } // Create a new LOCAL_PRINTER structure for it. pPrinter = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_PRINTER)); if (!pPrinter) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } pPrinter->pwszPrinterName = AllocSplStr(wszPrinterName); pPrinter->pPrintProcessor = pPrintProcessor; pPrinter->pPort = pPort; InitializePrinterJobList(pPrinter); // Get the location. pPrinter->pwszLocation = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Location"); if (!pPrinter->pwszLocation) continue; // Get the printer driver. pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Printer Driver"); if (!pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) continue; // Get the description. pPrinter->pwszDescription = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Description"); if (!pPrinter->pwszDescription) continue; // Get the default datatype. pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Datatype"); if (!pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype) continue; // Verify that it's valid. if (!FindDatatype(pPrintProcessor, pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype)) { ERR("Invalid default datatype \"%S\" for Printer \"%S\"!\n", pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype, wszPrinterName); continue; } // Determine the size of the DevMode. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, L"Default DevMode", NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbData); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Couldn't query the size of the DevMode for Printer \"%S\", status is %lu, cbData is %lu!\n", wszPrinterName, dwErrorCode, cbData); continue; } // Allocate enough memory for the DevMode. pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode = DllAllocSplMem(cbData); if (!pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } // Get the default DevMode. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, L"Default DevMode", NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode, &cbData); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Couldn't query a DevMode for Printer \"%S\", status is %lu, cbData is %lu!\n", wszPrinterName, dwErrorCode, cbData); continue; } // Get the Attributes. cbData = sizeof(DWORD); dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, L"Attributes", NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)&pPrinter->dwAttributes, &cbData); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Couldn't query Attributes for Printer \"%S\", status is %lu!\n", wszPrinterName, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Get the Status. cbData = sizeof(DWORD); dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, L"Status", NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)&pPrinter->dwStatus, &cbData); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Couldn't query Status for Printer \"%S\", status is %lu!\n", wszPrinterName, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Add this printer to the printer list. if (!InsertElementSkiplist(&PrinterList, pPrinter)) { ERR("InsertElementSkiplist failed for Printer \"%S\"!\n", pPrinter->pwszPrinterName); goto Cleanup; } // Don't let the cleanup routines free this. pPrinter = NULL; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: // Inside the loop if (hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); if (pPrinter) { if (pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode) DllFreeSplMem(pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode); if (pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype); if (pPrinter->pwszDescription) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszDescription); if (pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver); if (pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName); DllFreeSplMem(pPrinter); } if (pwszPrintProcessor) DllFreeSplStr(pwszPrintProcessor); SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } /** * @name _LocalEnumPrintersCheckName * * Checks the Name parameter supplied to a call to EnumPrinters. * * @param Flags * Flags parameter of EnumPrinters. * * @param Name * Name parameter of EnumPrinters to check. * * @param pwszComputerName * Pointer to a string able to hold 2 + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 + 1 characters. * On return, it may contain a computer name to prepend in EnumPrinters depending on the case. * * @param pcchComputerName * If a string to prepend is returned, this pointer receives its length in characters. * * @return * ERROR_SUCCESS if processing in EnumPrinters can be continued. * ERROR_INVALID_NAME if the Name parameter is invalid for the given flags and this Print Provider. * Any other error code if GetComputerNameW fails. Error codes indicating failure should then be returned by EnumPrinters. */ static DWORD _LocalEnumPrintersCheckName(DWORD Flags, PCWSTR Name, PWSTR pwszComputerName, PDWORD pcchComputerName) { PCWSTR pName; PCWSTR pComputerName; // If there is no Name parameter to check, we can just continue in EnumPrinters. if (!Name) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // Check if Name does not begin with two backslashes (required for specifying Computer Names). if (Name[0] != L'\\' || Name[1] != L'\\') { if (Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_NAME) { // If PRINTER_ENUM_NAME is specified, any given Name parameter may only contain the // Print Provider Name or the local Computer Name. // Compare with the Print Provider Name. if (wcsicmp(Name, wszPrintProviderInfo[0]) == 0) return ERROR_SUCCESS; // Dismiss anything else. return ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } else { // If PRINTER_ENUM_NAME is not specified, we just ignore anything that is not a Computer Name. return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // Prepend the backslashes to the output computer name. pwszComputerName[0] = L'\\'; pwszComputerName[1] = L'\\'; // Get the local computer name for comparison. *pcchComputerName = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!GetComputerNameW(&pwszComputerName[2], pcchComputerName)) { ERR("GetComputerNameW failed with error %lu!\n", GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); } // Add the leading slashes to the total length. *pcchComputerName += 2; // Compare both names. pComputerName = &pwszComputerName[2]; pName = &Name[2]; for (;;) { // Are we at the end of the local Computer Name string? if (!*pComputerName) { // Are we also at the end of the supplied Name parameter? // A terminating NUL character and a backslash are both treated as the end, but they are treated differently. if (!*pName) { // If both names match and Name ends with a NUL character, the computer name will be prepended in EnumPrinters. // Add a trailing backslash for that. pwszComputerName[(*pcchComputerName)++] = L'\\'; pwszComputerName[*pcchComputerName] = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (*pName == L'\\') { if (Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_NAME) { // If PRINTER_ENUM_NAME is specified and a Name parameter is given, it must be exactly the local // Computer Name with two backslashes prepended. Anything else (like "\\COMPUTERNAME\") is dismissed. return ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } else { // If PRINTER_ENUM_NAME is not specified and a Name parameter is given, it may also end with a backslash. // Only the Computer Name between the backslashes is checked then. // This is largely undocumented, but verified by tests (see winspool_apitest). // In this case, no computer name is prepended in EnumPrinters though. *pwszComputerName = 0; *pcchComputerName = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } // Compare both Computer Names case-insensitively and reject with ERROR_INVALID_NAME if they don't match. if (towlower(*pName) != towlower(*pComputerName)) return ERROR_INVALID_NAME; pName++; pComputerName++; } } static DWORD _DumpLevel1PrintProviderInformation(PBYTE pPrinterEnum, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { int i; // Count the needed bytes for Print Provider information. *pcbNeeded = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_1W); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) *pcbNeeded += (wcslen(wszPrintProviderInfo[i]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; // Copy over the Print Provider information. ((PPRINTER_INFO_1W)pPrinterEnum)->Flags = 0; PackStrings(wszPrintProviderInfo, pPrinterEnum, dwPrinterInfo1Offsets, &pPrinterEnum[*pcbNeeded]); *pcReturned = 1; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel0(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_STRESS* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { size_t cbName; PWSTR p, Allocation; PCWSTR pwszStrings[1]; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; // Calculate the string lengths. cbName = (cchComputerName + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_STRESS) + cbName; return; } // Set the general fields. ZeroMemory(*ppPrinterInfo, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_STRESS)); (*ppPrinterInfo)->cJobs = pPrinter->JobList.NodeCount; (*ppPrinterInfo)->dwGetVersion = GetVersion(); (*ppPrinterInfo)->Status = pPrinter->dwStatus; #if !DBG (*ppPrinterInfo)->fFreeBuild = 1; #endif GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); (*ppPrinterInfo)->dwNumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; (*ppPrinterInfo)->dwProcessorType = SystemInfo.dwProcessorType; (*ppPrinterInfo)->wProcessorArchitecture = SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture; (*ppPrinterInfo)->wProcessorLevel = SystemInfo.wProcessorLevel; // Copy the Printer Name. p = Allocation = DllAllocSplMem(cbName); pwszStrings[0] = Allocation; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbName, wszComputerName, &p, &cbName, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbName, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbName, 0); // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppPrinterInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppPrinterInfo), dwPrinterInfo0Offsets, *ppPrinterInfoEnd); (*ppPrinterInfo)++; // Free the memory for temporary strings. DllFreeSplMem(Allocation); } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel1(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_1W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { const WCHAR wszComma[] = L","; size_t cbName; size_t cbComment; size_t cbDescription; PWSTR p, Allocation1, Allocation2; PCWSTR pwszStrings[3]; // Calculate the string lengths. // Attention: pComment equals the "Description" registry value while pDescription is concatenated out of several strings. // On top of this, the computer name is prepended to the printer name if the user supplied the local computer name during the query. cbName = (cchComputerName + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbComment = (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbDescription = cbName + (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) + 1 + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszLocation) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_1W) + cbName + cbComment + cbDescription; return; } // Indicate that this is a Printer. (*ppPrinterInfo)->Flags = PRINTER_ENUM_ICON8; // Copy the Printer Name. p = Allocation1 = DllAllocSplMem(cbName); pwszStrings[0] = Allocation1; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbName, wszComputerName, &p, &cbName, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbName, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbName, 0); // Copy the Printer comment (equals the "Description" registry value). pwszStrings[1] = pPrinter->pwszDescription; // Copy the description, which for PRINTER_INFO_1W has the form "Name,Printer Driver,Location" p = Allocation2 = DllAllocSplMem(cbDescription); pwszStrings[2] = Allocation2; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, wszComputerName, &p, &cbDescription, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbDescription, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, wszComma, &p, &cbDescription, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver, &p, &cbDescription, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, wszComma, &p, &cbDescription, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbDescription, pPrinter->pwszLocation, &p, &cbDescription, 0); // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppPrinterInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppPrinterInfo), dwPrinterInfo1Offsets, *ppPrinterInfoEnd); (*ppPrinterInfo)++; // Free the memory for temporary strings. DllFreeSplMem(Allocation1); DllFreeSplMem(Allocation2); } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel2(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_2W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { WCHAR wszEmpty[] = L""; size_t cbDevMode; size_t cbPrinterName; size_t cbShareName; size_t cbPortName; size_t cbDriverName; size_t cbComment; size_t cbLocation; size_t cbSepFile; size_t cbPrintProcessor; size_t cbDatatype; size_t cbParameters; PWSTR p, Allocation; PCWSTR pwszStrings[10]; // Calculate the string lengths. cbDevMode = pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmSize + pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmDriverExtra; cbPrinterName = (cchComputerName + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!ppPrinterInfo) { // Attention: pComment equals the "Description" registry value. cbShareName = sizeof(wszEmpty); cbPortName = (wcslen(pPrinter->pPort->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbDriverName = (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbComment = (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbLocation = (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszLocation) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbSepFile = sizeof(wszEmpty); cbPrintProcessor = (wcslen(pPrinter->pPrintProcessor->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbDatatype = (wcslen(pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbParameters = sizeof(wszEmpty); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2W) + cbDevMode + cbPrinterName + cbShareName + cbPortName + cbDriverName + cbComment + cbLocation + cbSepFile + cbPrintProcessor + cbDatatype + cbParameters; return; } // Set the general fields. ZeroMemory(*ppPrinterInfo, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2W)); (*ppPrinterInfo)->Attributes = pPrinter->dwAttributes; (*ppPrinterInfo)->cJobs = pPrinter->JobList.NodeCount; (*ppPrinterInfo)->Status = pPrinter->dwStatus; // Set the pDevMode field (and copy the DevMode). *ppPrinterInfoEnd -= cbDevMode; CopyMemory(*ppPrinterInfoEnd, pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode, cbDevMode); (*ppPrinterInfo)->pDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)(*ppPrinterInfoEnd); // Set the pPrinterName field. p = Allocation = DllAllocSplMem(cbPrinterName); pwszStrings[0] = Allocation; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, wszComputerName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); // Set the pShareName field. pwszStrings[1] = wszEmpty; // Set the pPortName field. pwszStrings[2] = pPrinter->pPort->pwszName; // Set the pDriverName field. pwszStrings[3] = pPrinter->pwszPrinterDriver; // Set the pComment field ((equals the "Description" registry value). pwszStrings[4] = pPrinter->pwszDescription; // Set the pLocation field. pwszStrings[5] = pPrinter->pwszLocation; // Set the pSepFile field. pwszStrings[6] = wszEmpty; // Set the pPrintProcessor field. pwszStrings[7] = pPrinter->pPrintProcessor->pwszName; // Set the pDatatype field. pwszStrings[8] = pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype; // Set the pParameters field. pwszStrings[9] = wszEmpty; // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppPrinterInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppPrinterInfo), dwPrinterInfo2Offsets, *ppPrinterInfoEnd); (*ppPrinterInfo)++; // Free the memory for temporary strings. DllFreeSplMem(Allocation); } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel3(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_3* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor = { 0 }; if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_3) + sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); return; } FIXME("Return a valid security descriptor for PRINTER_INFO_3\n"); // Set the pSecurityDescriptor field (and copy the Security Descriptor). *ppPrinterInfoEnd -= sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); CopyMemory(*ppPrinterInfoEnd, &SecurityDescriptor, sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); (*ppPrinterInfo)->pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)(*ppPrinterInfoEnd); // Advance to the next structure. (*ppPrinterInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel4(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_4W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { size_t cbPrinterName; PWSTR p, Allocation; PCWSTR pwszStrings[1]; // Calculate the string lengths. cbPrinterName = (cchComputerName + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_4W) + cbPrinterName; return; } // Set the general fields. (*ppPrinterInfo)->pServerName = NULL; (*ppPrinterInfo)->Attributes = pPrinter->dwAttributes; // Set the pPrinterName field. p = Allocation = DllAllocSplMem(cbPrinterName); pwszStrings[0] = Allocation; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, wszComputerName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppPrinterInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppPrinterInfo), dwPrinterInfo4Offsets, *ppPrinterInfoEnd); (*ppPrinterInfo)++; // Free the memory for temporary strings. DllFreeSplMem(Allocation); } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel5(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_5W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { size_t cbPrinterName; size_t cbPortName; PWSTR p, Allocation; PCWSTR pwszStrings[2]; // Calculate the string lengths. cbPrinterName = (cchComputerName + wcslen(pPrinter->pwszPrinterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!ppPrinterInfo) { cbPortName = (wcslen(pPrinter->pPort->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_5W) + cbPrinterName + cbPortName; return; } // Set the general fields. (*ppPrinterInfo)->Attributes = pPrinter->dwAttributes; (*ppPrinterInfo)->DeviceNotSelectedTimeout = dwDeviceNotSelectedTimeout; (*ppPrinterInfo)->TransmissionRetryTimeout = dwTransmissionRetryTimeout; // Set the pPrinterName field. p = Allocation = DllAllocSplMem(cbPrinterName); pwszStrings[0] = Allocation; StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, wszComputerName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); StringCbCopyExW(p, cbPrinterName, pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, &p, &cbPrinterName, 0); // Set the pPortName field. pwszStrings[1] = pPrinter->pPort->pwszName; // Finally copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppPrinterInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppPrinterInfo), dwPrinterInfo5Offsets, *ppPrinterInfoEnd); (*ppPrinterInfo)++; // Free the memory for temporary strings. DllFreeSplMem(Allocation); } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel6(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_6* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_6); return; } // Set the general fields. (*ppPrinterInfo)->dwStatus = pPrinter->dwStatus; // Advance to the next structure. (*ppPrinterInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel7(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_7W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_7W); return; } FIXME("No Directory Support, returning DSPRINT_UNPUBLISH for PRINTER_INFO_7 all the time!\n"); // Set the general fields. (*ppPrinterInfo)->dwAction = DSPRINT_UNPUBLISH; (*ppPrinterInfo)->pszObjectGUID = NULL; // Advance to the next structure. (*ppPrinterInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel8(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_8W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { DWORD cbDevMode; // Calculate the string lengths. cbDevMode = pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmSize + pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmDriverExtra; if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_8W) + cbDevMode; return; } // Set the pDevMode field (and copy the DevMode). *ppPrinterInfoEnd -= cbDevMode; CopyMemory(*ppPrinterInfoEnd, pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode, cbDevMode); (*ppPrinterInfo)->pDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)(*ppPrinterInfoEnd); // Advance to the next structure. (*ppPrinterInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetPrinterLevel9(PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_9W* ppPrinterInfo, PBYTE* ppPrinterInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD cchComputerName, PCWSTR wszComputerName) { DWORD cbDevMode; // Calculate the string lengths. cbDevMode = pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmSize + pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode->dmDriverExtra; if (!ppPrinterInfo) { *pcbNeeded += sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_9W) + cbDevMode; return; } FIXME("Per-user settings are not yet implemented, returning the global DevMode for PRINTER_INFO_9!\n"); // Set the pDevMode field (and copy the DevMode). *ppPrinterInfoEnd -= cbDevMode; CopyMemory(*ppPrinterInfoEnd, pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode, cbDevMode); (*ppPrinterInfo)->pDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)(*ppPrinterInfoEnd); // Advance to the next structure. (*ppPrinterInfo)++; } BOOL WINAPI LocalEnumPrinters(DWORD Flags, LPWSTR Name, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinterEnum, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD cchComputerName = 0; DWORD dwErrorCode; PBYTE pPrinterInfoEnd; PSKIPLIST_NODE pNode; WCHAR wszComputerName[2 + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 + 1] = { 0 }; PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter; TRACE("LocalEnumPrinters(%lu, %S, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", Flags, Name, Level, pPrinterEnum, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); // Do no sanity checks or assertions for pcbNeeded and pcReturned here. // This is verified and required by localspl_apitest! // Begin counting. *pcbNeeded = 0; *pcReturned = 0; if (Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS || Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_REMOTE || Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_NETWORK) { // If the flags for the Network Print Provider are given, bail out with ERROR_INVALID_NAME. // This is the internal way for a Print Provider to signal that it doesn't handle this request. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Cleanup; } if (!(Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL || Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_NAME)) { // The Local Print Provider is the right destination for the request, but without any of these flags, // there is no information that can be returned. // So just signal a successful request. dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; } if (Level == 3 || Level > 5) { // The caller supplied an invalid level for EnumPrinters. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } if (Level == 1 && Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_NAME && !Name) { // The caller wants information about this Print Provider. // spoolss packs this into an array of information about all Print Providers. dwErrorCode = _DumpLevel1PrintProviderInformation(pPrinterEnum, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); goto Cleanup; } // Check the supplied Name parameter (if any). // This may return a Computer Name string we later prepend to the output. dwErrorCode = _LocalEnumPrintersCheckName(Flags, Name, wszComputerName, &cchComputerName); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup; // Count the required buffer size and the number of printers. for (pNode = PrinterList.Head.Next[0]; pNode; pNode = pNode->Next[0]) { pPrinter = (PLOCAL_PRINTER)pNode->Element; // TODO: If PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED is given, add this Printer if it's shared instead of just ignoring it. if (Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED) { FIXME("Printer Sharing is not supported yet, returning no printers!\n"); continue; } pfnGetPrinterLevels[Level](pPrinter, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded, cchComputerName, wszComputerName); } // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over the Printer information. pPrinterInfoEnd = &pPrinterEnum[*pcbNeeded]; for (pNode = PrinterList.Head.Next[0]; pNode; pNode = pNode->Next[0]) { pPrinter = (PLOCAL_PRINTER)pNode->Element; // TODO: If PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED is given, add this Printer if it's shared instead of just ignoring it. if (Flags & PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED) continue; pfnGetPrinterLevels[Level](pPrinter, &pPrinterEnum, &pPrinterInfoEnd, NULL, cchComputerName, wszComputerName); (*pcReturned)++; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalGetPrinter(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinter, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded) { // We never prepend a Computer Name to the output, but need to provide an empty string, // because this variable is passed to StringCbCopyExW. const WCHAR wszDummyComputerName[] = L""; DWORD dwErrorCode; PBYTE pPrinterEnd; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalGetPrinter(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, Level, pPrinter, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Check if this is a printer handle. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; if (Level > 9) { // The caller supplied an invalid level for GetPrinter. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Count the required buffer size. *pcbNeeded = 0; pfnGetPrinterLevels[Level](pPrinterHandle->pPrinter, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded, 0, wszDummyComputerName); // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over the Printer information. pPrinterEnd = &pPrinter[*pcbNeeded]; pfnGetPrinterLevels[Level](pPrinterHandle->pPrinter, &pPrinter, &pPrinterEnd, NULL, 0, wszDummyComputerName); dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static DWORD _LocalOpenPortHandle(PWSTR pwszPortName, PHANDLE phPrinter) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hPort; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = NULL; PLOCAL_PORT pPort; PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle = NULL; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor; // Look for this port in our Print Monitor Port list. pPort = FindPort(pwszPortName); if (!pPort) { // The supplied port is unknown to all our Print Monitors. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } pPrintMonitor = pPort->pPrintMonitor; // Call the monitor's OpenPort function. if (pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnOpenPort(pPrintMonitor->hMonitor, pwszPortName, &hPort); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnOpenPort(pwszPortName, &hPort); if (!bReturnValue) { // The OpenPort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Failure; } // Create a new generic handle. pHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_HANDLE)); if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } // Create a new LOCAL_PORT_HANDLE. pPortHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_PORT_HANDLE)); if (!pPortHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } pPortHandle->hPort = hPort; pPortHandle->pPort = pPort; // Make the generic handle a Port handle. pHandle->HandleType = HandleType_Port; pHandle->pSpecificHandle = pPortHandle; // Return it. *phPrinter = (HANDLE)pHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; Failure: if (pHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pHandle); if (pPortHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pPortHandle); return dwErrorCode; } static DWORD _LocalOpenPrinterHandle(PWSTR pwszPrinterName, PWSTR pwszJobParameter, PHANDLE phPrinter, PPRINTER_DEFAULTSW pDefault) { DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD dwJobID; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = NULL; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_PRINTER pPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle = NULL; WCHAR wszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; // Retrieve the printer from the list. pPrinter = LookupElementSkiplist(&PrinterList, &pwszPrinterName, NULL); if (!pPrinter) { // The printer does not exist. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } // Create a new generic handle. pHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_HANDLE)); if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } // Create a new LOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE. pPrinterHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)); if (!pPrinterHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pPrinterHandle->pPrinter = pPrinter; // Check if a datatype was given. if (pDefault && pDefault->pDatatype) { // Use the datatype if it's valid. if (!FindDatatype(pPrinter->pPrintProcessor, pDefault->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; goto Failure; } pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype = AllocSplStr(pDefault->pDatatype); } else { // Use the default datatype. pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype = AllocSplStr(pPrinter->pwszDefaultDatatype); } // Check if a DevMode was given, otherwise use the default. if (pDefault && pDefault->pDevMode) pPrinterHandle->pDevMode = DuplicateDevMode(pDefault->pDevMode); else pPrinterHandle->pDevMode = DuplicateDevMode(pPrinter->pDefaultDevMode); // Check if the caller wants a handle to an existing Print Job. if (pwszJobParameter) { // The "Job " string has to follow now. if (wcsncmp(pwszJobParameter, L"Job ", 4) != 0) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } // Skip the "Job " string. pwszJobParameter += 4; // Skip even more whitespace. while (*pwszJobParameter == ' ') ++pwszJobParameter; // Finally extract the desired Job ID. dwJobID = wcstoul(pwszJobParameter, NULL, 10); if (!IS_VALID_JOB_ID(dwJobID)) { // The user supplied an invalid Job ID. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } // Look for this job in the Global Job List. pJob = LookupElementSkiplist(&GlobalJobList, &dwJobID, NULL); if (!pJob || pJob->pPrinter != pPrinter) { // The user supplied a non-existing Job ID or the Job ID does not belong to the supplied printer name. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME; goto Failure; } // Try to open its SPL file. GetJobFilePath(L"SPL", dwJobID, wszFullPath); pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile = CreateFileW(wszFullPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("CreateFileW failed with error %lu for \"%S\"!", dwErrorCode, wszFullPath); goto Failure; } // Associate the job to our Printer Handle, but don't set bStartedDoc. // This prevents the caller from doing further StartDocPrinter, WritePrinter, etc. calls on it. pPrinterHandle->pJob = pJob; } // Make the generic handle a Printer handle. pHandle->HandleType = HandleType_Printer; pHandle->pSpecificHandle = pPrinterHandle; // Return it. *phPrinter = (HANDLE)pHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; Failure: if (pHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pHandle); if (pPrinterHandle) { if (pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype) DllFreeSplStr(pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype); if (pPrinterHandle->pDevMode) DllFreeSplMem(pPrinterHandle->pDevMode); DllFreeSplMem(pPrinterHandle); } return dwErrorCode; } static DWORD _LocalOpenPrintServerHandle(PHANDLE phPrinter) { PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle; // Create a new generic handle. pHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_HANDLE)); if (!pHandle) { ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // Make the generic handle a Print Server handle. pHandle->HandleType = HandleType_PrintServer; pHandle->pSpecificHandle = NULL; // Return it. *phPrinter = (HANDLE)pHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static DWORD _LocalOpenXcvHandle(PWSTR pwszParameter, PHANDLE phPrinter) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hXcv; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = NULL; PLOCAL_PORT pPort; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor; PLOCAL_XCV_HANDLE pXcvHandle = NULL; // Skip the "Xcv" string. pwszParameter += 3; // Is XcvMonitor or XcvPort requested? if (wcsncmp(pwszParameter, L"Monitor ", 8) == 0) { // Skip the "Monitor " string. pwszParameter += 8; // Look for this monitor in our Print Monitor list. pPrintMonitor = FindPrintMonitor(pwszParameter); if (!pPrintMonitor) { // The caller supplied a non-existing Monitor name. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } } else if (wcsncmp(pwszParameter, L"Port ", 5) == 0) { // Skip the "Port " string. pwszParameter += 5; // Look for this port in our Print Monitor Port list. pPort = FindPort(pwszParameter); if (!pPort) { // The supplied port is unknown to all our Print Monitors. dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } pPrintMonitor = pPort->pPrintMonitor; } else { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Failure; } // Call the monitor's XcvOpenPort function. if (pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnXcvOpenPort(pPrintMonitor->hMonitor, pwszParameter, SERVER_EXECUTE, &hXcv); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnXcvOpenPort(pwszParameter, SERVER_EXECUTE, &hXcv); if (!bReturnValue) { // The XcvOpenPort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Failure; } // Create a new generic handle. pHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_HANDLE)); if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } // Create a new LOCAL_XCV_HANDLE. pXcvHandle = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_XCV_HANDLE)); if (!pXcvHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Failure; } pXcvHandle->hXcv = hXcv; pXcvHandle->pPrintMonitor = pPrintMonitor; // Make the generic handle a Xcv handle. pHandle->HandleType = HandleType_Xcv; pHandle->pSpecificHandle = pXcvHandle; // Return it. *phPrinter = (HANDLE)pHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; Failure: if (pHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pHandle); if (pXcvHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pXcvHandle); return dwErrorCode; } BOOL WINAPI LocalOpenPrinter(PWSTR lpPrinterName, HANDLE* phPrinter, PPRINTER_DEFAULTSW pDefault) { DWORD cchComputerName; DWORD cchFirstParameter; DWORD dwErrorCode; PWSTR p = lpPrinterName; PWSTR pwszFirstParameter = NULL; PWSTR pwszSecondParameter; WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; TRACE("LocalOpenPrinter(%S, %p, %p)\n", lpPrinterName, phPrinter, pDefault); ASSERT(phPrinter); *phPrinter = NULL; if (!lpPrinterName) { // The caller wants a Print Server handle and provided a NULL string. dwErrorCode = _LocalOpenPrintServerHandle(phPrinter); goto Cleanup; } // Skip any server name in the first parameter. // Does lpPrinterName begin with two backslashes to indicate a server name? if (lpPrinterName[0] == L'\\' && lpPrinterName[1] == L'\\') { // Skip these two backslashes. lpPrinterName += 2; // Look for the terminating null character or closing backslash. p = lpPrinterName; while (*p != L'\0' && *p != L'\\') p++; // Get the local computer name for comparison. cchComputerName = _countof(wszComputerName); if (!GetComputerNameW(wszComputerName, &cchComputerName)) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("GetComputerNameW failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // Now compare this string excerpt with the local computer name. // The input parameter may not be writable, so we can't null-terminate the input string at this point. // This print provider only supports local printers, so both strings have to match. if (p - lpPrinterName != cchComputerName || _wcsnicmp(lpPrinterName, wszComputerName, cchComputerName) != 0) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Cleanup; } // If lpPrinterName is only "\\COMPUTERNAME" with nothing more, the caller wants a handle to the local Print Server. if (!*p) { // The caller wants a Print Server handle and provided a string like: // "\\COMPUTERNAME" dwErrorCode = _LocalOpenPrintServerHandle(phPrinter); goto Cleanup; } // We have checked the server name and don't need it anymore. lpPrinterName = p + 1; } // Look for a comma. If it exists, it indicates the end of the first parameter. pwszSecondParameter = wcschr(lpPrinterName, L','); if (pwszSecondParameter) cchFirstParameter = pwszSecondParameter - p; else cchFirstParameter = wcslen(lpPrinterName); // We must have at least one parameter. if (!cchFirstParameter && !pwszSecondParameter) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto Cleanup; } // Do we have a first parameter? if (cchFirstParameter) { // Yes, extract it. // No null-termination is necessary here, because DllAllocSplMem returns a zero-initialized buffer. pwszFirstParameter = DllAllocSplMem((cchFirstParameter + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory(pwszFirstParameter, lpPrinterName, cchFirstParameter * sizeof(WCHAR)); } // Do we have a second parameter? if (pwszSecondParameter) { // Yes, skip the comma at the beginning. ++pwszSecondParameter; // Skip whitespace as well. while (*pwszSecondParameter == L' ') ++pwszSecondParameter; } // Now we can finally check the type of handle actually requested. if (pwszFirstParameter && pwszSecondParameter && wcsncmp(pwszSecondParameter, L"Port", 4) == 0) { // The caller wants a port handle and provided a string like: // "LPT1:, Port" // "\\COMPUTERNAME\LPT1:, Port" dwErrorCode = _LocalOpenPortHandle(pwszFirstParameter, phPrinter); } else if (!pwszFirstParameter && pwszSecondParameter && wcsncmp(pwszSecondParameter, L"Xcv", 3) == 0) { // The caller wants an Xcv handle and provided a string like: // ", XcvMonitor Local Port" // "\\COMPUTERNAME\, XcvMonitor Local Port" // ", XcvPort LPT1:" // "\\COMPUTERNAME\, XcvPort LPT1:" dwErrorCode = _LocalOpenXcvHandle(pwszSecondParameter, phPrinter); } else { // The caller wants a Printer or Printer Job handle and provided a string like: // "HP DeskJet" // "\\COMPUTERNAME\HP DeskJet" // "HP DeskJet, Job 5" // "\\COMPUTERNAME\HP DeskJet, Job 5" dwErrorCode = _LocalOpenPrinterHandle(pwszFirstParameter, pwszSecondParameter, phPrinter, pDefault); } Cleanup: if (pwszFirstParameter) DllFreeSplMem(pwszFirstParameter); SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalReadPrinter(HANDLE hPrinter, PVOID pBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pNoBytesRead) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalReadPrinter(%p, %p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, pBuf, cbBuf, pNoBytesRead); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Port handles are an entirely different thing. if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Port) { pPortHandle = (PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Call the monitor's ReadPort function. if (pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnReadPort(pPortHandle->hPort, pBuf, cbBuf, pNoBytesRead); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnReadPort(pPortHandle->hPort, pBuf, cbBuf, pNoBytesRead); if (!bReturnValue) { // The ReadPort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; } // The remaining function deals with Printer handles only. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // ReadPrinter needs an opened SPL file to work. // This only works if a Printer Job Handle was requested in OpenPrinter. if (pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Pass the parameters to ReadFile. if (!ReadFile(pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile, pBuf, cbBuf, pNoBytesRead, NULL)) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("ReadFile failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } DWORD WINAPI LocalStartDocPrinter(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, PBYTE pDocInfo) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD dwReturnValue = 0; PDOC_INFO_1W pDocInfo1 = (PDOC_INFO_1W)pDocInfo; PLOCAL_JOB pJob; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalStartDocPrinter(%p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, Level, pDocInfo); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Port handles are an entirely different thing. if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Port) { pPortHandle = (PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // This call should come from a Print Processor and the job this port is going to print was assigned to us before opening the Print Processor. // Claim it exclusively for this port handle. pJob = pPortHandle->pPort->pNextJobToProcess; pPortHandle->pPort->pNextJobToProcess = NULL; ASSERT(pJob); // Call the monitor's StartDocPort function. if (pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnStartDocPort(pPortHandle->hPort, pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, pJob->dwJobID, Level, pDocInfo); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnStartDocPort(pPortHandle->hPort, pJob->pPrinter->pwszPrinterName, pJob->dwJobID, Level, pDocInfo); if (!bReturnValue) { // The StartDocPort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwReturnValue = pJob->dwJobID; goto Cleanup; } // The remaining function deals with Printer handles only. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } if (!pDocInfo1) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // pJob may already be occupied if this is a Print Job handle. In this case, StartDocPrinter has to fail. if (pPrinterHandle->pJob) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; } // Check the validity of the datatype if we got one. if (pDocInfo1->pDatatype && !FindDatatype(pPrinterHandle->pJob->pPrintProcessor, pDocInfo1->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; goto Cleanup; } // Check if this is the right document information level. if (Level != 1) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // All requirements are met - create a new job. dwErrorCode = CreateJob(pPrinterHandle); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto Cleanup; // Use any given datatype. if (pDocInfo1->pDatatype && !ReallocSplStr(&pPrinterHandle->pJob->pwszDatatype, pDocInfo1->pDatatype)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } // Use any given document name. if (pDocInfo1->pDocName && !ReallocSplStr(&pPrinterHandle->pJob->pwszDocumentName, pDocInfo1->pDocName)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("ReallocSplStr failed, last error is %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwReturnValue = pPrinterHandle->pJob->dwJobID; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return dwReturnValue; } BOOL WINAPI LocalStartPagePrinter(HANDLE hPrinter) { DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalStartPagePrinter(%p)\n", hPrinter); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle || pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // We require StartDocPrinter or AddJob to be called first. if (!pPrinterHandle->bStartedDoc) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC; goto Cleanup; } // Increase the page count. ++pPrinterHandle->pJob->dwTotalPages; dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalWritePrinter(HANDLE hPrinter, PVOID pBuf, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcWritten) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalWritePrinter(%p, %p, %lu, %p)\n", hPrinter, pBuf, cbBuf, pcWritten); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Port handles are an entirely different thing. if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Port) { pPortHandle = (PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Call the monitor's WritePort function. if (pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnWritePort(pPortHandle->hPort, pBuf, cbBuf, pcWritten); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnWritePort(pPortHandle->hPort, pBuf, cbBuf, pcWritten); if (!bReturnValue) { // The WritePort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; } // The remaining function deals with Printer handles only. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // We require StartDocPrinter or AddJob to be called first. if (!pPrinterHandle->bStartedDoc) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC; goto Cleanup; } // TODO: This function is only called when doing non-spooled printing. // This needs to be investigated further. We can't just use pPrinterHandle->hSPLFile here, because that's currently reserved for Printer Job handles (see LocalReadPrinter). #if 0 // Pass the parameters to WriteFile. if (!WriteFile(SOME_SPOOL_FILE_HANDLE, pBuf, cbBuf, pcWritten, NULL)) { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); ERR("WriteFile failed with error %lu!\n", GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } #endif dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalEndPagePrinter(HANDLE hPrinter) { DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; TRACE("LocalEndPagePrinter(%p)\n", hPrinter); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle || pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // This function doesn't do anything else for now. dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } BOOL WINAPI LocalEndDocPrinter(HANDLE hPrinter) { BOOL bReturnValue; DWORD dwErrorCode; PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle; PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle; TRACE("LocalEndDocPrinter(%p)\n", hPrinter); // Sanity checks. if (!pHandle) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } // Port handles are an entirely different thing. if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Port) { pPortHandle = (PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // Call the monitor's EndDocPort function. if (pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) bReturnValue = ((PMONITOR2)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnEndDocPort(pPortHandle->hPort); else bReturnValue = ((LPMONITOREX)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnEndDocPort(pPortHandle->hPort); if (!bReturnValue) { // The EndDocPort function failed. Return its last error. dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } // We were successful! dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; } // The remaining function deals with Printer handles only. if (pHandle->HandleType != HandleType_Printer) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Cleanup; } pPrinterHandle = (PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE)pHandle->pSpecificHandle; // We require StartDocPrinter or AddJob to be called first. if (!pPrinterHandle->bStartedDoc) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC; goto Cleanup; } // TODO: Something like ScheduleJob // Finish the job. pPrinterHandle->bStartedDoc = FALSE; pPrinterHandle->pJob = NULL; dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static void _LocalClosePortHandle(PLOCAL_PORT_HANDLE pPortHandle) { // Call the monitor's ClosePort function. if (pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) ((PMONITOR2)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnClosePort(pPortHandle->hPort); else ((LPMONITOREX)pPortHandle->pPort->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnClosePort(pPortHandle->hPort); } static void _LocalClosePrinterHandle(PLOCAL_PRINTER_HANDLE pPrinterHandle) { // Terminate any started job. if (pPrinterHandle->pJob) FreeJob(pPrinterHandle->pJob); // Free memory for the fields. DllFreeSplMem(pPrinterHandle->pDevMode); DllFreeSplStr(pPrinterHandle->pwszDatatype); } static void _LocalCloseXcvHandle(PLOCAL_XCV_HANDLE pXcvHandle) { // Call the monitor's XcvClosePort function. if (pXcvHandle->pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2) ((PMONITOR2)pXcvHandle->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->pfnXcvClosePort(pXcvHandle->hXcv); else ((LPMONITOREX)pXcvHandle->pPrintMonitor->pMonitor)->Monitor.pfnXcvClosePort(pXcvHandle->hXcv); } BOOL WINAPI LocalClosePrinter(HANDLE hPrinter) { PLOCAL_HANDLE pHandle = (PLOCAL_HANDLE)hPrinter; TRACE("LocalClosePrinter(%p)\n", hPrinter); if (!pHandle) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Port) { _LocalClosePortHandle(pHandle->pSpecificHandle); } else if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Printer) { _LocalClosePrinterHandle(pHandle->pSpecificHandle); } else if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_PrintServer) { // Nothing to do. } else if (pHandle->HandleType == HandleType_Xcv) { _LocalCloseXcvHandle(pHandle->pSpecificHandle); } // Free memory for the handle and the specific handle (if any). if (pHandle->pSpecificHandle) DllFreeSplMem(pHandle->pSpecificHandle); DllFreeSplMem(pHandle); return TRUE; }