/* $Id: posixw32.c,v 1.3 2002/10/29 04:44:59 rex Exp $ * * PROJECT : ReactOS Operating System / POSIX+ Environment Subsystem * DESCRIPTION: POSIXW32 - A DEC VT-100 terminal emulator for the PSX subsystem * DESCRIPTION: that runs in the Win32 subsystem. * COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Emanuele Aliberti * LICENSE : GNU GPL v2 * DATE : 2001-05-05 * AUTHOR : Emanuele Aliberti * NOTE : This IS a Win32 program, but will fail if the PSX subsystem * NOTE : is not installed. The PSX subsystem consists of two more * NOTE : files: PSXSS.EXE, PSXDLL.DLL. * WARNING : If you use this program under a real NT descendant, be * WARNING : sure to have disabled the PSX subsystem. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, * MA 02139, USA. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2002-03-16 EA Today it actually compiled. * 2002-06-08 EA Renamed (old name was CSRTERM) */ #include #include #include #define NTOS_MODE_USER #include #include #include "vt100.h" #include "posixw32.h" /*** OPTIONS *********************************************************/ #define PRIVATE static #define INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE 32 #ifdef NDEBUG #define TRACE #else #define TRACE OutputDebugString(__FUNCTION__) #endif /*** GLOBALS *********************************************************/ PRIVATE LPCSTR MyName = "POSIXW32"; PRIVATE CSRTERM_SESSION Session = { 0, //Identifier { //ServerPort {0,0,NULL}, L"\\"PSX_NS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME"\\"PSX_NS_SESSIONAPI_PORT_NAME, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE } }; /*** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***********************************************/ VOID STDCALL Debug_Print (LPCSTR Format, ...) { CHAR Buffer [512]; va_list ArgumentPointer; va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format); vsprintf(Buffer, Format, ArgumentPointer); va_end(ArgumentPointer); OutputDebugStringA (Buffer); } /********************************************************************** * OutPort/2 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Notify to PSXSS that input data is ready by sending a * software interrupt on the \POSIX+\SessionPort port. */ PRIVATE DWORD STDCALL OutPort (PCHAR Buffer, ULONG Size) { NTSTATUS Status; PSX_TERMINAL_READ TerminalRead; TRACE; if (Size > 0) { /* LPC */ TerminalRead.Header.MessageType = LPC_NEW_MESSAGE; TerminalRead.PsxHeader.Context = PSX_CONNECTION_TYPE_TERMINAL; TerminalRead.PsxHeader.Procedure = PSX_TERMINAL_INTERRUPT; /* Terminal I/O */ TerminalRead.Size = Size; #if 0 RtlCopyMemory (TerminalRead.Buffer, Buffer, Size); Status = NtRequestWaitReplyPort ( Session.ServerPort.Handle, & TerminalRead /* FIXME */ ); #endif if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { vtprintf ("%s: %s: NtRequestWaitReplyPort failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return 0; } } return Size; } /********************************************************************** * ProcessConnectionRequest/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Initialize our data for managing the control connection * initiated by the PSXSS.EXE process. */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL ProcessConnectionRequest (PLPC_MAX_MESSAGE Request) { PPSX_CONNECT_PORT_DATA ConnectData = (PPSX_CONNECT_PORT_DATA) & Request->Data; TRACE; if (PSX_CONNECTION_TYPE_SERVER != ConnectData->ConnectionType) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (PSX_LPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION != ConnectData->Version) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Session.SsLinkIsActive = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * ProcessRequest/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL ProcessRequest (PPSX_MAX_MESSAGE Request) { TRACE; /* TODO */ vtprintf("TEST VT-100\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * PsxSessionPortListener/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Manage messages from the PSXSS, that is LPC messages we get * from the PSXSS process to our \POSIX+\Sessions\P port. * * NOTE * This function is the thread 's entry point created in * CreateSessionObiects(). */ PRIVATE DWORD STDCALL PsxSessionPortListener (LPVOID Arg) { NTSTATUS Status; LPC_TYPE RequestType; PSX_MAX_MESSAGE Request; PPSX_MAX_MESSAGE Reply = NULL; BOOL NullReply = FALSE; TRACE; while (TRUE) { Reply = NULL; NullReply = FALSE; while (!NullReply) { Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort ( Session.Port.Handle, 0, (PLPC_MESSAGE) Reply, (PLPC_MESSAGE) & Request ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } RequestType = PORT_MESSAGE_TYPE(Request); switch (RequestType) { case LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST: ProcessConnectionRequest ((PLPC_MAX_MESSAGE) & Request); NullReply = TRUE; continue; case LPC_CLIENT_DIED: case LPC_PORT_CLOSED: case LPC_DEBUG_EVENT: case LPC_ERROR_EVENT: case LPC_EXCEPTION: NullReply = TRUE; continue; default: if (RequestType != LPC_REQUEST) { NullReply = TRUE; continue; } } Reply = & Request; Reply->PsxHeader.Status = ProcessRequest (& Request); NullReply = FALSE; } if ((STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE == Status) || (STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH == Status)) { break; } } Session.SsLinkIsActive = FALSE; TerminateThread (GetCurrentThread(), Status); } /********************************************************************** * CreateSessionObiects/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Create the session objects which are mananged by our side: * * \POSIX+\Sessions\P * \POSIX+\Sessions\D */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL CreateSessionObjects (DWORD Pid) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Id = 0; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Oa; LARGE_INTEGER SectionSize = {PSX_TERMINAL_SECTION_SIZE,0}; TRACE; /* Critical section */ Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { vtprintf ( "%s: %s: RtlInitializeCriticalSection failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } /* Port and port management thread */ swprintf ( Session.Port.NameBuffer, PSX_NS_SESSION_PORT_TEMPLATE, PSX_NS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME, PSX_NS_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NAME, Pid ); OutputDebugStringW(Session.Port.NameBuffer); RtlInitUnicodeString (& Session.Port.Name, Session.Port.NameBuffer); InitializeObjectAttributes (& Oa, & Session.Port.Name, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = NtCreatePort (& Session.Port.Handle, & Oa, 0, 0, 0x10000); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); vtprintf ("%s: %s: NtCreatePort failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } Session.Port.Thread.Handle = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, PsxSessionPortListener, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, & Session.Port.Thread.Id ); if ((HANDLE) NULL == Session.Port.Thread.Handle) { Status = (NTSTATUS) GetLastError(); NtClose (Session.Port.Handle); RtlDeleteCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); vtprintf ("%s: %s: CreateThread failed with %d\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } /* Section */ swprintf ( Session.Section.NameBuffer, PSX_NS_SESSION_DATA_TEMPLATE, PSX_NS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME, PSX_NS_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NAME, Pid ); OutputDebugStringW(Session.Section.NameBuffer); RtlInitUnicodeString (& Session.Section.Name, Session.Section.NameBuffer); InitializeObjectAttributes (& Oa, & Session.Section.Name, 0, 0, 0); Status = NtCreateSection ( & Session.Section.Handle, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, /* DesiredAccess */ & Oa, & SectionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, /* Protect 4 */ SEC_COMMIT, /* Attributes */ 0 /* FileHandle: 0=pagefile.sys */ ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NtClose (Session.Port.Handle); NtTerminateThread (Session.Port.Thread.Handle, Status); RtlDeleteCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); vtprintf ("%s: %s: NtCreateSection failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } Session.Section.BaseAddress = NULL; Session.Section.ViewSize = SectionSize.u.LowPart; Status = NtMapViewOfSection ( Session.Section.Handle, NtCurrentProcess(), & Session.Section.BaseAddress, 0, /* ZeroBits */ 0, /* Commitsize */ 0, /* SectionOffset */ & Session.Section.ViewSize, ViewUnmap, 0, /* AllocationType */ PAGE_READWRITE /* Protect 4 */ ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NtClose (Session.Port.Handle); NtTerminateThread (Session.Port.Thread.Handle, Status); NtClose (Session.Section.Handle); RtlDeleteCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); vtprintf ("%s: %s: NtMapViewOfSection failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } return Status; } /********************************************************************** * CreateTerminalToPsxChannel/0 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL CreateTerminalToPsxChannel (VOID) { PSX_CONNECT_PORT_DATA ConnectData; ULONG ConnectDataLength = sizeof ConnectData; SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE Sqos; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE; /* * Initialize the connection data object before * calling PSXSS. */ ConnectData.ConnectionType = PSX_CONNECTION_TYPE_TERMINAL; ConnectData.Version = PSX_LPC_PROTOCOL_VERSION; /* * Try connecting to \POSIX+\SessionPort. */ RtlInitUnicodeString (& Session.ServerPort.Name, Session.ServerPort.NameBuffer); OutputDebugStringW(Session.ServerPort.Name.Buffer); Status = NtConnectPort ( & Session.ServerPort.Handle, & Session.ServerPort.Name, & Sqos, NULL, NULL, 0, & ConnectData, & ConnectDataLength ); if (STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) { vtprintf ("%s: %s: NtConnectPort failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } Session.Identifier = ConnectData.PortIdentifier; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * InitializeSsIoChannel PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Create our objects in the system name space * (CreateSessionObjects) and then connect to the session port * (CreateControChannel). */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL InitializeSsIoChannel (VOID) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD Pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); TRACE; Status = CreateSessionObjects (Pid); if (STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) { vtprintf ("%s: %s: CreateSessionObjects failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } Status = CreateTerminalToPsxChannel (); if (STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) { vtprintf ("%s: %s: CreateTerminalToPsxChannel failed with %08x\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__, Status); return Status; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * PsxCreateLeaderProcess/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Create a new PSXSS process. */ PRIVATE NTSTATUS STDCALL PsxCreateLeaderProcess (char * Command) { NTSTATUS Status; TRACE; if (NULL == Command) { Command = "sh"; } /* TODO: request PSXSS to init the process slot */ vtprintf ("%s: %s: calling CSRSS not implemented!", MyName, __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * PrintInformationProcess/0 * * DESCRIPTION */ PRIVATE VOID STDCALL PrintInformationProcess (VOID) { TRACE; vtputs ("Leader:"); vtprintf (" UniqueProcess %08x\n", Session.Client.UniqueProcess); vtprintf (" UniqueThread %08x\n", Session.Client.UniqueThread); } /********************************************************************** * PostMortem/0 * * DESCRIPTION */ PRIVATE INT STDCALL PostMortem (VOID) { DWORD ExitCode; TRACE; PrintInformationProcess (); if (TRUE == GetExitCodeProcess (Session.Client.UniqueProcess, & ExitCode)) { vtprintf (" ExitCode %d\n", ExitCode); } return 0; } /********************************************************************** * InputTerminalEmulator/0 * * DESCRIPTION * Process user terminal input. * * NOTE * This code is run in the main thread. */ PRIVATE BOOL STDCALL InputTerminalEmulator (VOID) { HANDLE StandardInput; INPUT_RECORD InputRecord [INPUT_QUEUE_SIZE]; DWORD NumberOfEventsRead = 0; INT CurrentEvent; TRACE; StandardInput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == StandardInput) { return FALSE; } while ((TRUE == Session.SsLinkIsActive) && ReadConsoleInput ( StandardInput, InputRecord, (sizeof InputRecord) / sizeof (INPUT_RECORD), & NumberOfEventsRead )) { for ( CurrentEvent = 0; (CurrentEvent < NumberOfEventsRead); CurrentEvent ++ ) { switch (InputRecord [CurrentEvent].EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: OutPort (& InputRecord [CurrentEvent].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar, 1); break; case MOUSE_EVENT: /* TODO: send a sequence of move cursor codes */ /* InputRecord [CurrentEvent].Event.MouseEvent; */ break; case WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: /* TODO: send a SIGWINCH signal to the leader process. */ /* InputRecord [CurrentEvent].Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize; */ break; /* Next events should be ignored. */ case MENU_EVENT: vtprintf ("%s: %s: MENU_EVENT received from CSRSS\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__); case FOCUS_EVENT: vtprintf ("%s: %s: FOCUS_EVENT received from CSRSS\n", MyName, __FUNCTION__); break; } } NumberOfEventsRead = 0; } return TRUE; } /********************************************************************** * Startup/1 * * DESCRIPTION * Initialize the program. */ PRIVATE VOID STDCALL Startup (LPSTR Command) { NTSTATUS Status; DWORD ThreadId; TRACE; /* PSX process info */ Session.Client.UniqueProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Session.Client.UniqueThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Initialize the VT-100 emulator */ vtInitVT100 (); /* Connect to PSXSS */ Status = InitializeSsIoChannel (); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { vtprintf ("%s: failed to connect to PSXSS (Status=%08x)!\n", MyName, Status); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Create the leading process for this session */ Status = PsxCreateLeaderProcess (Command); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { vtprintf ("%s: failed to create the PSX process (Status=%08x)!\n", MyName, Status); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } /********************************************************************** * Shutdown/0 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Shutdown the program. */ PRIVATE INT STDCALL Shutdown (VOID) { TRACE; /* TODO: try exiting cleanly: close any open resource */ /* TODO: notify PSXSS the session is terminating */ RtlDeleteCriticalSection (& Session.Lock); return PostMortem (); } /********************************************************************** * * ENTRY POINT PUBLIC * *********************************************************************/ int main (int argc, char * argv []) { TRACE; Startup (argv[1]); /* Initialization */ InputTerminalEmulator (); /* Process user input */ return Shutdown (); } /* EOF */