/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/consrv/console.c * PURPOSE: Console Management Functions * PROGRAMMERS: Gé van Geldorp * Jeffrey Morlan * Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "consrv.h" /* This is for COM usage */ #define COBJMACROS #include #include #include #include "procinit.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ // static ULONG CurrentConsoleID = 0; /* The list of the ConSrv consoles */ static ULONG ConsoleListSize; static PCONSRV_CONSOLE* ConsoleList; // static LIST_ENTRY ConDrvConsoleList; static RTL_RESOURCE ListLock; #define ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive() \ RtlAcquireResourceExclusive(&ListLock, TRUE) #define ConSrvLockConsoleListShared() \ RtlAcquireResourceShared(&ListLock, TRUE) #define ConSrvUnlockConsoleList() \ RtlReleaseResource(&ListLock) #if 0 static NTSTATUS ConDrvInsertConsole( IN PCONSOLE Console) { ASSERT(Console); /* All went right, so add the console to the list */ ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive(); DPRINT("Insert in the list\n"); InsertTailList(&ConDrvConsoleList, &Console->ListEntry); // FIXME: Move this code to the caller function!! /* Get a new console ID */ _InterlockedExchange((PLONG)&Console->ConsoleID, CurrentConsoleID); _InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&CurrentConsoleID); /* Unlock the console list and return success */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif static NTSTATUS InsertConsole( OUT PHANDLE Handle, IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { #define CONSOLE_HANDLES_INCREMENT 2 * 3 NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG i = 0; PCONSRV_CONSOLE* Block; ASSERT( (ConsoleList == NULL && ConsoleListSize == 0) || (ConsoleList != NULL && ConsoleListSize != 0) ); /* All went right, so add the console to the list */ ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive(); DPRINT("Insert in the list\n"); if (ConsoleList) { for (i = 0; i < ConsoleListSize; i++) { if (ConsoleList[i] == NULL) break; } } if (i >= ConsoleListSize) { DPRINT("Creation of a new handles table\n"); /* Allocate a new handles table */ Block = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (ConsoleListSize + CONSOLE_HANDLES_INCREMENT) * sizeof(PCONSRV_CONSOLE)); if (Block == NULL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto Quit; } /* If we previously had a handles table, free it and use the new one */ if (ConsoleList) { /* Copy the handles from the old table to the new one */ RtlCopyMemory(Block, ConsoleList, ConsoleListSize * sizeof(PCONSRV_CONSOLE)); ConsoleFreeHeap(ConsoleList); } ConsoleList = Block; ConsoleListSize += CONSOLE_HANDLES_INCREMENT; } ConsoleList[i] = Console; *Handle = ULongToHandle((i << 2) | 0x3); Quit: /* Unlock the console list and return status */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return Status; } /* Unused */ #if 0 static NTSTATUS RemoveConsoleByHandle(IN HANDLE Handle) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console; BOOLEAN ValidHandle = ((HandleToULong(Handle) & 0x3) == 0x3); ULONG Index = HandleToULong(Handle) >> 2; if (!ValidHandle) return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; ASSERT( (ConsoleList == NULL && ConsoleListSize == 0) || (ConsoleList != NULL && ConsoleListSize != 0) ); /* Remove the console from the list */ ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive(); if (Index >= ConsoleListSize || (Console = ConsoleList[Index]) == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Quit; } ConsoleList[Index] = NULL; Quit: /* Unlock the console list and return status */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return Status; } #endif static NTSTATUS RemoveConsoleByPointer(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { ULONG i = 0; if (!Console) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ASSERT( (ConsoleList == NULL && ConsoleListSize == 0) || (ConsoleList != NULL && ConsoleListSize != 0) ); /* Remove the console from the list */ ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive(); if (ConsoleList) { for (i = 0; i < ConsoleListSize; i++) { if (ConsoleList[i] == Console) ConsoleList[i] = NULL; } } /* Unlock the console list and return */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #if 0 static NTSTATUS RemoveConsole(IN PCONSOLE Console) { // ASSERT(Console); if (!Console) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Remove the console from the list */ ConSrvLockConsoleListExclusive(); RemoveEntryList(&Console->ListEntry); /* Unlock the console list and return success */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ // Adapted from reactos/lib/rtl/unicode.c, RtlCreateUnicodeString line 2180 static BOOLEAN ConsoleCreateUnicodeString(IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING UniDest, IN PCWSTR Source) { SIZE_T Size = (wcslen(Source) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (Size > MAXUSHORT) return FALSE; UniDest->Buffer = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Size); if (UniDest->Buffer == NULL) return FALSE; RtlCopyMemory(UniDest->Buffer, Source, Size); UniDest->MaximumLength = (USHORT)Size; UniDest->Length = (USHORT)Size - sizeof(WCHAR); return TRUE; } // Adapted from reactos/lib/rtl/unicode.c, RtlFreeUnicodeString line 431 static VOID ConsoleFreeUnicodeString(IN PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString) { if (UnicodeString->Buffer) { ConsoleFreeHeap(UnicodeString->Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(UnicodeString, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); } } /* CONSOLE VALIDATION FUNCTIONS ***********************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI ConSrvValidateConsole(OUT PCONSRV_CONSOLE* Console, IN HANDLE ConsoleHandle, IN CONSOLE_STATE ExpectedState, IN BOOLEAN LockConsole) { BOOLEAN RetVal = FALSE; PCONSRV_CONSOLE ValidatedConsole; BOOLEAN ValidHandle = ((HandleToULong(ConsoleHandle) & 0x3) == 0x3); ULONG Index = HandleToULong(ConsoleHandle) >> 2; if (!ValidHandle) return FALSE; if (!Console) return FALSE; *Console = NULL; /* * Forbid creation or deletion of consoles when * checking for the existence of a console. */ ConSrvLockConsoleListShared(); if (Index >= ConsoleListSize || (ValidatedConsole = ConsoleList[Index]) == NULL) { /* Unlock the console list and return */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); return FALSE; } ValidatedConsole = ConsoleList[Index]; /* Unlock the console list */ ConSrvUnlockConsoleList(); RetVal = ConDrvValidateConsoleUnsafe((PCONSOLE)ValidatedConsole, ExpectedState, LockConsole); if (RetVal) *Console = ValidatedConsole; return RetVal; } NTSTATUS ConSrvGetConsole(IN PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, OUT PCONSRV_CONSOLE* Console, IN BOOLEAN LockConsole) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; PCONSRV_CONSOLE GrabConsole; // if (Console == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ASSERT(Console); *Console = NULL; if (ConSrvValidateConsole(&GrabConsole, ProcessData->ConsoleHandle, CONSOLE_RUNNING, LockConsole)) { _InterlockedIncrement(&GrabConsole->ReferenceCount); *Console = GrabConsole; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return Status; } VOID ConSrvReleaseConsole(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, IN BOOLEAN IsConsoleLocked) { LONG RefCount = 0; if (!Console) return; // if (Console->ReferenceCount == 0) return; // This shouldn't happen ASSERT(Console->ReferenceCount > 0); /* The console must be locked */ // ASSERT(Console_locked); /* * Decrement the reference count. Save the new value too, * because Console->ReferenceCount might be modified after * the console gets unlocked but before we check whether we * can destroy it. */ RefCount = _InterlockedDecrement(&Console->ReferenceCount); /* Unlock the console if needed */ if (IsConsoleLocked) LeaveCriticalSection(&Console->Lock); /* Delete the console if needed */ if (RefCount <= 0) ConSrvDeleteConsole(Console); } /* CONSOLE INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS *******************************************/ VOID NTAPI ConSrvInitConsoleSupport(VOID) { DPRINT("CONSRV: ConSrvInitConsoleSupport()\n"); /* Initialize the console list and its lock */ ConsoleListSize = 0; ConsoleList = NULL; // InitializeListHead(&ConDrvConsoleList); RtlInitializeResource(&ListLock); /* Should call LoadKeyboardLayout */ } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvInitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL Terminal, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvDeinitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL Terminal); static BOOL LoadShellLinkConsoleInfo(IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo) { #define PATH_SEPARATOR L'\\' BOOL RetVal = FALSE; HRESULT hRes = S_OK; SIZE_T Length = 0; LPWSTR LinkName = NULL; LPWSTR IconPath = NULL; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex = 0; if ((ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME) == 0) { // return FALSE; // FIXME!! (for icon loading) RetVal = TRUE; goto Finish; } /* 1- Find the last path separator if any */ LinkName = wcsrchr(ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (LinkName == NULL) LinkName = ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle; else ++LinkName; // Skip the path separator /* 2- Check for the link extension. The name ".lnk" is considered invalid. */ Length = wcslen(LinkName); if ( (Length <= 4) || (wcsicmp(LinkName + (Length - 4), L".lnk") != 0) ) return FALSE; /* 3- It may be a link. Try to retrieve some properties */ hRes = CoInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { /* Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface */ IShellLinkW* pshl = NULL; hRes = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellLinkW, (LPVOID*)&pshl); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { /* Get a pointer to the IPersistFile interface */ IPersistFile* ppf = NULL; hRes = IPersistFile_QueryInterface(pshl, &IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { /* Load the shortcut */ hRes = IPersistFile_Load(ppf, ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle, STGM_READ); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { /* * Finally we can get the properties ! * Update the old ones if needed. */ INT ShowCmd = 0; // WORD HotKey = 0; /* Reset the name of the console with the name of the shortcut */ Length = min(/*Length*/ Length - 4, // 4 == len(".lnk") (ConsoleInfo->cbSize - FIELD_OFFSET(CONSOLE_STATE_INFO, ConsoleTitle) - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) / sizeof(WCHAR)); wcsncpy(ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle, LinkName, Length); ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle[Length] = UNICODE_NULL; /* Get the window showing command */ hRes = IShellLinkW_GetShowCmd(pshl, &ShowCmd); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->wShowWindow = (WORD)ShowCmd; /* Get the hotkey */ // hRes = pshl->GetHotkey(&ShowCmd); // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->HotKey = HotKey; /* Get the icon location, if any */ hRes = IShellLinkW_GetIconLocation(pshl, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(Buffer[0]) - 1, // == MAX_PATH &ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex); if (!SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex = 0; } else { IconPath = Buffer; } // FIXME: Since we still don't load console properties from the shortcut, // return false. When this will be done, we will return true instead. RetVal = TRUE; // FALSE; } IPersistFile_Release(ppf); } IShellLinkW_Release(pshl); } } CoUninitialize(); Finish: if (RetVal) { /* Get the associated icon, if any */ if (IconPath == NULL) { // Question: How to retrieve the full path name // of the app we are going to run?? Length = RtlDosSearchPath_U(ConsoleInitInfo->CurDir, ConsoleInitInfo->AppName, NULL, sizeof(Buffer), Buffer, NULL); if (Length > 0 && Length < sizeof(Buffer)) IconPath = Buffer; else IconPath = ConsoleInitInfo->AppName; // ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex = 0; } DPRINT("IconPath = '%S' ; IconIndex = %lu\n", IconPath, ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex); if (IconPath && *IconPath) { HICON hIcon = NULL, hIconSm = NULL; /* * FIXME!! Because of a strange bug we have in PrivateExtractIconExW * (see r65683 for more details), we cannot use this API to extract * at the same time the large and small icons from the app. * Instead we just use PrivateExtractIconsW. * PrivateExtractIconExW(IconPath, ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex, &hIcon, &hIconSm, 1); */ PrivateExtractIconsW(IconPath, ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex, 32, 32, &hIcon, NULL, 1, LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE); PrivateExtractIconsW(IconPath, ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->IconIndex, 16, 16, &hIconSm, NULL, 1, LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE); DPRINT("hIcon = 0x%p ; hIconSm = 0x%p\n", hIcon, hIconSm); if (hIcon != NULL) ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->hIcon = hIcon; if (hIconSm != NULL) ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->hIconSm = hIconSm; } } // FIXME: See the previous FIXME above. RetVal = FALSE; return RetVal; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvInitConsole(OUT PHANDLE NewConsoleHandle, OUT PCONSRV_CONSOLE* NewConsole, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN PCSR_PROCESS ConsoleLeaderProcess) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE ConsoleHandle; PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console; BYTE ConsoleInfoBuffer[sizeof(CONSOLE_STATE_INFO) + MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)]; // CONSRV console information PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo = (PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO)&ConsoleInfoBuffer; CONSOLE_INFO DrvConsoleInfo; // Console information for CONDRV SIZE_T Length = 0; TERMINAL Terminal; /* The ConSrv terminal for this console */ if (NewConsole == NULL || ConsoleInitInfo == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; *NewConsole = NULL; /* * Load the console settings */ RtlZeroMemory(ConsoleInfo, sizeof(ConsoleInfoBuffer)); ConsoleInfo->cbSize = sizeof(ConsoleInfoBuffer); /* 1. Get the title of the console (initialize ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle) */ Length = min(ConsoleInitInfo->TitleLength, (ConsoleInfo->cbSize - FIELD_OFFSET(CONSOLE_STATE_INFO, ConsoleTitle) - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) / sizeof(WCHAR)); wcsncpy(ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle, ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleTitle, Length); ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle[Length] = UNICODE_NULL; // NULL-terminate it. /* 2. Impersonate the caller in order to retrieve settings in its context */ if (!CsrImpersonateClient(NULL)) return STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL; /* 3. Load the default settings */ ConCfgGetDefaultSettings(ConsoleInfo); /* * 4. Load per-application terminal settings. * * Check whether the process creating the console was launched via * a shell-link. ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle may be updated with the * name of the shortcut, and ConsoleStartInfo->Icon[Path|Index] too. */ // if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME) // FIXME!! (for icon loading) { if (!LoadShellLinkConsoleInfo(ConsoleInfo, ConsoleInitInfo)) { ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags &= ~STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME; } } /* * 5. Load the remaining console settings via the registry. */ if ((ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME) == 0) { /* * Either we weren't created by an app launched via a shell-link, * or we failed to load shell-link console properties. * Therefore, load the console infos for the application from the registry. */ ConCfgReadUserSettings(ConsoleInfo, FALSE); /* * Now, update them with the properties the user might gave to us * via the STARTUPINFO structure before calling CreateProcess * (and which was transmitted via the ConsoleStartInfo structure). * We therefore overwrite the values read in the registry. */ if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE) { ConsoleInfo->ScreenAttributes = (USHORT)ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->wFillAttribute; } if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS) { ConsoleInfo->ScreenBufferSize = ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwScreenBufferSize; } if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USESIZE) { ConsoleInfo->WindowSize = ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwWindowSize; } #if 0 /* * Now, update them with the properties the user might gave to us * via the STARTUPINFO structure before calling CreateProcess * (and which was transmitted via the ConsoleStartInfo structure). * We therefore overwrite the values read in the registry. */ if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USEPOSITION) { ConsoleInfo->AutoPosition = FALSE; ConsoleInfo->WindowPosition.x = ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwWindowOrigin.X; ConsoleInfo->WindowPosition.y = ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwWindowOrigin.Y; } if (ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN) { ConsoleInfo->FullScreen = TRUE; } #endif } /* 6. Revert impersonation */ CsrRevertToSelf(); /* Set-up the code page */ ConsoleInfo->CodePage = GetOEMCP(); /* * Initialize the ConSrv terminal and give it a chance to load * its own settings and override the console settings. */ Status = ConSrvInitTerminal(&Terminal, ConsoleInfo, ConsoleInitInfo, ConsoleLeaderProcess->ProcessHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CONSRV: Failed to initialize a terminal, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } DPRINT("CONSRV: Terminal initialized\n"); /* Initialize a new console via the driver */ // DrvConsoleInfo.InputBufferSize = 0; DrvConsoleInfo.ScreenBufferSize = ConsoleInfo->ScreenBufferSize; DrvConsoleInfo.ConsoleSize = ConsoleInfo->WindowSize; DrvConsoleInfo.CursorSize = ConsoleInfo->CursorSize; // DrvConsoleInfo.CursorBlinkOn = ConsoleInfo->CursorBlinkOn; DrvConsoleInfo.ScreenAttrib = ConsoleInfo->ScreenAttributes; DrvConsoleInfo.PopupAttrib = ConsoleInfo->PopupAttributes; DrvConsoleInfo.CodePage = ConsoleInfo->CodePage; /* * Allocate a new console */ Console = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*Console)); if (Console == NULL) { DPRINT1("Not enough memory for console creation.\n"); ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } Status = ConDrvInitConsole((PCONSOLE)Console, &DrvConsoleInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Creating a new console failed, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); ConsoleFreeHeap(Console); ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); return Status; } DPRINT("Console initialized\n"); /*** Register ConSrv features ***/ /* Initialize the console title */ #if 0 WCHAR DefaultTitle[128]; #endif ConsoleCreateUnicodeString(&Console->OriginalTitle, ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle); #if 0 if (ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle[0] == UNICODE_NULL) { if (LoadStringW(ConSrvDllInstance, IDS_CONSOLE_TITLE, DefaultTitle, sizeof(DefaultTitle) / sizeof(DefaultTitle[0]))) { ConsoleCreateUnicodeString(&Console->Title, DefaultTitle); } else { ConsoleCreateUnicodeString(&Console->Title, L"ReactOS Console"); } } else { #endif ConsoleCreateUnicodeString(&Console->Title, ConsoleInfo->ConsoleTitle); #if 0 } #endif /* Initialize process support */ // InitProcessSupport(Console); InitializeListHead(&Console->ProcessList); Console->NotifiedLastCloseProcess = NULL; Console->NotifyLastClose = FALSE; Console->HasFocus = FALSE; /* Initialize pausing support */ Console->PauseFlags = 0; InitializeListHead(&Console->ReadWaitQueue); InitializeListHead(&Console->WriteWaitQueue); /* Initialize the alias and history buffers */ // InitAliasesHistory(Console); Console->Aliases = NULL; InitializeListHead(&Console->HistoryBuffers); Console->NumberOfHistoryBuffers = 0; Console->MaxNumberOfHistoryBuffers = ConsoleInfo->NumberOfHistoryBuffers; Console->HistoryBufferSize = ConsoleInfo->HistoryBufferSize; Console->HistoryNoDup = ConsoleInfo->HistoryNoDup; /* Initialize the Input Line Discipline */ // InitLineInput(Console); Console->LineBuffer = NULL; Console->LinePos = Console->LineMaxSize = Console->LineSize = 0; Console->LineComplete = Console->LineUpPressed = FALSE; // LineWakeupMask Console->LineInsertToggle = Console->InsertMode = ConsoleInfo->InsertMode; Console->QuickEdit = ConsoleInfo->QuickEdit; /* Popup windows */ InitializeListHead(&Console->PopupWindows); /* Colour table */ RtlCopyMemory(Console->Colors, ConsoleInfo->ColorTable, sizeof(ConsoleInfo->ColorTable)); /* Create the Initialization Events */ Status = NtCreateEvent(&Console->InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS], EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtCreateEvent(InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS]) failed: %lu\n", Status); ConDrvDeleteConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); return Status; } Status = NtCreateEvent(&Console->InitEvents[INIT_FAILURE], EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtCreateEvent(InitEvents[INIT_FAILURE]) failed: %lu\n", Status); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS]); ConDrvDeleteConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); return Status; } /* * Attach the ConSrv terminal to the console. * This call makes a copy of our local Terminal variable. */ Status = ConDrvAttachTerminal((PCONSOLE)Console, &Terminal); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to register terminal to the given console, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INIT_FAILURE]); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS]); ConDrvDeleteConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); return Status; } DPRINT("Terminal attached\n"); /* All went right, so add the console to the list */ #if 0 Status = ConDrvInsertConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Fail */ ConDrvDeleteConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); return Status; } #endif Status = InsertConsole(&ConsoleHandle, Console); // FIXME! We do not support at all asynchronous console creation! NtSetEvent(Console->InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS], NULL); // NtSetEvent(Console->InitEvents[INIT_FAILURE], NULL); /* Return the newly created console to the caller and a success code too */ *NewConsoleHandle = ConsoleHandle; *NewConsole = Console; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI ConSrvDeleteConsole(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { DPRINT("ConSrvDeleteConsole\n"); // FIXME: Send a terminate message to all the processes owning this console. // NOTE: In principle there should be none, because such processes would // have a reference to the console and thus this function would not have // been called in the first place. /* Remove the console from the list */ RemoveConsoleByPointer(Console); /* Destroy the Initialization Events */ NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INIT_FAILURE]); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INIT_SUCCESS]); /* Clean the Input Line Discipline */ if (Console->LineBuffer) ConsoleFreeHeap(Console->LineBuffer); /* Clean aliases and history */ IntDeleteAllAliases(Console); HistoryDeleteBuffers(Console); /* Free the console title */ ConsoleFreeUnicodeString(&Console->OriginalTitle); ConsoleFreeUnicodeString(&Console->Title); /* Now, call the driver. ConDrvDetachTerminal is called on-demand. */ ConDrvDeleteConsole((PCONSOLE)Console); /* Deinit the ConSrv terminal */ // FIXME!! // ConSrvDeinitTerminal(&Terminal); } VOID ConioPause(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, UCHAR Flags) { Console->PauseFlags |= Flags; ConDrvPause((PCONSOLE)Console); } VOID ConioUnpause(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, UCHAR Flags) { Console->PauseFlags &= ~Flags; // if ((Console->PauseFlags & (PAUSED_FROM_KEYBOARD | PAUSED_FROM_SCROLLBAR | PAUSED_FROM_SELECTION)) == 0) if (Console->PauseFlags == 0) { ConDrvUnpause((PCONSOLE)Console); CsrNotifyWait(&Console->WriteWaitQueue, TRUE, NULL, NULL); if (!IsListEmpty(&Console->WriteWaitQueue)) { CsrDereferenceWait(&Console->WriteWaitQueue); } } } /* CONSOLE PROCESS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS ***************************************/ NTSTATUS ConSrvConsoleCtrlEventTimeout(IN ULONG CtrlEvent, IN PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, IN ULONG Timeout) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("ConSrvConsoleCtrlEventTimeout Parent ProcessId = %x\n", ProcessData->Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess); /* * Be sure we effectively have a control routine. It resides in kernel32.dll (client). */ if (ProcessData->CtrlRoutine == NULL) return Status; _SEH2_TRY { HANDLE Thread = NULL; _SEH2_TRY { Thread = CreateRemoteThread(ProcessData->Process->ProcessHandle, NULL, 0, ProcessData->CtrlRoutine, UlongToPtr(CtrlEvent), 0, NULL); if (NULL == Thread) { Status = RtlGetLastNtStatus(); DPRINT1("Failed thread creation, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); } else { DPRINT("ProcessData->CtrlRoutine remote thread creation succeeded, ProcessId = %x, Process = 0x%p\n", ProcessData->Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess, ProcessData->Process); WaitForSingleObject(Thread, Timeout); } } _SEH2_FINALLY { CloseHandle(Thread); } _SEH2_END; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); DPRINT1("ConSrvConsoleCtrlEventTimeout - Caught an exception, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); } _SEH2_END; return Status; } NTSTATUS ConSrvConsoleCtrlEvent(IN ULONG CtrlEvent, IN PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData) { return ConSrvConsoleCtrlEventTimeout(CtrlEvent, ProcessData, 0); } PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA NTAPI ConSrvGetConsoleLeaderProcess(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { if (Console == NULL) return NULL; return CONTAINING_RECORD(Console->ProcessList.Blink, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvGetConsoleProcessList(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, IN OUT PULONG ProcessIdsList, IN ULONG MaxIdListItems, OUT PULONG ProcessIdsTotal) { PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA current; PLIST_ENTRY current_entry; if (Console == NULL || ProcessIdsList == NULL || ProcessIdsTotal == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; *ProcessIdsTotal = 0; for (current_entry = Console->ProcessList.Flink; current_entry != &Console->ProcessList; current_entry = current_entry->Flink) { current = CONTAINING_RECORD(current_entry, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); if (++(*ProcessIdsTotal) <= MaxIdListItems) { *ProcessIdsList++ = HandleToUlong(current->Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess); } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // ConSrvGenerateConsoleCtrlEvent NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvConsoleProcessCtrlEvent(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, IN ULONG ProcessGroupId, IN ULONG CtrlEvent) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PLIST_ENTRY current_entry; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA current; /* If the console is already being destroyed, just return */ if (!ConDrvValidateConsoleState((PCONSOLE)Console, CONSOLE_RUNNING)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* * Loop through the process list, from the most recent process * (the active one) to the oldest one (the first created, i.e. * the console leader process), and for each, send an event * (new processes are inserted at the head of the console process list). */ current_entry = Console->ProcessList.Flink; while (current_entry != &Console->ProcessList) { current = CONTAINING_RECORD(current_entry, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); current_entry = current_entry->Flink; /* * Only processes belonging to the same process group are signaled. * If the process group ID is zero, then all the processes are signaled. */ if (ProcessGroupId == 0 || current->Process->ProcessGroupId == ProcessGroupId) { Status = ConSrvConsoleCtrlEvent(CtrlEvent, current); } } return Status; } VOID ConSrvSetProcessFocus(IN PCSR_PROCESS CsrProcess, IN BOOLEAN SetForeground) { // FIXME: Call NtUserSetInformationProcess (currently unimplemented!) // for setting Win32 foreground/background flags. if (SetForeground) CsrSetForegroundPriority(CsrProcess); else CsrSetBackgroundPriority(CsrProcess); } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvSetConsoleProcessFocus(IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, IN BOOLEAN SetForeground) { PLIST_ENTRY current_entry; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA current; /* If the console is already being destroyed, just return */ if (!ConDrvValidateConsoleState((PCONSOLE)Console, CONSOLE_RUNNING)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* * Loop through the process list, from the most recent process * to the oldest one, and for each, set its foreground priority. */ current_entry = Console->ProcessList.Flink; while (current_entry != &Console->ProcessList) { current = CONTAINING_RECORD(current_entry, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); current_entry = current_entry->Flink; ConSrvSetProcessFocus(current->Process, SetForeground); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* PUBLIC SERVER APIS *********************************************************/ /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepAlloc */ CON_API_NOCONSOLE(SrvAllocConsole, CONSOLE_ALLOCCONSOLE, AllocConsoleRequest) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo; if (ProcessData->ConsoleHandle != NULL) { DPRINT1("Process already has a console\n"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } if ( !CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo, 1, sizeof(CONSOLE_START_INFO)) || !CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleTitle, AllocConsoleRequest->TitleLength, sizeof(BYTE)) || !CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AllocConsoleRequest->Desktop, AllocConsoleRequest->DesktopLength, sizeof(BYTE)) || !CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AllocConsoleRequest->CurDir, AllocConsoleRequest->CurDirLength, sizeof(BYTE)) || !CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AllocConsoleRequest->AppName, AllocConsoleRequest->AppNameLength, sizeof(BYTE)) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Initialize the console initialization info structure */ ConsoleInitInfo.ConsoleStartInfo = AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo; ConsoleInitInfo.IsWindowVisible = TRUE; // The console window is always visible. ConsoleInitInfo.TitleLength = AllocConsoleRequest->TitleLength; ConsoleInitInfo.ConsoleTitle = AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleTitle; ConsoleInitInfo.DesktopLength = AllocConsoleRequest->DesktopLength; ConsoleInitInfo.Desktop = AllocConsoleRequest->Desktop; ConsoleInitInfo.AppNameLength = AllocConsoleRequest->AppNameLength; ConsoleInitInfo.AppName = AllocConsoleRequest->AppName; ConsoleInitInfo.CurDirLength = AllocConsoleRequest->CurDirLength; ConsoleInitInfo.CurDir = AllocConsoleRequest->CurDir; /* Initialize a new Console owned by the Console Leader Process */ Status = ConSrvAllocateConsole(ProcessData, &AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->InputHandle, &AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->OutputHandle, &AllocConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->ErrorHandle, &ConsoleInitInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Console allocation failed\n"); return Status; } /* Set the Property-Dialog and Control-Dispatcher handlers */ ProcessData->PropRoutine = AllocConsoleRequest->PropRoutine; ProcessData->CtrlRoutine = AllocConsoleRequest->CtrlRoutine; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepAttach */ CON_API_NOCONSOLE(SrvAttachConsole, CONSOLE_ATTACHCONSOLE, AttachConsoleRequest) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCSR_PROCESS SourceProcess = NULL; // The parent process. PCSR_PROCESS TargetProcess = CsrGetClientThread()->Process; // Ourselves. HANDLE ProcessId = ULongToHandle(AttachConsoleRequest->ProcessId); PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA SourceProcessData, TargetProcessData; TargetProcessData = ConsoleGetPerProcessData(TargetProcess); if (TargetProcessData->ConsoleHandle != NULL) { DPRINT1("Process already has a console\n"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&AttachConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo, 1, sizeof(CONSOLE_START_INFO))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check whether we try to attach to the parent's console */ if (ProcessId == ULongToHandle(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; ULONG Length = sizeof(ProcessInfo); /* Get the real parent's PID */ Status = NtQueryInformationProcess(TargetProcess->ProcessHandle, ProcessBasicInformation, &ProcessInfo, Length, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SrvAttachConsole - Cannot retrieve basic process info, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } ProcessId = ULongToHandle(ProcessInfo.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId); } /* Lock the source process via its PID */ Status = CsrLockProcessByClientId(ProcessId, &SourceProcess); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; SourceProcessData = ConsoleGetPerProcessData(SourceProcess); if (SourceProcessData->ConsoleHandle == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto Quit; } /* * Inherit the console from the parent, * if any, otherwise return an error. */ Status = ConSrvInheritConsole(TargetProcessData, SourceProcessData->ConsoleHandle, TRUE, &AttachConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->InputHandle, &AttachConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->OutputHandle, &AttachConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo->ErrorHandle, AttachConsoleRequest->ConsoleStartInfo); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Console inheritance failed\n"); goto Quit; } /* Set the Property-Dialog and Control-Dispatcher handlers */ TargetProcessData->PropRoutine = AttachConsoleRequest->PropRoutine; TargetProcessData->CtrlRoutine = AttachConsoleRequest->CtrlRoutine; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Quit: /* Unlock the "source" process and exit */ CsrUnlockProcess(SourceProcess); return Status; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepFree */ CON_API_NOCONSOLE(SrvFreeConsole, CONSOLE_FREECONSOLE, FreeConsoleRequest) { /* * If this process doesn't have a console handle, bail out immediately. * Also the passed console handle should be the same as the process' one. */ if ((FreeConsoleRequest->ConsoleHandle == NULL) || (FreeConsoleRequest->ConsoleHandle != ProcessData->ConsoleHandle)) { return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; // STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } return ConSrvRemoveConsole(ProcessData); } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvGetConsoleMode(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PCONSOLE_IO_OBJECT Object, OUT PULONG ConsoleMode); /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetMode */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleMode, CONSOLE_GETSETCONSOLEMODE, ConsoleModeRequest) { NTSTATUS Status; PCONSOLE_IO_OBJECT Object; PULONG ConsoleMode = &ConsoleModeRequest->Mode; Status = ConSrvGetObject(ProcessData, ConsoleModeRequest->Handle, &Object, NULL, GENERIC_READ, TRUE, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; ASSERT((PCONSOLE)Console == Object->Console); /* Get the standard console modes */ Status = ConDrvGetConsoleMode((PCONSOLE)Console, Object, ConsoleMode); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* * If getting the console modes succeeds, then retrieve * the extended CONSRV-specific input modes. */ if (INPUT_BUFFER == Object->Type) { if (Console->InsertMode || Console->QuickEdit) { /* Windows also adds ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS, even if it's not documented on MSDN */ *ConsoleMode |= ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS; if (Console->InsertMode) *ConsoleMode |= ENABLE_INSERT_MODE; if (Console->QuickEdit ) *ConsoleMode |= ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE; } } } ConSrvReleaseObject(Object, TRUE); return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvSetConsoleMode(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PCONSOLE_IO_OBJECT Object, IN ULONG ConsoleMode); /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetMode */ CON_API(SrvSetConsoleMode, CONSOLE_GETSETCONSOLEMODE, ConsoleModeRequest) { #define CONSOLE_VALID_CONTROL_MODES ( ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS | \ ENABLE_INSERT_MODE | ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE ) // NOTE: Vista+ ENABLE_AUTO_POSITION is also a control mode. NTSTATUS Status; PCONSOLE_IO_OBJECT Object; ULONG ConsoleMode = ConsoleModeRequest->Mode; Status = ConSrvGetObject(ProcessData, ConsoleModeRequest->Handle, &Object, NULL, GENERIC_WRITE, TRUE, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; ASSERT((PCONSOLE)Console == Object->Console); /* Set the standard console modes (without the CONSRV-specific input modes) */ ConsoleMode &= ~CONSOLE_VALID_CONTROL_MODES; // Remove CONSRV-specific input modes. Status = ConDrvSetConsoleMode((PCONSOLE)Console, Object, ConsoleMode); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* * If setting the console modes succeeds, then set * the extended CONSRV-specific input modes. */ if (INPUT_BUFFER == Object->Type) { ConsoleMode = ConsoleModeRequest->Mode; if (ConsoleMode & CONSOLE_VALID_CONTROL_MODES) { /* * If we use control mode flags without ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS, * then consider the flags invalid. */ if ((ConsoleMode & ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS) == 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { Console->InsertMode = !!(ConsoleMode & ENABLE_INSERT_MODE); Console->QuickEdit = !!(ConsoleMode & ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE); } } } } ConSrvReleaseObject(Object, TRUE); return Status; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetTitle */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleTitle, CONSOLE_GETSETCONSOLETITLE, TitleRequest) { ULONG Length; if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID)&TitleRequest->Title, TitleRequest->Length, sizeof(BYTE))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Copy title of the console to the user title buffer */ if (TitleRequest->Unicode) { if (TitleRequest->Length >= sizeof(WCHAR)) { Length = min(TitleRequest->Length - sizeof(WCHAR), Console->Title.Length); RtlCopyMemory(TitleRequest->Title, Console->Title.Buffer, Length); ((PWCHAR)TitleRequest->Title)[Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; TitleRequest->Length = Length; } else { TitleRequest->Length = Console->Title.Length; } } else { if (TitleRequest->Length >= sizeof(CHAR)) { Length = min(TitleRequest->Length - sizeof(CHAR), Console->Title.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); Length = WideCharToMultiByte(Console->InputCodePage, 0, Console->Title.Buffer, Length, TitleRequest->Title, Length, NULL, NULL); ((PCHAR)TitleRequest->Title)[Length] = ANSI_NULL; TitleRequest->Length = Length; } else { TitleRequest->Length = Console->Title.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetTitle */ CON_API(SrvSetConsoleTitle, CONSOLE_GETSETCONSOLETITLE, TitleRequest) { PWCHAR Buffer; ULONG Length; if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID)&TitleRequest->Title, TitleRequest->Length, sizeof(BYTE))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (TitleRequest->Unicode) { /* Length is in bytes */ Length = TitleRequest->Length; } else { /* Use the console input CP for the conversion */ Length = MultiByteToWideChar(Console->InputCodePage, 0, TitleRequest->Title, TitleRequest->Length, NULL, 0); /* The returned Length was in number of wchars, convert it in bytes */ Length *= sizeof(WCHAR); } /* Allocate a new buffer to hold the new title (NULL-terminated) */ Buffer = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Buffer) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* Free the old title */ ConsoleFreeUnicodeString(&Console->Title); /* Copy title to console */ Console->Title.Buffer = Buffer; Console->Title.Length = Length; Console->Title.MaximumLength = Console->Title.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); if (TitleRequest->Unicode) { RtlCopyMemory(Console->Title.Buffer, TitleRequest->Title, Console->Title.Length); } else { MultiByteToWideChar(Console->InputCodePage, 0, TitleRequest->Title, TitleRequest->Length, Console->Title.Buffer, Console->Title.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); } /* NULL-terminate */ Console->Title.Buffer[Console->Title.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; TermChangeTitle(Console); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvGetConsoleCP(IN PCONSOLE Console, OUT PUINT CodePage, IN BOOLEAN OutputCP); /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetCP */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleCP, CONSOLE_GETINPUTOUTPUTCP, GetConsoleCPRequest) { DPRINT("SrvGetConsoleCP, getting %s Code Page\n", GetConsoleCPRequest->OutputCP ? "Output" : "Input"); return ConDrvGetConsoleCP((PCONSOLE)Console, &GetConsoleCPRequest->CodePage, GetConsoleCPRequest->OutputCP); } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvSetConsoleCP(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN UINT CodePage, IN BOOLEAN OutputCP); /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetCP */ CON_API(SrvSetConsoleCP, CONSOLE_SETINPUTOUTPUTCP, SetConsoleCPRequest) { DPRINT("SrvSetConsoleCP, setting %s Code Page\n", SetConsoleCPRequest->OutputCP ? "Output" : "Input"); return ConDrvSetConsoleCP((PCONSOLE)Console, SetConsoleCPRequest->CodePage, SetConsoleCPRequest->OutputCP); } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetProcessList */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleProcessList, CONSOLE_GETPROCESSLIST, GetProcessListRequest) { if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID)&GetProcessListRequest->ProcessIdsList, GetProcessListRequest->ProcessCount, sizeof(DWORD))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return ConSrvGetConsoleProcessList(Console, GetProcessListRequest->ProcessIdsList, GetProcessListRequest->ProcessCount, &GetProcessListRequest->ProcessCount); } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGenerateCtrlEvent */ CON_API(SrvGenerateConsoleCtrlEvent, CONSOLE_GENERATECTRLEVENT, GenerateCtrlEventRequest) { return ConSrvConsoleProcessCtrlEvent(Console, GenerateCtrlEventRequest->ProcessGroupId, GenerateCtrlEventRequest->CtrlEvent); } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepNotifyLastClose */ CON_API(SrvConsoleNotifyLastClose, CONSOLE_NOTIFYLASTCLOSE, NotifyLastCloseRequest) { /* Only one process is allowed to be registered for last close notification */ if (Console->NotifyLastClose) return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; Console->NotifyLastClose = TRUE; Console->NotifiedLastCloseProcess = ProcessData; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetMouseInfo */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleMouseInfo, CONSOLE_GETMOUSEINFO, GetMouseInfoRequest) { /* Just retrieve the number of buttons of the mouse attached to this console */ GetMouseInfoRequest->NumButtons = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetKeyShortcuts */ CSR_API(SrvSetConsoleKeyShortcuts) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetKeyboardLayoutName */ CON_API(SrvGetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName, CONSOLE_GETKBDLAYOUTNAME, GetKbdLayoutNameRequest) { /* Retrieve the keyboard layout name of the system */ if (GetKbdLayoutNameRequest->Ansi) GetKeyboardLayoutNameA((PCHAR)GetKbdLayoutNameRequest->LayoutBuffer); else GetKeyboardLayoutNameW((PWCHAR)GetKbdLayoutNameRequest->LayoutBuffer); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepCharType */ CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleCharType) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetLocalEUDC */ CSR_API(SrvSetConsoleLocalEUDC) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetCursorMode */ CSR_API(SrvSetConsoleCursorMode) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetCursorMode */ CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleCursorMode) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetNlsMode */ CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleNlsMode) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepSetNlsMode */ CSR_API(SrvSetConsoleNlsMode) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* API_NUMBER: ConsolepGetLangId */ CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleLangId) { DPRINT1("%s not yet implemented\n", __FUNCTION__); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* EOF */