/* * ReactOS W32 Subsystem * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Window classes * FILE: subsys/win32k/ntuser/class.c * PROGRAMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * REVISION HISTORY: * 06-06-2001 CSH Created */ /* * Copyright 1993 Martin Ayotte * Copyright 1994 Alexandre Julliard * Copyright 1997 Morten Welinder * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ INIT_FUNCTION NTSTATUS NTAPI InitAcceleratorImpl(VOID) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } NTSTATUS FASTCALL CleanupAcceleratorImpl(VOID) { return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } PACCELERATOR_TABLE FASTCALL UserGetAccelObject(HACCEL hAccel) { PACCELERATOR_TABLE Accel; if (!hAccel) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_ACCEL_HANDLE); return NULL; } Accel= UserGetObject(gHandleTable, hAccel, otAccel); if (!Accel) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_ACCEL_HANDLE); return NULL; } ASSERT(Accel->head.cLockObj >= 0); return Accel; } static BOOLEAN FASTCALL co_IntTranslateAccelerator( PWND Window, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BYTE fVirt, WORD key, WORD cmd) { UINT mesg = 0; ASSERT_REFS_CO(Window); DPRINT("IntTranslateAccelerator(hwnd %x, message %x, wParam %x, lParam %x, fVirt %d, key %x, cmd %x)\n", Window->head.h, message, wParam, lParam, fVirt, key, cmd); if (wParam != key) { return FALSE; } if (message == WM_CHAR) { if (!(fVirt & FALT) && !(fVirt & FVIRTKEY)) { DPRINT("found accel for WM_CHAR: ('%c')\n", wParam & 0xff); goto found; } } else { if ((fVirt & FVIRTKEY) > 0) { INT mask = 0; DPRINT("found accel for virt_key %04x (scan %04x)\n", wParam, 0xff & HIWORD(lParam)); DPRINT("NtUserGetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) = 0x%x\n", UserGetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)); DPRINT("NtUserGetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) = 0x%x\n", UserGetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)); DPRINT("NtUserGetKeyState(VK_MENU) = 0x%x\n", UserGetKeyState(VK_MENU)); if (UserGetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) mask |= FSHIFT; if (UserGetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) mask |= FCONTROL; if (UserGetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000) mask |= FALT; if (mask == (fVirt & (FSHIFT | FCONTROL | FALT))) goto found; DPRINT("but incorrect SHIFT/CTRL/ALT-state\n"); } else { if (!(lParam & 0x01000000)) /* no special_key */ { if ((fVirt & FALT) && (lParam & 0x20000000)) { /* ^^ ALT pressed */ DPRINT("found accel for Alt-%c\n", wParam & 0xff); goto found; } } } } DPRINT("IntTranslateAccelerator(hwnd %x, message %x, wParam %x, lParam %x, fVirt %d, key %x, cmd %x) = FALSE\n", Window->head.h, message, wParam, lParam, fVirt, key, cmd); return FALSE; found: if (message == WM_KEYUP || message == WM_SYSKEYUP) mesg = 1; else if (IntGetCaptureWindow()) mesg = 2; else if (!IntIsWindowVisible(Window)) /* FIXME: WINE IsWindowEnabled == IntIsWindowVisible? */ mesg = 3; else { #if 0 HMENU hMenu, hSubMenu, hSysMenu; UINT uSysStat = (UINT)-1, uStat = (UINT)-1, nPos; hMenu = (UserGetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) ? 0 : GetMenu(hWnd); hSysMenu = get_win_sys_menu(hWnd); /* find menu item and ask application to initialize it */ /* 1. in the system menu */ hSubMenu = hSysMenu; nPos = cmd; if(MENU_FindItem(&hSubMenu, &nPos, MF_BYCOMMAND)) { co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_INITMENU, (WPARAM)hSysMenu, 0L); if(hSubMenu != hSysMenu) { nPos = MENU_FindSubMenu(&hSysMenu, hSubMenu); TRACE_(accel)("hSysMenu = %p, hSubMenu = %p, nPos = %d\n", hSysMenu, hSubMenu, nPos); co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_INITMENUPOPUP, (WPARAM)hSubMenu, MAKELPARAM(nPos, TRUE)); } uSysStat = GetMenuState(GetSubMenu(hSysMenu, 0), cmd, MF_BYCOMMAND); } else /* 2. in the window's menu */ { hSubMenu = hMenu; nPos = cmd; if(MENU_FindItem(&hSubMenu, &nPos, MF_BYCOMMAND)) { co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_INITMENU, (WPARAM)hMenu, 0L); if(hSubMenu != hMenu) { nPos = MENU_FindSubMenu(&hMenu, hSubMenu); TRACE_(accel)("hMenu = %p, hSubMenu = %p, nPos = %d\n", hMenu, hSubMenu, nPos); co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_INITMENUPOPUP, (WPARAM)hSubMenu, MAKELPARAM(nPos, FALSE)); } uStat = GetMenuState(hMenu, cmd, MF_BYCOMMAND); } } if (uSysStat != (UINT)-1) { if (uSysStat & (MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED)) mesg=4; else mesg=WM_SYSCOMMAND; } else { if (uStat != (UINT)-1) { if (IsIconic(hWnd)) mesg=5; else { if (uStat & (MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED)) mesg=6; else mesg=WM_COMMAND; } } else { mesg=WM_COMMAND; } } #else DPRINT1("Menu search not implemented\n"); mesg = WM_COMMAND; #endif } if (mesg == WM_COMMAND) { DPRINT(", sending WM_COMMAND, wParam=%0x\n", 0x10000 | cmd); co_IntSendMessage(Window->head.h, mesg, 0x10000 | cmd, 0L); } else if (mesg == WM_SYSCOMMAND) { DPRINT(", sending WM_SYSCOMMAND, wParam=%0x\n", cmd); co_IntSendMessage(Window->head.h, mesg, cmd, 0x00010000L); } else { /* some reasons for NOT sending the WM_{SYS}COMMAND message: * #0: unknown (please report!) * #1: for WM_KEYUP,WM_SYSKEYUP * #2: mouse is captured * #3: window is disabled * #4: it's a disabled system menu option * #5: it's a menu option, but window is iconic * #6: it's a menu option, but disabled */ DPRINT(", but won't send WM_{SYS}COMMAND, reason is #%d\n", mesg); if (mesg == 0) { DPRINT1(" unknown reason - please report!"); } } DPRINT("IntTranslateAccelerator(hWnd %x, message %x, wParam %x, lParam %x, fVirt %d, key %x, cmd %x) = TRUE\n", Window->head.h, message, wParam, lParam, fVirt, key, cmd); return TRUE; } /* SYSCALLS *****************************************************************/ int APIENTRY NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable( HACCEL hAccel, LPACCEL Entries, int EntriesCount) { PACCELERATOR_TABLE Accel; int Ret; BOOL Done = FALSE; DECLARE_RETURN(int); DPRINT("Enter NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable\n"); UserEnterShared(); Accel = UserGetAccelObject(hAccel); if ((Entries && (EntriesCount < 1)) || ((hAccel == NULL) || (!Accel))) { RETURN(0); } if (Accel->Count < EntriesCount) EntriesCount = Accel->Count; Ret = 0; while (!Done) { if (Entries) { Entries[Ret].fVirt = Accel->Table[Ret].fVirt & 0x7f; Entries[Ret].key = Accel->Table[Ret].key; Entries[Ret].cmd = Accel->Table[Ret].cmd; if(Ret + 1 == EntriesCount) Done = TRUE; } if((Accel->Table[Ret].fVirt & 0x80) != 0) Done = TRUE; Ret++; } RETURN(Ret); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } HACCEL APIENTRY NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable( LPACCEL Entries, SIZE_T EntriesCount) { PACCELERATOR_TABLE Accel; HACCEL hAccel; INT Index; DECLARE_RETURN(HACCEL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable(Entries %p, EntriesCount %d)\n", Entries, EntriesCount); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!Entries || EntriesCount < 1) { SetLastNtError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN( (HACCEL) NULL ); } Accel = UserCreateObject(gHandleTable, NULL, (PHANDLE)&hAccel, otAccel, sizeof(ACCELERATOR_TABLE)); if (Accel == NULL) { SetLastNtError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); RETURN( (HACCEL) NULL ); } Accel->Count = EntriesCount; if (Accel->Count > 0) { Accel->Table = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, EntriesCount * sizeof(ACCEL), TAG_ACCEL); if (Accel->Table == NULL) { UserDereferenceObject(Accel); UserDeleteObject(hAccel, otAccel); SetLastNtError(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); RETURN( (HACCEL) NULL); } for (Index = 0; Index < EntriesCount; Index++) { Accel->Table[Index].fVirt = Entries[Index].fVirt&0x7f; if(Accel->Table[Index].fVirt & FVIRTKEY) { Accel->Table[Index].key = Entries[Index].key; } else { RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN(&Accel->Table[Index].key, sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, (PCSTR)&Entries[Index].key, sizeof(CHAR)); } Accel->Table[Index].cmd = Entries[Index].cmd; } /* Set the end-of-table terminator. */ Accel->Table[EntriesCount - 1].fVirt |= 0x80; } /* FIXME: Save HandleTable in a list somewhere so we can clean it up again */ RETURN(hAccel); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable(Entries %p, EntriesCount %d) = %x\n", Entries, EntriesCount,_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOLEAN APIENTRY NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable( HACCEL hAccel) { PACCELERATOR_TABLE Accel; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOLEAN); /* FIXME: If the handle table is from a call to LoadAcceleratorTable, decrement it's usage count (and return TRUE). FIXME: Destroy only tables created using CreateAcceleratorTable. */ DPRINT("NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable(Table %x)\n", hAccel); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Accel = UserGetAccelObject(hAccel))) { RETURN( FALSE); } if (Accel->Table != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Accel->Table, TAG_ACCEL); Accel->Table = NULL; } UserDeleteObject(hAccel, otAccel); RETURN( TRUE); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable(Table %x) = %i\n", hAccel,_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } int APIENTRY NtUserTranslateAccelerator( HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccel, LPMSG Message) { PWND Window = NULL; PACCELERATOR_TABLE Accel = NULL; ULONG i; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY AccelRef, WindowRef; DECLARE_RETURN(int); DPRINT("NtUserTranslateAccelerator(hWnd %x, Table %x, Message %p)\n", hWnd, hAccel, Message); UserEnterShared(); if (Message == NULL) { SetLastNtError(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN( 0); } if ((Message->message != WM_KEYDOWN) && (Message->message != WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && (Message->message != WM_SYSCHAR) && (Message->message != WM_CHAR)) { RETURN( 0); } if (!(Accel = UserGetAccelObject(hAccel))) { RETURN( 0); } UserRefObjectCo(Accel, &AccelRef); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN( 0); } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &WindowRef); /* FIXME: Associate AcceleratorTable with the current thread */ for (i = 0; i < Accel->Count; i++) { if (co_IntTranslateAccelerator(Window, Message->message, Message->wParam, Message->lParam, Accel->Table[i].fVirt, Accel->Table[i].key, Accel->Table[i].cmd)) { DPRINT("NtUserTranslateAccelerator(hWnd %x, Table %x, Message %p) = %i end\n", hWnd, hAccel, Message, 1); RETURN( 1); } if (((Accel->Table[i].fVirt & 0x80) > 0)) { break; } } RETURN( 0); CLEANUP: if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); if (Accel) UserDerefObjectCo(Accel); DPRINT("NtUserTranslateAccelerator(hWnd %x, Table %x, Message %p) = %i end\n", hWnd, hAccel, Message, 0); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; }