/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Font Shell Extension * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: font list cache handling * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2019-2021 Mark Jansen */ #pragma once class CFontInfo { private: CStringW m_Name; CStringW m_File; bool m_FileRead; bool m_AttrsRead; LARGE_INTEGER m_FileSize; FILETIME m_FileWriteTime; DWORD m_dwFileAttributes; void ReadAttrs(); public: CFontInfo(LPCWSTR name = L""); const CStringW& Name() const; // Font display name stored in the registry const bool Valid() const; const CStringW& File(); // Full path or file, depending on how it's stored in the registry const LARGE_INTEGER& FileSize(); const FILETIME& FileWriteTime(); DWORD FileAttributes(); }; class CFontCache { private: CAtlArray m_Fonts; CStringW m_FontFolderPath; protected: CFontCache(); void Insert(CAtlList& fonts, const CStringW& KeyName); void Read(); public: void SetFontDir(const LPCWSTR Path); const CStringW& FontPath() const { return m_FontFolderPath; } size_t Size(); CStringW Name(size_t Index); // Font display name stored in the registry CFontInfo* Find(const FontPidlEntry* fontEntry); CStringW Filename(CFontInfo* info, bool alwaysFullPath = false); friend class CFontExtModule; }; extern CFontCache* g_FontCache;