/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: CONTEXT related functions * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID NTAPI KeContextToTrapFrame(IN PCONTEXT Context, IN OUT PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN OUT PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN ULONG ContextFlags, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Do this at APC_LEVEL */ OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (OldIrql < APC_LEVEL) KeRaiseIrql(APC_LEVEL, &OldIrql); /* Handle integer registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER) == CONTEXT_INTEGER) { TrapFrame->Rax = Context->Rax; TrapFrame->Rbx = Context->Rbx; TrapFrame->Rcx = Context->Rcx; TrapFrame->Rdx = Context->Rdx; TrapFrame->Rsi = Context->Rsi; TrapFrame->Rdi = Context->Rdi; TrapFrame->Rbp = Context->Rbp; TrapFrame->R8 = Context->R8; TrapFrame->R9 = Context->R9; TrapFrame->R10 = Context->R10; TrapFrame->R11 = Context->R11; ExceptionFrame->R12 = Context->R12; ExceptionFrame->R13 = Context->R13; ExceptionFrame->R14 = Context->R14; ExceptionFrame->R15 = Context->R15; } /* Handle floating point registers */ if (((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) == CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) && (Context->SegCs & MODE_MASK)) { TrapFrame->Xmm0 = Context->Xmm0; TrapFrame->Xmm1 = Context->Xmm1; TrapFrame->Xmm2 = Context->Xmm2; TrapFrame->Xmm3 = Context->Xmm3; TrapFrame->Xmm4 = Context->Xmm4; TrapFrame->Xmm5 = Context->Xmm5; ExceptionFrame->Xmm6 = Context->Xmm6; ExceptionFrame->Xmm7 = Context->Xmm7; ExceptionFrame->Xmm8 = Context->Xmm8; ExceptionFrame->Xmm9 = Context->Xmm9; ExceptionFrame->Xmm10 = Context->Xmm10; ExceptionFrame->Xmm11 = Context->Xmm11; ExceptionFrame->Xmm12 = Context->Xmm12; ExceptionFrame->Xmm13 = Context->Xmm13; ExceptionFrame->Xmm14 = Context->Xmm14; ExceptionFrame->Xmm15 = Context->Xmm15; } /* Handle control registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL) { /* Check if this was a Kernel Trap */ if (Context->SegCs == KGDT64_R0_CODE) { /* Set valid selectors */ TrapFrame->SegCs = KGDT64_R0_CODE; TrapFrame->SegSs = KGDT64_R0_DATA; } else { /* Copy selectors */ TrapFrame->SegCs = Context->SegCs; TrapFrame->SegSs = Context->SegSs; } /* RIP, RSP, EFLAGS */ TrapFrame->Rip = Context->Rip; TrapFrame->Rsp = Context->Rsp; TrapFrame->EFlags = Context->EFlags; } /* Handle segment selectors */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_SEGMENTS) == CONTEXT_SEGMENTS) { /* Check if this was a Kernel Trap */ if (Context->SegCs == KGDT64_R0_CODE) { /* Set valid selectors */ TrapFrame->SegDs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegEs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegFs = KGDT64_R3_CMTEB | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegGs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; } else { /* Copy selectors */ TrapFrame->SegDs = Context->SegDs; TrapFrame->SegEs = Context->SegEs; TrapFrame->SegFs = Context->SegFs; TrapFrame->SegGs = Context->SegGs; } } /* Handle debug registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) == CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) { /* Copy the debug registers */ TrapFrame->Dr0 = Context->Dr0; TrapFrame->Dr1 = Context->Dr1; TrapFrame->Dr2 = Context->Dr2; TrapFrame->Dr3 = Context->Dr3; TrapFrame->Dr6 = Context->Dr6; TrapFrame->Dr7 = Context->Dr7; } /* Restore IRQL */ if (OldIrql < APC_LEVEL) KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); } VOID NTAPI KeTrapFrameToContext(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN OUT PCONTEXT Context) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Do this at APC_LEVEL */ OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (OldIrql < APC_LEVEL) KeRaiseIrql(APC_LEVEL, &OldIrql); /* Handle integer registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER) == CONTEXT_INTEGER) { Context->Rax = TrapFrame->Rax; Context->Rbx = TrapFrame->Rbx; Context->Rcx = TrapFrame->Rcx; Context->Rdx = TrapFrame->Rdx; Context->Rsi = TrapFrame->Rsi; Context->Rdi = TrapFrame->Rdi; Context->Rbp = TrapFrame->Rbp; Context->R8 = TrapFrame->R8; Context->R9 = TrapFrame->R9; Context->R10 = TrapFrame->R10; Context->R11 = TrapFrame->R11; Context->R12 = ExceptionFrame->R12; Context->R13 = ExceptionFrame->R13; Context->R14 = ExceptionFrame->R14; Context->R15 = ExceptionFrame->R15; } /* Handle floating point registers */ if (((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) == CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) && (TrapFrame->SegCs & MODE_MASK)) { Context->Xmm0 = TrapFrame->Xmm0; Context->Xmm1 = TrapFrame->Xmm1; Context->Xmm2 = TrapFrame->Xmm2; Context->Xmm3 = TrapFrame->Xmm3; Context->Xmm4 = TrapFrame->Xmm4; Context->Xmm5 = TrapFrame->Xmm5; Context->Xmm6 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm6; Context->Xmm7 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm7; Context->Xmm8 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm8; Context->Xmm9 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm9; Context->Xmm10 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm10; Context->Xmm11 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm11; Context->Xmm12 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm12; Context->Xmm13 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm13; Context->Xmm14 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm14; Context->Xmm15 = ExceptionFrame->Xmm15; } /* Handle control registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL) { /* Check if this was a Kernel Trap */ if (TrapFrame->SegCs == KGDT64_R0_CODE) { /* Set valid selectors */ Context->SegCs = KGDT64_R0_CODE; Context->SegSs = KGDT64_R0_DATA; } else { /* Copy selectors */ Context->SegCs = TrapFrame->SegCs; Context->SegSs = TrapFrame->SegSs; } /* Copy RIP, RSP, EFLAGS */ Context->Rip = TrapFrame->Rip; Context->Rsp = TrapFrame->Rsp; Context->EFlags = TrapFrame->EFlags; } /* Handle segment selectors */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_SEGMENTS) == CONTEXT_SEGMENTS) { /* Check if this was a Kernel Trap */ if (TrapFrame->SegCs == KGDT64_R0_CODE) { /* Set valid selectors */ Context->SegDs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; Context->SegEs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; Context->SegFs = KGDT64_R3_CMTEB | RPL_MASK; Context->SegGs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; } else { /* Copy selectors */ Context->SegDs = TrapFrame->SegDs; Context->SegEs = TrapFrame->SegEs; Context->SegFs = TrapFrame->SegFs; Context->SegGs = TrapFrame->SegGs; } } /* Handle debug registers */ if ((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) == CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS) { /* Copy the debug registers */ Context->Dr0 = TrapFrame->Dr0; Context->Dr1 = TrapFrame->Dr1; Context->Dr2 = TrapFrame->Dr2; Context->Dr3 = TrapFrame->Dr3; Context->Dr6 = TrapFrame->Dr6; Context->Dr7 = TrapFrame->Dr7; } /* Restore IRQL */ if (OldIrql < APC_LEVEL) KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); }