/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: hal/halppc/generic/isa.c * PURPOSE: Interfaces to the ISA bus * PROGRAMMER: David Welch (welch@mcmail.com) * UPDATE HISTORY: * 05/06/98: Created */ /* INCLUDES ***************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BOOLEAN HalIsaProbe(VOID) /* * FUNCTION: Probes for an ISA bus * RETURNS: True if detected * NOTE: Since ISA is the default we are called last and always return * true */ { DbgPrint("Assuming ISA bus\n"); /* * Probe for plug and play support */ return(TRUE); } BOOLEAN NTAPI HalpTranslateIsaBusAddress(PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, ULONG BusNumber, PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BusAddress, PULONG AddressSpace, PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress) { BOOLEAN Result; Result = HalTranslateBusAddress(PCIBus, BusNumber, BusAddress, AddressSpace, TranslatedAddress); if (Result != FALSE) return Result; Result = HalTranslateBusAddress(Internal, BusNumber, BusAddress, AddressSpace, TranslatedAddress); return Result; } ULONG NTAPI HalpGetIsaInterruptVector(PVOID BusHandler, ULONG BusNumber, ULONG BusInterruptLevel, ULONG BusInterruptVector, PKIRQL Irql, PKAFFINITY Affinity) { ULONG Vector = IRQ2VECTOR(BusInterruptVector); *Irql = VECTOR2IRQL(Vector); *Affinity = 0xFFFFFFFF; return Vector; } /* EOF */