/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/amd64/thrdini.c * PURPOSE: amd64 Thread Context Creation * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) * Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include typedef struct _KUINIT_FRAME { KSWITCH_FRAME CtxSwitchFrame; KSTART_FRAME StartFrame; KEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame; KTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame; //FX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea; } KUINIT_FRAME, *PKUINIT_FRAME; typedef struct _KKINIT_FRAME { KSWITCH_FRAME CtxSwitchFrame; KSTART_FRAME StartFrame; //FX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea; } KKINIT_FRAME, *PKKINIT_FRAME; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID NTAPI KiInitializeContextThread(IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN PKSYSTEM_ROUTINE SystemRoutine, IN PKSTART_ROUTINE StartRoutine, IN PVOID StartContext, IN PCONTEXT Context) { //PFX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea; //PFXSAVE_FORMAT FxSaveFormat; PKSTART_FRAME StartFrame; PKSWITCH_FRAME CtxSwitchFrame; PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame; ULONG ContextFlags; /* Check if this is a With-Context Thread */ if (Context) { PKUINIT_FRAME InitFrame; /* Set up the Initial Frame */ InitFrame = ((PKUINIT_FRAME)Thread->InitialStack) - 1; StartFrame = &InitFrame->StartFrame; CtxSwitchFrame = &InitFrame->CtxSwitchFrame; /* Save back the new value of the kernel stack. */ Thread->KernelStack = (PVOID)InitFrame; /* Tell the thread it will run in User Mode */ Thread->PreviousMode = UserMode; // FIXME Setup the Fx Area /* Set the Thread's NPX State */ Thread->NpxState = 0xA; Thread->Header.NpxIrql = PASSIVE_LEVEL; /* Make sure, we have control registers, disable debug registers */ ASSERT((Context->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL); ContextFlags = Context->ContextFlags & ~CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS; /* Setup the Trap Frame */ TrapFrame = &InitFrame->TrapFrame; /* Zero out the trap frame */ RtlZeroMemory(TrapFrame, sizeof(KTRAP_FRAME)); RtlZeroMemory(&InitFrame->ExceptionFrame, sizeof(KEXCEPTION_FRAME)); /* Set up a trap frame from the context. */ KeContextToTrapFrame(Context, &InitFrame->ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame, CONTEXT_AMD64 | ContextFlags, UserMode); /* Set SS, DS, ES's RPL Mask properly */ TrapFrame->SegSs |= RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegDs |= RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegEs |= RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->Dr7 = 0; /* Set the previous mode as user */ TrapFrame->PreviousMode = UserMode; /* Terminate the Exception Handler List */ TrapFrame->ExceptionFrame = 0; /* We return to ... */ StartFrame->Return = (ULONG64)KiServiceExit2; } else { PKKINIT_FRAME InitFrame; /* Set up the Initial Frame for the system thread */ InitFrame = ((PKKINIT_FRAME)Thread->InitialStack) - 1; StartFrame = &InitFrame->StartFrame; CtxSwitchFrame = &InitFrame->CtxSwitchFrame; /* Save back the new value of the kernel stack. */ Thread->KernelStack = (PVOID)InitFrame; /* Tell the thread it will run in Kernel Mode */ Thread->PreviousMode = KernelMode; // FIXME Setup the Fx Area /* No NPX State */ Thread->NpxState = 0xA; /* We have no return address! */ StartFrame->Return = 0; } /* Set up the Context Switch Frame */ CtxSwitchFrame->Return = (ULONG64)KiThreadStartup; CtxSwitchFrame->ApcBypass = FALSE; StartFrame->P1Home = (ULONG64)StartRoutine; StartFrame->P2Home = (ULONG64)StartContext; StartFrame->P3Home = 0; StartFrame->P4Home = (ULONG64)SystemRoutine; StartFrame->Reserved = 0; } BOOLEAN KiSwapContextResume( _In_ BOOLEAN ApcBypass, _In_ PKTHREAD OldThread, _In_ PKTHREAD NewThread) { PKIPCR Pcr = (PKIPCR)KeGetPcr(); PKPROCESS OldProcess, NewProcess; /* Setup ring 0 stack pointer */ Pcr->TssBase->Rsp0 = (ULONG64)NewThread->InitialStack; // FIXME: NPX save area? Pcr->Prcb.RspBase = Pcr->TssBase->Rsp0; /* Now we are the new thread. Check if it's in a new process */ OldProcess = OldThread->ApcState.Process; NewProcess = NewThread->ApcState.Process; if (OldProcess != NewProcess) { /* Switch address space and flush TLB */ __writecr3(NewProcess->DirectoryTableBase[0]); /* Set new TSS fields */ //Pcr->TssBase->IoMapBase = NewProcess->IopmOffset; } /* Set TEB pointer and GS base */ Pcr->NtTib.Self = (PVOID)NewThread->Teb; if (NewThread->Teb) { /* This will switch the usermode gs */ __writemsr(MSR_GS_SWAP, (ULONG64)NewThread->Teb); } /* Increase context switch count */ Pcr->ContextSwitches++; NewThread->ContextSwitches++; /* DPCs shouldn't be active */ if (Pcr->Prcb.DpcRoutineActive) { /* Crash the machine */ KeBugCheckEx(ATTEMPTED_SWITCH_FROM_DPC, (ULONG_PTR)OldThread, (ULONG_PTR)NewThread, (ULONG_PTR)OldThread->InitialStack, 0); } /* Old thread os no longer busy */ OldThread->SwapBusy = FALSE; /* Kernel APCs may be pending */ if (NewThread->ApcState.KernelApcPending) { /* Are APCs enabled? */ if ((NewThread->SpecialApcDisable == 0) && (ApcBypass == 0)) { /* Return TRUE to indicate that we want APCs to be delivered */ return TRUE; } /* Request an APC interrupt to be delivered later */ HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); } /* Return stating that no kernel APCs are pending*/ return FALSE; } /* EOF */