/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for AddFontMemResourceEx * PROGRAMMERS: Mark Jansen * * PanosePitchTest + TTCTestV by Katayama Hirofumi MZ, licensed under CC BY * Shadows_Into_Light by Kimberly Geswein, licensed under OFL * Captured from firefox, embedded on reactos.org */ #include #include #include typedef struct _fnt_res { const char* FontName; TEXTMETRICA tm; } fnt_res; typedef struct _fnt_test { const char* ResourceName; int NumFaces; fnt_res res[4]; } fnt_test; static fnt_test test_data[] = { { /* .ResourceName = */ "PanosePitchTest.ttf", /* .NumFaces = */ 2, /* .res = */ { { /* .FontName = */ "PanosePitchTest", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 11, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 11, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 0, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ -5, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 1, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ 8, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 11, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 63, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 165, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, } }, { /* .FontName = */ "@PanosePitchTest", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 11, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 11, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 0, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ -5, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 1, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ 8, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 11, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 63, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 165, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, } }, }, }, { /* .ResourceName = */ "TTCTestV.ttc", /* .NumFaces = */ 3, /* .res = */ { { /* .FontName = */ "No1Of3in1", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 12, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 12, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 0, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ -4, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 1, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ -525, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 6, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 63, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 64, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR | TMPF_FIXED_PITCH, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ ANSI_CHARSET, } }, { /* .FontName = */ "No2Of3in1", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 12, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 12, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 0, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ -4, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 1, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ 8, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 7, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 63, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 64, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR | TMPF_FIXED_PITCH, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ ANSI_CHARSET, } }, { /* .FontName = */ "No3Of3in1V", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 12, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 12, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 0, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ -4, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 1, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ 8, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 13, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 63, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 64, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 65, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ FF_MODERN | TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ ANSI_CHARSET, } }, }, }, { /* .ResourceName = */ "Shadows_Into_Light.ttf", /* .NumFaces = */ 1, /* .res = */ { { /* .FontName = */ "ufaXaAlLOxCUGYJ7KN51UP2Q==", { /* .tm.tmHeight = */ 26, /* .tm.tmAscent = */ 19, /* .tm.tmDescent = */ 7, /* .tm.tmInternalLeading = */ 10, /* .tm.tmExternalLeading = */ 0, /* .tm.tmAveCharWidth = */ 7, /* .tm.tmMaxCharWidth = */ 23, /* .tm.tmWeight = */ FW_NORMAL, /* .tm.tmOverhang = */ 0, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectX = */ 96, /* .tm.tmDigitizedAspectY = */ 96, /* .tm.tmFirstChar = */ 30, /* .tm.tmLastChar = */ 255, /* .tm.tmDefaultChar = */ 31, /* .tm.tmBreakChar = */ 32, /* .tm.tmItalic = */ 0, /* .tm.tmUnderlined = */ 0, /* .tm.tmStruckOut = */ 0, /* .tm.tmPitchAndFamily = */ TMPF_TRUETYPE | TMPF_VECTOR | TMPF_FIXED_PITCH, /* .tm.tmCharSet = */ ANSI_CHARSET, } }, }, }, }; #define ok_int2(expression) \ do { \ int _value = (expression); \ ok(_value == (res->expression), "Wrong value for '%s', expected: %d, got: %d for %s/%s\n", \ #expression, (int)(res->expression), _value, test_name, res->FontName); \ } while (0) #define ok_hex2(expression) \ do { \ int _value = (expression); \ ok(_value == (res->expression), "Wrong value for '%s', expected: 0x%x, got: 0x%x for %s/%s\n", \ #expression, (int)(res->expression), _value, test_name, res->FontName); \ } while (0) static void test_font_caps(HDC hdc, int test_index) { HGDIOBJ old; TEXTMETRICA tm = { 0 }; char name[64]; BOOL ret; HFONT font; int n; const char* test_name = test_data[test_index].ResourceName; for (n = 0; test_data[test_index].res[n].FontName; ++n) { fnt_res* res = test_data[test_index].res + n; font = CreateFontA(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH, res->FontName); if (font) { old = SelectObject(hdc, font); memset(&tm, 0xaa, sizeof(tm)); ret = GetTextMetricsA(hdc, &tm); ok(ret, "GetTextMetricsA() for %s/%s\n", test_name, res->FontName); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = GetTextFaceA(hdc, sizeof(name), name); ok(ret, "GetTextFaceA error %lu for %s/%s\n", GetLastError(), test_name, res->FontName); if (ret) { ok(!strcmp(name, res->FontName), "FontName was %s, expected %s for %s/%s", name, res->FontName, test_name, res->FontName); } ok_int2(tm.tmHeight); ok_int2(tm.tmAscent); ok_int2(tm.tmDescent); ok_int2(tm.tmInternalLeading); ok_int2(tm.tmExternalLeading); ok_int2(tm.tmAveCharWidth); ok_int2(tm.tmMaxCharWidth); ok_int2(tm.tmWeight); ok_int2(tm.tmOverhang); ok_int2(tm.tmDigitizedAspectX); ok_int2(tm.tmDigitizedAspectY); ok_int2(tm.tmFirstChar); ok_int2(tm.tmLastChar); ok_int2(tm.tmDefaultChar); ok_int2(tm.tmBreakChar); ok_int2(tm.tmItalic); ok_int2(tm.tmUnderlined); ok_int2(tm.tmStruckOut); ok_hex2(tm.tmPitchAndFamily); ok_int2(tm.tmCharSet); SelectObject(hdc, old); DeleteObject(font); } } } /* Not working as of 2017-04-08 on ReactOS */ static BOOL is_font_available(HDC hdc, const char* fontName) { char name[64]; BOOL ret; HFONT font = CreateFontA(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH, fontName); HGDIOBJ old = SelectObject(hdc, font); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = GetTextFaceA(hdc, sizeof(name), name); ok(ret, "GetTextFaceA error %lu for %s\n", GetLastError(), fontName); SelectObject(hdc, old); DeleteObject(font); if (ret) { return !_strcmpi(name, fontName); } return FALSE; } START_TEST(AddFontMemResourceEx) { HMODULE mod; HRSRC hRsrc; HGLOBAL hTemplate; DWORD dwSize, dwNumFonts; LPVOID pFont; HANDLE hFont; fnt_test* data; int n; HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); BOOL is_font_available_broken = is_font_available(hdc, "Nonexisting font name here"); ok(!is_font_available_broken, "Validating font is broken! (CORE-13053)!\n"); for (n = 0; n < _countof(test_data); ++n) { data = test_data + n; mod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); hRsrc = FindResourceA(mod, data->ResourceName, MAKEINTRESOURCE(RT_RCDATA)); hTemplate = LoadResource(mod, hRsrc); dwSize = SizeofResource(mod, hRsrc); pFont = LockResource(hTemplate); dwNumFonts = 0; hFont = AddFontMemResourceEx(pFont, dwSize, NULL, &dwNumFonts); ok(dwNumFonts == data->NumFaces, "dwNumFonts was %lu, expected %d for %s\n", dwNumFonts, data->NumFaces, data->ResourceName); ok(hFont != NULL, "Expected valid handle for %s\n", data->ResourceName); if (hFont) { test_font_caps(hdc, n); RemoveFontMemResourceEx(hFont); if (!is_font_available_broken) { ok (!is_font_available(hdc, data->ResourceName), "Expected font to be unregistered again for %s\n", data->ResourceName); } else { skip("Font unregister test for %s\n", data->ResourceName); } } UnlockResource(hTemplate); FreeResource(hTemplate); } DeleteDC(hdc); }