/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Offering functions dealing with registry values * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009 Benedikt Freisen * Copyright 2020 Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include RegistrySettings registrySettings; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ static void ReadDWORD(CRegKey &key, LPCTSTR lpName, DWORD &dwValue) { DWORD dwTemp; if (key.QueryDWORDValue(lpName, dwTemp) == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwValue = dwTemp; } static void ReadString(CRegKey &key, LPCTSTR lpName, CString &strValue, LPCTSTR lpDefault = TEXT("")) { CString strTemp; ULONG nChars = MAX_PATH; LPTSTR psz = strTemp.GetBuffer(nChars); LONG error = key.QueryStringValue(lpName, psz, &nChars); strTemp.ReleaseBuffer(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) strValue = strTemp; else strValue = lpDefault; } void RegistrySettings::SetWallpaper(LPCTSTR szFileName, RegistrySettings::WallpaperStyle style) { CRegKey desktop; if (desktop.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Control Panel\\Desktop")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { desktop.SetStringValue(_T("Wallpaper"), szFileName); desktop.SetStringValue(_T("WallpaperStyle"), (style == RegistrySettings::STRETCHED) ? _T("2") : _T("0")); desktop.SetStringValue(_T("TileWallpaper"), (style == RegistrySettings::TILED) ? _T("1") : _T("0")); } SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, (PVOID) szFileName, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | SPIF_SENDCHANGE); } void RegistrySettings::LoadPresets(INT nCmdShow) { BMPHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) / 2; BMPWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 2; GridExtent = 1; NoStretching = 0; ShowThumbnail = 0; SnapToGrid = 0; ThumbHeight = 100; ThumbWidth = 120; ThumbXPos = 180; ThumbYPos = 200; UnitSetting = 0; Bold = FALSE; Italic = FALSE; Underline = FALSE; CharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; PointSize = 14; FontsPositionX = 0; FontsPositionY = 0; ShowTextTool = TRUE; ShowStatusBar = TRUE; ShowPalette = TRUE; ShowToolBox = TRUE; Bar1ID = BAR1ID_TOP; Bar2ID = BAR2ID_LEFT; LOGFONT lf; GetObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(lf), &lf); strFontName = lf.lfFaceName; ZeroMemory(&WindowPlacement, sizeof(WindowPlacement)); RECT& rc = WindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition; rc.left = rc.top = CW_USEDEFAULT; rc.right = rc.left + 544; rc.bottom = rc.top + 375; WindowPlacement.showCmd = nCmdShow; } void RegistrySettings::Load(INT nCmdShow) { LoadPresets(nCmdShow); CRegKey paint; if (paint.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Applets\\Paint"), KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; CRegKey view; if (view.Open(paint, _T("View"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(view, _T("BMPHeight"), BMPHeight); ReadDWORD(view, _T("BMPWidth"), BMPWidth); ReadDWORD(view, _T("GridExtent"), GridExtent); ReadDWORD(view, _T("NoStretching"), NoStretching); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ShowThumbnail"), ShowThumbnail); ReadDWORD(view, _T("SnapToGrid"), SnapToGrid); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ThumbHeight"), ThumbHeight); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ThumbWidth"), ThumbWidth); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ThumbXPos"), ThumbXPos); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ThumbYPos"), ThumbYPos); ReadDWORD(view, _T("UnitSetting"), UnitSetting); ReadDWORD(view, _T("ShowStatusBar"), ShowStatusBar); ULONG pnBytes = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); view.QueryBinaryValue(_T("WindowPlacement"), &WindowPlacement, &pnBytes); } CRegKey files; if (files.Open(paint, _T("Recent File List"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szName[64]; for (INT i = 0; i < MAX_RECENT_FILES; ++i) { wsprintf(szName, _T("File%u"), i + 1); ReadString(files, szName, strFiles[i]); } } CRegKey text; if (text.Open(paint, _T("Text"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(text, _T("Bold"), Bold); ReadDWORD(text, _T("Italic"), Italic); ReadDWORD(text, _T("Underline"), Underline); ReadDWORD(text, _T("CharSet"), CharSet); ReadDWORD(text, _T("PointSize"), PointSize); ReadDWORD(text, _T("PositionX"), FontsPositionX); ReadDWORD(text, _T("PositionY"), FontsPositionY); ReadDWORD(text, _T("ShowTextTool"), ShowTextTool); ReadString(text, _T("TypeFaceName"), strFontName, strFontName); } CRegKey bar1; if (bar1.Open(paint, _T("General-Bar1"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(bar1, _T("BarID"), Bar1ID); } CRegKey bar2; if (bar2.Open(paint, _T("General-Bar2"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(bar2, _T("BarID"), Bar2ID); } CRegKey bar3; if (bar3.Open(paint, _T("General-Bar3"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(bar3, _T("Visible"), ShowToolBox); } CRegKey bar4; if (bar4.Open(paint, _T("General-Bar4"), KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReadDWORD(bar4, _T("Visible"), ShowPalette); } // Fix the bitmap size if too large if (BMPWidth > 5000) BMPWidth = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * 6) / 10; if (BMPHeight > 5000) BMPHeight = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) * 6) / 10; } void RegistrySettings::Store() { BMPWidth = imageModel.GetWidth(); BMPHeight = imageModel.GetHeight(); CRegKey paint; if (paint.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Applets\\Paint")) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; CRegKey view; if (view.Create(paint, _T("View")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { view.SetDWORDValue(_T("BMPHeight"), BMPHeight); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("BMPWidth"), BMPWidth); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("GridExtent"), GridExtent); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("NoStretching"), NoStretching); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ShowThumbnail"), ShowThumbnail); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("SnapToGrid"), SnapToGrid); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ThumbHeight"), ThumbHeight); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ThumbWidth"), ThumbWidth); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ThumbXPos"), ThumbXPos); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ThumbYPos"), ThumbYPos); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("UnitSetting"), UnitSetting); view.SetDWORDValue(_T("ShowStatusBar"), ShowStatusBar); view.SetBinaryValue(_T("WindowPlacement"), &WindowPlacement, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)); } CRegKey files; if (files.Create(paint, _T("Recent File List")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szName[64]; for (INT iFile = 0; iFile < MAX_RECENT_FILES; ++iFile) { wsprintf(szName, _T("File%u"), iFile + 1); files.SetStringValue(szName, strFiles[iFile]); } } CRegKey text; if (text.Create(paint, _T("Text")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { text.SetDWORDValue(_T("Bold"), Bold); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("Italic"), Italic); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("Underline"), Underline); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("CharSet"), CharSet); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("PointSize"), PointSize); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("PositionX"), FontsPositionX); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("PositionY"), FontsPositionY); text.SetDWORDValue(_T("ShowTextTool"), ShowTextTool); text.SetStringValue(_T("TypeFaceName"), strFontName); } CRegKey bar1; if (bar1.Create(paint, _T("General-Bar1")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bar1.SetDWORDValue(_T("BarID"), Bar1ID); } CRegKey bar2; if (bar2.Create(paint, _T("General-Bar2")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bar2.SetDWORDValue(_T("BarID"), Bar2ID); } CRegKey bar3; if (bar3.Create(paint, _T("General-Bar3")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bar3.SetDWORDValue(_T("Visible"), ShowToolBox); } CRegKey bar4; if (bar4.Create(paint, _T("General-Bar4")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bar4.SetDWORDValue(_T("Visible"), ShowPalette); } } void RegistrySettings::SetMostRecentFile(LPCTSTR szPathName) { // Register the file to the user's 'Recent' folder if (szPathName && szPathName[0]) SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATHW, szPathName); // If szPathName is present in strFiles, move it to the top of the list for (INT i = MAX_RECENT_FILES - 1, iFound = -1; i > 0; --i) { if (iFound < 0 && strFiles[i].CompareNoCase(szPathName) == 0) iFound = i; if (iFound >= 0) { CString tmp = strFiles[i]; strFiles[i] = strFiles[i - 1]; strFiles[i - 1] = tmp; } } // If szPathName is not the first item in strFiles, insert it at the top of the list if (strFiles[0].CompareNoCase(szPathName) != 0) { for (INT i = MAX_RECENT_FILES - 1; i > 0; --i) strFiles[i] = strFiles[i - 1]; strFiles[0] = szPathName; } }