/* * PROJECT: ReactOS API tests * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Tests for One-Time initialization APIs * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2023 Ratin Gao */ #include "precomp.h" typedef VOID WINAPI FN_InitOnceInitialize(_Out_ PINIT_ONCE InitOnce); typedef BOOL WINAPI FN_InitOnceExecuteOnce( _Inout_ PINIT_ONCE InitOnce, _In_ __callback PINIT_ONCE_FN InitFn, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Parameter, _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ LPVOID *Context); typedef BOOL WINAPI FN_InitOnceBeginInitialize( _Inout_ LPINIT_ONCE lpInitOnce, _In_ DWORD dwFlags, _Out_ PBOOL fPending, _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ LPVOID *lpContext); typedef BOOL WINAPI FN_InitOnceComplete( _Inout_ LPINIT_ONCE lpInitOnce, _In_ DWORD dwFlags, _In_opt_ LPVOID lpContext); static ULONG g_ulRandom; static VOID InitWorker(_Inout_ PULONG InitCount, _Out_ PULONG_PTR Context) { /* Increase the initialization count */ (*InitCount)++; /* Output context data */ *Context = (ULONG_PTR)g_ulRandom; } static _Success_(return != FALSE) BOOL WINAPI InitOnceProc( _Inout_ PINIT_ONCE InitOnce, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Parameter, _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ PVOID* Context) { if (!Parameter || !Context) { return FALSE; } InitWorker(Parameter, (PULONG_PTR)Context); return TRUE; } START_TEST(InitOnce) { BOOL bRet, fPending; ULONG i, ulInitCount, ulSeed; ULONG_PTR ulContextData, ulTempContext; DWORD dwError; HMODULE hKernel32; FN_InitOnceInitialize* pfnInitOnceInitialize; FN_InitOnceExecuteOnce* pfnInitOnceExecuteOnce; FN_InitOnceBeginInitialize* pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize; FN_InitOnceComplete* pfnInitOnceComplete; /* Load functions */ hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"); if (!hKernel32) { skip("Module kernel32 not found\n"); return; } pfnInitOnceInitialize = (FN_InitOnceInitialize*)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "InitOnceInitialize"); pfnInitOnceExecuteOnce = (FN_InitOnceExecuteOnce*)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "InitOnceExecuteOnce"); pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize = (FN_InitOnceBeginInitialize*)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "InitOnceBeginInitialize"); pfnInitOnceComplete = (FN_InitOnceComplete*)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "InitOnceComplete"); /* * Use a random as output context data, * which the low-order INIT_ONCE_CTX_RESERVED_BITS bits should be zero. */ ulSeed = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)&ulSeed ^ GetTickCount(); g_ulRandom = RtlRandom(&ulSeed); for (i = 0; i < INIT_ONCE_CTX_RESERVED_BITS; i++) { g_ulRandom &= (~(1 << i)); } /* Initialize One-Time initialization structure */ INIT_ONCE InitOnce = { (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)0xDEADBEEF }; if (pfnInitOnceInitialize) { pfnInitOnceInitialize(&InitOnce); } else { skip("InitOnceInitialize not found\n"); InitOnce = (INIT_ONCE)INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; } if (!pfnInitOnceExecuteOnce) { skip("InitOnceExecuteOnce not found\n"); goto _test_sync; } /* * Perform synchronous initialization by using InitOnceExecuteOnce, * which executes user-defined callback to initialize. * Call InitOnceExecuteOnce twice will success, * initialization count should be 1 and retrieve correct context data. */ ulInitCount = 0; ulContextData = MAXULONG; bRet = pfnInitOnceExecuteOnce(&InitOnce, InitOnceProc, &ulInitCount, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet, "InitOnceExecuteOnce failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (bRet) { /* Call InitOnceExecuteOnce again and check output values if the first call succeeded */ bRet = pfnInitOnceExecuteOnce(&InitOnce, InitOnceProc, &ulInitCount, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet, "InitOnceExecuteOnce failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); ok(ulInitCount == 1, "ulInitCount is not 1\n"); ok(ulContextData == g_ulRandom, "Output ulContextData is incorrect\n"); } _test_sync: if (!pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize || !pfnInitOnceComplete) { skip("InitOnceBeginInitialize or InitOnceComplete not found\n"); return; } /* Re-initialize One-Time initialization structure by using INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT */ InitOnce = (INIT_ONCE)INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; ulContextData = 0xdeadbeef; /* Perform synchronous initialization by using InitOnceBeginInitialize */ fPending = FALSE; bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, 0, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet, "InitOnceBeginInitialize failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (!bRet) { goto _test_async; } ok(fPending, "fPending is not TRUE after the first success InitOnceBeginInitialize\n"); if (!fPending) { goto _test_async; } /* Call again to check whether initialization has completed */ fPending = 0xdeadbeef; bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet == FALSE, "InitOnceBeginInitialize should fail\n"); ok(fPending == 0xdeadbeef, "fPending should be unmodified\n"); ok(ulContextData == 0xdeadbeef, "ulContextData should be unmodified\n"); /* Complete the initialization */ InitWorker(&ulInitCount, &ulTempContext); bRet = pfnInitOnceComplete(&InitOnce, 0, (LPVOID)ulTempContext); ok(bRet, "InitOnceComplete failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (!bRet) { goto _test_async; } /* * Initialization is completed, call InitOnceBeginInitialize with * INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY should retrieve status and context data successfully */ bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet && !fPending && ulContextData == g_ulRandom, "InitOnceBeginInitialize returns incorrect result for a completed initialization\n"); _test_async: InitOnce = (INIT_ONCE)INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; /* Perform asynchronous initialization */ fPending = FALSE; bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_ASYNC, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet, "InitOnceBeginInitialize failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (!bRet) { return; } ok(fPending, "fPending is not TRUE after a success InitOnceBeginInitialize\n"); if (!fPending) { return; } /* * Now the initialization is in progress but not completed yet, * call InitOnceBeginInitialize again without INIT_ONCE_ASYNC is invalid, * should fail with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER */ bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, 0, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(!bRet, "InitOnceBeginInitialize should not success\n"); if (!bRet) { dwError = GetLastError(); ok(dwError == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Last error is %lu, but %u is expected\n", dwError, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } /* * Call InitOnceBeginInitialize again with INIT_ONCE_ASYNC * should success because initialization could be executed in parallel */ bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_ASYNC, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet, "InitOnceBeginInitialize failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (!bRet) { return; } ok(fPending, "fPending is not TRUE after a success InitOnceBeginInitialize\n"); if (!fPending) { return; } /* Complete the initialization once */ InitWorker(&ulInitCount, &ulTempContext); bRet = pfnInitOnceComplete(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_ASYNC, (LPVOID)ulTempContext); ok(bRet, "InitOnceComplete failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); if (!bRet) { return; } /* Subsequent InitOnceComplete should fail with ERROR_GEN_FAILURE */ bRet = pfnInitOnceComplete(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_ASYNC, (LPVOID)ulTempContext); ok(!bRet, "InitOnceComplete should not success\n"); if (!bRet) { dwError = GetLastError(); ok(dwError == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, "Last error is %lu, but %u is expected\n", dwError, ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); } /* * Initialization is completed, call InitOnceBeginInitialize with * INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY should retrieve status and context data successfully */ bRet = pfnInitOnceBeginInitialize(&InitOnce, INIT_ONCE_CHECK_ONLY, &fPending, (LPVOID*)&ulContextData); ok(bRet && !fPending && ulContextData == g_ulRandom, "InitOnceBeginInitialize returns incorrect result for a completed initialization\n"); return; }