/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Access token Query/Set information classes implementation * COPYRIGHT: Copyright David Welch * Copyright 2021-2022 George Bișoc */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include /* INFORMATION CLASSES ********************************************************/ static const INFORMATION_CLASS_INFO SeTokenInformationClass[] = { /* Class 0 not used, blame MS! */ IQS_NONE, /* TokenUser */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_USER, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenGroups */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_GROUPS, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenPrivileges */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenOwner */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_OWNER, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_SET | ICIF_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenPrimaryGroup */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_SET | ICIF_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenDefaultDacl */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_SET | ICIF_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenSource */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_SOURCE, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenType */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_TYPE, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenImpersonationLevel */ IQS_SAME(SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY), /* TokenStatistics */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_STATISTICS, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenRestrictedSids */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_GROUPS, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenSessionId */ IQS_SAME(ULONG, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_SET), /* TokenGroupsAndPrivileges */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_GROUPS_AND_PRIVILEGES, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_QUERY_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenSessionReference */ IQS_SAME(ULONG, ULONG, ICIF_SET), /* TokenSandBoxInert */ IQS_SAME(ULONG, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY), /* TokenAuditPolicy */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION, ULONG, ICIF_SET | ICIF_SET_SIZE_VARIABLE), /* TokenOrigin */ IQS_SAME(TOKEN_ORIGIN, ULONG, ICIF_QUERY | ICIF_SET), }; /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /** * @brief * Queries information details about the given token to the call. The difference * between NtQueryInformationToken and this routine is that the system call has * user mode buffer data probing and additional protection checks whereas this * routine doesn't have any of these. The routine is used exclusively in kernel * mode. * * @param[in] AccessToken * An access token to be given. * * @param[in] TokenInformationClass * Token information class. * * @param[out] TokenInformation * Buffer with retrieved information. Such information is arbitrary, depending * on the requested information class. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation to query the desired information * has completed successfully. STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is returned if * pool memory allocation has failed to satisfy an operation. Otherwise * STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS is returned indicating that the information * class provided is not supported by the routine. * * @remarks * Only certain information classes are not implemented in this function and * these are TokenOrigin, TokenGroupsAndPrivileges, TokenRestrictedSids and * TokenSandBoxInert. The following classes are implemented in NtQueryInformationToken * only. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQueryInformationToken( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN AccessToken, _In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, _Outptr_result_buffer_(_Inexpressible_(token-dependent)) PVOID *TokenInformation) { NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN Token = (PTOKEN)AccessToken; ULONG RequiredLength; union { PSID PSid; ULONG Ulong; } Unused; PAGED_CODE(); /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(Token); switch (TokenInformationClass) { case TokenUser: { PTOKEN_USER tu; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenUser)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_USER) + RtlLengthSid(Token->UserAndGroups[0].Sid); /* Allocate the output buffer */ tu = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tu == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } Status = RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray(1, &Token->UserAndGroups[0], RequiredLength - sizeof(TOKEN_USER), &tu->User, (PSID)(tu + 1), &Unused.PSid, &Unused.Ulong); /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tu; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenGroups: { PTOKEN_GROUPS tg; ULONG SidLen; PSID Sid; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenGroups)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + RtlLengthSidAndAttributes(Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1, &Token->UserAndGroups[1]); SidLen = RequiredLength - sizeof(tg->GroupCount) - ((Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1) * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); /* Allocate the output buffer */ tg = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tg == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } Sid = (PSID)((ULONG_PTR)tg + sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + ((Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1) * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES))); tg->GroupCount = Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1; Status = RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray(Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1, &Token->UserAndGroups[1], SidLen, &tg->Groups[0], Sid, &Unused.PSid, &Unused.Ulong); /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tg; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenPrivileges: { PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenPrivileges)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(tp->PrivilegeCount) + (Token->PrivilegeCount * sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); /* Allocate the output buffer */ tp = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tp == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } tp->PrivilegeCount = Token->PrivilegeCount; RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray(Token->PrivilegeCount, Token->Privileges, &tp->Privileges[0]); /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tp; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenOwner: { PTOKEN_OWNER to; ULONG SidLen; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenOwner)\n"); SidLen = RtlLengthSid(Token->UserAndGroups[Token->DefaultOwnerIndex].Sid); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER) + SidLen; /* Allocate the output buffer */ to = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (to == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } to->Owner = (PSID)(to + 1); Status = RtlCopySid(SidLen, to->Owner, Token->UserAndGroups[Token->DefaultOwnerIndex].Sid); /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = to; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenPrimaryGroup: { PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP tpg; ULONG SidLen; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenPrimaryGroup)\n"); SidLen = RtlLengthSid(Token->PrimaryGroup); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) + SidLen; /* Allocate the output buffer */ tpg = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tpg == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } tpg->PrimaryGroup = (PSID)(tpg + 1); Status = RtlCopySid(SidLen, tpg->PrimaryGroup, Token->PrimaryGroup); /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tpg; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenDefaultDacl: { PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL tdd; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenDefaultDacl)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL); if (Token->DefaultDacl != NULL) RequiredLength += Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; /* Allocate the output buffer */ tdd = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tdd == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } if (Token->DefaultDacl != NULL) { tdd->DefaultDacl = (PACL)(tdd + 1); RtlCopyMemory(tdd->DefaultDacl, Token->DefaultDacl, Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize); } else { tdd->DefaultDacl = NULL; } /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tdd; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenSource: { PTOKEN_SOURCE ts; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenSource)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_SOURCE); /* Allocate the output buffer */ ts = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (ts == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } *ts = Token->TokenSource; /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = ts; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenType: { PTOKEN_TYPE tt; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenType)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE); /* Allocate the output buffer */ tt = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (tt == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } *tt = Token->TokenType; /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = tt; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenImpersonationLevel: { PSECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL sil; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenImpersonationLevel)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL); /* Fail if the token is not an impersonation token */ if (Token->TokenType != TokenImpersonation) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } /* Allocate the output buffer */ sil = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (sil == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } *sil = Token->ImpersonationLevel; /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = sil; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenStatistics: { PTOKEN_STATISTICS ts; DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenStatistics)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS); /* Allocate the output buffer */ ts = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, RequiredLength, TAG_SE); if (ts == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } ts->TokenId = Token->TokenId; ts->AuthenticationId = Token->AuthenticationId; ts->ExpirationTime = Token->ExpirationTime; ts->TokenType = Token->TokenType; ts->ImpersonationLevel = Token->ImpersonationLevel; ts->DynamicCharged = Token->DynamicCharged; ts->DynamicAvailable = Token->DynamicAvailable; ts->GroupCount = Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1; ts->PrivilegeCount = Token->PrivilegeCount; ts->ModifiedId = Token->ModifiedId; /* Return the structure */ *TokenInformation = ts; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } case TokenSessionId: { DPRINT("SeQueryInformationToken(TokenSessionId)\n"); Status = SeQuerySessionIdToken(Token, (PULONG)TokenInformation); break; } default: DPRINT1("SeQueryInformationToken(%d) invalid information class\n", TokenInformationClass); Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } /* Release the lock of the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); return Status; } /* SYSTEM CALLS ***************************************************************/ /** * @brief * Queries a specific type of information in regard of an access token based upon * the information class. The calling thread must have specific access rights in order * to obtain specific information about the token. * * @param[in] TokenHandle * A handle of a token where information is to be gathered. * * @param[in] TokenInformationClass * Token information class. * * @param[out] TokenInformation * A returned output buffer with token information, which information is arbitrarily upon * the information class chosen. * * @param[in] TokenInformationLength * Length of the token information buffer, in bytes. * * @param[out] ReturnLength * A pointer to a variable provided by the caller that receives the actual length * of the buffer pointed by TokenInformation, in bytes. If TokenInformation is NULL * and TokenInformationLength is 0, this parameter receives the required length * needed to store the buffer information in memory. This parameter must not * be NULL! * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if information querying has completed successfully. * STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned if the information length that represents * the token information buffer is not greater than the required length. * STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE is returned if the token handle is not a valid one. * STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS is returned if the information class is not a valid * one (that is, the class doesn't belong to TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS). * STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION is returned if ReturnLength is NULL. A failure NTSTATUS * code is returned otherwise. */ _Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationToken( _In_ HANDLE TokenHandle, _In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(TokenInformationLength, *ReturnLength) PVOID TokenInformation, _In_ ULONG TokenInformationLength, _Out_ PULONG ReturnLength) { NTSTATUS Status; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PTOKEN Token; ULONG RequiredLength = 0; union { PSID PSid; ULONG Ulong; } Unused; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); /* Check buffers and class validity */ Status = DefaultQueryInfoBufferCheck(TokenInformationClass, SeTokenInformationClass, RTL_NUMBER_OF(SeTokenInformationClass), ICIF_PROBE_READ_WRITE | ICIF_FORCE_RETURN_LENGTH_PROBE, TokenInformation, TokenInformationLength, ReturnLength, NULL, PreviousMode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken() failed, Status: 0x%x\n", Status); return Status; } Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(TokenHandle, (TokenInformationClass == TokenSource) ? TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE : TOKEN_QUERY, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&Token, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(Token); switch (TokenInformationClass) { case TokenUser: { PTOKEN_USER tu = (PTOKEN_USER)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenUser)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_USER) + RtlLengthSid(Token->UserAndGroups[0].Sid); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { Status = RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray(1, &Token->UserAndGroups[0], RequiredLength - sizeof(TOKEN_USER), &tu->User, (PSID)(tu + 1), &Unused.PSid, &Unused.Ulong); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenGroups: { PTOKEN_GROUPS tg = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenGroups)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + RtlLengthSidAndAttributes(Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1, &Token->UserAndGroups[1]); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { ULONG SidLen = RequiredLength - sizeof(tg->GroupCount) - ((Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1) * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); PSID Sid = (PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)((ULONG_PTR)tg + sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + ((Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1) * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES))); tg->GroupCount = Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1; Status = RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray(Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1, &Token->UserAndGroups[1], SidLen, &tg->Groups[0], Sid, &Unused.PSid, &Unused.Ulong); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenPrivileges: { PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenPrivileges)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(tp->PrivilegeCount) + (Token->PrivilegeCount * sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { tp->PrivilegeCount = Token->PrivilegeCount; RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray(Token->PrivilegeCount, Token->Privileges, &tp->Privileges[0]); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenOwner: { PTOKEN_OWNER to = (PTOKEN_OWNER)TokenInformation; ULONG SidLen; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenOwner)\n"); SidLen = RtlLengthSid(Token->UserAndGroups[Token->DefaultOwnerIndex].Sid); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER) + SidLen; _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { to->Owner = (PSID)(to + 1); Status = RtlCopySid(SidLen, to->Owner, Token->UserAndGroups[Token->DefaultOwnerIndex].Sid); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenPrimaryGroup: { PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP tpg = (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP)TokenInformation; ULONG SidLen; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenPrimaryGroup)\n"); SidLen = RtlLengthSid(Token->PrimaryGroup); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) + SidLen; _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { tpg->PrimaryGroup = (PSID)(tpg + 1); Status = RtlCopySid(SidLen, tpg->PrimaryGroup, Token->PrimaryGroup); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenDefaultDacl: { PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL tdd = (PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenDefaultDacl)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL); if (Token->DefaultDacl != NULL) RequiredLength += Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { if (Token->DefaultDacl != NULL) { tdd->DefaultDacl = (PACL)(tdd + 1); RtlCopyMemory(tdd->DefaultDacl, Token->DefaultDacl, Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize); } else { tdd->DefaultDacl = NULL; } } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenSource: { PTOKEN_SOURCE ts = (PTOKEN_SOURCE)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenSource)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_SOURCE); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { *ts = Token->TokenSource; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenType: { PTOKEN_TYPE tt = (PTOKEN_TYPE)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenType)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { *tt = Token->TokenType; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenImpersonationLevel: { PSECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL sil = (PSECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenImpersonationLevel)\n"); /* Fail if the token is not an impersonation token */ if (Token->TokenType != TokenImpersonation) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } RequiredLength = sizeof(SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { *sil = Token->ImpersonationLevel; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenStatistics: { PTOKEN_STATISTICS ts = (PTOKEN_STATISTICS)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenStatistics)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { ts->TokenId = Token->TokenId; ts->AuthenticationId = Token->AuthenticationId; ts->ExpirationTime = Token->ExpirationTime; ts->TokenType = Token->TokenType; ts->ImpersonationLevel = Token->ImpersonationLevel; ts->DynamicCharged = Token->DynamicCharged; ts->DynamicAvailable = Token->DynamicAvailable; ts->GroupCount = Token->UserAndGroupCount - 1; ts->PrivilegeCount = Token->PrivilegeCount; ts->ModifiedId = Token->ModifiedId; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenOrigin: { PTOKEN_ORIGIN to = (PTOKEN_ORIGIN)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenOrigin)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(TOKEN_ORIGIN); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { to->OriginatingLogonSession = Token->AuthenticationId; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenGroupsAndPrivileges: DPRINT1("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenGroupsAndPrivileges) not implemented\n"); Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case TokenRestrictedSids: { PTOKEN_GROUPS tg = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)TokenInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenRestrictedSids)\n"); RequiredLength = sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + RtlLengthSidAndAttributes(Token->RestrictedSidCount, Token->RestrictedSids); _SEH2_TRY { if (TokenInformationLength >= RequiredLength) { ULONG SidLen = RequiredLength - sizeof(tg->GroupCount) - (Token->RestrictedSidCount * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); PSID Sid = (PSID)((ULONG_PTR)tg + sizeof(tg->GroupCount) + (Token->RestrictedSidCount * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES))); tg->GroupCount = Token->RestrictedSidCount; Status = RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray(Token->RestrictedSidCount, Token->RestrictedSids, SidLen, &tg->Groups[0], Sid, &Unused.PSid, &Unused.Ulong); } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenSandBoxInert: { ULONG IsTokenSandBoxInert; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenSandBoxInert)\n"); IsTokenSandBoxInert = SeTokenIsInert(Token); _SEH2_TRY { /* Buffer size was already verified, no need to check here again */ *(PULONG)TokenInformation = IsTokenSandBoxInert; *ReturnLength = sizeof(ULONG); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; break; } case TokenSessionId: { ULONG SessionId = 0; DPRINT("NtQueryInformationToken(TokenSessionId)\n"); Status = SeQuerySessionIdToken(Token, &SessionId); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _SEH2_TRY { /* Buffer size was already verified, no need to check here again */ *(PULONG)TokenInformation = SessionId; *ReturnLength = RequiredLength; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; } break; } default: DPRINT1("NtQueryInformationToken(%d) invalid information class\n", TokenInformationClass); Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } /* Unlock and dereference the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); ObDereferenceObject(Token); } return Status; } /** * @unimplemented * @brief * Sets (modifies) some specific information in regard of an access token. The * calling thread must have specific access rights in order to modify token's * information data. * * @param[in] TokenHandle * A handle of a token where information is to be modified. * * @param[in] TokenInformationClass * Token information class. * * @param[in] TokenInformation * An arbitrary pointer to a buffer with token information to set. Such * arbitrary buffer depends on the information class chosen that the caller * wants to modify such information data of a token. * * @param[in] TokenInformationLength * Length of the token information buffer, in bytes. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if information setting has completed successfully. * STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH is returned if the information length of the * buffer is less than the required length. STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is * returned if memory pool allocation has failed. STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD * is returned if the calling thread hasn't the required privileges to perform * the operation in question. A failure NTSTATUS code is returned otherwise. * * @remarks * The function is partly implemented, mainly TokenOrigin and TokenDefaultDacl. */ _Must_inspect_result_ __kernel_entry NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetInformationToken( _In_ HANDLE TokenHandle, _In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, _In_reads_bytes_(TokenInformationLength) PVOID TokenInformation, _In_ ULONG TokenInformationLength) { NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN Token; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; ULONG NeededAccess = TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); Status = DefaultSetInfoBufferCheck(TokenInformationClass, SeTokenInformationClass, RTL_NUMBER_OF(SeTokenInformationClass), TokenInformation, TokenInformationLength, PreviousMode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Invalid buffers */ DPRINT("NtSetInformationToken() failed, Status: 0x%x\n", Status); return Status; } if (TokenInformationClass == TokenSessionId) { NeededAccess |= TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID; } Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(TokenHandle, NeededAccess, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&Token, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { switch (TokenInformationClass) { case TokenOwner: { if (TokenInformationLength >= sizeof(TOKEN_OWNER)) { PTOKEN_OWNER to = (PTOKEN_OWNER)TokenInformation; PSID InputSid = NULL, CapturedSid; ULONG DefaultOwnerIndex; _SEH2_TRY { InputSid = to->Owner; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; Status = SepCaptureSid(InputSid, PreviousMode, PagedPool, FALSE, &CapturedSid); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Find the owner amongst the existing token user and groups */ Status = SepFindPrimaryGroupAndDefaultOwner(Token, NULL, CapturedSid, NULL, &DefaultOwnerIndex); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Found it */ Token->DefaultOwnerIndex = DefaultOwnerIndex; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); SepReleaseSid(CapturedSid, PreviousMode, FALSE); } } else { Status = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; } case TokenPrimaryGroup: { if (TokenInformationLength >= sizeof(TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP)) { PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP tpg = (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP)TokenInformation; PSID InputSid = NULL, CapturedSid; ULONG PrimaryGroupIndex; _SEH2_TRY { InputSid = tpg->PrimaryGroup; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; Status = SepCaptureSid(InputSid, PreviousMode, PagedPool, FALSE, &CapturedSid); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Find the primary group amongst the existing token user and groups */ Status = SepFindPrimaryGroupAndDefaultOwner(Token, CapturedSid, NULL, &PrimaryGroupIndex, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Found it */ Token->PrimaryGroup = Token->UserAndGroups[PrimaryGroupIndex].Sid; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); SepReleaseSid(CapturedSid, PreviousMode, FALSE); } } else { Status = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; } case TokenDefaultDacl: { if (TokenInformationLength >= sizeof(TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)) { PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL tdd = (PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL)TokenInformation; PACL InputAcl = NULL; _SEH2_TRY { InputAcl = tdd->DefaultDacl; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; if (InputAcl != NULL) { PACL CapturedAcl; /* Capture, validate, and copy the DACL */ Status = SepCaptureAcl(InputAcl, PreviousMode, PagedPool, TRUE, &CapturedAcl); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ULONG DynamicLength; /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); // // NOTE: So far our dynamic area only contains // the default dacl, so this makes the following // code pretty simple. The day where it stores // other data, the code will require adaptations. // DynamicLength = Token->DynamicAvailable; // Add here any other data length present in the dynamic area... if (Token->DefaultDacl) DynamicLength += Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; /* Reallocate the dynamic area if it is too small */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ((DynamicLength < CapturedAcl->AclSize) || (Token->DynamicPart == NULL)) { PVOID NewDynamicPart; NewDynamicPart = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, CapturedAcl->AclSize, TAG_TOKEN_DYNAMIC); if (NewDynamicPart == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } else { if (Token->DynamicPart != NULL) { // RtlCopyMemory(NewDynamicPart, Token->DynamicPart, DynamicLength); ExFreePoolWithTag(Token->DynamicPart, TAG_TOKEN_DYNAMIC); } Token->DynamicPart = NewDynamicPart; Token->DynamicAvailable = 0; } } else { Token->DynamicAvailable = DynamicLength - CapturedAcl->AclSize; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Set the new dacl */ Token->DefaultDacl = (PVOID)Token->DynamicPart; RtlCopyMemory(Token->DefaultDacl, CapturedAcl, CapturedAcl->AclSize); ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); ExFreePoolWithTag(CapturedAcl, TAG_ACL); } } else { /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Clear the default dacl if present */ if (Token->DefaultDacl != NULL) { Token->DynamicAvailable += Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize; RtlZeroMemory(Token->DefaultDacl, Token->DefaultDacl->AclSize); Token->DefaultDacl = NULL; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); } } else { Status = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; } break; } case TokenSessionId: { ULONG SessionId = 0; _SEH2_TRY { /* Buffer size was already verified, no need to check here again */ SessionId = *(PULONG)TokenInformation; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; /* Check for TCB privilege */ if (!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(SeTcbPrivilege, PreviousMode)) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; break; } /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); Token->SessionId = SessionId; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); break; } case TokenSessionReference: { ULONG SessionReference; _SEH2_TRY { /* Buffer size was already verified, no need to check here again */ SessionReference = *(PULONG)TokenInformation; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; /* Check for TCB privilege */ if (!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(SeTcbPrivilege, PreviousMode)) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto Cleanup; } /* Check if it is 0 */ if (SessionReference == 0) { ULONG OldTokenFlags; /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Atomically set the flag in the token */ OldTokenFlags = RtlInterlockedSetBits(&Token->TokenFlags, TOKEN_SESSION_NOT_REFERENCED); /* * If the flag was already set, do not dereference again * the logon session. Use SessionReference as an indicator * to know whether to really dereference the session. */ if (OldTokenFlags == Token->TokenFlags) SessionReference = ULONG_MAX; /* * Otherwise if the flag was never set but just for this first time then * remove the referenced logon session data from the token and dereference * the logon session when needed. */ if (SessionReference == 0) { SepRmRemoveLogonSessionFromToken(Token); SepRmDereferenceLogonSession(&Token->AuthenticationId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); } break; } case TokenAuditPolicy: { PTOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION PolicyInformation = (PTOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION)TokenInformation; SEP_AUDIT_POLICY AuditPolicy; ULONG i; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(PolicyInformation, FIELD_OFFSET(TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION, Policies[PolicyInformation->PolicyCount]), sizeof(ULONG)); /* Loop all policies in the structure */ for (i = 0; i < PolicyInformation->PolicyCount; i++) { /* Set the corresponding bits in the packed structure */ switch (PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Category) { case AuditCategorySystem: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.System = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryLogon: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.Logon = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryObjectAccess: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.ObjectAccess = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.PrivilegeUse = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryDetailedTracking: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.DetailedTracking = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryPolicyChange: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.PolicyChange = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryAccountManagement: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.AccountManagement = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryDirectoryServiceAccess: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.DirectoryServiceAccess = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; case AuditCategoryAccountLogon: AuditPolicy.PolicyElements.AccountLogon = PolicyInformation->Policies[i].Value; break; } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; /* Check for TCB privilege */ if (!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(SeTcbPrivilege, PreviousMode)) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; break; } /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Set the new audit policy */ Token->AuditPolicy = AuditPolicy; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); break; } case TokenOrigin: { TOKEN_ORIGIN TokenOrigin; _SEH2_TRY { /* Copy the token origin */ TokenOrigin = *(PTOKEN_ORIGIN)TokenInformation; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Cleanup); } _SEH2_END; /* Check for TCB privilege */ if (!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck(SeTcbPrivilege, PreviousMode)) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; break; } /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(Token); /* Check if there is no token origin set yet */ if (RtlIsZeroLuid(&Token->OriginatingLogonSession)) { /* Set the token origin */ Token->OriginatingLogonSession = TokenOrigin.OriginatingLogonSession; ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId(&Token->ModifiedId); } /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); break; } default: { DPRINT1("Invalid TokenInformationClass: 0x%lx\n", TokenInformationClass); Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } } Cleanup: ObDereferenceObject(Token); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtSetInformationToken failed with Status 0x%lx\n", Status); } return Status; } /* EOF */