/* * PROJECT: ReactOS win32 subsystem * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: GDI font driver for bitmap fonts * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #include "ftfd.h" PVOID HackFixup( PVOID pvView, ULONG cjView) { CHAR *pc; pc = EngAllocMem(0, cjView, 'tmp '); memcpy(pc, pvView, cjView); *pc = 0; return pc; } /** Public Interface **********************************************************/ ULONG_PTR APIENTRY FtfdLoadFontFile( ULONG cFiles, ULONG_PTR *piFile, PVOID *ppvView, ULONG *pcjView, DESIGNVECTOR *pdv, ULONG ulLangID, ULONG ulFastCheckSum) { PVOID pvView; ULONG cjView, i; FT_Error fterror; FT_Face ftface; PFTFD_FILE pfile; ULONG cjSize, cNumFaces; DbgPrint("FtfdLoadFontFile()\n"); /* Check parameters */ if (cFiles != 1) { DbgPrint("Only 1 File is allowed, got %ld!\n", cFiles); return HFF_INVALID; } /* Map the font file */ if (!EngMapFontFileFD(*piFile, (PULONG*)&pvView, &cjView)) { DbgPrint("Could not map font file!\n"); return HFF_INVALID; } // HACK!!! pvView = HackFixup(pvView, cjView); fterror = FT_New_Memory_Face(gftlibrary, pvView, cjView, 0, &ftface); if (fterror) { DbgPrint("No faces found in file\n"); /* Unmap the file */ EngUnmapFontFileFD(*piFile); /* Failure! */ return HFF_INVALID; } /* Get number of faces from the first face */ cNumFaces = ftface->num_faces; cjSize = sizeof(FTFD_FILE) + cNumFaces * sizeof(FT_Face); pfile = EngAllocMem(0, cjSize, 'dftF'); if (!pfile) { DbgPrint("EngAllocMem() failed.\n"); /* Unmap the file */ EngUnmapFontFileFD(*piFile); /* Failure! */ return HFF_INVALID; } pfile->cNumFaces = cNumFaces; pfile->iFile = *piFile; pfile->pvView = pvView; pfile->cjView = cjView; for (i = 0; i < pfile->cNumFaces; i++) { pfile->aftface[i] = ftface; FT_Select_Charmap(ftface, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE); } DbgPrint("Success! Returning %ld faces\n", cNumFaces); return (ULONG_PTR)pfile; } BOOL APIENTRY FtfdUnloadFontFile( IN ULONG_PTR iFile) { PFTFD_FILE pfile = (PFTFD_FILE)iFile; ULONG i; DbgPrint("FtfdUnloadFontFile()\n"); // HACK!!! EngFreeMem(pfile->pvView); /* Cleanup faces */ for (i = 0; i < pfile->cNumFaces; i++) { FT_Done_Face(pfile->aftface[i]); } /* Unmap the font file */ EngUnmapFontFileFD(pfile->iFile); /* Free the memory that was allocated for the font */ EngFreeMem(pfile); return TRUE; } LONG APIENTRY FtfdQueryFontFile( ULONG_PTR iFile, ULONG ulMode, ULONG cjBuf, ULONG *pulBuf) { PFTFD_FILE pfile = (PFTFD_FILE)iFile; DbgPrint("FtfdQueryFontFile(ulMode=%ld)\n", ulMode); // __debugbreak(); switch (ulMode) { case QFF_DESCRIPTION: { return 0; } case QFF_NUMFACES: /* return the number of faces in the file */ return pfile->cNumFaces; } return FD_ERROR; } PIFIMETRICS APIENTRY FtfdQueryFont( IN DHPDEV dhpdev, IN ULONG_PTR iFile, IN ULONG iFace, IN ULONG_PTR *pid) { PFTFD_FILE pfile = (PFTFD_FILE)iFile; PFTFD_IFIMETRICS pifiX; PIFIMETRICS pifi; FT_Face ftface; FT_Error fterror; ULONG i; DbgPrint("FtfdQueryFont()\n"); /* Validate parameters */ if (iFace > pfile->cNumFaces || !pid) { DbgPrint("iFace > pfile->cNumFaces || !pid\n"); return NULL; } fterror = FT_New_Memory_Face(gftlibrary, pfile->pvView, pfile->cjView, iFace - 1, &ftface); if (fterror) { DbgPrint("FT_New_Memory_Face failed\n"); return NULL; } /* Allocate the ifi metrics structure */ pifiX = EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(FTFD_IFIMETRICS), TAG_IFIMETRICS); if (!pifiX) { DbgPrint("EngAllocMem() failed.\n"); FT_Done_Face(ftface); return NULL; } /* Fill IFIMETRICS */ pifi = &pifiX->ifim; pifi->cjThis = sizeof(FTFD_IFIMETRICS); pifi->cjIfiExtra = 0; /* Relative offsets */ pifi->dpwszFamilyName = FIELD_OFFSET(FTFD_IFIMETRICS, wszFamilyName); pifi->dpwszStyleName = FIELD_OFFSET(FTFD_IFIMETRICS, wszStyleName); pifi->dpwszFaceName = FIELD_OFFSET(FTFD_IFIMETRICS, wszFaceName); pifi->dpwszUniqueName = FIELD_OFFSET(FTFD_IFIMETRICS, wszFaceName); pifi->dpCharSets = FIELD_OFFSET(FTFD_IFIMETRICS, ajCharSet); pifi->dpFontSim = 0; /* Charsets */ pifi->jWinCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; pifiX->ajCharSet[0] = pifi->jWinCharSet; for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) { pifiX->ajCharSet[i] = DEFAULT_CHARSET; } pifi->lEmbedId = 0; pifi->lItalicAngle = 0; pifi->lCharBias = 0; pifi->jWinPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; // FIXME pifi->usWinWeight = FW_MEDIUM; // FIXME pifi->flInfo = FM_INFO_TECH_TRUETYPE | FM_INFO_ARB_XFORMS | FM_INFO_1BPP | FM_INFO_4BPP | FM_INFO_RETURNS_OUTLINES | FM_INFO_RETURNS_BITMAPS | FM_INFO_RIGHT_HANDED; pifi->fsSelection = 0; pifi->fsType = 0; /* Font resolution */ pifi->fwdUnitsPerEm = ftface->units_per_EM; pifi->fwdLowestPPEm = 8; // FIXME /* Font metrics */ pifi->fwdWinAscender = ftface->ascender; pifi->fwdWinDescender = - ftface->descender; pifi->fwdMacAscender = pifi->fwdWinAscender; pifi->fwdMacDescender = - pifi->fwdWinDescender; pifi->fwdMacLineGap = 0; pifi->fwdTypoAscender = pifi->fwdWinAscender; pifi->fwdTypoDescender = 0; // FIXME!!! - pifi->fwdWinDescender; pifi->fwdTypoLineGap = 0; pifi->fwdAveCharWidth = 1085; // FIXME pifi->fwdMaxCharInc = ftface->max_advance_width; pifi->fwdCapHeight = pifi->fwdUnitsPerEm / 2; pifi->fwdXHeight = pifi->fwdUnitsPerEm / 4; pifi->fwdSubscriptXSize = 0; pifi->fwdSubscriptYSize = 0; pifi->fwdSubscriptXOffset = 0; pifi->fwdSubscriptYOffset = 0; pifi->fwdSuperscriptXSize = 0; pifi->fwdSuperscriptYSize = 0; pifi->fwdSuperscriptXOffset = 0; pifi->fwdSuperscriptYOffset = 0; pifi->fwdUnderscoreSize = 1; pifi->fwdUnderscorePosition = -1; pifi->fwdStrikeoutSize = 1; pifi->fwdStrikeoutPosition = pifi->fwdXHeight + 1; pifi->ptlBaseline.x = 1; pifi->ptlBaseline.y = 0; pifi->ptlAspect.x = 1; pifi->ptlAspect.y = 1; pifi->ptlCaret.x = 0; pifi->ptlCaret.y = 1; /* Set the biggest characters bounding box */ pifi->rclFontBox.left = ftface->bbox.xMin; pifi->rclFontBox.right = ftface->bbox.xMax; pifi->rclFontBox.top = ftface->bbox.yMax; pifi->rclFontBox.bottom = ftface->bbox.yMin; /* Special characters */ pifi->chFirstChar = 0x1c; // FIXME pifi->chLastChar = 0x79; pifi->chDefaultChar = 0x1d; pifi->chBreakChar = 0x1e; pifi->wcFirstChar = 0x1e; pifi->wcLastChar = 0x79; pifi->wcDefaultChar = 0x1d; pifi->wcBreakChar = 0x1e; *(DWORD*)&pifi->achVendId = 0x30303030; // FIXME pifi->cKerningPairs = 0; pifi->ulPanoseCulture = FM_PANOSE_CULTURE_LATIN; // pifi->panose = panose; EngMultiByteToUnicodeN(pifiX->wszFamilyName, LF_FACESIZE, NULL, ftface->family_name, strnlen(ftface->family_name, MAX_PATH)); EngMultiByteToUnicodeN(pifiX->wszStyleName, LF_FACESIZE, NULL, ftface->style_name, strnlen(ftface->style_name, MAX_PATH)); EngMultiByteToUnicodeN(pifiX->wszFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NULL, ftface->family_name, strnlen(ftface->family_name, MAX_PATH)); FT_Done_Face(ftface); DbgPrint("Finished with the ifi: %p\n", pifiX); __debugbreak(); return pifi; } LONG APIENTRY FtfdQueryFontCaps( ULONG culCaps, ULONG *pulCaps) { DbgPrint("FtfdQueryFontCaps()\n"); /* We need room for 2 ULONGs */ if (culCaps < 2) { return FD_ERROR; } /* We only support 1 bpp */ pulCaps[0] = 2; pulCaps[1] = QC_1BIT; return 2; } PVOID APIENTRY FtfdQueryFontTree( DHPDEV dhpdev, ULONG_PTR iFile, ULONG iFace, ULONG iMode, ULONG_PTR *pid) { PFTFD_FILE pfile = (PFTFD_FILE)iFile; FT_Face ftface; FT_Error fterror; FTFD_CHARPAIR *pcp; FD_GLYPHSET *pGlyphSet; FT_ULong charcode; ULONG i, j, cGlyphs, cRuns, cjSize; WCRUN *pwcrun; HGLYPH * phglyphs; DbgPrint("FtfdQueryFontTree()\n"); fterror = FT_New_Memory_Face(gftlibrary, pfile->pvView, pfile->cjView, iFace - 1, &ftface); if (fterror) { DbgPrint("FT_New_Memory_Face() failed.\n"); return NULL; } /* Get inital value for cGlyphs from ftface */ cGlyphs = ftface->num_glyphs + 1; /* Allocate a buffer for the char codes and glyph indexes */ pcp = EngAllocMem(0, cGlyphs * sizeof(FTFD_CHARPAIR), 'pcp '); if (!pcp) { DbgPrint("EngAllocMem() failed.\n"); return NULL; } /* Gather char codes and indexes and count WCRUNs */ pcp[0].code = FT_Get_First_Char(ftface, &pcp[0].index); charcode = pcp[0].code; for (i = 1, cRuns = 1; charcode && i < cGlyphs; i++) { charcode = FT_Get_Next_Char(ftface, charcode, &pcp[i].index); DbgPrint("charcode=0x%lx, index=0x%lx\n", charcode, pcp[i].index); pcp[i].code = charcode; if (charcode != pcp[i - 1].code + 1) { cRuns++; } } /* Update cGlyphs to real value */ cGlyphs = i - 1; /* Calculate FD_GLYPHSET size */ cjSize = sizeof(FD_GLYPHSET) + (cRuns - 1) * sizeof(WCRUN) + cGlyphs * sizeof(HGLYPH); /* Allocate the FD_GLYPHSET structure */ pGlyphSet = EngAllocMem(0, cjSize, TAG_GLYPHSET); if (!pGlyphSet) { DbgPrint("EngAllocMem() failed.\n"); return NULL; } /* Initialize FD_GLYPHSET */ pGlyphSet->cjThis = cjSize; pGlyphSet->flAccel = 0; pGlyphSet->cGlyphsSupported = cGlyphs; pGlyphSet->cRuns = cRuns; /* Initialize 1st WCRUN */ pwcrun = pGlyphSet->awcrun; phglyphs = (PHGLYPH)&pGlyphSet->awcrun[cRuns]; pwcrun[0].wcLow = pcp[0].code; pwcrun[0].cGlyphs = 1; pwcrun[0].phg = &phglyphs[0]; phglyphs[0] = pcp[0].index; DbgPrint("pcp[0].index = 0x%lx\n", pcp[0].index); /* Walk through all supported chars */ for (i = 1, j = 0; i < cGlyphs; i++) { /* Use glyph index as HGLYPH */ phglyphs[i] = pcp[i].index; /* Check whether we can append the wchar to a run */ if (pcp[i].code == pcp[i - 1].code + 1) { /* Append to current WCRUN */ pwcrun[j].cGlyphs++; } else { /* Add a new WCRUN */ DbgPrint("adding new run\n"); j++; pwcrun[j].wcLow = pcp[i].code; pwcrun[j].cGlyphs = 1; pwcrun[j].phg = &phglyphs[i]; } } /* Free the temporary buffer */ EngFreeMem(pcp); /* Set *pid to the allocated structure for use in FtfdFree */ *pid = (ULONG_PTR)pGlyphSet; DbgPrint("pGlyphSet=%p\n", pGlyphSet); __debugbreak(); return pGlyphSet; } VOID APIENTRY FtfdFree( PVOID pv, ULONG_PTR id) { DbgPrint("FtfdFree()\n"); if (id) { EngFreeMem((PVOID)id); } }