/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS TCP/IP protocol driver * FILE: include/ip.h * PURPOSE: Internet Protocol related definitions */ #pragma once typedef VOID (*OBJECT_FREE_ROUTINE)(PVOID Object); #define FOURCC(a,b,c,d) (((a)<<24)|((b)<<16)|((c)<<8)|(d)) /* Raw IPv4 style address */ typedef ULONG IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS; typedef IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS *PIPv4_RAW_ADDRESS; /* Raw IPv6 style address */ typedef USHORT IPv6_RAW_ADDRESS[8]; typedef IPv6_RAW_ADDRESS *PIPv6_RAW_ADDRESS; /* IP style address */ typedef struct IP_ADDRESS { UCHAR Type; /* Type of IP address */ union { IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS IPv4Address;/* IPv4 address (in network byte order) */ IPv6_RAW_ADDRESS IPv6Address;/* IPv6 address (in network byte order) */ } Address; } IP_ADDRESS, *PIP_ADDRESS; /* IP type constants */ #define IP_ADDRESS_V4 0x04 /* IPv4 style address */ #define IP_ADDRESS_V6 0x06 /* IPv6 style address */ /* IPv4 header format */ typedef struct IPv4_HEADER { UCHAR VerIHL; /* 4-bit version, 4-bit Internet Header Length */ UCHAR Tos; /* Type of Service */ USHORT TotalLength; /* Total Length */ USHORT Id; /* Identification */ USHORT FlagsFragOfs; /* 3-bit Flags, 13-bit Fragment Offset */ UCHAR Ttl; /* Time to Live */ UCHAR Protocol; /* Protocol */ USHORT Checksum; /* Header Checksum */ IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS SrcAddr; /* Source Address */ IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS DstAddr; /* Destination Address */ } IPv4_HEADER, *PIPv4_HEADER; /* IPv6 header format */ typedef struct IPv6_HEADER { ULONG VTF; /* Version, Traffic Class, Flow Label */ USHORT PayloadLength; UCHAR NextHeader; /* Same as Protocol in IPv4 */ UCHAR HopLimit; /* Same as Ttl in IPv4 */ IPv6_RAW_ADDRESS SrcAddr; IPv6_RAW_ADDRESS DstAddr; } IPv6_HEADER, *PIPv6_HEADER; typedef union _IP_HEADER { IPv4_HEADER v4; IPv6_HEADER v6; } IP_HEADER, *PIP_HEADER; #define IPv4_FRAGOFS_MASK 0x1FFF /* Fragment offset mask (host byte order) */ #define IPv4_MF_MASK 0x2000 /* More fragments (host byte order) */ #define IPv4_DF_MASK 0x4000 /* Don't fragment (host byte order) */ #define IPv4_MAX_HEADER_SIZE 60 /* Packet completion handler prototype */ typedef VOID (*PACKET_COMPLETION_ROUTINE)( PVOID Context, PNDIS_PACKET NdisPacket, NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus); /* Structure for an IP packet */ typedef struct _IP_PACKET { OBJECT_FREE_ROUTINE Free; /* Routine used to free resources for the object */ UCHAR Type; /* Type of IP packet (see IP_ADDRESS_xx above) */ UCHAR Flags; /* Flags for packet (see IP_PACKET_FLAG_xx below)*/ PVOID Header; /* Pointer to IP header for this packet */ UINT HeaderSize; /* Size of IP header */ PVOID Data; /* Current pointer into packet data */ UINT TotalSize; /* Total amount of data in packet (IP header and data) */ UINT ContigSize; /* Number of contiguous bytes left in current buffer */ UINT Position; /* Current logical offset into packet */ PNDIS_PACKET NdisPacket; /* Pointer to NDIS packet */ IP_ADDRESS SrcAddr; /* Source address */ IP_ADDRESS DstAddr; /* Destination address */ } IP_PACKET, *PIP_PACKET; #define IP_PACKET_FLAG_RAW 0x01 /* Raw IP packet */ /* Packet context */ typedef struct _PACKET_CONTEXT { PACKET_COMPLETION_ROUTINE DLComplete; /* Data link level completion handler * Also used to link to next packet * in a queue */ PVOID Context; /* Context information for handler */ UINT PacketType; /* Type of packet */ } PACKET_CONTEXT, *PPACKET_CONTEXT; /* The ProtocolReserved field is structured as a PACKET_CONTEXT */ #define PC(Packet) ((PPACKET_CONTEXT)(&Packet->ProtocolReserved)) /* Values for address type -- also the interface flags */ /* These values are mean to overlap meaningfully with the BSD ones */ #define ADE_UNICAST 0x01 #define ADE_BROADCAST 0x02 #define ADE_ADDRMASK 0x04 #define ADE_POINTOPOINT 0x10 #define ADE_MULTICAST 0x8000 /* There is one NTE for each source (unicast) address assigned to an interface */ /* Link layer transmit prototype */ typedef VOID (*LL_TRANSMIT_ROUTINE)( PVOID Context, PNDIS_PACKET NdisPacket, UINT Offset, PVOID LinkAddress, USHORT Type); /* Link layer to IP binding information */ typedef struct _LLIP_BIND_INFO { PVOID Context; /* Pointer to link layer context information */ UINT HeaderSize; /* Size of link level header */ UINT MinFrameSize; /* Minimum frame size in bytes */ UINT MTU; /* Maximum transmission unit */ PUCHAR Address; /* Pointer to interface address */ UINT AddressLength; /* Length of address in bytes */ LL_TRANSMIT_ROUTINE Transmit; /* Transmit function for this interface */ } LLIP_BIND_INFO, *PLLIP_BIND_INFO; typedef struct _SEND_RECV_STATS { UINT InBytes; UINT InUnicast; UINT InNUnicast; UINT InDiscarded; UINT InErrors; UINT InDiscardedUnknownProto; UINT OutBytes; UINT OutUnicast; UINT OutNUnicast; UINT OutDiscarded; UINT OutErrors; } SEND_RECV_STATS, *PSEND_RECV_STATS; /* Information about an IP interface */ typedef struct _IP_INTERFACE { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Entry on list */ OBJECT_FREE_ROUTINE Free; /* Routine used to free resources used by the object */ KSPIN_LOCK Lock; /* Spin lock for this object */ PVOID Context; /* Pointer to link layer context information */ UINT HeaderSize; /* Size of link level header */ UINT MinFrameSize; /* Minimum frame size in bytes */ UINT MTU; /* Maximum transmission unit */ UINT Speed; /* Link speed */ IP_ADDRESS Unicast; /* Unicast address */ IP_ADDRESS PointToPoint; /* Point to point address */ IP_ADDRESS Netmask; /* Netmask */ IP_ADDRESS Broadcast; /* Broadcast */ UNICODE_STRING Name; /* Adapter name (GUID) */ UNICODE_STRING Description; /* Adapter description (Human readable) */ PUCHAR Address; /* Pointer to interface address */ UINT AddressLength; /* Length of address in bytes */ UINT Index; /* Index of adapter (used to add ip addr) */ LL_TRANSMIT_ROUTINE Transmit; /* Pointer to transmit function */ PVOID TCPContext; /* TCP Content for this interface */ SEND_RECV_STATS Stats; /* Send/Receive statistics */ } IP_INTERFACE, *PIP_INTERFACE; typedef struct _IP_SET_ADDRESS { ULONG NteIndex; IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS Address; IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS Netmask; } IP_SET_ADDRESS, *PIP_SET_ADDRESS; #define IP_PROTOCOL_TABLE_SIZE 0x100 typedef VOID (*IP_PROTOCOL_HANDLER)( PIP_INTERFACE Interface, PIP_PACKET IPPacket); /* Loopback adapter address information (network byte order) */ #define LOOPBACK_ADDRESS_IPv4 ((IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS)DH2N(0x7F000001)) #define LOOPBACK_BCASTADDR_IPv4 ((IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS)DH2N(0x7FFFFFFF)) #define LOOPBACK_ADDRMASK_IPv4 ((IPv4_RAW_ADDRESS)DH2N(0xFF000000)) /* Protocol definitions */ #ifndef IPPROTO_RAW #define IPPROTO_RAW 0 /* Raw IP */ #endif #define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 /* Internet Control Message Protocol */ #define IPPROTO_IGMP 2 /* Internet Group Management Protocol */ #define IPPROTO_TCP 6 /* Transmission Control Protocol */ #define IPPROTO_UDP 17 /* User Datagram Protocol */ /* Timeout timer constants */ #define IP_TICKS_SECOND 2 /* Two ticks per second */ #define IP_TIMEOUT (1000 / IP_TICKS_SECOND) /* Timeout in milliseconds */ #define IP_DEFAULT_LINK_SPEED 10000 extern LIST_ENTRY InterfaceListHead; extern KSPIN_LOCK InterfaceListLock; extern LIST_ENTRY NetTableListHead; extern KSPIN_LOCK NetTableListLock; PIP_PACKET IPCreatePacket( ULONG Type); PIP_PACKET IPInitializePacket( PIP_PACKET IPPacket, ULONG Type); PIP_INTERFACE IPCreateInterface( PLLIP_BIND_INFO BindInfo); VOID IPAddInterfaceRoute( PIP_INTERFACE IF); VOID IPRemoveInterfaceRoute( PIP_INTERFACE IF); VOID IPDestroyInterface( PIP_INTERFACE IF); BOOLEAN IPRegisterInterface( PIP_INTERFACE IF); VOID IPUnregisterInterface( PIP_INTERFACE IF); VOID NTAPI IPTimeoutDpcFn(PKDPC Dpc, PVOID DeferredContext, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2); VOID IPDispatchProtocol( PIP_INTERFACE Interface, PIP_PACKET IPPacket); VOID IPRegisterProtocol( UINT ProtocolNumber, IP_PROTOCOL_HANDLER Handler); NTSTATUS IPStartup(PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath); NTSTATUS IPShutdown(VOID); /* EOF */