/* * PROJECT: ReactOS PCI Bus Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/bus/pci/arb/arb_comn.c * PURPOSE: Common Arbitration Code * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ PCHAR PciArbiterNames[] = { "I/O Port", "Memory", "Interrupt", "Bus Number" }; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ VOID NTAPI PciArbiterDestructor(IN PPCI_ARBITER_INSTANCE Arbiter) { /* This function is not yet implemented */ UNIMPLEMENTED; while (TRUE); } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciInitializeArbiters(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension) { PPCI_INTERFACE CurrentInterface, *Interfaces; PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension; PPCI_ARBITER_INSTANCE ArbiterInterface; NTSTATUS Status; PCI_SIGNATURE ArbiterType; ASSERT_FDO(FdoExtension); /* Loop all the arbiters */ for (ArbiterType = PciArb_Io; ArbiterType <= PciArb_BusNumber; ArbiterType++) { /* Check if this is the extension for the Root PCI Bus */ if (!PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(FdoExtension)) { /* Get the PDO extension */ PdoExtension = FdoExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ASSERT_PDO(PdoExtension); /* Skip this bus if it does subtractive decode */ if (PdoExtension->Dependent.type1.SubtractiveDecode) { DPRINT1("PCI Not creating arbiters for subtractive bus %d\n", PdoExtension->Dependent.type1.SubtractiveDecode); continue; } } /* Query all the registered arbiter interfaces */ Interfaces = PciInterfaces; while (*Interfaces) { /* Find the one that matches the arbiter currently being setup */ CurrentInterface = *Interfaces; if (CurrentInterface->Signature == ArbiterType) break; Interfaces++; } /* Check if the required arbiter was not found in the list */ if (!*Interfaces) { /* Skip this arbiter and try the next one */ DPRINT1("PCI - FDO ext 0x%08x no %s arbiter.\n", FdoExtension, PciArbiterNames[ArbiterType - PciArb_Io]); continue; } /* An arbiter was found, allocate an instance for it */ Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ArbiterInterface = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(PCI_ARBITER_INSTANCE), PCI_POOL_TAG); if (!ArbiterInterface) break; /* Setup the instance */ ArbiterInterface->BusFdoExtension = FdoExtension; ArbiterInterface->Interface = CurrentInterface; swprintf(ArbiterInterface->InstanceName, L"PCI %S (b=%02x)", PciArbiterNames[ArbiterType - PciArb_Io], FdoExtension->BaseBus); /* Call the interface initializer for it */ Status = CurrentInterface->Initializer(ArbiterInterface); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; /* Link it with this FDO */ PcipLinkSecondaryExtension(&FdoExtension->SecondaryExtension, &FdoExtension->SecondaryExtLock, &ArbiterInterface->Header, ArbiterType, PciArbiterDestructor); /* This arbiter is now initialized, move to the next one */ DPRINT1("PCI - FDO ext 0x%08x %S arbiter initialized (context 0x%08x).\n", FdoExtension, L"ARBITER HEADER MISSING", //ArbiterInterface->CommonInstance.Name, ArbiterInterface); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Return to caller */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciInitializeArbiterRanges(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST Resources) { PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension; CM_RESOURCE_TYPE DesiredType; PVOID Instance; PCI_SIGNATURE ArbiterType; /* Arbiters should not already be initialized */ if (DeviceExtension->ArbitersInitialized) { /* Duplicated start request, fail initialization */ DPRINT1("PCI Warning hot start FDOx %08x, resource ranges not checked.\n", DeviceExtension); return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } /* Check for non-root FDO */ if (!PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(DeviceExtension)) { /* Grab the PDO */ PdoExtension = (PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION)DeviceExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ASSERT_PDO(PdoExtension); /* Check if this is a subtractive bus */ if (PdoExtension->Dependent.type1.SubtractiveDecode) { /* There is nothing to do regarding arbitration of resources */ DPRINT1("PCI Skipping arbiter initialization for subtractive bridge FDOX %p\n", DeviceExtension); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* Loop all arbiters */ for (ArbiterType = PciArb_Io; ArbiterType <= PciArb_Memory; ArbiterType++) { /* Pick correct resource type for each arbiter */ if (ArbiterType == PciArb_Io) { /* I/O Port */ DesiredType = CmResourceTypePort; } else if (ArbiterType == PciArb_Memory) { /* Device RAM */ DesiredType = CmResourceTypeMemory; } else { /* Ignore anything else */ continue; } /* Find an arbiter of this type */ Instance = PciFindNextSecondaryExtension(&DeviceExtension->SecondaryExtension, ArbiterType); if (Instance) { /* * Now we should initialize it, not yet implemented because Arb * library isn't yet implemented, not even the headers. */ UNIMPLEMENTED; //while (TRUE); } else { /* The arbiter was not found, this is an error! */ DPRINT1("PCI - FDO ext 0x%08x %s arbiter (REQUIRED) is missing.\n", DeviceExtension, PciArbiterNames[ArbiterType - PciArb_Io]); } } /* Arbiters are now initialized */ DeviceExtension->ArbitersInitialized = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */