/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS text-mode setup * FILE: base/setup/usetup/partlist.c * PURPOSE: Partition list functions * PROGRAMMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) */ #include "usetup.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* HELPERS FOR PARTITION TYPES **********************************************/ VOID GetPartTypeStringFromPartitionType( IN UCHAR partitionType, OUT PCHAR strPartType, IN ULONG cchPartType) { /* Determine partition type */ if (IsContainerPartition(partitionType)) { RtlStringCchCopyA(strPartType, cchPartType, MUIGetString(STRING_EXTENDED_PARTITION)); } else if (partitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED) { RtlStringCchCopyA(strPartType, cchPartType, MUIGetString(STRING_FORMATUNUSED)); } else { UINT i; /* Do the table lookup */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(PartitionTypes); i++) { if (partitionType == PartitionTypes[i].Type) { RtlStringCchCopyA(strPartType, cchPartType, PartitionTypes[i].Description); return; } } /* We are here because the partition type is unknown */ RtlStringCchCopyA(strPartType, cchPartType, MUIGetString(STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN)); } } /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ VOID InitPartitionListUi( IN OUT PPARTLIST_UI ListUi, IN PPARTLIST List, IN SHORT Left, IN SHORT Top, IN SHORT Right, IN SHORT Bottom) { ListUi->List = List; // ListUi->FirstShown = NULL; // ListUi->LastShown = NULL; ListUi->Left = Left; ListUi->Top = Top; ListUi->Right = Right; ListUi->Bottom = Bottom; ListUi->Line = 0; ListUi->Offset = 0; // ListUi->Redraw = TRUE; } static VOID PrintEmptyLine( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi) { COORD coPos; ULONG Written; USHORT Width; USHORT Height; Width = ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 1; Height = ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2; coPos.X = ListUi->Left + 1; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top + 1 + ListUi->Line; if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { FillConsoleOutputAttribute(StdOutput, FOREGROUND_WHITE | BACKGROUND_BLUE, Width, coPos, &Written); FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Width, coPos, &Written); } ListUi->Line++; } static VOID PrintPartitionData( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { PPARTLIST List = ListUi->List; CHAR LineBuffer[128]; COORD coPos; ULONG Written; USHORT Width; USHORT Height; LARGE_INTEGER PartSize; PCHAR Unit; UCHAR Attribute; CHAR PartTypeString[32]; PCHAR PartType = PartTypeString; Width = ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 1; Height = ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2; coPos.X = ListUi->Left + 1; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top + 1 + ListUi->Line; /* Get the partition size */ PartSize.QuadPart = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (PartSize.QuadPart >= 10 * GB) /* 10 GB */ { PartSize.QuadPart = RoundingDivide(PartSize.QuadPart, GB); Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif if (PartSize.QuadPart >= 10 * MB) /* 10 MB */ { PartSize.QuadPart = RoundingDivide(PartSize.QuadPart, MB); Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } else { PartSize.QuadPart = RoundingDivide(PartSize.QuadPart, KB); Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_KB); } if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned == FALSE) { sprintf(LineBuffer, MUIGetString(STRING_UNPSPACE), PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? " " : "", PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? "" : " ", PartSize.u.LowPart, Unit); } else { /* Determine partition type */ PartTypeString[0] = '\0'; if (PartEntry->New != FALSE) { PartType = MUIGetString(STRING_UNFORMATTED); } else if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) { GetPartTypeStringFromPartitionType(PartEntry->PartitionType, PartTypeString, ARRAYSIZE(PartTypeString)); PartType = PartTypeString; } if (strcmp(PartType, MUIGetString(STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN)) == 0) { sprintf(LineBuffer, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDINFOUNK5), (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : (CHAR)PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartEntry->BootIndicator ? '*' : ' ', PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? " " : "", PartEntry->PartitionType, PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? "" : " ", PartSize.u.LowPart, Unit); } else { sprintf(LineBuffer, "%c%c %c %s%-24s%s %6lu %s", (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : (CHAR)PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartEntry->BootIndicator ? '*' : ' ', PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? " " : "", PartType, PartEntry->LogicalPartition ? "" : " ", PartSize.u.LowPart, Unit); } } Attribute = (List->CurrentDisk == DiskEntry && List->CurrentPartition == PartEntry) ? FOREGROUND_BLUE | BACKGROUND_WHITE : FOREGROUND_WHITE | BACKGROUND_BLUE; if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Width, coPos, &Written); } coPos.X += 4; Width -= 8; if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { FillConsoleOutputAttribute(StdOutput, Attribute, Width, coPos, &Written); } coPos.X++; Width -= 2; if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, LineBuffer, min(strlen(LineBuffer), Width), coPos, &Written); } ListUi->Line++; } static VOID PrintDiskData( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { // PPARTLIST List = ListUi->List; PPARTENTRY PrimaryPartEntry, LogicalPartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY PrimaryEntry, LogicalEntry; CHAR LineBuffer[128]; COORD coPos; ULONG Written; USHORT Width; USHORT Height; ULARGE_INTEGER DiskSize; PCHAR Unit; Width = ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 1; Height = ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2; coPos.X = ListUi->Left + 1; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top + 1 + ListUi->Line; DiskSize.QuadPart = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; if (DiskSize.QuadPart >= 10 * GB) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize.QuadPart = RoundingDivide(DiskSize.QuadPart, GB); Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else { DiskSize.QuadPart = RoundingDivide(DiskSize.QuadPart, MB); if (DiskSize.QuadPart == 0) DiskSize.QuadPart = 1; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } // // FIXME: We *MUST* use TXTSETUP.SIF strings from section "DiskDriverMap" !! // if (DiskEntry->DriverName.Length > 0) { sprintf(LineBuffer, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTSELECT_1), DiskSize.u.LowPart, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->DiskStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_MBR ? "MBR" : DiskEntry->DiskStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_GPT ? "GPT" : "RAW"); } else { sprintf(LineBuffer, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTSELECT_2), DiskSize.u.LowPart, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, DiskEntry->DiskStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_MBR ? "MBR" : DiskEntry->DiskStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_GPT ? "GPT" : "RAW"); } if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { FillConsoleOutputAttribute(StdOutput, FOREGROUND_WHITE | BACKGROUND_BLUE, Width, coPos, &Written); FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Width, coPos, &Written); } coPos.X++; if (ListUi->Line >= 0 && ListUi->Line <= Height) { WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, LineBuffer, min((USHORT)strlen(LineBuffer), Width - 2), coPos, &Written); } ListUi->Line++; /* Print separator line */ PrintEmptyLine(ListUi); /* Print partition lines */ PrimaryEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (PrimaryEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PrimaryPartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PrimaryEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); PrintPartitionData(ListUi, DiskEntry, PrimaryPartEntry); if (IsContainerPartition(PrimaryPartEntry->PartitionType)) { LogicalEntry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (LogicalEntry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { LogicalPartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(LogicalEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); PrintPartitionData(ListUi, DiskEntry, LogicalPartEntry); LogicalEntry = LogicalEntry->Flink; } } PrimaryEntry = PrimaryEntry->Flink; } /* Print separator line */ PrintEmptyLine(ListUi); } VOID DrawPartitionList( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi) { PPARTLIST List = ListUi->List; PLIST_ENTRY Entry, Entry2; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry = NULL; COORD coPos; ULONG Written; SHORT i; SHORT CurrentDiskLine; SHORT CurrentPartLine; SHORT LastLine; BOOLEAN CurrentPartLineFound = FALSE; BOOLEAN CurrentDiskLineFound = FALSE; /* Calculate the line of the current disk and partition */ CurrentDiskLine = 0; CurrentPartLine = 0; LastLine = 0; Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); LastLine += 2; if (CurrentPartLineFound == FALSE) { CurrentPartLine += 2; } Entry2 = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry == List->CurrentPartition) { CurrentPartLineFound = TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; if (CurrentPartLineFound == FALSE) { CurrentPartLine++; } LastLine++; } if (CurrentPartLineFound == FALSE) { Entry2 = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry == List->CurrentPartition) { CurrentPartLineFound = TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; if (CurrentPartLineFound == FALSE) { CurrentPartLine++; } LastLine++; } } if (DiskEntry == List->CurrentDisk) { CurrentDiskLineFound = TRUE; } Entry = Entry->Flink; if (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { if (CurrentDiskLineFound == FALSE) { CurrentPartLine ++; CurrentDiskLine = CurrentPartLine; } LastLine++; } else { LastLine--; } } /* If it possible, make the disk name visible */ if (CurrentPartLine < ListUi->Offset) { ListUi->Offset = CurrentPartLine; } else if (CurrentPartLine - ListUi->Offset > ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2) { ListUi->Offset = CurrentPartLine - (ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2); } if (CurrentDiskLine < ListUi->Offset && CurrentPartLine - CurrentDiskLine < ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2) { ListUi->Offset = CurrentDiskLine; } /* Draw upper left corner */ coPos.X = ListUi->Left; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xDA, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* Draw upper edge */ coPos.X = ListUi->Left + 1; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top; if (ListUi->Offset == 0) { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); } else { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 5, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = ListUi->Right - 5; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, "(\x18)", // "(up)" 3, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = ListUi->Right - 2; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', 2, coPos, &Written); } /* Draw upper right corner */ coPos.X = ListUi->Right; coPos.Y = ListUi->Top; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBF, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* Draw left and right edge */ for (i = ListUi->Top + 1; i < ListUi->Bottom; i++) { coPos.X = ListUi->Left; coPos.Y = i; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, // '|', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = ListUi->Right; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, //'|', 1, coPos, &Written); } /* Draw lower left corner */ coPos.X = ListUi->Left; coPos.Y = ListUi->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC0, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* Draw lower edge */ coPos.X = ListUi->Left + 1; coPos.Y = ListUi->Bottom; if (LastLine - ListUi->Offset <= ListUi->Bottom - ListUi->Top - 2) { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); } else { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', ListUi->Right - ListUi->Left - 5, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = ListUi->Right - 5; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, "(\x19)", // "(down)" 3, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = ListUi->Right - 2; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', 2, coPos, &Written); } /* Draw lower right corner */ coPos.X = ListUi->Right; coPos.Y = ListUi->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xD9, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* print list entries */ ListUi->Line = - ListUi->Offset; Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); /* Print disk entry */ PrintDiskData(ListUi, DiskEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; } } VOID ScrollDownPartitionList( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi) { if (GetNextPartition(ListUi->List)) DrawPartitionList(ListUi); } VOID ScrollUpPartitionList( IN PPARTLIST_UI ListUi) { if (GetPrevPartition(ListUi->List)) DrawPartitionList(ListUi); } /* EOF */