/* * ReactOS winfile * * draw.c * * Copyright (C) 2002 Robert Dickenson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "stdafx.h" #else #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "main.h" #include "utils.h" #include "draw.h" #define COLOR_COMPRESSED RGB(0,0,255) #define COLOR_SELECTION RGB(0,0,128) static void format_date(const FILETIME* ft, TCHAR* buffer, int visible_cols) { SYSTEMTIME systime; FILETIME lft; int len = 0; *buffer = _T('\0'); if (!ft->dwLowDateTime && !ft->dwHighDateTime) return; if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(ft, &lft)) {err: _tcscpy(buffer,_T("???")); return;} if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft, &systime)) goto err; if (visible_cols & COL_DATE) { len = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systime, 0, buffer, BUFFER_LEN); if (!len) goto err; } if (visible_cols & COL_TIME) { if (len) buffer[len-1] = ' '; buffer[len++] = ' '; if (!GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systime, 0, buffer+len, BUFFER_LEN-len)) buffer[len] = _T('\0'); } } static void calc_width(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, int col, LPCTSTR str) { RECT rt = {0}; DrawText(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_CALCRECT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX); if (rt.right > pane->widths[col]) pane->widths[col] = rt.right; } static void calc_tabbed_width(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, int col, LPCTSTR str) { RECT rt = {0}; /* DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtp = {sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS), 2}; DrawTextEx(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_CALCRECT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_TABSTOP, &dtp);*/ DrawText(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_CALCRECT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_TABSTOP|(2<<8)); //@@ rt (0,0) ??? if (rt.right > pane->widths[col]) pane->widths[col] = rt.right; } static void output_text(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, int col, LPCTSTR str, DWORD flags) { int x = dis->rcItem.left; RECT rt = {x+pane->positions[col]+Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.top, x+pane->positions[col+1]-Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.bottom}; DrawText(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|flags); } static void output_tabbed_text(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, int col, LPCTSTR str) { int x = dis->rcItem.left; RECT rt = {x+pane->positions[col]+Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.top, x+pane->positions[col+1]-Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.bottom}; /* DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtp = {sizeof(DRAWTEXTPARAMS), 2}; DrawTextEx(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_TABSTOP, &dtp);*/ DrawText(dis->hDC, (LPTSTR)str, -1, &rt, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_TABSTOP|(2<<8)); } static void output_number(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, int col, LPCTSTR str) { int x = dis->rcItem.left; RECT rt = {x+pane->positions[col]+Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.top, x+pane->positions[col+1]-Globals.spaceSize.cx, dis->rcItem.bottom}; LPCTSTR s = str; TCHAR b[128]; LPTSTR d = b; int pos; if (*s) *d++ = *s++; // insert number separator characters pos = lstrlen(s) % 3; while(*s) if (pos--) *d++ = *s++; else { *d++ = Globals.num_sep; pos = 3; } DrawText(dis->hDC, b, d-b, &rt, DT_RIGHT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_END_ELLIPSIS); } void draw_item(Pane* pane, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis, Entry* entry, int calcWidthCol) { #if 0 TCHAR buffer[BUFFER_LEN]; DWORD attrs; int visible_cols = pane->visible_cols; COLORREF bkcolor, textcolor; RECT focusRect = dis->rcItem; HBRUSH hbrush; enum IMAGE img; #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS QWORD index; #endif int img_pos, cx; int col = 0; if (entry) { attrs = entry->data.dwFileAttributes; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (entry->data.cFileName[0]==_T('.') && entry->data.cFileName[1]==_T('.') && entry->data.cFileName[2]==_T('\0')) img = IMG_FOLDER_UP; #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS else if (entry->data.cFileName[0]==_T('.') && entry->data.cFileName[1]==_T('\0')) img = IMG_FOLDER_CUR; #endif else if ( #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS entry->expanded || #endif (pane->treePane && (dis->itemState&ODS_FOCUS))) img = IMG_OPEN_FOLDER; else img = IMG_FOLDER; } else { LPCTSTR ext = _tcsrchr(entry->data.cFileName, '.'); if (!ext) ext = _T(""); if (is_exe_file(ext)) img = IMG_EXECUTABLE; else if (is_registered_type(ext)) img = IMG_DOCUMENT; else img = IMG_FILE; } } else { attrs = 0; img = IMG_NONE; } if (pane->treePane) { if (entry) { img_pos = dis->rcItem.left + entry->level*(IMAGE_WIDTH+Globals.spaceSize.cx); if (calcWidthCol == -1) { int x; int y = dis->rcItem.top + IMAGE_HEIGHT/2; Entry* up; RECT rt_clip = {dis->rcItem.left, dis->rcItem.top, dis->rcItem.left+pane->widths[col], dis->rcItem.bottom}; HRGN hrgn_org = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rt_clip); if (!GetClipRgn(dis->hDC, hrgn_org)) { DeleteObject(hrgn_org); hrgn_org = 0; } // HGDIOBJ holdPen = SelectObject(dis->hDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); ExtSelectClipRgn(dis->hDC, hrgn, RGN_AND); DeleteObject(hrgn); if ((up=entry->up) != NULL) { MoveToEx(dis->hDC, img_pos-IMAGE_WIDTH/2, y, 0); LineTo(dis->hDC, img_pos-2, y); x = img_pos - IMAGE_WIDTH/2; do { x -= IMAGE_WIDTH+Globals.spaceSize.cx; if (up->next #ifndef _LEFT_FILES && (up->next->data.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) #endif ) { MoveToEx(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.top, 0); LineTo(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.bottom); } } while((up=up->up) != NULL); } x = img_pos - IMAGE_WIDTH/2; MoveToEx(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.top, 0); LineTo(dis->hDC, x, y); if (entry->next #ifndef _LEFT_FILES && (entry->next->data.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) #endif ) LineTo(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.bottom); if (entry->down && entry->expanded) { x += IMAGE_WIDTH+Globals.spaceSize.cx; MoveToEx(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.top+IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0); LineTo(dis->hDC, x, dis->rcItem.bottom); } SelectClipRgn(dis->hDC, hrgn_org); if (hrgn_org) DeleteObject(hrgn_org); // SelectObject(dis->hDC, holdPen); } else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) { int right = img_pos + IMAGE_WIDTH - Globals.spaceSize.cx; if (right > pane->widths[col]) pane->widths[col] = right; } } else { img_pos = dis->rcItem.left; } } else { img_pos = dis->rcItem.left; if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) pane->widths[col] = IMAGE_WIDTH; } if (calcWidthCol == -1) { focusRect.left = img_pos -2; #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (pane->treePane && entry) { RECT rt = {0}; DrawText(dis->hDC, entry->data.cFileName, -1, &rt, DT_CALCRECT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_NOPREFIX); focusRect.right = dis->rcItem.left+pane->positions[col+1]+Globals.spaceSize.cx + rt.right +2; } #else if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) textcolor = COLOR_COMPRESSED; else #endif textcolor = RGB(0,0,0); if (dis->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { textcolor = RGB(255,255,255); bkcolor = COLOR_SELECTION; } else { bkcolor = RGB(255,255,255); } hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(bkcolor); FillRect(dis->hDC, &focusRect, hbrush); DeleteObject(hbrush); SetBkMode(dis->hDC, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(dis->hDC, textcolor); cx = pane->widths[col]; if (cx && img!=IMG_NONE) { if (cx > IMAGE_WIDTH) cx = IMAGE_WIDTH; ImageList_DrawEx(Globals.himl, img, dis->hDC, img_pos, dis->rcItem.top, cx, IMAGE_HEIGHT, bkcolor, CLR_DEFAULT, ILD_NORMAL); } } if (!entry) return; #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (img >= IMG_FOLDER_UP) return; #endif col++; // ouput file name if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, entry->data.cFileName, 0); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, entry->data.cFileName); col++; #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (!pane->treePane) { #endif // display file size if (visible_cols & COL_SIZE) { #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (!(attrs&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) #endif { QWORD size; *(DWORD*)(&size) = entry->data.nFileSizeLow; //TODO: platform spefific *(((DWORD*)&size)+1) = entry->data.nFileSizeHigh; _stprintf(buffer, _T("%") LONGLONGARG _T("d"), size); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_number(pane, dis, col, buffer); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer);//TODO: not ever time enough } col++; } // display file date if (visible_cols & (COL_DATE|COL_TIME)) { #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS format_date(&entry->data.ftCreationTime, buffer, visible_cols); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, buffer, 0); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; format_date(&entry->data.ftLastAccessTime, buffer, visible_cols); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, buffer, 0); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; #endif format_date(&entry->data.ftLastWriteTime, buffer, visible_cols); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, buffer, 0); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; } #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (entry->bhfi_valid) { ((DWORD*)&index)[0] = entry->bhfi.nFileIndexLow; //TODO: platform spefific ((DWORD*)&index)[1] = entry->bhfi.nFileIndexHigh; if (visible_cols & COL_INDEX) { _stprintf(buffer, _T("%") LONGLONGARG _T("X"), index); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, buffer, DT_RIGHT); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; } if (visible_cols & COL_LINKS) { wsprintf(buffer, _T("%d"), entry->bhfi.nNumberOfLinks); if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_text(pane, dis, col, buffer, DT_CENTER); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; } } else col += 2; #endif // show file attributes if (visible_cols & COL_ATTRIBUTES) { #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS _tcscpy(buffer, _T(" \t \t \t \t ")); #else _tcscpy(buffer, _T(" \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t ")); #endif if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) buffer[ 0] = 'N'; else { if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) buffer[ 2] = 'R'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) buffer[ 4] = 'H'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) buffer[ 6] = 'S'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) buffer[ 8] = 'A'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) buffer[10] = 'C'; #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) buffer[12] = 'D'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) buffer[14] = 'E'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) buffer[16] = 'T'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) buffer[18] = 'P'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) buffer[20] = 'Q'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) buffer[22] = 'O'; if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED) buffer[24] = 'X'; #endif } if (calcWidthCol == -1) output_tabbed_text(pane, dis, col, buffer); else if (calcWidthCol==col || calcWidthCol==COLUMNS) calc_tabbed_width(pane, dis, col, buffer); col++; } /*TODO if (flags.security) { DWORD rights = get_access_mask(); tcscpy(buffer, _T(" \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t ")); if (rights & FILE_READ_DATA) buffer[ 0] = 'R'; if (rights & FILE_WRITE_DATA) buffer[ 2] = 'W'; if (rights & FILE_APPEND_DATA) buffer[ 4] = 'A'; if (rights & FILE_READ_EA) {buffer[6] = 'entry'; buffer[ 7] = 'R';} if (rights & FILE_WRITE_EA) {buffer[9] = 'entry'; buffer[10] = 'W';} if (rights & FILE_EXECUTE) buffer[12] = 'X'; if (rights & FILE_DELETE_CHILD) buffer[14] = 'D'; if (rights & FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES) {buffer[16] = 'a'; buffer[17] = 'R';} if (rights & FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES) {buffer[19] = 'a'; buffer[20] = 'W';} if (rights & WRITE_DAC) buffer[22] = 'C'; if (rights & WRITE_OWNER) buffer[24] = 'O'; if (rights & SYNCHRONIZE) buffer[26] = 'S'; output_text(dis, col++, buffer, DT_LEFT, 3, psize); } if (flags.description) { get_description(buffer); output_text(dis, col++, buffer, 0, psize); } */ #ifdef _NO_EXTENSIONS } // draw focus frame if ((dis->itemState&ODS_FOCUS) && calcWidthCol==-1) { // Currently [04/2000] Wine neither behaves exactly the same // way as WIN 95 nor like Windows NT... #ifdef WINELIB DrawFocusRect(dis->hDC, &focusRect); #else HGDIOBJ lastBrush; HPEN lastPen; HPEN hpen; if (!(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)) { // Windows NT? LOGBRUSH lb = {PS_SOLID, RGB(255,255,255)}; hpen = ExtCreatePen(PS_COSMETIC|PS_ALTERNATE, 1, &lb, 0, 0); } else hpen = CreatePen(PS_DOT, 0, RGB(255,255,255)); lastPen = SelectPen(dis->hDC, hpen); lastBrush = SelectObject(dis->hDC, GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH)); SetROP2(dis->hDC, R2_XORPEN); Rectangle(dis->hDC, focusRect.left, focusRect.top, focusRect.right, focusRect.bottom); SelectObject(dis->hDC, lastBrush); SelectObject(dis->hDC, lastPen); DeleteObject(hpen); #endif } #endif #endif }