/* * FILE: hal/halx86/generic/timer.S * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: System Timer Interrupt and Management * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include EXTERN _HalpAcquireSystemHardwareSpinLock@0:PROC EXTERN _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock@0:PROC EXTERN _DbgBreakPoint@0:PROC EXTERN _HalpCurrentRollOver:DWORD EXTERN _HalpPerfCounterCutoff:DWORD #define PIC1_BASE HEX(20) /* IO base address for master PIC */ #define PIC2_BASE HEX(A0) /* IO base address for slave PIC */ #define PIC1_COMMAND PIC1_BASE #define PIC1_DATA (PIC1_BASE+1) #define PIC2_COMMAND PIC2_BASE #define PIC2_DATA (PIC2_BASE+1) #define PIC_EOI HEX(20) #define PIC_SPECIFIC_EOI2 HEX(62) #define CMOS_ADDR HEX(70) #define CMOS_DATA HEX(71) #define CMOS_REGISTER_A HEX(0A) #define CMOS_REGISTER_B HEX(0B) #define CMOS_REGISTER_C HEX(0C) #define CMOS_REGISTER_D HEX(0D) #define PIT_CH0 HEX(40) #define PIT_MODE HEX(43) #define SYSTEM_CTRL_PORT_A HEX(92) /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ .data //ASSUME CS:NOTHING, DS:NOTHING, ES:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING PUBLIC _HalpPerfCounter _HalpLastPerfCounterLow: .long 0 _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh: .long 0 _HalpPerfCounter: _HalpPerfCounterLow: .long 0 _HalpPerfCounterHigh: .long 0 _HalpSystemHardwareFlags: .long 0 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ .code PUBLIC _HalpCalibrateStallExecution@0 _HalpCalibrateStallExecution@0: /* Setup the stack frame */ push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 12 /* Save EFLAGS and kill interrupts */ pushf cli /* Get the current interrupt mask on the PICs */ xor eax, eax in al, PIC2_DATA shl eax, 8 in al, PIC1_DATA /* Save it */ push eax /* Now mask everything except the RTC and PIC 2 chain-interrupt */ mov eax, NOT (HEX(04) OR HEX(100)) /* Program the PICs */ out PIC1_DATA, al shr eax, 8 out PIC2_DATA, al /* Now get the IDT */ sidt [ebp-8] mov ecx, [ebp-6] /* Get the IDT entry for the RTC */ mov eax, HEX(38) shl eax, 3 add ecx, eax /* Save the original RTC ISR */ push [ecx] push [ecx+4] push ecx /* Now load our new handler */ mov eax, offset OnlyOnePersonCanWriteHalCode mov [ecx], ax mov word ptr [ecx+2], KGDT_R0_CODE mov word ptr [ecx+4], HEX(08E00) shr eax, 16 mov [ecx+6], ax /* Reset our counter */ mov dword ptr [ebp-12], 0 /* Acquire CMOS lock */ call _HalpAcquireSystemHardwareSpinLock@0 /* Now initialize register A on the CMOS */ mov ax, HEX(2D00) OR CMOS_REGISTER_A out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register B */ mov ax, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Don't touch the LastKnownGoodConfig hack */ and al, 1 mov ah, al /* Enable the interrupt */ or ah, HEX(42) /* Now write the register B */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register C */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_C out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Read register D */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_D out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Release CMOS lock */ mov dword ptr [ebp-12], 0 call _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock@0 /* Initialize looper */ xor eax, eax /* Align to 16 bytes */ .align 16 /* Enable interrupts! */ sti jmp Looper /* Align to 16 bytes */ .align 16 /* Subtract one count */ Looper: sub eax, 1 jnz Looper /* ASSERT: If we got here, then the RTC never fired */ call _DbgBreakPoint@0 jmp Looper OnlyOnePersonCanWriteHalCode: /*********************** THIS IS THE RTC HANDLER **************************/ /* Increment the interrupt count and check if this is the first one */ inc dword ptr [ebp-12] cmp dword ptr [ebp-12], 1 jnz ComputeStall /* * It is the first one -- we'll ignore it, since it fires randomly! * Get rid of the old return address and push the new one in (our looper) */ pop eax push offset Looper /* Acquire CMOS lock */ call _HalpAcquireSystemHardwareSpinLock@0 /* Now initialize register A on the CMOS */ mov ax, HEX(2D00) OR CMOS_REGISTER_A out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register B */ mov ax, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Don't touch the LastKnownGoodConfig hack */ and al, 1 mov ah, al /* Enable the interrupt */ or ah, HEX(42) /* Now write the register B */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register C */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_C out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Read register D */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_D out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Release CMOS lock */ call _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock@0 /* Dismiss the interrupt */ mov al, PIC_EOI out PIC2_COMMAND, al mov al, PIC_SPECIFIC_EOI2 out PIC1_COMMAND, al /* Reset the counter and return back to the looper */ xor eax, eax iretd /******************* THIS IS THE 2ND RTC HANDLER **************************/ ComputeStall: /* Do the calculation */ neg eax xor edx, edx mov ecx, 125000 /* RTC fires every 125 ms */ div ecx /* Is the remainder 0? */ cmp edx, 0 jz FoundFactor /* Otherwise fix-up the loop count */ inc eax FoundFactor: /* Save the stall scale factor */ mov fs:[KPCR_STALL_SCALE_FACTOR], eax /* Prepare for interrupt return */ pop eax push offset AndItsNotYou mov eax, HEX(13) /* Acquire CMOS lock */ call _HalpAcquireSystemHardwareSpinLock@0 /* Now initialize register A on the CMOS */ mov ax, HEX(2D00) OR CMOS_REGISTER_A out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register B */ mov ax, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Don't touch the LastKnownGoodConfig hack */ and al, 1 mov ah, al /* Disable the interrupt */ or ah, 2 /* Now write the register B */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_B out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 mov al, ah out CMOS_DATA, al jmp $+2 /* Read register C */ mov al, CMOS_REGISTER_C out CMOS_ADDR, al jmp $+2 in al, CMOS_DATA jmp $+2 /* Release CMOS lock */ call _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock@0 /* Dismiss the interrupt */ mov al, PIC_EOI out PIC2_COMMAND, al mov al, PIC_SPECIFIC_EOI2 out PIC1_COMMAND, al /* Disable interrupts on return */ and word ptr [esp+8], NOT EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK iretd /************************* WE ARE BACK FROM RTC ***************************/ AndItsNotYou: /* Restore the IDT */ pop ecx pop [ecx+4] pop [ecx] /* Restore the mask */ pop eax out PIC1_DATA, al shr eax, 8 out PIC2_DATA, al /* Restore EFLAGS */ popf /* Restore stack and return */ mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret #ifndef _MINIHAL_ PUBLIC _KeStallExecutionProcessor@4 _KeStallExecutionProcessor@4: /* Get the number of microseconds required */ mov ecx, [esp+4] jecxz Done /* Multiply by the stall factor */ mov eax, fs:[KPCR_STALL_SCALE_FACTOR] mul ecx /* Align to 16 bytes */ .align 16 /* Jump to subtraction loop */ jmp SubtractLoop /* Align to 16 bytes */ .align 16 /* Subtract one count */ SubtractLoop: sub eax, 1 jnz SubtractLoop Done: /* Return */ ret 4 #endif PUBLIC _KeQueryPerformanceCounter@4 _KeQueryPerformanceCounter@4: /* Check if we were called too early */ cmp dword ptr _HalpCurrentRollOver, 0 je NoCount /* Save volatiles */ push ebx push esi LoopPreInt: /* Disable interrupts */ pushf cli LoopPostInt: /* Get the current value */ mov ebx, dword ptr _HalpPerfCounterLow mov esi, dword ptr _HalpPerfCounterHigh /* Read 8254 timer */ mov al, 0 /* Interrupt on terminal count */ out PIT_MODE, al in al, SYSTEM_CTRL_PORT_A or al, byte ptr _HalpPerfCounterCutoff out SYSTEM_CTRL_PORT_A, al jmp $+2 in al, PIT_CH0 jmp $+2 movzx ecx, al in al, PIT_CH0 mov ch, al /* Enable interrupts and do a short wait */ popf nop jmp $+2 /* Disable them again */ pushf cli /* Get the counter value again */ mov eax, dword ptr _HalpPerfCounterLow mov edx, dword ptr _HalpPerfCounterHigh /* Check if someone updated the counter */ cmp eax, ebx jnz LoopPostInt cmp edx, esi jnz LoopPostInt /* Check if the current 8254 value causes rollover */ neg ecx add ecx, dword ptr _HalpCurrentRollOver jnb DoRollOver SetSum: /* Calculate the sum */ add eax, ecx adc edx, 0 /* Check if we're above or below the last high value */ cmp edx, dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh jb short BelowHigh jnz short BelowLow /* Check if we're above or below the last low value */ cmp eax, dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterLow jb BelowHigh BelowLow: /* Update the last value and bring back interrupts */ mov dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterLow, eax mov dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh, edx popf /* Check if caller wants frequency */ cmp dword ptr [esp+12], 0 jz ReturnNoFreq /* Save hard-coded frequency */ mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+12] mov dword ptr [ecx], 1193182 mov dword ptr [ecx+4], 0 ReturnNoFreq: /* Restore volatiles */ pop esi pop ebx ret 4 NoCount: /* Return empty, called too soon */ mov eax, 0 mov edx, 0 ret 4 DoRollOver: /* We might have an incoming interrupt, save EFLAGS and reset rollover */ mov esi, [esp] mov ecx, dword ptr _HalpCurrentRollOver popf /* Check if interrupts were enabled and try again */ test esi, EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK jnz LoopPreInt /* They're not, continue where we left */ pushf jmp SetSum BelowHigh: /* Get the last counter values */ mov ebx, dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterLow mov esi, dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh /* Check if the previous value was 0 and go back if yes */ mov ecx, ebx or ecx, esi jz BelowLow /* Make sure that the count is still valid */ sub ebx, eax sbb esi, edx jnz InvalidCount cmp ebx, dword ptr _HalpCurrentRollOver jg InvalidCount /* Fixup the count with the last known value */ sub eax, ebx sbb edx, esi /* We might have an incoming interrupt, save EFLAGS */ mov ecx, [esp] popf /* Check if interrupts were enabled and try again */ test ecx, EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK jnz LoopPreInt /* They're not, continue where we left */ pushf jmp BelowLow InvalidCount: popf xor eax, eax mov dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterLow, eax mov dword ptr _HalpLastPerfCounterHigh, eax jmp LoopPreInt END