/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS user32.dll * FILE: dll/win32/user32/misc/usrapihk.c * PURPOSE: User32.dll User32 Api Hook interface and support functions * PROGRAMMER: * * * * Information: * http://www.reactos.org/wiki/RegisterUserApiHook * */ #include #include WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(user32); BOOL WINAPI RealAdjustWindowRectEx(LPRECT,DWORD,BOOL,DWORD); LRESULT WINAPI RealDefWindowProcA(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); LRESULT WINAPI RealDefWindowProcW(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); BOOL WINAPI RealDrawFrameControl(HDC,LPRECT,UINT,UINT); BOOL WINAPI RealGetScrollInfo(HWND,INT,LPSCROLLINFO); int WINAPI RealGetSystemMetrics(int); BOOL WINAPI RealMDIRedrawFrame(HWND,DWORD); INT WINAPI RealSetScrollInfo(HWND,int,LPCSCROLLINFO,BOOL); BOOL WINAPI RealSystemParametersInfoA(UINT,UINT,PVOID,UINT); BOOL WINAPI RealSystemParametersInfoW(UINT,UINT,PVOID,UINT); /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ DWORD gcLoadUserApiHook = 0; LONG gcCallUserApiHook = 0; DWORD gfUserApiHook; HINSTANCE ghmodUserApiHook = NULL; USERAPIHOOKPROC gpfnInitUserApi; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION gcsUserApiHook; // API Hooked Message group bitmaps BYTE grgbDwpLiteHookMsg[128]; BYTE grgbWndLiteHookMsg[128]; BYTE grgbDlgLiteHookMsg[128]; /* INTERNAL ******************************************************************/ /* Pre and Post Message handler stub. */ LRESULT WINAPI DefaultOWP(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, ULONG_PTR lResult, PDWORD pData) { return 0; } /* Check for API Hooked Message Overrides. Using message bitmapping.. One bit corresponds to one message number. */ BOOL FASTCALL IsMsgOverride( UINT Msg, PUAHOWP puaowpOverride) { UINT nMsg = Msg / 8; // Group Indexed, (Msg 1024) / 8 = (0 -> 127) bytes Max if ( puaowpOverride && nMsg < puaowpOverride->Size ) { return (puaowpOverride->MsgBitArray[nMsg] & (1 << (Msg & WM_SETFOCUS))); } return FALSE; } VOID FASTCALL CopyMsgMask(PUAHOWP Dest, PUAHOWP Src, PVOID hkmsg, DWORD Size) { DWORD nSize; if ( Src && Src->Size > 0 ) { Dest->MsgBitArray = hkmsg; nSize = Src->Size; if ( Size < nSize) nSize = Size; Dest->Size = nSize; RtlCopyMemory(Dest->MsgBitArray, Src->MsgBitArray, nSize); return; } Dest->MsgBitArray = NULL; Dest->Size = 0; return; } BOOL FASTCALL IsInsideUserApiHook(VOID) { if ( ghmodUserApiHook && gfUserApiHook ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL BeginIfHookedUserApiHook(VOID) { InterlockedIncrement(&gcCallUserApiHook); if (IsInsideUserApiHook()) return TRUE; InterlockedDecrement(&gcCallUserApiHook); return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL ForceResetUserApiHook(HINSTANCE hInstance) { if ( ghmodUserApiHook == hInstance && RtlIsThreadWithinLoaderCallout() ) { ResetUserApiHook(&guah); gpfnInitUserApi = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } VOID FASTCALL ResetUserApiHook(PUSERAPIHOOK puah) { // Setup Structure..... puah->size = sizeof(USERAPIHOOK); puah->DefWindowProcA = (WNDPROC)RealDefWindowProcA; puah->DefWindowProcW = (WNDPROC)RealDefWindowProcW; puah->DefWndProcArray.MsgBitArray = NULL; puah->DefWndProcArray.Size = 0; puah->GetScrollInfo = (FARPROC)RealGetScrollInfo; puah->SetScrollInfo = (FARPROC)RealSetScrollInfo; puah->EnableScrollBar = (FARPROC)NtUserEnableScrollBar; puah->AdjustWindowRectEx = (FARPROC)RealAdjustWindowRectEx; puah->SetWindowRgn = (FARPROC)NtUserSetWindowRgn; puah->PreWndProc = (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP; puah->PostWndProc = (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP; puah->WndProcArray.MsgBitArray = NULL; puah->WndProcArray.Size = 0; puah->PreDefDlgProc = (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP; puah->PostDefDlgProc = (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP; puah->DlgProcArray.MsgBitArray = NULL; puah->DlgProcArray.Size = 0; puah->GetSystemMetrics = (FARPROC)RealGetSystemMetrics; puah->SystemParametersInfoA = (FARPROC)RealSystemParametersInfoA; puah->SystemParametersInfoW = (FARPROC)RealSystemParametersInfoW; puah->ForceResetUserApiHook = (FARPROC)ForceResetUserApiHook; puah->DrawFrameControl = (FARPROC)RealDrawFrameControl; puah->DrawCaption = (FARPROC)NtUserDrawCaption; puah->MDIRedrawFrame = (FARPROC)RealMDIRedrawFrame; puah->GetRealWindowOwner = (FARPROC)GetRealWindowOwner; } BOOL FASTCALL EndUserApiHook(VOID) { HMODULE hModule; USERAPIHOOKPROC pfn; BOOL Ret = FALSE; if ( !InterlockedDecrement(&gcCallUserApiHook) ) { if ( !gcLoadUserApiHook ) { RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); pfn = gpfnInitUserApi; hModule = ghmodUserApiHook; ghmodUserApiHook = NULL; gpfnInitUserApi = NULL; RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); if ( pfn ) Ret = pfn(uahStop, 0); if ( hModule ) Ret = FreeLibrary(hModule); } } return Ret; } BOOL WINAPI ClearUserApiHook(HINSTANCE hInstance) { HMODULE hModule; USERAPIHOOKPROC pfn = NULL, pfn1 = NULL; RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); hModule = ghmodUserApiHook; if ( ghmodUserApiHook == hInstance ) { pfn1 = gpfnInitUserApi; if ( --gcLoadUserApiHook == 1 ) { gfUserApiHook = 0; ResetUserApiHook(&guah); if ( gcCallUserApiHook ) { hInstance = NULL; pfn1 = NULL; pfn = gpfnInitUserApi; gcLoadUserApiHook = 1; } else { hInstance = hModule; ghmodUserApiHook = NULL; gpfnInitUserApi = NULL; } } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); if ( pfn ) { pfn(uahShutdown, 0); // Shutdown. RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); pfn1 = gpfnInitUserApi; if ( --gcLoadUserApiHook == 1 ) { if ( gcCallUserApiHook ) { hInstance = NULL; pfn1 = NULL; } else { hInstance = ghmodUserApiHook; ghmodUserApiHook = NULL; gpfnInitUserApi = NULL; } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); } if ( pfn1 ) pfn1(uahStop, 0); return hInstance != 0; } BOOL WINAPI InitUserApiHook(HINSTANCE hInstance, USERAPIHOOKPROC pfn) { USERAPIHOOK uah; ResetUserApiHook(&uah); RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); if (!pfn(uahLoadInit,(ULONG_PTR)&uah) || // Swap data, User32 to and Uxtheme from! uah.ForceResetUserApiHook != (FARPROC)ForceResetUserApiHook || uah.size <= 0 ) { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); return FALSE; } if ( ghmodUserApiHook ) { if ( ghmodUserApiHook != hInstance ) { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); pfn(uahStop, 0); return FALSE; } gcLoadUserApiHook++; } else { ghmodUserApiHook = hInstance; // Do not over write GetRealWindowOwner. RtlCopyMemory(&guah, &uah, sizeof(USERAPIHOOK) - sizeof(LONG)); gpfnInitUserApi = pfn; gcLoadUserApiHook = 1; gfUserApiHook = 1; // Copy Message Masks CopyMsgMask(&guah.DefWndProcArray, &uah.DefWndProcArray, &grgbDwpLiteHookMsg, sizeof(grgbDwpLiteHookMsg)); CopyMsgMask(&guah.WndProcArray, &uah.WndProcArray, &grgbWndLiteHookMsg, sizeof(grgbWndLiteHookMsg)); CopyMsgMask(&guah.DlgProcArray, &uah.DlgProcArray, &grgbDlgLiteHookMsg, sizeof(grgbDlgLiteHookMsg)); } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsUserApiHook); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI RealMDIRedrawFrame(HWND hWnd, DWORD flags) { return (BOOL)NtUserCallHwndLock(hWnd, HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_REDRAWFRAME); } BOOL WINAPI MDIRedrawFrame(HWND hWnd, DWORD flags) { BOOL Hook, Ret = FALSE; LOADUSERAPIHOOK Hook = BeginIfHookedUserApiHook(); /* Bypass SEH and go direct. */ if (!Hook) return RealMDIRedrawFrame(hWnd, flags); _SEH2_TRY { Ret = guah.MDIRedrawFrame(hWnd, flags); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } _SEH2_END; EndUserApiHook(); return Ret; } USERAPIHOOK guah = { sizeof(USERAPIHOOK), (WNDPROC)RealDefWindowProcA, (WNDPROC)RealDefWindowProcW, {NULL, 0}, (FARPROC)RealGetScrollInfo, (FARPROC)RealSetScrollInfo, (FARPROC)NtUserEnableScrollBar, (FARPROC)RealAdjustWindowRectEx, (FARPROC)NtUserSetWindowRgn, (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP, (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP, {NULL, 0}, (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP, (WNDPROC_OWP)DefaultOWP, {NULL, 0}, (FARPROC)RealGetSystemMetrics, (FARPROC)RealSystemParametersInfoA, (FARPROC)RealSystemParametersInfoW, (FARPROC)ForceResetUserApiHook, (FARPROC)RealDrawFrameControl, (FARPROC)NtUserDrawCaption, (FARPROC)RealMDIRedrawFrame, (FARPROC)GetRealWindowOwner, }; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI RegisterUserApiHook(PUSERAPIHOOKINFO puah) { UNICODE_STRING m_dllname1; UNICODE_STRING m_funname1; if (puah->m_size == sizeof(USERAPIHOOKINFO)) { WARN("RegisterUserApiHook: %S and %S",puah->m_dllname1, puah->m_funname1); RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_dllname1, puah->m_dllname1); RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_funname1, puah->m_funname1); return NtUserRegisterUserApiHook( &m_dllname1, &m_funname1, 0, 0); } return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI UnregisterUserApiHook(VOID) { // Direct call to Win32k! Here only as a prototype..... UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; }