/* * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/consrv/popup.c * PURPOSE: Console popup windows * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) * * NOTE: Strongly inspired by the DrawBox function * from base/setup/usetup/interface/usetup.c, written by: * Eric Kohl (revision 3753) * Hervé Poussineau (revision 24718) * and *UiDisplayMenu from FreeLdr. */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "consrv.h" #include "popup.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer, IN CODE_TYPE CodeType, IN CODE_ELEMENT Code, IN ULONG NumCodesToWrite, IN PCOORD WriteCoord, OUT PULONG NumCodesWritten OPTIONAL); NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvReadConsoleOutput(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer, IN BOOLEAN Unicode, OUT PCHAR_INFO CharInfo/*Buffer*/, IN OUT PSMALL_RECT ReadRegion); NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvWriteConsoleOutput(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer, IN BOOLEAN Unicode, IN PCHAR_INFO CharInfo/*Buffer*/, IN OUT PSMALL_RECT WriteRegion); static VOID DrawBox(PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer, IN SHORT xLeft, IN SHORT yTop, IN SHORT Width, IN SHORT Height) { COORD coPos; DWORD Written; CODE_ELEMENT Code; /* Set screen attributes */ coPos.X = xLeft; for (coPos.Y = yTop; coPos.Y < yTop + Height; coPos.Y++) { Code.Attribute = Buffer->PopupDefaultAttrib; ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ATTRIBUTE, Code, Width, &coPos, &Written); } /* draw upper left corner */ coPos.X = xLeft; coPos.Y = yTop; Code.AsciiChar = 0xDA; // '+' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); /* draw upper edge */ coPos.X = xLeft + 1; coPos.Y = yTop; Code.AsciiChar = 0xC4; // '-' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, Width - 2, &coPos, &Written); /* draw upper right corner */ coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; coPos.Y = yTop; Code.AsciiChar = 0xBF; // '+' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); /* Draw right edge, inner space and left edge */ for (coPos.Y = yTop + 1; coPos.Y < yTop + Height - 1; coPos.Y++) { coPos.X = xLeft; Code.AsciiChar = 0xB3; // '|' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + 1; Code.AsciiChar = ' '; ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, Width - 2, &coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; Code.AsciiChar = 0xB3; // '|' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); } /* draw lower left corner */ coPos.X = xLeft; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; Code.AsciiChar = 0xC0; // '+' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); /* draw lower edge */ coPos.X = xLeft + 1; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; Code.AsciiChar = 0xC4; // '-' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, Width - 2, &coPos, &Written); /* draw lower right corner */ coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; Code.AsciiChar = 0xD9; // '+' ConDrvFillConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, CODE_ASCII, Code, 1, &coPos, &Written); } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ PPOPUP_WINDOW CreatePopupWindow(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer, SHORT xLeft, SHORT yTop, SHORT Width, SHORT Height) { PPOPUP_WINDOW Popup; SMALL_RECT Region; ASSERT((PCONSOLE)Console == Buffer->Header.Console); /* Create the popup window */ Popup = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*Popup)); if (Popup == NULL) return NULL; Popup->ScreenBuffer = Buffer; Popup->Origin.X = xLeft; Popup->Origin.Y = yTop; Popup->Size.X = Width; Popup->Size.Y = Height; /* Save old contents */ Popup->OldContents = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Popup->Size.X * Popup->Size.Y * sizeof(*Popup->OldContents)); if (Popup->OldContents == NULL) { ConsoleFreeHeap(Popup); return NULL; } Region.Left = Popup->Origin.X; Region.Top = Popup->Origin.Y; Region.Right = Popup->Origin.X + Popup->Size.X - 1; Region.Bottom = Popup->Origin.Y + Popup->Size.Y - 1; ConDrvReadConsoleOutput(Buffer->Header.Console, Buffer, TRUE, Popup->OldContents, &Region); /* Draw it */ DrawBox(Buffer, xLeft, yTop, Width, Height); /* Add it into the list of popups */ InsertTailList(&Console->PopupWindows, &Popup->ListEntry); return Popup; } VOID DestroyPopupWindow(PPOPUP_WINDOW Popup) { SMALL_RECT Region; if (Popup == NULL) return; /* Remove it from the list of popups */ RemoveEntryList(&Popup->ListEntry); /* Restore the old screen-buffer contents */ Region.Left = Popup->Origin.X; Region.Top = Popup->Origin.Y; Region.Right = Popup->Origin.X + Popup->Size.X - 1; Region.Bottom = Popup->Origin.Y + Popup->Size.Y - 1; ConDrvWriteConsoleOutput(Popup->ScreenBuffer->Header.Console, Popup->ScreenBuffer, TRUE, Popup->OldContents, &Region); /* Free memory */ ConsoleFreeHeap(Popup->OldContents); ConsoleFreeHeap(Popup); } /* EOF */