/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxUsbDeviceUm.cpp Abstract: Author: Environment: User mode only Revision History: --*/ extern "C" { #include } #include "fxusbpch.hpp" extern "C" { #include "FxUsbDeviceUm.tmh" } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::SendSyncRequest( __in FxSyncRequest* Request, __in ULONGLONG Time ) { NTSTATUS status; WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS options; WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_INIT(&options, 0); WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_SET_TIMEOUT(&options, WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC(Time)); status = SubmitSync(Request->m_TrueRequest, &options); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "FxUsbDevice SubmitSync failed"); goto Done; } Done: return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::SendSyncUmUrb( __inout PUMURB Urb, __in ULONGLONG Time, __in_opt WDFREQUEST Request, __in_opt PWDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS Options ) { NTSTATUS status; WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS options; FxSyncRequest request(GetDriverGlobals(), NULL, Request); status = request.Initialize(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Failed to initialize FxSyncRequest"); return status; } if (NULL == Options) { Options = &options; } WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_INIT(Options, 0); WDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS_SET_TIMEOUT(Options, WDF_REL_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC(Time)); status = request.m_TrueRequest->ValidateTarget(this); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { FxUsbUmFormatRequest(request.m_TrueRequest, &Urb->UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile); status = SubmitSync(request.m_TrueRequest, Options); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "FxUsbDevice SubmitSync failed"); return status; } } return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::InitDevice( __in ULONG USBDClientContractVersionForWdfClient ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IWudfDevice* device = NULL; IWudfDeviceStack2* devstack2 = NULL; UMURB urb; USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR config; USHORT wTotalLength = 0; FxRequestBuffer buf; FxUsbDeviceControlContext context(FxUrbTypeLegacy); WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET setupPacket; USHORT deviceStatus = 0; UCHAR deviceSpeed = 0; FxSyncRequest request(GetDriverGlobals(), NULL); FxSyncRequest request2(GetDriverGlobals(), &context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(USBDClientContractVersionForWdfClient); status = request.Initialize(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Failed to initialize FxSyncRequest"); goto Done; } status = request2.Initialize(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Failed to initialize second FxSyncRequest"); goto Done; } status = request.m_TrueRequest->ValidateTarget(this); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Failed to validate FxSyncRequest target"); goto Done; } status = request2.m_TrueRequest->ValidateTarget(this); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Failed to validate second FxSyncRequest target"); goto Done; } RtlZeroMemory(&urb, sizeof(urb)); device = m_DeviceBase->GetDeviceObject(); devstack2 = m_Device->GetDeviceStack2(); if (m_pHostTargetFile == NULL) { // // Opens a handle on the reflector for USB side-band communication // based on the currently selected dispatcher type. // hr = devstack2->OpenUSBCommunicationChannel(device, device->GetAttachedDevice(), &m_pHostTargetFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_WinUsbHandle = (WINUSB_INTERFACE_HANDLE)m_pHostTargetFile->GetCreateContext(); } } // // Get USB device descriptor // FxUsbUmInitDescriptorUrb(&urb, m_WinUsbHandle, USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, sizeof(m_DeviceDescriptor), &m_DeviceDescriptor); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(request.m_TrueRequest, &urb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile, TRUE); status = SendSyncRequest(&request, 5); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } // // Get USB configuration descriptor // FxUsbUmInitDescriptorUrb(&urb, m_WinUsbHandle, USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, sizeof(config), &config); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(request.m_TrueRequest, &urb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile, TRUE); status = SendSyncRequest(&request, 5); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } if (config.wTotalLength < sizeof(USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR)) { // // Not enough info returned // status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Could not retrieve config descriptor size, config.wTotalLength %d < " "sizeof(config descriptor) (%d), %!STATUS!", config.wTotalLength, sizeof(USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR), status); goto Done; } wTotalLength = config.wTotalLength; m_ConfigDescriptor = (PUSB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR) FxPoolAllocate(GetDriverGlobals(), NonPagedPool, wTotalLength); if (NULL == m_ConfigDescriptor) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Could not allocate %d bytes for config descriptor, %!STATUS!", sizeof(USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR), status); goto Done; } // // Get USB configuration descriptor and subsequent interface descriptors, etc. // FxUsbUmInitDescriptorUrb(&urb, m_WinUsbHandle, USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, wTotalLength, m_ConfigDescriptor); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(request.m_TrueRequest, &urb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile, TRUE); status = SendSyncRequest(&request, 5); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } else if (m_ConfigDescriptor->wTotalLength != wTotalLength) { // // Invalid wTotalLength // status = STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Defective USB device reported two different config descriptor " "wTotalLength values: %d and %d, %!STATUS!", wTotalLength, m_ConfigDescriptor->wTotalLength, status); goto Done; } m_NumInterfaces = m_ConfigDescriptor->bNumInterfaces; // // Check to see if we are wait wake capable // if (m_ConfigDescriptor->bmAttributes & USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP) { m_Traits |= WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAIT_REMOTE_WAKE_CAPABLE; } // // Get the device status to check if device is self-powered. // WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_STATUS(&setupPacket, BmRequestToDevice, 0); // Device status buf.SetBuffer(&deviceStatus, sizeof(USHORT)); status = FormatControlRequest(request2.m_TrueRequest, &setupPacket, &buf); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } status = SendSyncRequest(&request2, 5); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } if (deviceStatus & USB_GETSTATUS_SELF_POWERED) { m_Traits |= WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAIT_SELF_POWERED; } // // Get device speed information. // FxUsbUmInitInformationUrb(&urb, m_WinUsbHandle, sizeof(UCHAR), &deviceSpeed); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(request.m_TrueRequest, &urb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile, TRUE); status = SendSyncRequest(&request, 5); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } if (deviceSpeed == 3) { m_Traits |= WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAIT_AT_HIGH_SPEED; } // // User-mode events must be initialized manually. // status = m_InterfaceIterationLock.Initialize(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } Done: return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::GetString( __in_ecount(*NumCharacters) PUSHORT String, __in PUSHORT NumCharacters, __in UCHAR StringIndex, __in_opt USHORT LangID, __in_opt WDFREQUEST Request, __in_opt PWDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS Options ) { UMURB urb; PUSB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR pDescriptor; PVOID buffer = NULL; USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR common; ULONG length; NTSTATUS status; if (String != NULL) { length = sizeof(USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR) + (*NumCharacters - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); buffer = FxPoolAllocate(GetDriverGlobals(), NonPagedPool, length); if (buffer == NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Done; } RtlZeroMemory(buffer, length); pDescriptor = (PUSB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR) buffer; } else { RtlZeroMemory(&common, sizeof(common)); length = sizeof(USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR); pDescriptor = (PUSB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR) &common; } FxUsbUmInitDescriptorUrb(&urb, m_WinUsbHandle, USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, length, pDescriptor); urb.UmUrbDescriptorRequest.Index = StringIndex; urb.UmUrbDescriptorRequest.LanguageID = LangID; status = SendSyncUmUrb(&urb, 2, Request, Options); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { USHORT numChars; // // Make sure we got an even number of bytes and that we got a header // if ((pDescriptor->bLength & 0x1) || pDescriptor->bLength < sizeof(USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR)) { status = STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR; } else { // // bLength is the length of the entire descriptor. Subtract off // the descriptor header and then divide by the size of a WCHAR. // numChars = (pDescriptor->bLength - sizeof(USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR)) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (String != NULL) { if (*NumCharacters >= numChars) { length = numChars * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { length = *NumCharacters * sizeof(WCHAR); status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *NumCharacters = numChars; RtlCopyMemory(String, pDescriptor->bString, length); } else { *NumCharacters = numChars; } } } if (buffer != NULL) { FxPoolFree(buffer); } Done: return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::FormatStringRequest( __in FxRequestBase* Request, __in FxRequestBuffer *RequestBuffer, __in UCHAR StringIndex, __in USHORT LangID ) /*++ Routine Description: Formats a request to retrieve a string from a string descriptor Arguments: Request - request to format RequestBuffer - Buffer to be filled in when the request has completed StringIndex - index of the string LandID - language ID of the string to be retrieved Return Value: NTSTATUS --*/ { NTSTATUS status; FxUsbDeviceStringContext* pContext; status = Request->ValidateTarget(this); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p, Request %p, setting target failed, " "%!STATUS!", GetHandle(), Request, status); return status; } if (Request->HasContextType(FX_RCT_USB_STRING_REQUEST)) { pContext = (FxUsbDeviceStringContext*) Request->GetContext(); } else { pContext = new(GetDriverGlobals()) FxUsbDeviceStringContext(FxUrbTypeLegacy); if (pContext == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Request->SetContext(pContext); } FxUsbUmInitDescriptorUrb(&pContext->m_UmUrb, m_WinUsbHandle, USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0, NULL); status = pContext->AllocateDescriptor(GetDriverGlobals(), RequestBuffer->GetBufferLength()); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } pContext->StoreAndReferenceMemory(RequestBuffer); pContext->SetUrbInfo(StringIndex, LangID); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(Request, &pContext->m_UmUrb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::FormatControlRequest( __in FxRequestBase* Request, __in PWDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket, __in FxRequestBuffer *RequestBuffer ) { FxUsbDeviceControlContext* pContext; NTSTATUS status; size_t bufferSize; bufferSize = RequestBuffer->GetBufferLength(); // // We can only transfer 2 bytes worth of data, so if the buffer is larger, // fail here. // if (bufferSize > 0xFFFF) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "Control transfer buffer is limited to 0xFFFF bytes in size, " "%I64d requested ", bufferSize); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } status = Request->ValidateTarget(this); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage(GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p, Request %p, setting target failed, " "%!STATUS!", GetHandle(), Request, status); return status; } if (Request->HasContextType(FX_RCT_USB_CONTROL_REQUEST)) { pContext = (FxUsbDeviceControlContext*) Request->GetContext(); } else { pContext = new(GetDriverGlobals()) FxUsbDeviceControlContext(FxUrbTypeLegacy); if (pContext == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Request->SetContext(pContext); } FxUsbUmInitControlTransferUrb(&pContext->m_UmUrb, m_WinUsbHandle, 0, NULL); pContext->StoreAndReferenceMemory(this, RequestBuffer, SetupPacket); FxUsbUmFormatRequest(Request, &pContext->m_UmUrb.UmUrbHeader, m_pHostTargetFile); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID FxUsbDeviceControlContext::StoreAndReferenceMemory( __in FxUsbDevice* Device, __in FxRequestBuffer* Buffer, __in PWDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket ) { SetUsbType(WdfUsbRequestTypeDeviceControlTransfer); __super::StoreAndReferenceMemory(Buffer); // // Convert WDF_USB_CONTROL_SETUP_PACKET to WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET // m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.SetupPacket.RequestType = SetupPacket->Packet.bm.Byte; m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.SetupPacket.Request = SetupPacket->Packet.bRequest; m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.SetupPacket.Value = SetupPacket->Packet.wValue.Value; m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.SetupPacket.Index = SetupPacket->Packet.wIndex.Value; // // Set the TransferBuffer values using what is stored in the Buffer // Buffer->AssignValues(&m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.TransferBuffer, NULL, &m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.TransferBufferLength); m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.SetupPacket.Length = (USHORT)m_UmUrb.UmUrbControlTransfer.TransferBufferLength; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::QueryUsbCapability( __in CONST GUID* CapabilityType, __in ULONG CapabilityBufferLength, __drv_when(CapabilityBufferLength == 0, __out_opt) __drv_when(CapabilityBufferLength != 0 && ResultLength == NULL, __out_bcount(CapabilityBufferLength)) __drv_when(CapabilityBufferLength != 0 && ResultLength != NULL, __out_bcount_part_opt(CapabilityBufferLength, *ResultLength)) PVOID CapabilityBuffer, __out_opt __drv_when(ResultLength != NULL,__deref_out_range(<=,CapabilityBufferLength)) PULONG ResultLength ) { NTSTATUS status; if (ResultLength != NULL) { *ResultLength = 0; } // // We cannot send an actual query to the USB stack through winusb. // However, we have the information to handle this query. It is not // ideal to implement this API in this manner because we are making // assumptions about the behavior of USB stack that can change in future. // However, it is too late in the OS cycle to implement a correct solution. // The ideal way is for winusb to expose this information. We should // revisit this API in blue+1 // if (RtlCompareMemory(CapabilityType, &GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_HIGH_SPEED_COMPATIBLE, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID)) { if (m_Traits & WDF_USB_DEVICE_TRAIT_AT_HIGH_SPEED) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else if (RtlCompareMemory(CapabilityType, &GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_DEVICE_CONNECTION_SUPER_SPEED_COMPATIBLE, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID)) { if (m_DeviceDescriptor.bcdUSB >= 0x300) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else if (RtlCompareMemory(CapabilityType, &GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID)) { // // Both EHCI as well as XHCI stack support selective suspend. // Since XHCI UCX interface is not open, there aren't any // third party controller drivers to worry about. This can // of course change in future // status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (RtlCompareMemory(CapabilityType, &GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_FUNCTION_SUSPEND, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID)) { // // Note that a SuperSpeed device will report a bcdUSB of 2.1 // when working on a 2.0 port. Therefore a bcdUSB of 3.0 also // indicates that the device is actually working on 3.0, in // which case we always support function suspend // if (m_DeviceDescriptor.bcdUSB >= 0x300) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else { // // We do not support chained MDLs or streams for a UMDF driver // GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_CHAINED_MDLS // GUID_USB_CAPABILITY_STATIC_STREAMS // status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::SelectConfigSingle( __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PipeAttributes, __in PWDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS Params ) /*++ Routine Description: Since the device is already configured, all this routine does is to make sure the alternate setting 0 is selected, in case the client driver selected some other alternate setting after the initial configuration Arguments: Return Value: NTSTATUS --*/ { NTSTATUS status; RtlZeroMemory(&Params->Types.SingleInterface, sizeof(Params->Types.SingleInterface)); if (m_NumInterfaces > 1) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p cannot be auto configured for a single interface " "since there are %d interfaces on the device, %!STATUS!", GetHandle(), m_NumInterfaces, status); return status; } // // Use AlternateSetting 0 by default // if (m_Interfaces[0]->GetSettingDescriptor(0) == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p could not retrieve AlternateSetting 0 for " "bInterfaceNumber %d", GetHandle(), m_Interfaces[0]->m_InterfaceNumber); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } status = m_Interfaces[0]->CheckAndSelectSettingByIndex(0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p set AlternateSetting 0 for interface 0" "failed, %!STATUS!", GetHandle(), status); return status; } if (PipeAttributes) { status = m_Interfaces[0]->UpdatePipeAttributes(PipeAttributes); } Params->Types.SingleInterface.ConfiguredUsbInterface = m_Interfaces[0]->GetHandle(); Params->Types.SingleInterface.NumberConfiguredPipes = m_Interfaces[0]->GetNumConfiguredPipes(); return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::SelectConfigMulti( __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PipeAttributes, __in PWDF_USB_DEVICE_SELECT_CONFIG_PARAMS Params ) /*++ Routine Description: Since the device is already configured, all this routine does is to make sure the alternate setting 0 is selected for all interfaces, in case the client driver selected some other alternate setting after the initial configuration Arguments: PipeAttributes - Should be NULL Params - Return Value: NTSTATUS --*/ { FxUsbInterface * pUsbInterface; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR i; PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS pFxDriverGlobals; pFxDriverGlobals = GetDriverGlobals(); Params->Types.MultiInterface.NumberOfConfiguredInterfaces = 0; if (Params->Type == WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfigTypeMultiInterface) { for (i = 0; i < m_NumInterfaces; i++) { if (m_Interfaces[i]->GetSettingDescriptor(0) == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p could not retrieve AlternateSetting 0 for " "bInterfaceNumber %d", GetHandle(), m_Interfaces[i]->m_InterfaceNumber); status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; } status = m_Interfaces[i]->CheckAndSelectSettingByIndex(0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p set AlternateSetting 0 for bInterfaceNumber %d" "failed, %!STATUS!", GetHandle(), m_Interfaces[i]->m_InterfaceNumber, status); goto Done; } if (PipeAttributes) { status = m_Interfaces[i]->UpdatePipeAttributes(PipeAttributes); } } } else { // // Type is WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfigTypeInterfacesPairs // UCHAR interfacePairsNum = 0; UCHAR bitArray[UCHAR_MAX/sizeof(UCHAR)]; // // initialize the bit array // RtlZeroMemory(bitArray, sizeof(bitArray)); // // Build a list of descriptors from the Setting pairs // passed in by the user. There could be interfaces not // covered in the setting/interface pairs array passed. // If that is the case return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER // for (i = 0; i < Params->Types.MultiInterface.NumberInterfaces ; i++) { PWDF_USB_INTERFACE_SETTING_PAIR settingPair; UCHAR interfaceNumber; UCHAR altSettingIndex; settingPair = &Params->Types.MultiInterface.Pairs[i]; FxObjectHandleGetPtr(GetDriverGlobals(), settingPair->UsbInterface, FX_TYPE_USB_INTERFACE , (PVOID*) &pUsbInterface); interfaceNumber = pUsbInterface->GetInterfaceNumber(); altSettingIndex = settingPair->SettingIndex; // // do the following only if the bit is not already set // if (FxBitArraySet(&bitArray[0], interfaceNumber) == FALSE) { if (pUsbInterface->GetSettingDescriptor(altSettingIndex) == NULL) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p could not retrieve " "AlternateSetting %d for " "bInterfaceNumber %d, returning %!STATUS!", GetHandle(), altSettingIndex, interfaceNumber, status); goto Done; } interfacePairsNum++; // // Ensure alternate setting 0 is selected // status = pUsbInterface->CheckAndSelectSettingByIndex( settingPair->SettingIndex); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p set AlternateSetting %d for bInterfaceNumber %d" "failed, %!STATUS!", GetHandle(), altSettingIndex, m_Interfaces[i]->m_InterfaceNumber, status); goto Done; } if (PipeAttributes) { status = pUsbInterface->UpdatePipeAttributes(PipeAttributes); } } } if (m_NumInterfaces > interfacePairsNum) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGIOTARGET, "WDFUSBDEVICE %p interface pairs set (%d) is not equal to actual " "# of interfaces (%d) reported by the device, %!STATUS!", GetObjectHandle(), interfacePairsNum, m_NumInterfaces, status); goto Done; } } //WdfUsbTargetDeviceSelectConfigTypeInterfacesPairs status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Params->Types.MultiInterface.NumberOfConfiguredInterfaces = m_NumInterfaces; Done: return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::Reset( VOID ) { UMURB urb; NTSTATUS status; RtlZeroMemory(&urb, sizeof(UMURB)); urb.UmUrbSelectInterface.Hdr.Function = UMURB_FUNCTION_RESET_PORT; urb.UmUrbSelectInterface.Hdr.Length = sizeof(_UMURB_HEADER); status = SendSyncUmUrb(&urb, 2); return status; }