/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation ModuleName: MxGeneralUm.cpp Abstract: Implementation of MxGeneralUm functions. Author: Revision History: --*/ #include "Mx.h" #include #include "fxmin.hpp" extern "C" IUMDFPlatform *g_IUMDFPlatform; VOID Mx::MxDbgPrint( __drv_formatString(printf) __in PCSTR DebugMessage, ... ) { #if DBG #define TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 va_list list; CHAR debugMessageBuffer[TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE]; HRESULT hr; va_start(list, DebugMessage); if (DebugMessage) { // // Using new safe string functions instead of _vsnprintf. // This function takes care of NULL terminating if the message // is longer than the buffer. // hr = StringCbVPrintfA( debugMessageBuffer, sizeof(debugMessageBuffer), DebugMessage, list ); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { OutputDebugStringA("WDF DbgPrint: Unable to expand: "); OutputDebugStringA(DebugMessage); } else { OutputDebugStringA(debugMessageBuffer); } } va_end(list); #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DebugMessage); #endif return; } VOID Mx::MxBugCheckEx( _In_ ULONG BugCheckCode, _In_ ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter1, _In_ ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter2, _In_ ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter3, _In_ ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter4 ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BugCheckParameter1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BugCheckParameter2); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BugCheckParameter3); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BugCheckParameter4); FX_VERIFY(DRIVER(BadAction, BugCheckCode), TRAPMSG("UMDF verification " "faults should not call this code path")); } VOID Mx::MxGlobalInit( VOID ) { // // Currently just a placeholder. If there is any global initialization // needed for the user-mode primitives, it can be done here. // } VOID Mx::MxDetachDevice( _Inout_ MdDeviceObject Device ) { HRESULT hrDetachDev = Device->GetDeviceStackInterface()->DetachDevice(Device); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hrDetachDev); }