/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Module Name: PnpStateMachineUm.cpp Abstract: This module implements the PnP state machine for the driver framework. This code was split out from FxPkgPnp.cpp. Author: Environment: User mode only Revision History: --*/ #include "..\pnppriv.hpp" extern "C" { #if defined(EVENT_TRACING) #include "PnpStateMachineUM.tmh" #endif } BOOLEAN FxPkgPnp::PnpCheckAndIncrementRestartCount( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This is a mode-dependent wrapper for PnpIncrementRestartCountLogic, which determines if this device should ask the bus driver to reenumerate the device. Please refer to PnpIncrementRestartCountLogic's comment block for more information. Arguments: None Return Value: TRUE if a restart should be requested. --*/ { HRESULT hr; FxAutoRegKey restart; FxDevice* device; IWudfDeviceStack* deviceStack; UMINT::WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT propertyStore; UMINT::WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_DISPOSITION disposition; device = GetDevice(); deviceStack = device->GetDeviceStack(); propertyStore.LengthCb = sizeof(UMINT::WDF_PROPERTY_STORE_ROOT); propertyStore.RootClass = UMINT::WdfPropertyStoreRootClassHardwareKey; propertyStore.Qualifier.HardwareKey.ServiceName = L"WudfDiagnostics"; hr = deviceStack->CreateRegistryEntry(&propertyStore, UMINT::WdfPropertyStoreCreateVolatile, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, L"Restart", (HKEY*)&restart.m_Key, &disposition); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } return PnpIncrementRestartCountLogic(restart.m_Key, disposition == UMINT::CreatedNewStore); } BOOLEAN FxPkgPnp::ShouldProcessPnpEventOnDifferentThread( __in KIRQL CurrentIrql, __in BOOLEAN CallerSpecifiedProcessingOnDifferentThread ) /*++ Routine Description: This function returns whether the PnP state machine should process the current event on the same thread or on a different one. This function has been added to work around a bug in the state machines. The idle state machine always calls PnpProcessEvent with the idle state machine lock held. Some events sent by the idle state machine can cause the Pnp state machine to invoke FxPowerIdleMachine::IoDecrement(). FxPowerIdleMachine::IoDecrement() will try to acquire the idle state machine lock, which is already being held, so it will result in a recursive acquire of the idle state machine lock. The above bug only affects UMDF, but not KMDF. In KMDF, the idle state machine lock is a spinlock. When PnpProcessEvent is called, it is called with the spinlock held and hence at dispatch level. Note that if called at a non-passive IRQL, PnpProcessEvent will always queue a work item to process the event at passive IRQL later. Queuing a work item forces processing to happen on a different thread and hence we don't attempt to recursively acquire the spinlock. On the other hand, with UMDF we are always at passive IRQL and hence we process the event on the same thread and run into the recursive acquire problem. Arguments: CurrentIrql - The current IRQL CallerSpecifiedProcessingOnDifferentThread - Whether or not caller of PnpProcessEvent specified that the event be processed on a different thread. Returns: TRUE if the PnP state machine should process the event on a different thread. FALSE if the PnP state machine should process the event on the same thread --*/ { // // For UMDF, we ignore the IRQL and just do what the caller of // PnpProcessEvent wants. // UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(CurrentIrql); return CallerSpecifiedProcessingOnDifferentThread; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxPkgPnp::CreatePowerThreadIfNeeded( VOID ) /*++ Routine description: If needed, creates a thread for processing power IRPs Arguments: None Return value: An NTSTATUS code indicating success or failure of this function --*/ { // // For UMDF, we never need a power thread, so just return success. // return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS FxPkgPnp::PnpPrepareHardwareInternal( VOID ) { // // Update maximum interrupt thread count now that we know how many // total interrupts we have. // return GetDevice()->UpdateInterruptThreadpoolLimits(); }