/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxVerifier.cpp Abstract: This is the main driver framework verifier Environment: kernel/user mode Revision History: Made it mode agnostic --*/ #ifndef _FXVERIFIER_H_ #define _FXVERIFIER_H_ extern "C" { #if defined(EVENT_TRACING) #include "FxVerifier.h.tmh" #endif } enum FxEnhancedVerifierBitFlags { // // low 2 bytes are used for function table Hooking // FxEnhancedVerifierCallbackIrqlAndCRCheck = 0x00000001, // // Lower nibble of 3rd byte for forward progress // FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressFailAll = 0x00010000, FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressFailRandom = 0x00020000, // // bit masks // FxEnhancedVerifierFunctionTableHookMask = 0x0000ffff, FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressMask = 0x000f0000, // // higher nibble of 3rd byte for performance analysis // FxEnhancedVerifierPerformanceAnalysisMask = 0x00f00000, }; #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_USER_MODE) #define FxVerifierBugCheck(FxDriverGlobals, Error, ...) \ FX_VERIFY_WITH_NAME(DRIVER(BadAction, Error), \ TRAPMSG("WDF Violation: Please check" \ "tracelog for a description of this error"), \ FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName) #else #define FxVerifierBugCheck(FxDriverGlobals, ...) \ FxVerifierBugCheckWorker(FxDriverGlobals, __VA_ARGS__); #endif // // FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint and FxVerifierBreakOnDeviceStateError are mapped // to FX_VERIFY in UMDF and break regardless of any flags // __inline VOID FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { #if FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE CHAR ext[] = "sys"; #else CHAR ext[] = "dll"; #endif Mx::MxDbgPrint("WDF detected potentially invalid operation by %s.%s " "Dump the driver log (!wdflogdump %s.%s) for more information.\n", FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext, FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext ); if (FxDriverGlobals->FxVerifierDbgBreakOnError) { Mx::MxDbgBreakPoint(); } else { Mx::MxDbgPrint("Turn on framework verifier for %s.%s to automatically " "break into the debugger next time it happens.\n", FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext); } } __inline VOID FxVerifierBreakOnDeviceStateError( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { #if FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE CHAR ext[] = "sys"; #else CHAR ext[] = "dll"; #endif Mx::MxDbgPrint("WDF detected potentially invalid device state in %s.%s. " "Dump the driver log (!wdflogdump %s.$s) for more information.\n", FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext, FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext); if (FxDriverGlobals->FxVerifierDbgBreakOnDeviceStateError) { Mx::MxDbgBreakPoint(); } else { Mx::MxDbgPrint("Turn on framework verifier for %s.%s to automatically " "break into the debugger next time it happens.\n", FxDriverGlobals->Public.DriverName, ext); } } __inline BOOLEAN IsFxVerifierFunctionTableHooking( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { if (FxDriverGlobals->FxEnhancedVerifierOptions & FxEnhancedVerifierFunctionTableHookMask) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } VOID __declspec(noreturn) FxVerifierBugCheckWorker( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in WDF_BUGCHECK_CODES WdfBugCheckCode, __in_opt ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter2 = 0, __in_opt ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter3 = 0 ); VOID __declspec(noreturn) FxVerifierNullBugCheck( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in PVOID ReturnAddress ); __inline NTSTATUS FxVerifierCheckIrqlLevel( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in KIRQL Irql ) /*++ Routine Description: Check that current IRQL matches expected IRQL. Arguments: Irql - The expected IRQL Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS if expected IRQL matches current IRQL. STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST if expected IRQL does not match current IRQL. --*/ { // // Full treatment only if VerifierOn is set. // if (FxDriverGlobals->FxVerifierOn) { KIRQL currentIrql = Mx::MxGetCurrentIrql(); if (currentIrql <= Irql) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } DoTraceLevelMessage(FxDriverGlobals, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, TRACINGDEVICE, "Called at wrong IRQL; at level %d, should be " "at level %d", currentIrql, Irql); FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint(FxDriverGlobals); return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } // // If Verifier is turned off, always return success. // return STATUS_SUCCESS; } __inline BOOLEAN IsFxVerifierTestForwardProgressFailAll( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { if (FxDriverGlobals->FxEnhancedVerifierOptions & FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressFailAll) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } __inline BOOLEAN IsFxVerifierTestForwardProgressFailRandom( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { if (FxDriverGlobals->FxEnhancedVerifierOptions & FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressFailRandom) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } __inline BOOLEAN IsFxVerifierTestForwardProgress( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { if (FxDriverGlobals->FxEnhancedVerifierOptions & FxEnhancedVerifierForwardProgressMask) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } __inline BOOLEAN IsFxPerformanceAnalysis( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) { if (FxDriverGlobals->FxEnhancedVerifierOptions & FxEnhancedVerifierPerformanceAnalysisMask) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } #endif // _FXVERIFIER_H_