/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxTelemetryCommon.hpp Abstract: This is header file for telemetry methods common to all WDF components Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: Notes: --*/ #pragma once // // The TraceLogging infrastructure calls EtwSetInformation API that is not available on Win7. // Setting TLG_HAVE_EVENT_SET_INFORMATION, modifies the behavior of TraceLoggingProvider.h. // The value 2 indicates that the trace logging infra would find "EtwSetInformation" via // MmGetSystemRoutineAddress. This allows our code to be backwards compatible to Win7 // #define TLG_HAVE_EVENT_SET_INFORMATION 2 #include #include // WDF01000.sys #define KMDF_FX_TRACE_LOGGING_PROVIDER_NAME "Microsoft.Wdf.KMDF.Fx" // WUDFX0200.dll #define UMDF_FX_TRACE_LOGGING_PROVIDER_NAME "Microsoft.Wdf.UMDF.Fx" // WudfHost.exe #define UMDF_HOST_TRACE_LOGGING_PROVIDER_NAME "Microsoft.Wdf.UMDF.Host" // WdfLdr.sys #define KMDF_LDR_TRACE_LOGGING_PROVIDER_NAME "Microsoft.Wdf.KMDF.Ldr" // WudfSvc.dll #define UMDF_DM_TRACE_LOGGING_PROVIDER_NAME "Microsoft.Wdf.UMDF.Dm" // Common telemetry related keyword used across all telemetry events #define WDF_TELEMETRY_EVT_KEYWORDS TraceLoggingKeyword(MICROSOFT_KEYWORD_TELEMETRY)