/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Module Name: FxPkgPdo.hpp Abstract: This module implements the pnp package for Pdo objects. Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _FXPKGPDO_H_ #define _FXPKGPDO_H_ typedef NTSTATUS (FxPkgPdo::*PFN_PDO_HANDLER)(FxIrp *Irp); class FxPkgPdo : public FxPkgPnp { public: // // Properties used in handling IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_TEXT // SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY m_DeviceTextHead; LCID m_DefaultLocale; FxDeviceDescriptionEntry* m_Description; FxChildList* m_OwningChildList; // // The following structure contains the function pointer table // for the "events" this package can raise. // FxPnpDeviceResourcesQuery m_DeviceResourcesQuery; FxPnpDeviceResourceRequirementsQuery m_DeviceResourceRequirementsQuery; FxPnpDeviceEject m_DeviceEject; FxPnpDeviceSetLock m_DeviceSetLock; FxPowerDeviceEnableWakeAtBus m_DeviceEnableWakeAtBus; FxPowerDeviceDisableWakeAtBus m_DeviceDisableWakeAtBus; // added in 1.11 FxPnpDeviceReportedMissing m_DeviceReportedMissing; BOOLEAN m_RawOK; BOOLEAN m_Static; BOOLEAN m_AddedToStaticList; // // This field is used to indicate that Requests on this PDO could be // forwarded to the parent. // BOOLEAN m_AllowForwardRequestToParent; protected: // // Pointer to a null terminated string which is the device ID. This is // not a pointer that can be freed. m_IDsAllocation is the beginning of // the allocation that can be freed. // PWSTR m_DeviceID; // // Pointer to a null terminated string which is the instance ID. This is // not a pointer that can be freed. m_IDsAllocation is the beginning of // the allocation that can be freed. // PWSTR m_InstanceID; // // Pointer to a multi sz which is the hardware IDs. This is // not a pointer that can be freed. m_IDsAllocation is the beginning of // the allocation that can be freed. // PWSTR m_HardwareIDs; // // Pointer to a multi sz which is the compatible IDs. This is // not a pointer that can be freed. m_IDsAllocation is the beginning of // the allocation that can be freed. // PWSTR m_CompatibleIDs; // // Pointer to a null terminated string which is the unique ID. This is // not a pointer that can be freed. m_IDsAllocation is the beginning of // the allocation that can be freed. // PWSTR m_ContainerID; // // Single allocation for all static ID strings (device, instance, hw, compat) // for the device // PWSTR m_IDsAllocation; FxRelatedDeviceList* m_EjectionDeviceList; // // IRP_MN_EJECT needs to be handled synchronously because PnP manager does // not serialize it with other state changing PnP irps if not handled // synchronously. This event is used to signal the completion of // IRP_MN_EJECT processing. // MxEvent* m_DeviceEjectProcessed; BOOLEAN m_CanBeDeleted; // // Parameter to track whether the EvtDeviceEnableWakeAtBus callback was // invoked and to determine whether the EvtDeviceDisableWakeAtBus callback // should be invoked or not. The EnableWakeAtBus callback may not get // invoked if an upper driver in the stack completed the wait wake irp // instead of passing it down the stack and the power policy owner is // a PDO. // // This parameter can be referenced by either the power state machine or // the power policy state machine when a PDO is the power policy owner // but there is no locking mechanism necessary to synchronize access to // the field. This is because the arrival of a Dx irp will move the power // state machine to a state where it can no longer affect the value of // this field and hence provides an implicit guard that allows the power // policy state machine to use this field while processing the Dx irp. // BOOLEAN m_EnableWakeAtBusInvoked; private: // // Table of internal methods to handle PnP minor function codes. // static const PFN_PNP_POWER_CALLBACK m_PdoPnpFunctionTable[IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL + 1]; // // Table of internal methods to handle power minor function codes. // static const PFN_PNP_POWER_CALLBACK m_PdoPowerFunctionTable[IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER + 1]; public: FxPkgPdo( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in CfxDevice *Device ); ~FxPkgPdo(); _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS Initialize( __in PWDFDEVICE_INIT DeviceInit ); virtual VOID FinishInitialize( __in PWDFDEVICE_INIT DeviceInit ); VOID RegisterCallbacks( __in PWDF_PDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS DispatchTable ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS AddEjectionDevice( __in MdDeviceObject DependentDevice ); VOID RemoveEjectionDevice( __in MdDeviceObject DependentDevice ); VOID ClearEjectionDevicesList( VOID ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS HandleQueryInterfaceForReenumerate( __in FxIrp* Irp, __out PBOOLEAN CompleteRequest ); __inline BOOLEAN IsForwardRequestToParentEnabled( VOID ) { return m_AllowForwardRequestToParent; } private: _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS SendIrpSynchronously( __in FxIrp* Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS FireAndForgetIrp( __inout FxIrp* Irp ); // // The following are static member function. The only reason // I've defined them as member functions at all is so they can see // the private data in this class. // _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpCompleteIrp( __in FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryDeviceRelations( __in FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PnpQueryDeviceRelations( __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryInterface( IN FxPkgPnp* This, IN FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryCapabilities( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PnpQueryCapabilities( __inout FxIrp *Irp ); VOID HandleQueryCapabilities( __inout PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES ReportedCaps, __in PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES ParentCaps ); static VOID _QueryCapsWorkItem( __in MdDeviceObject DeviceObject, __in PVOID Context ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryResources( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PnpQueryResources( __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryResourceRequirements( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PnpQueryResourceRequirements( __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryDeviceText( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpFilterResourceRequirements( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpEject( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); virtual BOOLEAN PnpSendStartDeviceDownTheStackOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE PnpEventEjectHardwareOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE PnpEventCheckForDevicePresenceOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE PnpEventPdoRemovedOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE PnpEventFdoRemovedOverload( VOID ); virtual VOID PnpEventSurpriseRemovePendingOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_PNP_STATE PnpGetPostRemoveState( VOID ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpSetLock( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryId( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryPnpDeviceState( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpQueryBusInformation( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ static NTSTATUS _PnpSurpriseRemoval( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __inout FxIrp *Irp ); static _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS _DispatchPowerSequence( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __in FxIrp *Irp ); static _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS _DispatchSetPower( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __in FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS DispatchSystemSetPower( __in FxIrp *Irp ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS DispatchDeviceSetPower( __in FxIrp *Irp ); static _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS _DispatchQueryPower( __inout FxPkgPnp* This, __in FxIrp *Irp ); virtual _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PowerCheckParentOverload( __in BOOLEAN* ParentOn ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_POWER_STATE PowerCheckDeviceTypeOverload( VOID ); virtual WDF_DEVICE_POWER_STATE PowerCheckDeviceTypeNPOverload( VOID ); virtual _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PowerEnableWakeAtBusOverload( VOID ); virtual VOID PowerDisableWakeAtBusOverload( VOID ); virtual VOID PowerParentPowerDereference( VOID ); virtual VOID PowerReleasePendingDeviceIrp( __in BOOLEAN IrpMustBePresent = TRUE ); _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS ProcessRemoveDeviceOverload( __inout FxIrp* Irp ); virtual VOID DeleteSymbolicLinkOverload( __in BOOLEAN GracefulRemove ); virtual VOID QueryForReenumerationInterface( VOID ) { // // As the PDO, we already have the interface built in // DO_NOTHING(); } virtual VOID ReleaseReenumerationInterface( VOID ) { // // As the PDO, we already have the interface built in // DO_NOTHING(); } _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS AskParentToRemoveAndReenumerate( VOID ); _Must_inspect_result_ virtual NTSTATUS QueryForPowerThread( VOID ); virtual const PFN_PNP_POWER_CALLBACK* GetDispatchPnp( VOID ) { return m_PdoPnpFunctionTable; } virtual const PFN_PNP_POWER_CALLBACK* GetDispatchPower( VOID ) { return m_PdoPowerFunctionTable; } static VOID _RemoveAndReenumerateSelf( __in PVOID Context ); VOID PowerNotifyParentChildWakeArmed( VOID ); VOID PowerNotifyParentChildWakeDisarmed( VOID ); }; #endif // _FXPKGPDO_H