/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxIrpQueue.hpp Abstract: This module implements a common queue structure for the driver frameworks built around the Cancel Safe Queues pattern Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _FXIRPQUEUE_H_ #define _FXIRPQUEUE_H_ #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) #include "FxIrpKm.hpp" #else #include "FxIrpUm.hpp" #endif // // IRP DriverContext[] entry used. // // We use the same entry that the CSQ package does // which is OK since we can't use CSQ if we implement the // cancel handler ourselves // #define FX_IRP_QUEUE_CSQ_CONTEXT_ENTRY 3 // // FxIrpQueue entry identifier // #define FX_IRP_QUEUE_ENTRY_IDENTIFIER 1 #if ((FX_CORE_MODE)==(FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE)) #include "FxIrpKm.hpp" #else if ((FX_CORE_MODE)==(FX_CORE_USER_MODE)) #include "FxIrpUm.hpp" #endif // // This is the cancel function callback for the IrpQueue to its caller/parent // This is called holding the lock of the object owning the IrpQueue, and it // is responsible for completing the IRP. // extern "C" { __drv_functionClass(EVT_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) typedef VOID EVT_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL ( __in FxIrpQueue* Queue, __in MdIrp Irp, __in PMdIoCsqIrpContext pCsqContext, __in KIRQL CallerIrql ); typedef EVT_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL *PFN_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL; } class FxIrpQueue { friend VOID GetTriageInfo(VOID); private: // // The Queue // LIST_ENTRY m_Queue; // // The object whose lock controls the queue. // Provided by the client object. // FxNonPagedObject* m_LockObject; // // Callers registered cancel callback // PFN_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL m_CancelCallback; // // Count of requests in the Queue // LONG m_RequestCount; public: FxIrpQueue( VOID ); ~FxIrpQueue( VOID ); VOID Initialize( __in FxNonPagedObject* LockObject, __in PFN_IRP_QUEUE_CANCEL Callback ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS InsertTailRequest( __inout MdIrp Irp, __in_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext CsqContext, __out_opt ULONG* pRequestCount ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS InsertHeadRequest( __inout MdIrp Irp, __in_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext CsqContext, __out_opt ULONG* pRequestCount ); MdIrp GetNextRequest( __out PMdIoCsqIrpContext* pCsqContext ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS GetNextRequest( __in_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext TagContext, __in_opt MdFileObject FileObject, __out FxRequest** ppOutRequest ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS PeekRequest( __in_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext TagContext, __in_opt MdFileObject FileObject, __out FxRequest** ppOutRequest ); MdIrp RemoveRequest( __in PMdIoCsqIrpContext Context ); // // Return whether the queue is empty // (for optimizing the non-pending case in the caller) // inline BOOLEAN IsQueueEmpty() { if( IsListEmpty(&m_Queue) ) { ASSERT(m_RequestCount == 0); return TRUE; } else { ASSERT(m_RequestCount != 0); return FALSE; } } // // Return count of queued and driver pending requests. // inline LONG GetRequestCount() { return m_RequestCount; } BOOLEAN IsIrpInQueue( __in PMdIoCsqIrpContext Context ); private: // // Insert an IRP on the cancel list // _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS InsertIrpInQueue( __inout MdIrp Irp, __in_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext Context, __in BOOLEAN InsertInHead, __out_opt ULONG* pRequestCount ); // Do not specify argument names FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1( VOID, VerifyRemoveIrpFromQueueByContext, __in PMdIoCsqIrpContext ); // // Ask to remove an IRP from the cancel list by Context, // and return NULL if its been cancelled // MdIrp RemoveIrpFromQueueByContext( __in PMdIoCsqIrpContext Context ); // // Remove a request from the head of the queue if PeekContext == NULL, // or the next request after PeekContext if != NULL // MdIrp RemoveNextIrpFromQueue( __in_opt PVOID PeekContext, __out_opt PMdIoCsqIrpContext* pCsqContext ); // // Peek an IRP in the queue // MdIrp PeekNextIrpFromQueue( __in_opt MdIrp Irp, __in_opt PVOID PeekContext ); // // Unconditionally remove the IRP from the list entry // inline VOID RemoveIrpFromListEntry( __inout FxIrp* Irp ) { PLIST_ENTRY entry = Irp->ListEntry(); RemoveEntryList(entry); InitializeListHead(entry); m_RequestCount--; ASSERT(m_RequestCount >= 0); } // // WDM IRP cancel function // static MdCancelRoutineType _WdmCancelRoutineInternal; // // Lock functions accessed from WDM cancel callback // __inline void LockFromCancel( __out PKIRQL PreviousIrql ) { m_LockObject->Lock(PreviousIrql); } __inline void UnlockFromCancel( __in KIRQL PreviousIrql ) { m_LockObject->Unlock(PreviousIrql); } }; #endif // _FXIRPQUEUE_H