/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: FxIoTargetRemote.hpp Abstract: Derivation of FxIoTarget specializing in targets remote to this device stack. Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _FXIOTARGETREMOTE_H_ #define _FXIOTARGETREMOTE_H_ enum FxIoTargetRemoteCloseReason { FxIoTargetRemoteCloseReasonQueryRemove = 1, FxIoTargetRemoteCloseReasonPlainClose, FxIoTargetRemoteCloseReasonDelete }; #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) typedef PVOID MdTargetNotifyHandle; #else typedef WUDF_TARGET_CONTEXT MdTargetNotifyHandle; #endif class FxIoTargetRemoteNotificationCallback; struct FxIoTargetQueryRemove : public FxCallback { FxIoTargetQueryRemove( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) : FxCallback(FxDriverGlobals), m_Method(NULL) { } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS Invoke( __in WDFIOTARGET IoTarget ) { NTSTATUS status; CallbackStart(); status = m_Method(IoTarget); CallbackEnd(); return status; } PFN_WDF_IO_TARGET_QUERY_REMOVE m_Method; }; struct FxIoTargetRemoveCanceled : public FxCallback { FxIoTargetRemoveCanceled( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) : FxCallback(FxDriverGlobals), m_Method(NULL) { } VOID Invoke( __in WDFIOTARGET Target ) { CallbackStart(); m_Method(Target); CallbackEnd(); } PFN_WDF_IO_TARGET_REMOVE_CANCELED m_Method; }; struct FxIoTargetRemoveComplete : public FxCallback { FxIoTargetRemoveComplete( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ) : FxCallback(FxDriverGlobals), m_Method(NULL) { } VOID Invoke( __in WDFIOTARGET Target ) { CallbackStart(); m_Method(Target); CallbackEnd(); } PFN_WDF_IO_TARGET_REMOVE_COMPLETE m_Method; }; enum FxIoTargetRemoteOpenState { FxIoTargetRemoteOpenStateClosed = 1, FxIoTargetRemoteOpenStateOpening, FxIoTargetRemoteOpenStateOpen, }; struct FxIoTargetRemoveOpenParams { FxIoTargetRemoveOpenParams() { RtlZeroMemory(this, sizeof(FxIoTargetRemoveOpenParams)); } VOID Set( __in PWDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS OpenParams, __in PUNICODE_STRING Name, __in PVOID Ea, __in ULONG EaLength ); VOID Clear( VOID ); UNICODE_STRING TargetDeviceName; WDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_TYPE OpenType; ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; ULONG ShareAccess; ULONG FileAttributes; ULONG CreateDisposition; ULONG CreateOptions; __field_bcount(EaBufferLength) PVOID EaBuffer; ULONG EaBufferLength; LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSizePointer; }; struct FxIoTargetClearedPointers { MdDeviceObject TargetPdo; MdFileObject TargetFileObject; HANDLE TargetHandle; }; class FxIoTargetRemote : public FxIoTarget { public: static _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS _Create( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __in FxDeviceBase* Device, __out FxIoTargetRemote** Target ); ~FxIoTargetRemote(); NTSTATUS InitRemote( __in FxDeviceBase* Device ); NTSTATUS InitRemoteModeSpecific( __in FxDeviceBase* Device ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS Open( __in PWDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS OpenParams ); VOID Close( __in FxIoTargetRemoteCloseReason Reason ); NTSTATUS GetTargetDeviceRelations( _Out_ BOOLEAN* Close ); BOOLEAN CanRegisterForPnpNotification( VOID ) { BOOLEAN canRegister = FALSE; #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) if (m_TargetFileObject != NULL) { canRegister = TRUE; } #else // FX_CORE_USER_MODE if (m_TargetHandle != NULL) { canRegister = TRUE; } #endif return canRegister; } VOID ResetTargetNotifyHandle( VOID ) { #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) m_TargetNotifyHandle = NULL; #else // FX_CORE_USER_MODE m_TargetNotifyHandle = WUDF_TARGET_CONTEXT_INVALID; #endif } NTSTATUS OpenTargetHandle( _In_ PWDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS OpenParams, _Inout_ FxIoTargetRemoveOpenParams* pParams ); VOID CloseTargetHandle( VOID ); HANDLE GetTargetHandle( VOID ); NTSTATUS RegisterForPnpNotification( VOID ); VOID UnregisterForPnpNotification( _In_ MdTargetNotifyHandle Handle ); __inline WDFIOTARGET GetHandle( VOID ) { return (WDFIOTARGET) GetObjectHandle(); } virtual VOID Remove( VOID ); VOID RemoveModeSpecific( VOID ); protected: FxIoTargetRemote( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ); virtual VOID ClearTargetPointers( VOID ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS QueryInterface( __in FxQueryInterfaceParams* Params ) { if (Params->Type == FX_TYPE_IO_TARGET_REMOTE) { *Params->Object = (FxIoTargetRemote*) this; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return __super::QueryInterface(Params); } } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxIoTargetRemote::OpenLocalTargetByFile( _In_ PWDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS OpenParams ); #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) static DRIVER_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_ROUTINE _PlugPlayNotification; #else // FX_CORE_USER_MODE // // I/O dispatcher to be used for IRPs forwarded to this remote target. It is // created when the CWdfRemoteTarget is created. The win32 handle is // associated with it via a call to m_pRemoteDispatcher->BindToHandle() // right after we call CreateFile(...). We must call // m_pRemoteDispatcher->CloseHandle() to close the handle. // // Because of the plug-in pattern of the IoDispatcher, we need two // interface pointers (one to the outer object, and one to the plug-in. // IWudfIoDispatcher * m_pIoDispatcher; IWudfRemoteDispatcher * m_pRemoteDispatcher; // // Implements host's callback interface for pnp notification // FxIoTargetRemoteNotificationCallback* m_NotificationCallback; VOID Forward( _In_ MdIrp Irp ) { if (m_OpenParams.OpenType == WdfIoTargetOpenLocalTargetByFile) { // // Ignore the return value because once we have sent the request, we // want all processing to be done in the completion routine. // (void) Irp->Forward(); } else { IWudfIoIrp* pSubmitIrp = FxIrp(Irp).GetIoIrp(); // // Move the stack location to the next location // pSubmitIrp->SetNextIrpStackLocation(); // // Route it using Remote dispatcher // m_pIoDispatcher->Dispatch(pSubmitIrp, NULL); } } private: NTSTATUS BindToHandle( VOID ); VOID UnbindHandle( _In_ FxIoTargetClearedPointers* TargetPointers ); NTSTATUS CreateWdfFileObject( _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING FileName, _Out_ MdFileObject* FileObject ); VOID CloseWdfFileObject( _In_ MdFileObject FileObject ); #endif // FX_CORE_USER-MODE) public: // // File handle for m_TargetHandle // HANDLE m_TargetHandle; // // Notification handle returned by IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification for KMDF, // or host's notification registartion interface for UMDf. Note that host // uses the term RegistrationId for the same (with WUDF_CONTEXT_TYPE which // is UINT64). // MdTargetNotifyHandle m_TargetNotifyHandle; // // Driver writer callbacks to indicate state changes // FxIoTargetQueryRemove m_EvtQueryRemove; FxIoTargetRemoveCanceled m_EvtRemoveCanceled; FxIoTargetRemoveComplete m_EvtRemoveComplete; FxCREvent m_OpenedEvent; FxIoTargetClearedPointers* m_ClearedPointers; // // Value from FxIoTargetRemoteOpenState // UCHAR m_OpenState; protected: FxIoTargetRemoveOpenParams m_OpenParams; }; #if (FX_CORE_MODE == FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) #include "FxIoTargetRemoteKm.hpp" #else #include "FxIoTargetRemoteUm.hpp" #endif #endif // _FXIOTARGETREMOTE_H_