/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxGlobals.h Abstract: This module contains globals definitions for the frameworks. Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: Made it mode agnostic Moved km specific portions to FxGlobalsKm.h New failure paths: AllocatedTagTrackersLock initialization - If this fails we free debug extensions structure and not use it ThreadTableLock initialization - If this fails we turn off lock verification FxDriverGlobalsListLock initialization - If this fails we fail FxLibraryGlobalsCommission --*/ #ifndef _FXGLOBALS_H #define _FXGLOBALS_H #include "wdfglobals.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct FxLibraryGlobalsType; class CWudfDriverGlobals; //UMDF driver globals // // NOTE: any time you add a value to this enum, you must add a field to the // union in FxObjectDebugInfo. // enum FxObjectDebugInfoFlags { FxObjectDebugTrackReferences = 0x0001, }; typedef enum FxTrackPowerOption : UCHAR { FxTrackPowerNone = 0, FxTrackPowerRefs, FxTrackPowerRefsAndStack, FxTrackPowerMaxValue }; typedef enum FxVerifierDownlevelOption { NotOkForDownLevel = 0, OkForDownLevel = 1, } FxVerifierDownLevelOption; typedef enum WaitSignalFlags { WaitSignalBreakUnderVerifier = 0x01, WaitSignalBreakUnderDebugger = 0x02, WaitSignalAlwaysBreak = 0x04 } WaitSignalFlags; struct FxObjectDebugInfo { // // FX_OBJECT_TYPES enum value // USHORT ObjectType; union { // // Combo of values from FxObjectDebugInfoFlags // USHORT DebugFlags; // // Break out of DebugFlags as individual fields. This is used by the // debugger extension to reference the values w/out knowing the actual // enum values. // struct { USHORT TrackReferences : 1; } Bits; } u; }; struct FxDriverGlobalsDebugExtension { // // Debug information per object. List is sorted by // FxObjectDebugInfo::ObjectType, length is the same as FxObjectsInfo. // FxObjectDebugInfo* ObjectDebugInfo; // // Track allocated Mdls only in kernel mode version // #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) FxAllocatedMdls AllocatedMdls; KSPIN_LOCK AllocatedMdlsLock; #endif // // List of all allocated tag trackers for this driver. This is used to keep // track of orphaned objects due to leaked reference counts in the debugger // extension. // LIST_ENTRY AllocatedTagTrackersListHead; // // Synchronizes access to AllocatedTagTrackersListHead // MxLock AllocatedTagTrackersLock; // // Whether we track power references for WDFDEVICE objects // and optionally capture stack frames. // FxTrackPowerOption TrackPower; }; // // A telemetry context that is allocated if the telemetry provider is enabled. // typedef struct _FX_TELEMETRY_CONTEXT{ // // A GUID representing the driver session // GUID DriverSessionGUID; // // A general purpose bitmap that can be used // by various telemetry events that may want to // fire once per driver session. // volatile LONG DoOnceFlagsBitmap; } FX_TELEMETRY_CONTEXT, *PFX_TELEMETRY_CONTEXT; typedef struct _FX_DRIVER_GLOBALS { public: ULONG __inline AddRef( __in_opt PVOID Tag = NULL, __in LONG Line = 0, __in_opt PSTR File = NULL ) { ULONG c; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Tag); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Line); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(File); c = InterlockedIncrement(&Refcnt); // // Catch the transition from 0 to 1. Since the RefCount starts off at 1, // we should never have to increment to get to this value. // ASSERT(c > 1); return c; } ULONG __inline Release( __in_opt PVOID Tag = NULL, __in LONG Line = 0, __in_opt PSTR File = NULL ) { ULONG c; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Tag); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Line); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(File); c = InterlockedDecrement(&Refcnt); ASSERT((LONG)c >= 0); if (c == 0) { DestroyEvent.Set(); } return c; } BOOLEAN IsPoolTrackingOn( VOID ) { return (FxPoolTrackingOn) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOLEAN IsObjectDebugOn( VOID ) { if (FxVerifierHandle) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } VOID SetVerifierState( __in BOOLEAN State ) { // // Master switch // FxVerifierOn = State; FxVerifierHandle = State; FxVerifierIO = State; FxVerifierLock = State; FxPoolTrackingOn = State; // // Following two can be overridden by the registry settings // WDFVERIFY matches the state of the verifier. // FxVerifyOn = State; FxVerifierDbgBreakOnError = State; FxVerifierDbgBreakOnDeviceStateError = FALSE; // // Set the public flags for consumption by client drivers. // if (State) { Public.DriverFlags |= (WdfVerifyOn | WdfVerifierOn); } } _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo( __in ULONG Major, __in ULONG Minor ); _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsCorrectVersionRegistered( _In_ PCUNICODE_STRING ServiceKeyName ); VOID RegisterClientVersion( _In_ PCUNICODE_STRING ServiceKeyName ); _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsVerificationEnabled( __in ULONG Major, __in ULONG Minor, __in FxVerifierDownlevelOption DownLevel ) { // // those verifier checks that are restricted to specific version can be // applied to previous version drivers if driver opts-in by setting a // reg key (whose value is stored in FxVerifyDownlevel) // if (FxVerifierOn && (IsVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Major, Minor) || (DownLevel ? FxVerifyDownlevel : FALSE))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // // To be used in code path where it is already determined that the driver // is down-level, otherwise use IsVerificationEnabled. // __inline _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsDownlevelVerificationEnabled( ) { return FxVerifyDownlevel; } VOID WaitForSignal( __in MxEvent* Event, __in PCSTR ReasonForWaiting, __in PVOID Handle, __in ULONG WarningTimeoutInSec, __in ULONG WaitSignalFlags ); _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsDebuggerAttached( VOID ); public: // // Link list of driver FxDriverGlobals on this WDF Version. // LIST_ENTRY Linkage; // // Reference count is operated on with interlocked operations // LONG Refcnt; // // This event is signaled when globals can be freed. Unload thread waits // on this event to make sure driver's threads are done and driver unload // can proceed. // MxEvent DestroyEvent; // // Mask to XOR all outgoing handles against // ULONG_PTR WdfHandleMask; // // If verifier is on, this is the count of allocations // to fail at // LONG WdfVerifierAllocateFailCount; // // Tag to be used for allocations on behalf of the driver writer. This is // based off of the service name (which might be different than the binary // name). // ULONG Tag; // // Backpointer to Fx driver object // FxDriver* Driver; FxDriverGlobalsDebugExtension* DebugExtension; FxLibraryGlobalsType* LibraryGlobals; // // WDF internal In-Flight Recorder (IFR) log // PVOID WdfLogHeader; // // The driver's memory pool header // FX_POOL FxPoolFrameworks; // // Framworks Pool Tracking // BOOLEAN FxPoolTrackingOn; // // FxVerifierLock per driver state // MxLock ThreadTableLock; PLIST_ENTRY ThreadTable; // // Embedded pointer to driver's WDF_BIND_INFO structure (in stub) // PWDF_BIND_INFO WdfBindInfo; // // The base address of the image. // PVOID ImageAddress; // // The size of the image. // ULONG ImageSize; // // Top level verifier flag. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierOn; // // Apply latest-version-restricted verifier checks to downlevel drivers. // Drivers set this value in registry. // BOOLEAN FxVerifyDownlevel; // // Breakpoint on errors. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierDbgBreakOnError; // // Breakpoint on device state errors. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierDbgBreakOnDeviceStateError; // // Handle verifier. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierHandle; // // I/O verifier. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierIO; // // Lock verifier. // BOOLEAN FxVerifierLock; // // Not a verifier option. Rather, controls whether WDFVERIFY macros are // live. // BOOLEAN FxVerifyOn; // // Capture IFR Verbose messages. // BOOLEAN FxVerboseOn; // // Parent queue presented requests (to device). // BOOLEAN FxRequestParentOptimizationOn; // // Enable/Disable support for device simulation framework (DSF). // BOOLEAN FxDsfOn; // // Force copy of IFR data to mini-dump when a bugcheck happens. // BOOLEAN FxForceLogsInMiniDump; // // TRUE to enable run-time driver tracking. The dump callback logic // uses this info for finding the right log to write in the minidump. // BOOLEAN FxTrackDriverForMiniDumpLog; // // TRUE if compiled for user-mode // BOOLEAN IsUserModeDriver; // // Remove lock options, these are also specified through // WdfDeviceInitSetRemoveLockOptions. // ULONG RemoveLockOptionFlags; // // Bug check callback data for kernel mode only // #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) // // 0-based index into the BugCheckDriverInfo holding this driver info. // ULONG BugCheckDriverInfoIndex; // // Bug check callback record for processing bugchecks. // KBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD BugCheckCallbackRecord; #endif // // Enhanced Verifier Options. // ULONG FxEnhancedVerifierOptions; // // If FxVerifierDbgBreakOnError is true, WaitForSignal interrupts the // execution of the system after waiting for the specified number // of seconds. Developer will have an opportunity to validate the state // of the driver when breakpoint is hit. Developer can continue to wait // by entering 'g' in the debugger. // ULONG FxVerifierDbgWaitForSignalTimeoutInSec; // // Timeout used by the wake interrupt ISR in WaitForSignal to catch // scenarios where the interrupt ISR is blocked because the device stack // is taking too long to power up // ULONG DbgWaitForWakeInterruptIsrTimeoutInSec; #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_USER_MODE) CWudfDriverGlobals * UfxDriverGlobals; #endif PFX_TELEMETRY_CONTEXT TelemetryContext; // // The public version of WDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS // DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT) WDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS Public; } FX_DRIVER_GLOBALS, *PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS; __bcount(Size) PVOID FORCEINLINE FxPoolAllocate( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS Globals, __in POOL_TYPE Type, __in size_t Size ) { // // Always pass in the return address, regardless of the value of // Globals->WdfPoolTrackingOn. // return FxPoolAllocator( Globals, &Globals->FxPoolFrameworks, Type, Size, Globals->Tag, _ReturnAddress() ); } __bcount(Size) PVOID FORCEINLINE FxPoolAllocateWithTag( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS Globals, __in POOL_TYPE Type, __in size_t Size, __in ULONG Tag ) { return FxPoolAllocator( Globals, &Globals->FxPoolFrameworks, Type, Size, Tag, Globals->FxPoolTrackingOn ? _ReturnAddress() : NULL ); } // // Get FxDriverGlobals from api's DriverGlobals // __inline PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS GetFxDriverGlobals( __in PWDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals ) { return CONTAINING_RECORD( DriverGlobals, FX_DRIVER_GLOBALS, Public ); } typedef struct _WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG *PWDF_DRIVER_CONFIG; #if ((FX_CORE_MODE)==(FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE)) VOID LockVerifierSection( _In_ PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, _In_ PCUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ); VOID UnlockVerifierSection( _In_ PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ); #endif BOOLEAN IsWindowsVerifierOn( _In_ MdDriverObject DriverObject ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxInitialize( __inout PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in MdDriverObject DriverObject, __in PCUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath, __in_opt PWDF_DRIVER_CONFIG DriverConfig //optional in user mode ); VOID FxDestroy( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ); _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxLibraryGlobalsCommission( VOID ); VOID FxLibraryGlobalsDecommission( VOID ); VOID FxCheckAssumptions( VOID ); void FxVerifierLockInitialize( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ); void FxVerifierLockDestroy( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals ); _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN FxVerifierGetTrackReferences( __in FxObjectDebugInfo* DebugInfo, __in WDFTYPE ObjectType ); PCSTR FxObjectTypeToHandleName( __in WDFTYPE ObjectType ); typedef NTSTATUS (*PFN_WMI_QUERY_TRACE_INFORMATION)( __in TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS TraceInformationClass, __out PVOID TraceInformation, __in ULONG TraceInformationLength, __out_opt PULONG RequiredLength, __in_opt PVOID Buffer ); typedef NTSTATUS (*PFN_WMI_TRACE_MESSAGE_VA)( __in TRACEHANDLE LoggerHandle, __in ULONG MessageFlags, __in LPGUID MessageGuid, __in USHORT MessageNumber, __in va_list MessageArgList ); enum FxMachineSleepStates { FxMachineS1Index = 0, FxMachineS2Index, FxMachineS3Index, FxMachineSleepStatesMax, }; // // Private Globals for the entire DLL // struct FxLibraryGlobalsType { #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) // // The driver object for the library. // PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject; // // As long as this device object is around, the library cannot be unloaded. // This prevents the following scenario from unloading the service // 1 wdfldr.sys loads the library // 2 user tries to run "net stop " while there are outstanding clients // through wdfldr // PDEVICE_OBJECT LibraryDeviceObject; PFN_IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_EX IoConnectInterruptEx; PFN_IO_DISCONNECT_INTERRUPT_EX IoDisconnectInterruptEx; PFN_KE_QUERY_ACTIVE_PROCESSORS KeQueryActiveProcessors; PFN_KE_SET_TARGET_PROCESSOR_DPC KeSetTargetProcessorDpc; PFN_KE_SET_COALESCABLE_TIMER KeSetCoalescableTimer; PFN_IO_UNREGISTER_PLUGPLAY_NOTIFICATION_EX IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotificationEx; PFN_POX_REGISTER_DEVICE PoxRegisterDevice; PFN_POX_START_DEVICE_POWER_MANAGEMENT PoxStartDevicePowerManagement; PFN_POX_UNREGISTER_DEVICE PoxUnregisterDevice; PFN_POX_ACTIVATE_COMPONENT PoxActivateComponent; PFN_POX_IDLE_COMPONENT PoxIdleComponent; PFN_POX_REPORT_DEVICE_POWERED_ON PoxReportDevicePoweredOn; PFN_POX_COMPLETE_IDLE_STATE PoxCompleteIdleState; PFN_POX_COMPLETE_IDLE_CONDITION PoxCompleteIdleCondition; PFN_POX_COMPLETE_DEVICE_POWER_NOT_REQUIRED PoxCompleteDevicePowerNotRequired; PFN_POX_SET_DEVICE_IDLE_TIMEOUT PoxSetDeviceIdleTimeout; PFN_IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE IoReportInterruptActive; PFN_IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_INACTIVE IoReportInterruptInactive; PFN_VF_CHECK_NX_POOL_TYPE VfCheckNxPoolType; #endif RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW OsVersionInfo; MxLockNoDynam FxDriverGlobalsListLock; LIST_ENTRY FxDriverGlobalsList; #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) // // Index to first free entry in BugCheckDriverInfo array. // ULONG BugCheckDriverInfoIndex; // // # of entries in BugCheckDriverInfo array. // ULONG BugCheckDriverInfoCount; // // Array of info about loaded driver. The library bugcheck callback // writes this data into the minidump. // PFX_DUMP_DRIVER_INFO_ENTRY BugCheckDriverInfo; // // Library bug-check callback record for processing bugchecks. // KBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD BugCheckCallbackRecord; BOOLEAN ProcessorGroupSupport; #endif // // WPP tracing. // BOOLEAN InternalTracingInitialized; #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) // // The following field is used by the debug dump callback routine for // finding which driver's dump log file to write in the minidump if an // exact match is not found. // FX_DRIVER_TRACKER_CACHE_AWARE DriverTracker; // // Best driver match for the mini-dump log. // PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS BestDriverForDumpLog; #endif BOOLEAN PassiveLevelInterruptSupport; // // TRUE if compiled for user-mode // BOOLEAN IsUserModeFramework; // // BOOLEAN MachineSleepStates[FxMachineSleepStatesMax]; #if (FX_CORE_MODE==FX_CORE_KERNEL_MODE) // // used for locking/unlocking Enhanced-verifier image section // PVOID VerifierSectionHandle; // // This keeps track of the # of times we pinned the paged memory down. // This is only used to aid debugging. // volatile LONG VerifierSectionHandleRefCount; // // Routines provided by the kernel SystemTraceProvider for perf // tracing of WDF operations. The size member of this structure // allows versioning across multiple OS versions. // PWMI_WDF_NOTIFY_ROUTINES PerfTraceRoutines; // // PerfTraceRoutines points here if the SystemTraceProvider failed // to provide trace routines. // WMI_WDF_NOTIFY_ROUTINES DummyPerfTraceRoutines; #endif // // Registry setting to disable IFR on low-memory systems. // BOOLEAN IfrDisabled; }; extern FxLibraryGlobalsType FxLibraryGlobals; typedef struct _FX_OBJECT_INFO { // // The name of the object, ie "FxObject" // const CHAR* Name; // // The name of the external WDF handle that represents the object, ie // WDFDEVICE. If the object does not have an external handle, this field // may be NULL. // const CHAR* HandleName; // // The minimum size of the object, ie sizeof(FxObject). There are objects // which allocate more than their sizeof() length. // USHORT Size; // // FX_OBJECT_TYPES value // USHORT ObjectType; } FX_OBJECT_INFO, *PFX_OBJECT_INFO; // // Define to declare an internal entry. An internal entry has no external WDF // handle. // #define FX_INTERNAL_OBJECT_INFO_ENTRY(_obj, _type) \ { #_obj, NULL, sizeof(_obj), _type, } // // Define to declare an external entry. An external entry has an external WDF // handle. // // By casting #_handletype to a (_handletype), we make sure that _handletype is // actually a valid WDF handle name. The cast forces the parameter to be // evaluated as true handle type vs a string (ie the # preprocesor operator). // For instance, this would catch the following error: // // FX_EXTERNAL_OBJECT_INFO_ENTRY(FxDevice, FX_TYPE_DEVICE, WDFDEVICES), // // because the statement would evaluate to (const CHAR*) (WDFDEVICES) "WDFDEVICES" // and WDFDEVICES is not a valid type (WDFDEVICE is though). // #define FX_EXTERNAL_OBJECT_INFO_ENTRY(_obj, _type, _handletype) \ { #_obj, \ (const CHAR*) (_handletype) #_handletype, \ sizeof(_obj), \ _type, \ } _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN FxVerifyObjectTypeInTable( __in USHORT ObjectType ); VOID FxFlushQueuedDpcs( VOID ); VOID FxFreeAllocatedMdlsDebugInfo( __in FxDriverGlobalsDebugExtension* DebugExtension ); // // _Must_inspect_result_ __inline BOOLEAN FxIsClassExtension( __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS ExtDriverGlobals ) { return (FxDriverGlobals == ExtDriverGlobals) ? FALSE : TRUE; } _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN __inline FxIsEqualGuid( __in CONST GUID* Lhs, __in CONST GUID* Rhs ) { return RtlCompareMemory(Lhs, Rhs, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID); } __inline size_t FxSizeTMax( __in size_t A, __in size_t B ) { return A > B ? A : B; } __inline size_t FxSizeTMin( __in size_t A, __in size_t B ) { return A < B ? A : B; } __inline LONG FxInterlockedIncrementFloor( __inout LONG volatile *Target, __in LONG Floor ) { LONG startVal; LONG currentVal; currentVal = *Target; do { if (currentVal <= Floor) { return currentVal; } startVal = currentVal; // // currentVal will be the value that used to be Target if the exchange was made // or its current value if the exchange was not made. // currentVal = InterlockedCompareExchange(Target, startVal+1, startVal); // // If startVal == currentVal, then no one updated Target in between the deref at the top // and the InterlockedCompareExchange afterward. // } while (startVal != currentVal); // // startVal is the old value of Target. Since InterlockedIncrement returns the new // incremented value of Target, we should do the same here. // return startVal+1; } __inline LONG FxInterlockedIncrementGTZero( __inout LONG volatile *Target ) { return FxInterlockedIncrementFloor(Target, 0); } __inline ULONG FxRandom( __inout PULONG RandomSeed ) /*++ Routine Description: Simple threadsafe random number generator to use at DISPATCH_LEVEL (in kernel mode) because the system provided function RtlRandomEx can be called at only passive-level. This function requires the user to provide a variable used to seed the generator, and it must be valid and initialized to some number. Return Value: ULONG --*/ { *RandomSeed = *RandomSeed * 1103515245 + 12345; return (ULONG)(*RandomSeed / 65536) % 32768; } _Must_inspect_result_ __inline BOOLEAN FxIsPassiveLevelInterruptSupported( VOID ) { // // Passive-level interrupt handling is supported in Win 8 and forward. // return FxLibraryGlobals.PassiveLevelInterruptSupport; } __inline _Must_inspect_result_ BOOLEAN IsOsVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo( __in ULONG Major, __in ULONG Minor ) { return ((FxLibraryGlobals.OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion > Major) || ((FxLibraryGlobals.OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion == Major) && (FxLibraryGlobals.OsVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion >= Minor))); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _FXGLOBALS_H