/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/queue.c * PURPOSE: Implements kernel queues * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Gunnar Dalsnes * Eric Kohl */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ /* * Called when a thread which has a queue entry is entering a wait state */ VOID FASTCALL KiActivateWaiterQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue) { PLIST_ENTRY QueueEntry; PLIST_ENTRY WaitEntry; PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; PKTHREAD Thread; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); /* Decrement the number of active threads */ Queue->CurrentCount--; /* Make sure the counts are OK */ if (Queue->CurrentCount < Queue->MaximumCount) { /* Get the Queue Entry */ QueueEntry = Queue->EntryListHead.Flink; /* Get the Wait Entry */ WaitEntry = Queue->Header.WaitListHead.Blink; /* Make sure that the Queue entries are not part of empty lists */ if ((WaitEntry != &Queue->Header.WaitListHead) && (QueueEntry != &Queue->EntryListHead)) { /* Remove this entry */ RemoveEntryList(QueueEntry); QueueEntry->Flink = NULL; /* Decrease the Signal State */ Queue->Header.SignalState--; /* Unwait the Thread */ WaitBlock = CONTAINING_RECORD(WaitEntry, KWAIT_BLOCK, WaitListEntry); Thread = WaitBlock->Thread; KiUnwaitThread(Thread, (LONG_PTR)QueueEntry, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } } } /* * Returns the previous number of entries in the queue */ LONG NTAPI KiInsertQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry, IN BOOLEAN Head) { ULONG InitialState; PKTHREAD Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; PLIST_ENTRY WaitEntry; PKTIMER Timer; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); /* Save the old state */ InitialState = Queue->Header.SignalState; /* Get the Entry */ WaitEntry = Queue->Header.WaitListHead.Blink; /* * Why the KeGetCurrentThread()->Queue != Queue? * KiInsertQueue might be called from an APC for the current thread. * -Gunnar */ if ((Queue->CurrentCount < Queue->MaximumCount) && (WaitEntry != &Queue->Header.WaitListHead) && ((Thread->Queue != Queue) || (Thread->WaitReason != WrQueue))) { /* Remove the wait entry */ RemoveEntryList(WaitEntry); /* Get the Wait Block and Thread */ WaitBlock = CONTAINING_RECORD(WaitEntry, KWAIT_BLOCK, WaitListEntry); Thread = WaitBlock->Thread; /* Remove the queue from the thread's wait list */ Thread->WaitStatus = (LONG_PTR)Entry; if (Thread->WaitListEntry.Flink) RemoveEntryList(&Thread->WaitListEntry); /* Increase the active threads and remove any wait reason */ Queue->CurrentCount++; Thread->WaitReason = 0; /* Check if there's a Thread Timer */ Timer = &Thread->Timer; if (Timer->Header.Inserted) KxRemoveTreeTimer(Timer); /* Reschedule the Thread */ KiReadyThread(Thread); } else { /* Increase the Entries */ Queue->Header.SignalState++; /* Check which mode we're using */ if (Head) { /* Insert in the head */ InsertHeadList(&Queue->EntryListHead, Entry); } else { /* Insert at the end */ InsertTailList(&Queue->EntryListHead, Entry); } } /* Return the previous state */ return InitialState; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI KeInitializeQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN ULONG Count OPTIONAL) { /* Initialize the Header */ KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&Queue->Header, QueueObject, sizeof(KQUEUE) / sizeof(ULONG), 0); /* Initialize the Lists */ InitializeListHead(&Queue->EntryListHead); InitializeListHead(&Queue->ThreadListHead); /* Set the Current and Maximum Count */ Queue->CurrentCount = 0; Queue->MaximumCount = (Count == 0) ? (ULONG) KeNumberProcessors : Count; } /* * @implemented */ LONG NTAPI KeInsertHeadQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry) { LONG PreviousState; KIRQL OldIrql; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* Lock the Dispatcher Database */ OldIrql = KiAcquireDispatcherLock(); /* Insert the Queue */ PreviousState = KiInsertQueue(Queue, Entry, TRUE); /* Release the Dispatcher Lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherLock(OldIrql); /* Return previous State */ return PreviousState; } /* * @implemented */ LONG NTAPI KeInsertQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry) { LONG PreviousState; KIRQL OldIrql; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* Lock the Dispatcher Database */ OldIrql = KiAcquireDispatcherLock(); /* Insert the Queue */ PreviousState = KiInsertQueue(Queue, Entry, FALSE); /* Release the Dispatcher Lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherLock(OldIrql); /* Return previous State */ return PreviousState; } /* * @implemented * * Returns number of entries in the queue */ LONG NTAPI KeReadStateQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue) { /* Returns the Signal State */ ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); return Queue->Header.SignalState; } /* * @implemented */ PLIST_ENTRY NTAPI KeRemoveQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout OPTIONAL) { PLIST_ENTRY QueueEntry; LONG_PTR Status; PKTHREAD Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); PKQUEUE PreviousQueue; PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; PKWAIT_BLOCK TimerBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK]; PKTIMER Timer = &Thread->Timer; BOOLEAN Swappable; PLARGE_INTEGER OriginalDueTime = Timeout; LARGE_INTEGER DueTime, NewDueTime, InterruptTime; ULONG Hand = 0; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* Check if the Lock is already held */ if (Thread->WaitNext) { /* It is, so next time don't do expect this */ Thread->WaitNext = FALSE; KxQueueThreadWait(); } else { /* Raise IRQL to synch, prepare the wait, then lock the database */ Thread->WaitIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); KxQueueThreadWait(); KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtDpcLevel(); } /* * This is needed so that we can set the new queue right here, * before additional processing */ PreviousQueue = Thread->Queue; Thread->Queue = Queue; /* Check if this is a different queue */ if (Queue != PreviousQueue) { /* Get the current entry */ QueueEntry = &Thread->QueueListEntry; if (PreviousQueue) { /* Remove from this list */ RemoveEntryList(QueueEntry); /* Wake the queue */ KiActivateWaiterQueue(PreviousQueue); } /* Insert in this new Queue */ InsertTailList(&Queue->ThreadListHead, QueueEntry); } else { /* Same queue, decrement waiting threads */ Queue->CurrentCount--; } /* Loop until the queue is processed */ while (TRUE) { /* Check if the counts are valid and if there is still a queued entry */ QueueEntry = Queue->EntryListHead.Flink; if ((Queue->CurrentCount < Queue->MaximumCount) && (QueueEntry != &Queue->EntryListHead)) { /* Decrease the number of entries */ Queue->Header.SignalState--; /* Increase numbef of running threads */ Queue->CurrentCount++; /* Check if the entry is valid. If not, bugcheck */ if (!(QueueEntry->Flink) || !(QueueEntry->Blink)) { /* Invalid item */ KeBugCheckEx(INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, (ULONG_PTR)QueueEntry, (ULONG_PTR)Queue, (ULONG_PTR)NULL, (ULONG_PTR)((PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)QueueEntry)-> WorkerRoutine); } /* Remove the Entry */ RemoveEntryList(QueueEntry); QueueEntry->Flink = NULL; /* Nothing to wait on */ break; } else { /* Check if a kernel APC is pending and we're below APC_LEVEL */ if ((Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending) && !(Thread->SpecialApcDisable) && (Thread->WaitIrql < APC_LEVEL)) { /* Increment the count and unlock the dispatcher */ Queue->CurrentCount++; KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); KiExitDispatcher(Thread->WaitIrql); } else { /* Fail if there's a User APC Pending */ if ((WaitMode != KernelMode) && (Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending)) { /* Return the status and increase the pending threads */ QueueEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)STATUS_USER_APC; Queue->CurrentCount++; break; } /* Enable the Timeout Timer if there was any specified */ if (Timeout) { /* Check if the timer expired */ InterruptTime.QuadPart = KeQueryInterruptTime(); if ((ULONG64)InterruptTime.QuadPart >= Timer->DueTime.QuadPart) { /* It did, so we don't need to wait */ QueueEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)STATUS_TIMEOUT; Queue->CurrentCount++; break; } /* It didn't, so activate it */ Timer->Header.Inserted = TRUE; } /* Insert the wait block in the list */ InsertTailList(&Queue->Header.WaitListHead, &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry); /* Setup the wait information */ Thread->State = Waiting; /* Add the thread to the wait list */ KiAddThreadToWaitList(Thread, Swappable); /* Activate thread swap */ ASSERT(Thread->WaitIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); KiSetThreadSwapBusy(Thread); /* Check if we have a timer */ if (Timeout) { /* Insert it */ KxInsertTimer(Timer, Hand); } else { /* Otherwise, unlock the dispatcher */ KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); } /* Do the actual swap */ Status = KiSwapThread(Thread, KeGetCurrentPrcb()); /* Reset the wait reason */ Thread->WaitReason = 0; /* Check if we were executing an APC */ if (Status != STATUS_KERNEL_APC) return (PLIST_ENTRY)Status; /* Check if we had a timeout */ if (Timeout) { /* Recalculate due times */ Timeout = KiRecalculateDueTime(OriginalDueTime, &DueTime, &NewDueTime); } } /* Start another wait */ Thread->WaitIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); KxQueueThreadWait(); KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtDpcLevel(); Queue->CurrentCount--; } } /* Unlock Database and return */ KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); KiExitDispatcher(Thread->WaitIrql); return QueueEntry; } /* * @implemented */ PLIST_ENTRY NTAPI KeRundownQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue) { PLIST_ENTRY FirstEntry, NextEntry; PKTHREAD Thread; KIRQL OldIrql; ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&Queue->Header.WaitListHead)); /* Get the Dispatcher Lock */ OldIrql = KiAcquireDispatcherLock(); /* Check if the list is empty */ FirstEntry = Queue->EntryListHead.Flink; if (FirstEntry == &Queue->EntryListHead) { /* We won't return anything */ FirstEntry = NULL; } else { /* Remove this entry */ RemoveEntryList(&Queue->EntryListHead); } /* Loop the list */ while (!IsListEmpty(&Queue->ThreadListHead)) { /* Get the next entry */ NextEntry = Queue->ThreadListHead.Flink; /* Get the associated thread */ Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTHREAD, QueueListEntry); /* Clear its queue */ Thread->Queue = NULL; /* Remove this entry */ RemoveEntryList(NextEntry); } /* Release the dispatcher lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); /* Exit the dispatcher and return the first entry (if any) */ KiExitDispatcher(OldIrql); return FirstEntry; } /* EOF */